' 'Provincial fmuimm cross ' V1-, '2. c 1" mm V CABS NORTHKKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA '8 NEW8PAPER v Delivery nisrHHH Published at Canada'! Msst Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest VOL. XL, No. 61 Phone 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS o B Bifeft -Is mm 1 M fl UDU Mm pop Uonsnorairae i -'$12,750 J J ' i in ' i im, I 1 i t ' 1 - Health and Welfare is Most Costly Item-Municipalities Gain VICTORIA (CP) Finance Minister. Herbert Anscomb today brought down the biggest budget in British Columbia's history. Estimating expenditures for the year ending March 31, 1952, at $118,269,000, the minister of finance told the Legislature that revenut in the next. 3 And Half Billions- Defence Costs Boost Spending To Huge Figure . OTTAWA (CP) A government spending program of $3,580,915,000, boosted by record peacetime expenditures, was submitted to the House of Commons yesterday by Finance Minister Douglas Abbott Bombing lor the coming fiscal year. It was $858,300,000 more than has been approved to date lor the current year that ends March 31. However, the' distance will be narrowed later thi.vmonth when the government seeks supplementary votes lor some large Items of 1950-51 expense. - Defence expenditures of around $1,700,000,000 With $1,600,000,01)0 for the defence department itself boosted Mr. Abbott's 1951-52 estimates to the whopping total In spite of an over-all reduction V ; of $35,268,000 in all department n except defence and the new fence production department. Defence department estimates i ! j. fV L k its j- - rrr tm vm SPENDING MILLIONS . , . Hon. D-utiglatt Alil ott ing to create production facilr ities. The department,' set up a few days ago, will have spent about $7,000,000 by the end of tills month. Dealinc cnilv with pxnenrii- lures , 540-page blue Uk - not give any Indication of deft- cit or surplus for the current or coming fiscal years. It contained 110 forecast of revenue for 1951-52. That ts o cume auei uh; iMoier ii.-i;caa m the budget of the minister of finance which Is expert?d to :all I for a substantial increase in . are up $837,382,000 over the amount authorized to data in the current year, Mr. Abbott estimated that rle-, fence department production, with allied crown companies, is going to cost $64,212,000 of which $50,000,000 will be capital spend- Wants to Get Big Act HIS DAT Minister of Finance Anscomb introduces budget in " ' Legislature. City Council' Anxious To Plan at Once for New Water System A new water system f or Prince Rupert is to be the immediate study of City Engineer D. C. Stewart. A thorough survey of the present system with a view to replacing it was recommended last night by City Council at its regular meeting. . var- is Are tiing on I') American froops ft into yudnng Unlay control of the vil -laltalion of Chinese 11 miles southeast and less than three iii'st of the Chinese area. United (ill Division patrol the town Monday hdrew after a brief iIoiir the 70-mlle I Nations forces ip strangely elusive North Korean sold- ird the 38th paral- arhcad.s of three is. closing In on iv within 25 miles boundary between nth Korea. v in vent 'CP) - One man another injured a Canadian Na- Ivs freight train .wait i gravel slide at 14 miles north of iiecr E. C. Robert-1 Brakcnian A. Q. of Kamloops, was n condition is not ' body Mean's 0 Million Ringing I llJ,V C. c. MILNE I 'line rang in il1'0- of Canada, 4 know It's ' tmt' 1IM !l Utn.9 i. " i Tle) call hack ai'l '''f. 1,lu"le almost 'f latted It. iu open a store r,11,Us 10 kow if a E't mount, i.......n , jl , ' "uwiiaue, I wild? And when ll ... I Olllv mljih it's going, in Wnbia. Evervhnrtu n, Mean's act-a ""milium nroteft. lP billing right " u. st thinu thut'a the railwau iin.. At this wrltlnir. ltive assnranre ' through. But juscs a fresh crop r -iiipany is ul moves. The Pits it to The Jf miiiiun on 'utiles; f, the ' found yet. If, 7 ee going to "pment, some ?nrves in a hurry. W , out a mtIe renting sume of yy- Aealnst 'lu'Pment we una d anH ..11 .. ls.tibackgroun. Is doing: . f'T'nt btrac-IVatHlerhoo,. 