f Prince Rupert Daily News1 OtJSauin- U owner is nowhern, The owner rak k brtakmg bu:,M"-' maehuw auu , L 1951 lutsaa". june ray.. Reflects and Reminisces 'ron CllUt 9 ousinw shouirl t ;b P-ssibl, ta but a l.7: dots. Wherv to w iitl how l01ia g;,, with a cumpui.iun Wh, car. f- l-.Jfprr.ner.l ciaiy newspaper cerotea 10 the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern ana Central British Columbia. Mcrr.ter of Canadian Pres3 Audit Bureau of Circulation.! Canadian Daily Newspaper Association C- A. HVNTFR. Managing Editor. H U. PLKRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RAitS: '.7 Carrier, Per 7ek. 20c; Per Month, 7sc- P-r Year. $3.00: By Wail, Per !,;.;:th. 7e; Per Year, $8 00 ; "F.'eednn" a weekly paper j.uUi.i!ied In Wellington, New Zealand, puts us right on a few .familiar quotations. Read them but never again refer to " A needl? in a haystack"', the trroper dictation i.-.:"A needle in a bottie of hay!" Time has changed many of these quotations: "He who hesitates is lost", is a misquotation ol Joseph Addison's The woman thai deliberates u la-t." Sonic :.-hi)Sf. th .,..., to best d.-su ib,. h, " leased tn m V uninipoi t.ni.t t,,wn is ,, United Nations auvane alon Uj evi n mnitu Dismantling at Anyox contin- To date, thv process has Deen long and leisurely. For y?iirg, thi old eompuny town u oh jf tff most etiv in th riorth. Prince Rupert sorely t-uc;;che.i t-.ery ait?rn:oa exiepi Sunday by Prir.c? F.v.p.it Daiiy Ne ws Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Pi luce Rupvrt. tnlsaid Anyox, once Um hut ; t. rwu.u " down L.Tairw effcUve. Win hall truths. sil-Ht. wouldn't, aftr beeofning sue I ton, quaiiited Willi many new ik-ikIi- ! ,.,',. , , ... . . . "J,r. a riiiuice w, ii b-jri and moiey liiat drt l"t',j rt. "Cool as a ru-B'aumoiu ami "As cold as cu ' mi i i:hlr,u "People say cumber", when Fletcher wrote, cumbers". Mx.k familiar. 3 What ii:iijjei!s. iui' II' w,s. The portraits of two former! prime nUnisU-r are nw aoiar-! ijili oti posiaKe stamps and tu E"Jfk; -M.SE tJKci. usual some hit?hbrow arle to' MCVTfii !, CP) . .ay that t ThKicaily catti U iu- u wrvtj .f eur. .si. TIm designation lor press c HiCe hnj botden should rend "Sir Ruben" wee Corporation 0 ujid not " fSir R.L." And, b. it omist preuarii:j It, a, known, insU-ad of "W.L.M. King" wntion July 3-5 v v , hall lUni nr. "Mackenzie Kuig." ronsumptiua it i, Hut what doe.: it all matter any- T,Mf lohfe -eive -is h way? farm of Nolasqu;- hm . , . tider maker. Now and llrf-n a Wrycle Ik noted Mere .Tnxes Soon JNCOIvIE tax rhans-ps will rome into f-TiVctTily 1. I The twenty K-r cent sureliarpe will tlien conirneiKv and also the dftluctions from pay olir-ck un the basis of 100 per cent of the tax due. So the iiv-i'i-aio of deduction in a lot of pav checks will he more than twenty per cent, possibly more like thirty-three and one-third. This is i',oin-to. be ouite a blow for the most of people hut the most of H3 might as well have rhe hitter pill early as late. . .The 100 per cent deductions will make it easier sk ihf- md of the year when the taxpayer will he relieved to find that lie has no balance to pay ej-en on t lie twenty per cent surtax payments. Sony? ifiay have a littb money cominp; back. ; With les take home pay there will also be a tendency to curtail or consider expenditure?, thus helping to further curb the inflationary trend and a-Uo control prices. - If the plan woiks out in a moderate retrenchment fill around, it could be that the standard of ikvim? would not be seriously affected at all. . I lying flat m Ue sidewalk. Often If y m w:ml In vll i;,u ; "The Bible does not say "Escaped by the skin of my teeth", as moil people will have it, out' "Escaped with the skin of my teeth". "An ans1 ry wman is apt la declare "'All men are liars". Km Uavid, in the Psalms, said liw such thinn. He was careful O. prefix that saying with sen,, very signJicanl Words: "I sail. In my hu.ste, al1 men are liar;". f 4 j Nor d.ie.7 the Bible say, "Then is s-fifty in numbers", but "In the multitude of counsello there is safely". I Kobert Liu'ton did not writ! 