f > a . * . 4 278 THB DAILY NEWS pi! Page 8 PHE DAIL i ™ —— —— a — . ar a Trem rt Taw Ts ay ~~ eee ee @ (HCE AEAE SESE TRSES TEE ESET TETEESTETOSSS ne mS Ta a = SSeS isa SSS =~." me | ———— 7 G. H. Arnold iin il Notary Public Ww Investors, Attention ! ry . We have for sale a Double Corner in the heart of , wi the business district, S.W. corner of Second Avenue ~ and Fifth Street, Lots 9 and 10, Block 22, Section { 4 1, at the remarkably low price of ite 0 G H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Estate boats making fees ligh materisis is b Several section, Castings in fron, Brass, Reasonabi Machiue and Boiler Business of Industrial Plants, Solici Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. can te docked Foundry Work Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. together on one small t. Large stock of repair eing laid in. Bronze, Etc., made at e Prices. Work of all kinds Mines, Mills and Canneries ted. a in MLL Ste phens. Notary Public Agent ——_~— -- ‘ic | " “The following exclusive on “Christian Seience™ by * listings are excellent buys: Charles |. Ohrenstein, C.8. B.. of 5-roomed house, with bath, a N.Y... member of ..e pantry, etc., Section 6, eight | ard of Lectureship of the minutese from post office, | Mother Church, the First Church $2,150, terms $650 cash, $\0f Christ Scientist, of Boston, balance arranged. | Mass. , One choice lot Sixth Ave. The publie is cordially imvites Section 6, $600.00. cash. » be pfesent at this lecture. House and lot 1ith Ave.., near Cold Storage plant and M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE PPO PPOOPOP ST Oe DOO ih }! | : drydock, 5 rooms, with out- Westholme Theatre. houses, etc., $1,600, terms, ——_—_—_———_—_— $600; balance, $250 every Charlie and Mrs. Balagno, and six months @ 7%. Will Balagno did some fine fish- ing at Woodworth Lake They took about forty fine rainbow LECTURE ON SUNDAY rhe Christian Science Societys f Prince Rupert announce a free ecture vhich will be delivered on Sunday eptember 21, at 3:30 p.m. in the rout in three days and the ones they brought in were certainly ine specimens. B. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. ! eb You've read about Try Our ChittiConCarne Ice Cream The favorite Mexican j and dish. ; ——— | HOME - MADE Try it Tonight CANDY: at the CHILLI PARLOUR [$0 ieat tee enleale ane | 835 ame Always in Stock. We Keep Nothing But the ee Best. ; . oer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher rhird Avenue, opposite . ‘ Second Street. F TMG PPINCIQIG |f) een Of this sure ” ’ —— SSE . FOR SALE Is to play the game of business fair and square ae : me , To do Ut with everybody ; ; Fishing Boat forty - one rich and poor, old and feet long, ten feet beam, young, with the inexperi equipped with 20 h. p. Buf- enced and the pxperienced buyer : offer goods of reé opiate character at a asonable price and by giving satisfactory service to inerease the number of our customers Our years of experience —— safeguards you against mistakes. : And on that basis we solicit your tradé, JOHN BU! GER Jeweler Store of Wore Beauty The and o Boat | falo engine to be sold cheap. Apply Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. Heavy Outy Marine Engine FOR SALE 30 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse Heavy Duty Marine Engine remodelled and rebuilt in lirst class running order for sale. Can be seen running at Akerberg, Thomson & Ser Co.s new machine shop, 1 | to ~ Lael News Notes \ Collier of Hyder, Alaska, ia in the city on a briet visit > > > I Sale, American Billiard Table Apply at Little's News Stand ae . . . } \. P. Grey and J. G,. Dorman are visitors in the city from| Claxton. * . . R. K. Neill was among those last evening. . . a ailing for Vancouver by tue ig } | Mrs. Marshall Binns and Mrs./ Walter Dicks of Balmoral hav arrived from up river. * > > Harry Mobley returned from a} trip to Anyox by the Grand Trun: } steamer last evening. . . H. A. Du Hamel of Hezelton was among the arrivals from ti interior on the train last evening. : sg J... Lord of North Pacific a recent arrival in the city, hav-} ing arrived from up river yester- day. is . > . Miss Campbell of Anyox ar- rived from the north on the Grand Trunk boat yesterday even ! ing. . . . i aii | Jack Donnelly was among those | arriving back on the train last ening after a short visit to we canneries. Geo. W. Abbott returned from the interior on the train last evening after a few weeks’ com- mercial tour. . Costumes. to Sent for masquerade dance at the Miscel- i laneous Shop, next the post office rhird Avenue. 2] * * Up river arrivals sinee yester- day include J. M. MacCormick, | Jack Smith and Miss Noble of! Port Essington. * * . Capt. William Curtis of Lowe niet Cannery has arrived from) own the coast and is registered ’ at the Prince Rupert Hotel. . . > This morning's Stewart ar- ivals include A, Rutherford, ..i8s8 H. P. Gibson, H. MeGuire, Mrs.) A. Miller and L. G. Nichols. fhe regular meeting of tne! International Union of Steam and| perating Engineers tonight w |! postponed on account of the Exhibition, it * * * Dance at the Rink last night of the Exhibition at 10 Grav’s orchestra. Gentlemen #1 ladies free. Dance where the dancing is good. 219 o'clock. . Members of the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht lub take noe tice: The Club is not responsible for boats not properiy ; with strong ropes. ; MMOOTeL | Mr. and Mrs. La Chance arrived in this morning on the 8. 