0n lh T' w..n Slle nn House Passes Hospital Hike VICTORIA The bill amending tlie Hosptal Insurance Act to provide for Increased premiums and payments for the first ten I days in hospital was given ! second reading in the Legislature ', yesterday by a vote of 32 to 12. Four Coalitionists M. P, Fln-nerty, Blmllkameen; W. A. C. Bennett. South Okanagan; Andrew Whisker, Cowichan-New-castle, and Dr. J. J. Oillis, Yale bolted to Join the CCF and Tom Uphill, Labor, in voting against the government on the issue. .' Premier Byron Johnson, speaking briefly, said he had no apology to make for hospital insurance. Troop Train Case Starts PRINCE GEORGE (CP) The! court case born of the Rocky-1 Mountain troop train disaster j last fall started today In this northern British Columbia city.! Preliminary hearing of a man- slauRhter charge opened in police court against tall, bespectacled Alfred John Atherton, 22, former Canadian National Railways telegrapher at Red Pass. Atherton Is alleged to have relayed a train order incorrectly, resulting-, in 4he head-on, col- iiNtan', ; November"!; at' Canoe; River,.' in which 21 persons lost their lives. Typhus Is Bad Enemy a rpport tnat typhus In Korea has wiped out an equivalent of two Chinese Red divisions 20,- 000 men This report directly contradicts a statement from Kiphl.h Army headquarters in Korea only two days ago that there was no confirmed evidence of anv, typhus .epidemics among troops. HOCKEY SCORES Maltiliti tlbtan..flM I'! .. .. I Vwnnn.4. N.n.iL n .mi,-. game best of five series ) Trail 8,- Kimberley 8. (Trail leads best of five Series 2-0, one game t!f U STOCKS Johnston t'o. l td.)" Aumaque .23 Beattle 60 Bevcourt 47 Bobjo 14V2 Buffalo Canadian 26 Consol. Smelters 139.50 Conwest 2.30 DonaWa ,. ,.51 Eldona East Sullivan 8.50 Giant Yellowknife 7.20 God's Lake .38 Hardrock 25 Harrlcana .14 Heva 12 Hoseo .6'a Jacknlfe .06 Joliet Quebec .61 Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 85 Lynx 15 Madsen Red Lake 2.37 McKenzie Red Lake .49 .McLeod Cockshutt 3.10 ' Moneta .35 Npsur 95 Noranda 79.25 I.otivleourt .: 20 Pickle Crow 1.71 Regcourt 41j San Antonio , 2.55 Senator Rouyn '22 Sherrit Gordon 3.20 " Steep Rock 8.80 sturgeon River .. .14V4 Silver Miller 1.43 B.C. Project Into Low Gear hi -Financial Post! the Vancouver office of and the Alcan executive taxes in suite of a reduction .,!inlnese ana worth Korean fiscal year was estimated at $118,503,000 which would leave a surplus of $234,000. No new taxes were announced. Expenditures . for the year ending March 31, 1951, will be about $117,000,000. Four years ago expenditures were about half that amount. Tlie biggest single item in the budget is $27,424,674, outlay for the health and welfare department, an increase of $4,400,000 over the previous year. Mr. Anscomb said that by March 31, 1951, the compulsory insurance scheme will be about $12,750,000 in the red. Other main items In the budget are $17,805,388 for education, an Increase of $1,374,233 over the previous year; $12,697,445 for public works, $3,000,000 less than last year, and $7,683,625 for lands and forests, an increase of nearly $1,000,000. More money will go to school boards, rural schools, the Univer sity of British Columbia, municipalities and social allowances. Aid for municipalities will amount to $18,612,520, an increase of $2,506,315 over the previous year. The minister asked for legislation to provide for additional borrowing powers for $28,000,000 for the development of power, highways, railway construction, flood control and other public services. m Apart from the provision for additional borrowing - powers amounting to $28,000,000 for tlie development of the province including power, highways, railway construction, flood controf and other vital public services, perhaps the most striking features in the budget address were the analysis of the fiscal