Pi'ince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. March 13. 1!151 oca STOCK TAKING COALS and PERSONAL UKLtEK I AT E. L. Hem'.-.'rs sailed on the Camosun lotluy fur Alert Bay. Regular Moose meeting Tuesday, March 13 at 8 p.m. llto Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stewart and child lelt Hunclay night for Van A. C. Arsenault sailed on the Chileotln Sunday for Vancouver. Mrs. M. Carpenter and child left on the Chllcotin Sunday night for Vancouver. First Aid classed pnmmpiicill:' (uririif I'lifi-s of our normal sl-ioks are as follows: !-Frldav March 16 7:30 n.m. Fire 'Hall. (fl4e) couver. Balugnu Florists Order your Easter flowers and plants now! cleod River Hard Lump .... $20.75 cLeod River Hard Egg $20.25 cLcod River Hard Nut $1825 per ton per ton per ton per ton per ton per ton 15 ONLY Tweed Topcoats Reqular prices up to $50.00 Nov HALF Price 50 ONLY Wool Jackets Wmu'brtakers, Eisenhower and Casual , Stylimj. Reqular $10.95 to $14 50 , f4ow HALF Price kLcoJ River Hard Stoker $15.75 t.kva Lump $19.25 Conrnorc Briouerres $25.00 lignite Nut (Booker Heater) $14.75 Mr. anl Mrs. Oiaf Clebo harv returned after spending the fi.i.i-inij season at Vancouver. The Misses Olga Gurski an l Mary Hoove hove left the city for a month's holiday at Ketchikan. leaving on a vacation trip .-! Vancouver, Mrs. Ian Dunbar and baby sailed today on th southbound CamoMin. John Fiaser, manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s pw car.-neiy here, left on the Chilcotit Sunday for Vancouver. R. G. Van der clnv left hv V.v ji i ' .i i offer Ihe balance of our VVIntiT Erne :,.k.s al the following attractive prices Jmonfoii Deep Seam Lump .. . $19.00 per ton rsency per ton per ton per ton per ton 50 PAIRS Odd Trousers Regular prices to $12.50 Now HALF Price JlHicrta "Diplomat" Egg $16.50 Wrta "Diplomat" Nut $15.00 today's plane for Vancouver H .:. $21.75 igcr Briouettes will carry out visitations In the J Mrs. A.t Wmterburn has returned to the city alter a visa , with her sister in Vancouver. Rent a sunder Oil have your fionr ssnidi'd hy expert.:. 1'hxic ll for (li-eer it Hnddcii I Id. Goini? to live in Vaiiouver, M. Wie tailed on the Chil-cuthi Kimday. V-e Im.'.b.uid will .follow later-. M.-. and Mrs. N. It. Powell sailed sotitli o,i the. Cliilcotin .Sunday nicllt to reside in New West, minster. Hi. hai been klenlifipd Willi the Northern lie, I'owei Co. office. TliP annual HireUnR of the Prince Kuprt ! isln-r n Cu- op -rative ojii-nrd yesterd ly in the mil' fellows' Hull, with president r the l'rine Hiieprt C'.i-('.uerative. Ma-tin Fruksen, in :he chair. There will ne a meeting of Hie Ladies Auxiliary of Ihe United Fisheiuien and Allied Workers Union Wednesday, March Hth in the Metropole Hall at 8:01) p.m. All members and ladies interested In becoming members please attend. (62c) Charged In magistrate's court yesterday were Ralph Huschicn-sky, possession of liquor, $10 and coshs; Ciodery Williams, native, possession of an intoxicant, $25 n:i I S FOR LESS THAN one ton lots Wil l. ItK SI ITI II I) ON KI 0l'i:ST 0RDCR NOW and Avoid Disappointment i-snimi as provincial grand prior of the Knights Templar. I L. Grctsingei-, who has been employed h.re with the Domin ton Bridge Co. left the city for ! Vancouver on the Camosun to-;day, acccmpanied by his wife and family. Mrs. Bruce Ingram, wtih Alan and Robin, have arrived in ihr city to Join Mr. Ingram who , came here r"cently tit be emnloy - llbert & McCaffery 6 D0Z. Dress Shirts Well Known Brands Reg. $4.50 Now Half Price 6 D0Z. Sport Shirts Regular prices to $6.50 Now HALF Price LIMITED ed as mechanical suo'.