8. Ven- ture. Mr. La Chance was form- ‘rly located at Surf Inlet. He wil! spend some little time here. > Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haines re turned to the city last evening following a trip to the east for tue} past few months. Mr. Haines chief clerk in the Grand Tru) | oltiees here. Davidson arrived from up river last evening in or- der to attend the Fair. Jonathan! very well known about town, having lived here with his parents before they moved up river. He has lately returned from taking a business course in.the south.! . . , included on last night's arrival from the train from the east were | irs. Anderson, Pacific; H. Wearne { Telkwa; Mrs, F, M, Whitlow ind two children, Usk; Mr, and irs. J. L. Reigler, Carnaby; Miss Phillips, Hazelton, and Jas. Mac- Kay, Hazelton. Jonathan Spirella Black 257. Corsetiere. Phow acintiaatilttaapsimeepensiiniesiginass SeGeeueusesaceaes * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * PREC HO eh FOR SALE — Three-speed, Tri- roadster, motor style bicycle, In good condition, $55.00, Gan be seen at Pacific Cartage stables, 9th Ave. West after 6 b- mm. sw FOR SALE—Halibut boat “Hilda of Ketehikan with full equip- ment, $3,000 cash, Apply own- er, A. J. Anderson, box 2145 Ketchikan, Alaska. WANTED ~Apply Driver for milk wagon Yrince HKupert OO OO Oe Or ee COTO reQee ’ iof him. Dairy. Se with icat and Powder. Magic Way” THE REAL TEST of home baked food comes whon second helping is offered. Thx ance, texture and taste of food MAGIC BAKING POWER is bound to be pleasing and in. every sense. because of its uniformity in sir and results, has justly earned i tation of being Canada’s Perfect Ji, Send name and address for free copy of ef which are illustrated im coivrs. E. W.Gillett Company Limited. Toronto, Can. 4. the Oj Pp Pear. raised Sati: Magic is an 2:5: Ss healthful leavenar, ' ae, ’ ; Long ‘ he ‘ containing selected recipes, .x, aly George E. Hudson who gradu Geo. M. Campbell of Anchorage, Mr \ ated from the high school here’ \laska, is a visitor in the city for Settl; this fall, arrived from Anyox lastia few days. ed at 1 evening and continued to Van- - ils couver where he will take up fur- W. J. Crawford was a passen M ‘ ther studies... He intends enter-|ger for the south on the Grand i ing the University of British Co-| Trunk boat last evening x lumbia in Vancouver and will study there for a few years. . . . The Drum Lummon Copper Co has elected the following direc tors for the ensuing year: WwW. Pi aging director; Capt. J. Thom; secretary-treasurer, Messrs, Sloan, president and man- Kenney, W. Paterson, J. Maitland, J. F. Mends, — — Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor Everytiir LATEST POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, ViCTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS McLure. Considerable gold is : an mail! — \epairs to Phonographs, V ns, I Bows rehaired being obtained. i ine tht Sis BLeves’s voces Woodwind instrugents repadded and adjusted produced fifteen tons of conce re ont tue wong Prince Rupert Academy of Music tn Connection ' trates of high, grade, which ary er oo With the Store | ready for shipment to the smelt« > >. The’ sister of Geo. Boyle is searching for some trac lle is aged 35 years, height 5 ft red, eyes grey, He originally came Ontario, was in the Canadian} Engineers, C.E. F., discharged March 3rd, 1919, and stated his} couver, B.C. of him has been found. information is received notify . W. M. Police, Prince Rupe Edward ' The Heintzman & Co. Piano hair from Ottawa, | jinte ntion of proceeding to Van-| Since then no trac If any ‘| Prince Rupert Music Store | The Largest Stock of Pianos and North of Vancouver ‘rgans The Weber Piano Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. E. L. VAUGHA Expert Pisno Tuning and Tepairing Players a Specialty No. 1 Bartlett Preeriog PEARS $3.75 per case Arriving Wednesday ier Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212 — ALL MERCHANT Visiting Prince Rupert ARE INVITED stoe oO luuspect my Oilskin, Waterproof Duck, and Rubber Clothing. Canvas Goods of al! Kinds. Outfits for Campers and Prospectors. Gum Boots, Overalis, Working Gloves. Trunks, Suit Cases, Handbags Four Days Special Weduesdsy, Thursday, Friday and Saturday _ September li, 18, i9 aad 20 GLASSES Correctly. fitted at half usual price and less Don't miss this chance Dr. Inman Resident Eye Specialist Offices---5 and 6 Exchange Block Prince Rupert, #.C. feee. J. F. MAGUIRE | Agent for the leading Canadian Ma 722 Second Avenue. Near Prince Rupert Hote Everything at the Manufacturer's Price and Terms aii See ALBERT © McCAFFERY before you purchase | Anything in the Builcing Le Li We ie... b ‘ Prince. aaeert Spruce ke s Lumbe ill’s Fir Plast | Cement “Lath, Lime Brick Shingles =“ Phones 41 and Red 39] For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES . Albert & McCaffery, Lid} = i / Exclusive Milline'y| At Popular Prices ixth St. A. M. BARBEAU, 216 Sixt) 5g