relations between the province and the federal government, which Included studies of the relative tax contributions by provinces to the federal treasury and the analysis of the provincial-municipal relations. With respect to the latter, it was shown that during the coming fiscal year municipal financial assistance will amount to the staggering sum of $27,385,000 as compared with $2,960,000 during the first year of the Coalition government's administration. No other province in Canada haS-ac-corded such generous financial assistance to tts municipalities as that given by the government of British Columbia. Mr. Anscomb said." (Continued on page 6) City Council is Not Protesting VANCOUVER The city council yesterday refused to protest to the British Columbia Public. Utilities Commission at the application of the B.C. Electric Co. to increase power rates here. A' motion of Aid. Alex Fisher to make such a protest had no seconder. cloudiness and widely scattered showers today. Overcast, t-onlpht with rain commencing about, midnight. Little change in temperature. Lipht winds becoming southeast (20) tonight and Increasing to southeast (30) by morning. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 32 and 42; Sandspit 35 and 42; Prince Rupert 35 and 42. t ' t M forwarded to the provincial government. Aid. T. B. Black thought it would not be befoie 1952 that money for the Job could be borrowed from th? government and it would not be until 1953 that anything would have to be paid by the city. "But by all means," he said, "we should get at the job of surveying now we know how long it takes to get such a plan approved." Aid. Black also sug- Bested that the old line be left in if possible for a subsidiary supply. A renewal - of the laterals would be included in the survey, council decided. No particular reason for I05-. of pressure during the cold weather had been determined, said Aid. Ca.sey. The reservoir vow "still comparatively empty." It was Mowing the coldest nicrht of the winter, March 5, that the .pressure began to fail Pay Increase cent of their wages. "That ts as far as we'll go." raid the mayor. The employers had not yet responded, however, and City Clerk R. W. Long was Instructed to ask for an Immediate reply to the city's offer. BASKETBALL PLAY-OFFS Tuesday " :0 p.m. Booth vs Annunciation 7:45 p.m. Cooks vs Rupert Hotel 8:30 p.m. Hi-Gold vs Fashion In Rome Explosions at Italian Foreign Ministry and American Embassy ROME (CP) A bomb exploded last night outside Italy's Foreign Ministry, Chlgi Palace, shatter Ing several -windows In a block in downtown Rome. No one was Injured. An hour later a second bomb exploded in the garden of the American Embassy several blocks away. There was no damage and no one was injured there either. Police reported that, with the fragments of bombs, they found bits of leaflets signed bv the "Black Legion" warning against any accord in London . which would forfeit Italy's claim to the return of Trieste territory. Protests at Power Raise Strong objection to proposed Northern B.C. Power Company rate hikes was raised last night by Aid. H. S. Whalen. speaking to City Council on behalf of the hospital board. Aid. Whalen said that the present annual electric bill for Prince Rupert General Hospital amounted to $8,133.22. At the new rates, this would be increased by 100 per cent. "This is far out of line for hospitals," he said, giving com parative figures of lighting costs to hospitals in other areas. North Vancouver's hospital paid $3,844; St. Mary's Hospital, New Westminster, $2,269; Duncan Hospital, $1,552; Vernon, $1494; and Pentlcton, $3,228. "Our hospital should get a better deal as far as electricity is concerned," Aid. Whalen said Council referred the matter to the utilities committee for report. Aid. T. B. Black said later he thought ;he increase In the an nual cost would amount only to eight percent, adding that the offer was still open for the hos pital to instal their own substation. TheWeather