-riiit( .--intent of the Columbia Cellulose PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 There will bo a general meet- ' ing of the Prince Rupert Shore- : workers Local of the United Fishermen & Allied Workers )' Attend W Rites aSienijeri I Union at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, , March 15. in the Metropole Hail. I All members are requested to attend. 62c) R. J. Mawer, who was a guest speaker here at the Canadia.i and .'oHs; Joseph Dmytciko, s:i) ar1 eosl." i-luirufd with ir. cation; Abel Brown, and casts, tinder the Indian Act. 3 D0Z. Sweaters Regular prices up to $8.95 Now HALF Price .To Vancouver, (today) Miss A. M. Sinclair, Miss D. Bateman, C. Hood. II. H. Baxter, N. McDonald, T. Boulter, R. G. Van der slli vs. J. 11. Gal Ian her. A ('iihgrrgutiun : lie ru I of i Sjnlurliaiie Club recently, is ba?k here irom th Univcsity of BntL.h Colum-bii extension department attending the Co-Operalive Fishermen's Federation m e 1 1 n, ; here. Scott McLaren City Auditor .1 mis of the early vu-ll as the younger :V antom; whom de- tt.is .1 well known and City auditJir for 1951 will lw A Riulden -flare-up in the mat- fiimre, gathered at First ! Churrli yesterday after- jo:n Hie sadly bereaved 10 DOZ. $1.00 Neckties Anderson, E. O. Kelly, K. Mc-Nab, G. Anne.sley, D. Moserip, A A. Kye, To Sand.siit i today i- B. Stev-art, J. B. Smith, M. Stewart. From Vancouver! Monday) C. E. Clarke, G. Richardson, 1). Sola, A. Moore, E. A. Mayer, C, Mackenzie. C. E. Parke. W 1'. Wallace, P. Muldon, J. P. Williamson, H. Hopkins, K. Dudo-w.mt, A. Bubcoek, R. Bouinei, Mr. Chapman.' 10 DOZ. $1.50 Neckties HALF Price uiiiTal riles for the late s.uit urbane who passed HALF Price . Bcolt McLaren, cliartered ac- casting departinvnt of The Daily countant. Prince Rupert. Out of News last night soon was quelled three other tenderers, Mr. Mt- by staff members and last acting Luren was given a unanimous firemen. There was little dam-bullot, vole last ntt:ht by City age. Flames suddenly shot back Council. Cost, lo the city lor tin) uam a low burning incinerator audit wi'l N- l:!()(l. igniting a stack of paper piled 8iniT former city auditors, of ready for burning. City fire de-Vanconver, had iiidieuted they pitttment was called, no lone.er wished to perform the, . i .ildi-nly last week in Van- Tlie chinch was filled. I, O, Sieuer olfiriated. : pp! inri:il e words of fur deceased and svm- ' r ihe bereaved. n NO NO CHARGES Kreenian picsidcd at the J, V V CI I I UL I N ILrVC7l LJI I ALTERATIONS Relurniiig home afler Ih. Prince Rupert basketball tournu- una u H i i'ln en I J mil Ihe hymns were Hie Chiiul Fii-hf and audit, i'lly Clerk R. W. Long said I tenders for Ihe Jul) had been' called. j Ollit-rs who bid for the audit weiv Rorie & l.alnl. $12(10, and A. P. Gardiner ii Company,! -'mlly l.ii-ht." Canadian Legion card party, March 14. . wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The King Edward School P-TA 1 nient the Killmal Baskelball team left oh the Chllcotin 8ui'-day Uinta for Bella Bella. Listed were Keg. Smith, Tommy Robinson. J.hnny Robinson, Charlie Shaw, Harvey Grant, Russell I $12:.(). Uolh linns tue in Prince Wni(e E)ephant fiale and tea Hliper I. vfarch 15, at 2 p.m. i . iv K. I). Forward and Murium. i'h;!1; t In- church service, i .'