'The exception proves the rule" but "No rule is so general, which admits not some exception". And he did not write, Wnm ;l Pome do as Rome does", bus "When they are at Rome, they do there a.s they see done". ! "They don't live, but exist," is misquoted for "They do net live but linger", i Samuel Eutler, author of ! Hudibras, did not write "It i makes my mouth water", but j ' These reasons made his mouth water". He did not say, as so j many people do: "Have an eye I to the main chance", but "Have MEN'S WEAR H ITK Ail Woo) F.ulls bl oiahi shailes. Plain skules i to im fwtxm in (lowljle l r.i.,ted si yk-,. Ku t X S&Mb litOi SKK Fo Ite-sa and fH :nj-r.f:is. A fi' Jt it aJ! slyit:.-. I roiu J5..H i BOYS' WEAR t;AR.ni)IXE PANTS-A pecinl shtpmetit. G-kkI kM, ippi-ru. F'liv.; fit i.i i'S from 0 to 12 years. Kti'ub Now $3.75 1 WINIHlKi:AKi:KS Full zipper, Rood for summer ww 0 A "" t I . . . ,t.T v . . Neglecting Books C to 14 year.-;. Special Value S!.75 ii HIS LEFT HAND AT ODDS WITH HIS By Robert Chambers in the Halifax Chronicle- (CP PHOTO) hop and i Victoria Report 'ave at are reading fewer hooks. Attention CHILDREN is fixed more firmly on the screen and on television as well as the alleged comics. There is nothing-seriously wrong w ith any of the three, as well as with literature, so long as judgment in selection is shown. But to continue more or less indifferent to the printed word as maturity approaches is neglecting life instead of enriching it. ... by J. K.-Nesbitt a care o th main chance . Nearly everyone talks abant City Clerk R. W. Long and Mrs. Long left on Monday's plane for Vancouver on a two-week vacation. While on his holidays Mr, Long will attend the Municipal Officers' convention at Victoria which begins today In his place at city hall. Miss Audrey Wrathall ' will be acting city cirk. For the MEAL that REFRESH FINE Dominion Provincial Relations and Financial Implications The government isn't any too happy about Dominion-Provincial financial relations. The present income tax agreement will run out ! "Possession is nine points of the ; law", when what Colley fibber jw:ote was "Possession is eleven I points in the law". I The full and proper quotation I for "Hell knows no fury like a OF BEST OF FOOD LEARNS SOMETHING NEW COOK i woman senrnpri" is "Heaven ha- no rage like love to hatred turn-! next Spring. Ottawa, naturally, wants B.C. to sign FOR TARE Ot'T OHDF.HS PHONE ;M BROADWAY CAFE ilccmed" a a oma" up again but isn't offering much more money. B.C., j 'although it wants to co-operate with the Federal '"WhT-ftherea ui. "there's" a government for the national good, also wants a better iway", but "Be there a win, and financial deal for British Columbians, . ; . s- ; wisdom finds a way". j way lt is n0w-the! B.C. , V Stories Always Welcomed WHENEVER you have a story which you think is newsworthy, present it to your newspaper on the basis of "you may feel that tliis will he of interest to your readers" never on the basis of "surely to goodness you can see that this will be of tremendous interest to your' readers." Contributed stories are always welcome, the most of them are used, but it is a fundamental principle that newspaper ieople know t,he business of selection better than others know it. 4 government, mougn it woaitin i stauce, n two years, at the Urn of our hext provincial general TOYS TOYS toy! I "Everything comes to him who say so as bluntly as this, uooks ! waits", should be "Ever thins; . upon tne wnole situation j list n.t ! comes if a man will only wait", lt