Synopsis Today promises to be fine in most parts of the province. Temperatures will be mild. There will be a few showers along the north coast and over the mountains In the intrrlor while elsewhere skies will be generally sunny by afternoon. Last night temperatures ranged around 35 on the coast while in the interior they were around 20 in the northern sections and 25 to 30 in the southern valleys. Maximums today will range from 35 and 45. A new storm Is developing rapidly about 900 miles off the coast and rain is expected on the. north coast tonight spreading to j the south coast by morning. Forecast 1 North coast region Variable hard to say right now T .l..i. 1, nrll ... i uim l nnuw . . . r ui l in about three years." the Nechako River, 2. Building an 11-mile "access road" from the Gardner Canal along the Kemano River to the ,. .. : sue oi tne powerhouse 3. 3. Buildlne Building an an "acces "access Bl-eiidiiig in iion-dfenc.? fields. TIDES - - Wednesday. March 14, 1951 J High 5:01 18 3 feet 18:08 14.7 feet Low 11:54 7.2 feet, - 23:23 10.5 feet TODAY'S (Courtesy 8. 1. VANCOUVER American Standard .. .30 Bralorne - 7.00 B R X .04 Cariboo Quar'z 1.30 Congress .8?4 Iledley, Mascot .64 Indian Mines i; .20 Pend Oreille ... 7.75 Pioneer 2.fi.ls Premier Border 13? Privateer , : 814 Reeves McDonald 4.25 Reno 06 Sheep Creek 1.63 Sllbnk Premier 34 Taku River 07 Vananda IS 1 Salmon Gold ,. -3'a spud Valley AV2 v Silver Standard 1. 2.50 Western Uranium 1.55 oils Anglo Canadian ... 0.15 A P Con 41 Atlantic 2.95 Calmont 1-H C E '. 12 00 Central Leduc 2.47 Home Oil ., 18.00 Okalta : 2.65 Pacific Pete 9 35 Princess . 1-50 Royal Canadian .9', 2 TORONTO Athona .08 Aid. George Casey, board of works committee, first recum-mendied the city engineer be instructed to make a complete survey for a new pipeline from Northern B. C. Power Company power house to Shawatlani Lak? pump house. Said Aid. D. F. Fitch: "We know our water system is In terrible condition. Our plan really is for a total rehabilitation-" "And I suggest there be no; longer delay. Get at it as fast as possible," said Aid. Doug. Friti-zell. Mayor G. W. Rudderham s:i't that the city "can't pet out of" spending another winter w't'i the present wat.-r system, but it could "make a thorough study of fhc whole job" necessary to iu-st.al a new .system. A plan for a practical system will be drawn up by Mr. Sf.wartl for approval by the council, tli?n BUDGET AWAY UP- City Limits At least; $60,000 more will be spent by the city this year than in 1950. Aid. T. B. Black told City Council at last night's meeting. Last year's budget was for $547,-000. j Mainly, the Increase would Include higher school costs, nod a hike in cWic employees' wages.' The wage increase Is expected to cost the city $20,000 more this year. 1 Mayor O. W. Rudderham, re-j nnrtlnnr for the wage committee,' said civic employees had been offered an inorease of eight per wharf" at Kitimat, proposed site of the smelter and townsite. Those are the concrete facts which encourage phone calls such as the Alcan executive received. They're also encouraging tlie B. C, construction Industry to take a good look at the jolj and at itself. From Victoria, it's reported that eight of the big gest companies may pool their rcsoufces to bid for some of the work. The interested firms: Emil Anderson, Bennett & White, B. C. Bridge & Dredging, Campbell-Bennett; Dawson & Hall, Wade & Co., Central Construction, and Marwell Construction. MONTHS MAY COUNT mis "insurance" will cost Al- can several million dollars. But what's that, they ask, against the saving of time when the green light flashes? Time, in this case, is not a question of weeks or months; it's measured in years three years for the first stage; five years for the full project. But if war demands a sudden expansion in our aluminum output, months may count -and Alcan will be ready. World expansion of aluminum use turned Alcan's eyes to the search for new power sites (Continued on page 8)