!; made in Fairvlew !V. many billowing the '" 'he final ivsling place, i hits were Michael Mon- Aiii.iis Macnhee. Ted Roes. Ivan Klewitrt Woods, Cro: by Smith, Chris. Wilson, Ji Gray, Reg. Smith. Legion Auxiliary St. Patricks Dance. March 16. Conrad School P.TA. card party, Friday March 16, 8 p.m. Be Happy Easter With ENGLISH DARK BEER Simple Funeral Rites . Observed 'fA'ix Hill. s. J. Dominato j Card party. Catholic Hall, March 17. ' :ild MacDonald. !T "i.v wltn ;,ciu. floral til-- fi' lii(',.'il: Fimlly. Uncle Jim. Auntie AHer service a quiet family funeral 8t. Patrick's Tea and card with Canon Basil 8. j party, Catholic Hall. March 17. Prockter oflicihling, H M. Cat- QON Mrn! hers evening M.irch ton, 74. was buried in Fairvlew 17. Sonia ladies, members and Ccmcl-ery last week. He dietl escorts Invited. Maivh 0 at Hie home of his I1 lie anil .Rnnnie; Fred. if and children; Margie Viii,ni; Tom. Flora. Ann "iia ivtroff; Cousin 1 nitiiH: Chili Co-op Rills f "i Indue 154. C B. of Jl:i.l...n Orange Ladies' tea and sale, March 21. daughter. Mrs. OeitiRe I "IT'S SURE GOOD BEER' COMPARE KNG1 1SH DARK BFKR WITH ANY OTHKH. BKKR ANY T1MK, ANY WHE RP. Just Say: liuijltfilj W8 . in I, I,", 71 .. . son. t...i I lc cut'tiirnl htt Hla I Job's.Daughters Easter tea arid X ,M"'U VS.NI I'm ,11111 : Enterprise Brewery Ltd. Revelstoke, B.C 1 Atrial ion; Native Bas-A ni iaiiiin; chaiiij and Viiini" a n ri f ,,,n.,. wife and two daughter, one of lempie, Marcn tt. whom i Mis. George Phlllipson,1 Queen Mary LODE. Daffodil with whom Ihe Cations haw ,f1. March 26. been liviiiK at 1805 Clruham Ave.' Cathedral spring sale, March Pallbearers were J. L. Marin- 29. tosh, Frank Mi-l-ean, Leslie Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale,) I Mich acl anil T.viiii. Uiv i'1 Marie- Pearl and Cliff; Herb Morgan; Mr. and Mrs. J, L.i i Macintosh and Jack; Mr. and' Mrs, II. Montesano and Carol 'Mrs. A. Montesano and family; Mi. and Mrs. R. U. Moore; Tommy and Edna Viosiev; Pat Ma.zel and family Mr. aim Mrs. L. Martin; Mr. and Mm. V. Dvornak; Adella Niekerson and family; Mr. and Mrs. A. Norton and family: Mr. and Mrs. Harry N-elson, and Mrs. Posfula; Mr. L. Posttik,' Mary, Barrplls, Pete and Sieve; Mr. and Mrs. A. Pavlikis; Nick Pavlikis; Mr. and Mrs. S. Penoff and family; Mr. and Mrs. K. PeMenuzo; Mr. and Mrs. J. B.' Pettenuzzo; Mrs. L. C. Griffiths; Mrs. O. Gnelpa, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs.' J. J. Payne; Mr. aid Mrs. E.' Peltersen and family; Pete, Emily and Donna Richards; May-do and Art Nick.'ison: Mr. invl Mrs. J. Rosin; Alt and Alice Ritchie and family; Louis Rossi;, Angelo Rossi and family; Kay and Bill Smith; the Raabe tam-' ily; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rorle; Mrs. Riulderham; Mr. and Mrs. B. Sylvester and family; Mr. and, Mrs. Andrew Thompson; Nan and Wvnn; Jean Smith; Mr. and-Mrs. Frank Russo; Mrs. S. M. April 4 This advertisement :s no: pubiistiea or displayed b the Liquor Control Board or hy the Government of British Columhia. Croniplon, Will In in Holinea, John Kyolfson and Ole Olafson. la the dramatic Presbyterian spring sale, April 12 The Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E., homecooklng sale, April 14, Oordon Anderson. W O.T.M. Spring bazaar, April 20. fit. p'eter's Spring Sale, April 28. United W.A.Bprlng sale, May S. Ronja tea. May 12. '! Miaiky; Gordon. Mary Mali ChunR nee and "''''i iiim and Ella; Mr. and J'Tolussi; w.A. of Unil-Tri'l,; Have Abel and M).nves; Ted and Jackie ff- r "ml Mrs. l, Amadio ly: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. family, Evelyn and tr- Ij'slil' nd Maruaret f and Rnlh Bill; Mr. I -I Basso and family; T ! '. K. Clapi) and fam- ' U and Vineo ni J4olk( S'Jrrti'afs (Prince Rupert) J. C. B. Anderson, Kmithers; A. Oaniros, R. Weaver, Edmonton; new "Confection Colours" $1.50 to $2.25. Sizes 8'2 to 11. ; ; ' "i mir, mm Mis. Lena Colussl: 'iIiinm; Ant'elieii nml Fashion Footvea! Mr. and Mrs. R. Berryman, Snnd-spit; Mr. and Mrs. A. McArthur, city; Leo Ilorncastle. K. L. Hen-; deis, T. Sorenson, O. T. Oreen-j well, C. McHea, A. V. Hill, D. W. Bcntley, M. J. Hewart, E. B. Hcima, J. Doiialdsiin, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Clerlhue, R. J. Mawer and W. C. Johnson. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Barber, Queen Charlotte City; M. L. Grossman, Leonsdule, New York; I. H. Spears, Alert Bay; Mr. and Mrs. W. Loree, city; C. LaPralrie, Montreal. ,1 J"""? 1,n'l family; Mr. P. ,M" Clmprun. Peter S": Mr. and m .t '-;"d Mrs. Geo. Christie "'" Mr rin, i vt.. i..,.. i Thompson. Floral tokens from Vancouver were sent by Belly. Mrs. A. Clc-, com; and family: Mr. and Mrs.' David Cieeone and family; Evaj and Paul, Edie ind Jimmy; Mr. I and Mrs. J. Krikevsky; Mr. and 1.11 o. r.iu n-ii f" "': Mr. and Mr. t ..t Unreserved Auction Sale of HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FURNITURE On Till KSDAV, MARCH 15th on the premises. Suite 1, Sleel Block, 3rd Avenue. Commencing at 2:15 sharp. Instructed hy the owner, I will sell by auction to the lilgh.'st bidder, no reserve, the following articles: Westinghouse 7 cu. ft. Electric Refrigerator One 2-piece Chesterfield Suite Fleetwood Combination Radio and Player One Axmlnster Caipt. 7'6" x 9 ft. Bedroom Suite in Bleached Oak. with inner spring mattress and box spring One Lazyboy and Stool One Tank Carpet Sweeper One Mirror (Hound) One Complet-e Dinner Set for 8 persons Standard Lamp One Table Lamp One Carpet Runner, 16-ft. Small Radio One Walnut Cedar Chest Three Pictures Two Wall Plaques One set Curtain Drapes (Blue) One Kitchen Range (All Enamel, with Pot Burner and Electric Blower) 1 Two Chrome finish Kitchen Chairs Kitchen Table and other articles Must Be Sold Terms: Cash or Cheques Phone Red 127; Green 810. GEORGE J. DAWES, the Auctioneer i- 1," ' n favnllvr and ,;,,T . ""mas and Mel nnrt M.s Lpe W.i ly; r, noolnn; Joe hi lv'f: Mr. a,ld Mi-. II. I-nri-iimp r I nlul nor. Irr :"d i!illlk D1(.k. VARIETY for Waiter CarJj faster Ifjovelliei i NOTICE Notice is hereby given that thw Annual General Meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will be held In the Civic Centre, Common Lounge Room, on Tuesday, March 201 h, l!).r.l at '1:00 p.m. Business: To receive President's report. To receive Auditor's report and Balance Sheet for 1950. To elect five members of Ihe Board of Management. To appoint an auditor. Membership fee Is $100 per annum which may be paid at (lie Hospital or left at Ormes Drugs prior to Saturday, March 17th at 5:00 p.m. on which date the membership list will close. D. C. STEVENSON, Administrator. 05 I STARTS toworkIJ JjU- 5 '"""V Mr inj m.. o - "mi ivi i n. o. Mr. inwi t r. ana f i Mrs. W. H. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dominate; Mr. and Mrs. Mantine, Jean and Norma; Croce Manzoli; Pearl and Spain: Mr. and Mrs. T. Moscone nnd family; Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, Ait, M.irv and Don: Mrs. Pistor and Les, Jack and Nives; Mr. and Mrs D. Sonentl and Louis; Olivia Vaccher, Lillian and Ted; the Albert Larson family. Slevj Graham and children (Princeton); Tony, Evelyn and family (Hedleyi; 'Helen. Louis and Donnie (Princeton); Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Santurbane (Bridgeport. Conn.); Rocco San SEE THEM NOW ! i l ,M,S Dn" Forward; JT".11 a'id family; Mr- Mi'Tf 1 and n,lly: i I 1 Johnny Gurvioh; I i ?,V" "rvl('h: Ovrry M ?yi Ko" Helen ii,rlrf,?-1v-L-Hn- ! ffiBfrrffrmr f turbane mroane (Kelowna); meiownai; J. j. ven Cetrano '"UC an o i n ia- 1 I Dora MacPhee; and family t Toronto, Ont.).