Ottawa was dipping Us hu-e, ! "Small ' things amuse small grasping hand Into the, B.C. minds" is "Little things affsrt i Treasurv and scootine off' with p'ect.on, Mr. Juhason saying the B.C. must co-operate more wl'.h o.iawa, that B.C., being ricn, mu.t help the have-not provides. At the same time Mr. Anscomb would be on the hustings crying eolden dollars. i tittle minds", i ' I Disraeli did not say "Time is ' a great healer", but "Time is th See our Display of Toys Now! PLASTIC STEMWARE SETS SODA FOUNTAIN SETS BOATS - GUNS - PLANES In 1946, B.C. leased to Ottawa all income and corporation taxes. In return for thau B.C. to the heavens that Ottawa nas irt'ilire f-axinge fur JoJaij "Of. ye doers of the word and not hearers only." James 1:22 is now getting about $31,000,000 Sold B.C down the river and Liberals in B.C. ar'i a year but, at the same time that the great physician". Ralph Waldo Emerson did not write "All the world loves a lover", but "All mankind love a lover". Ottawa is taking from B.C. about ; quite content to have It that $200,000,000 a year in these , wav. Just because they're afraid taxes. of their big brothers in Ottawa. At this moment, B.C. govern- ; , ment feels Ottawa should ba i I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ritchie and ison and daughter, after having ! bee u in tlva city for the past I couple of years during' which "Somttking eld, ttmtthinf atw, temething htrrawti, iomething Mut" "Whoever wrote this rhyme must have realized how important blut in to happy home-milking. For instance, to get the whiteHt waHh the kind that mnkes a bride proud I've found one must use Keckitt'g Blue, .lust a swish or two in the rinse prevents any yellow tinge in my beautiful trouHS4HU, and Kerkitt'a Blue cokIh lens than Famed British Admiral Dies sending to this province at lea.it r nnl Tllffc It $50,000,000 a year. tjUIIUy lUllj li won. mtiiii W. S. Gilbert never wrote "To make the punishment fit the crime," but "To let the punishment fit the crinre." "Beggars cannot be choosers" j Urns Mr. Ritchie was engaged as art eng r.eer on construction of C-iliimbia Cellulose at Watson I Island, sailed today on the Charged Drunk we was robbed ' is becoming , a popular cry hereabouts. i B.C. has grown tremendously i In population in the last five IXI3 ANGELES (API Actor i two centH a washing." 1 was written, ' Beggars should be Camo.un for Vancouver. After a holiday motor trip to California, thry will proceed to Mon ,""u;,"i" Sonny Tufts, whose wife sued have eome here and yet all the ..,.,.., , not choosers. . . J HAWKHL iRET, Kent iR-utersi i-.dmiral of the Fleet Sir Reginald Trywhitt, 82, Royal Naval tommander in the First World War, died here. ' He took part in every North Sea naval battle from 1914 to 1918 except the Battle of Jutland, 4nd won lame at the Buttle of Heligoland Bifcht. treal Wliere mey Will lane up Thn H...vurwl rlirf nnt. write him because she claimed hei drank too much, was booked at j dawn on a drunk charge. j Jailsd with him was Luukiana Kaeloa, 28-year-old Hawaiian actress, who complained: "I paid the bill and now I'm in big fat taxes are going to Ottawaand just a pittance comes back. One B.C. government official said the other day to this observer: "Ottawa offers Ontario a good deal, at our expense: Ot- residence, Mr. Ritchie joining j .0ne gon(1 turn Ueserves an- Aluminum Co. of Canada as a i oUlPr" , but "One good turn asketh project engtiier in connection i aROther" ' with Alcan plant extension at j Kingston. They have sold their James Russell Lowell did not house in Wcstview to Columbia make Biglow say "Enough to Cellulose. i mnkp a saint swear" but. "It's jail." tawa s out wnoinff Dntarln lo For Action Advertise! eet her to sian a Dominion-Poace said Turts, 41, was plck- - , PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIER Phone (ireen 130 Box 478 GARAGE HELPER WANTED Washing Cars Repairing Tires . General Clean-up Not Afraid to Work Rupert Motors Limht CHRVSLER. PLYMOUTH, FARGO DISTRIBUTE deacon provincial tax agreement. We're ;d P outside an all-night cafe, growing into an important prov- j arguing with the owner over a swear . lnce with huge new industries, : u"- " ri -r j.j mi--, J 'w-ir' rr T r-y wwy. w mmm. wc-J(''y-rw i Nearly everybody talks about , "Tomorrow to fresh fields and Mrs. Barbara Tuft3, suing for separate maintenance, allegvd . that for more than a year Sonny has been "ar.cllcted to excessive use of alcohol" and has been dissipating their funds. They have 1 been married 13 years. HALIFAX (CP) A salmon weighing 25 pounds was recorded among latest catches of Atlantic like aluminum and cellulose and yet Ottawa still pays more attention to Ontario and -Quebec. There's little doubt that if B.C. had returned to its own income and corporation taxes, as before the war, the three per cent sales tax would not have been necessary. Proving, of course, how prosperous B.C. is today is fact that in 1948, .a -lures new, whereas John hllon Wi-yte, "Tomorrow to rresh woikIs and pastures new." Matthew Prior did not say "The end justifies the means", but, The end must, justify the means", something very different. Call 363 for isi:tti:k , . . Planning Building or Repairing - FT-1 M 'Jhr-i i fc-r t -.'til. t Ir : J I r ,f ti VtL'" -if I when the sales tax eame into ! NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC effect, lt was expected to bring salmon in provincial rivers and streams. Department of Fisheries reported the big one was caught at the famous St. Mary's stream In Guysborough. Average weight Is around nine Bounds. Late Snow Welcomed WASHERS HELENA, Mont. Swirling wet snow and fog halted commercial a.rline operations and snarled highway traffic in Montana i $181 I Model MS9 Model MS9-P (WithPumpi 5193, wnere a soggy snow blanket napped young plants and bent budding trees and shrubs. Only iarmers and ranchers in parched sections of the state could take cheer from the snowstorm. An official of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics said. I I in $14,000,000 today lt is bring-! ing in $30,000,000 a year, a fab-! ulous sum for a province of littie S more than $1,000,000 people. I When the first Dominion-Provincial tax agreement was signed in 1946, our politicians said it would do away with the necessity of more taxation, lt didn't, of course what's a sales tax if it isn't taxation? This matter of the Dominion-Provincial' tax agreement may well become a political issue. Premier Byron Johnson, a Liberal, may be expected to cooperate more closely with the Liberal Government in Ottawa than the Conservatives. But, because there's a Coalition, and Finance Minister Anscomb's the Tory chief, it's suspected perhaps the Tories are going to be more loua in their "we was robbed" campaign. i We would then see, for in- "We really welcome this and look MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors NOW ON D1SPIAY AT Northern B.C. Power st Prince Rupert, B.C. Ask your Investment Dealer or Broker for prospectus. for a lot ot help from It, especially in eastern and southeastern areas." Fourteen inches of slush ehok-ea McDonald Pass west of here. Highway Department officials warned that chains were PJCKFORD STATUE This is an artist's conception of a statue of Mary Pickford proposed by a group of her admirers to be placed in front of the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto, where the house In which she was born used to stand. The city's works committee turned down the proposal, but the question w as expected to be taken to the City Council. (CP PHOTO c CALVIN BULLOCK will buy, sell or A classified find lt.