PROVINCIAL ICT23IA, B. C. r!TQRMES ' DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 01 VOL. XL, No. 299 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1951 PRICE FiVE CENTS STAR r CABS KMI() IHSI'AK IU,I i l ' . i 'I !i 1 Charles Wins .n SI feep flmiramSiry a1t lOOM iy Knockout 'ORTI.AND l - Former Heavy- j YEAR-END REVI EW I 18!) pounds, knocked out Joe ol woottuuin, Oregon, ' N 40 in tiie t'ighth round of a Churchill Faces Big Task as Year Closes i.Julid 12-round bout here on Manpower Least of Europe's Troubles, Says VX. General luy night. Million Killed By Automobiles NEW YORK W The United States traffic death toll since the advent of the automobile reached the one million mark today. The millionth victim was .- F'ma Wtrmeier eii 52. who died in a Cleveland lid ';antrj Natives to Vote Soon January Is election month lor tiie natives in Indian villages in BC. and for the first time Indian women have the right to "otc for their ovm chief councillor and councllmcn. This provision is made under the new Indian Act. Piince Rupert Indian Super FOOTBALL Mayor-Elect Takes Oath Mayor-elect Harold S. Whalcn1 took his oath of office yesterday before City Clerk R. W; Long. Several newly elected aldermen and one parks board commissioner also were sworn in. 'lney were Aid. Oeorge Casey, T. Norton Youngs, and J. W. Prusky (council i; and C. P. Balagno (as parks board.) Would Separate Departments PARIS (GT) Major General G. E. reaike, i By ALAN HARVEY i Canadian Press BUS Writer LONDON (CT)-Britain acknowledged in l'JGl j that she could not carry out her 4,700,000,000 re-I armament program in the three years originally ; allotted, hut will arm as quickly as she can "with the fcuclMi l.cauuc. Itiv. 1 j Canadian delegate to the United Nations, said today I that the Canadian government policy of sending in ' X'liill L wuivei iiauipuuil Wanderers 2 (Uei :laik)iil 3, Huddorsfield fantry troops to Europe is "unwarranted." '" 1 1 :.i r .1.1 i. ....i .i- .. The Victoria Cross winner, who Vice-Premier of Czechoslovakia acts as military spokesman for the Progressive Conservatives in j the Canadian House of Commons, I intendent F. E. Anfjeld said today 10 villages In Ills district will have elections. He is returning officer and no election can be held without his supervision. Another new provision under I lie Act Is election of chief councillor ttto a separate vote. Under i,it wandm rs i, stoke city "1La ui uu'i reiiLs ramer man ine uiea ot danger. 1 i tie i i Tlic announcement came from ,,!,,,, Ail.lrllc 0, Ports- ; Prime Minister Winston Church- more Uian three nave 2 HI at the close of mouth a yearjn which waging guerrilla warfare In the ,rrl,v County 1, Anton Villa 1 the British lion found its tail rubber-rich peninsula intensi- 'tii'i ' ! energetically twisted in Iran and fieri ,,.. omh.i,nH ..j said in an interview he believes LONDON f A new reshuffle It would be better to send tech- of Czechoslovakia's Communist Negotiating Salary Scale ' nicians Instead of fighting men. ; government today sent Planning hilliam 1. Burnley 2 i Kgypt, looked uneasily at grow- uUed the resident hich com- VANCOUVER Whether the rtrfittAtit nrriVttifiol nnvnrnminl ,.( 1 ' ,., l'.iu 1 I Ui I nn ITitnt Cl,nn 4 1- the old version, chiefs were ap Canada, by sending men, was ; Minister Jaromir Dolansky into exporting her most valuable j the post of Vice-Premier. from the of elected Department of Lands and For-jPln body councillors. Manchester City S, Sunderland j n East Anglia and came into and caused planters to abandon sti; should be separated into two Having made an offer to ad-, Pearkes lmpIied that they were the State Planning Office, re-hcre to the British Columbia bciIlg wsusted by being sent to ; places Rudolph Slansky, who was Teachers' Federation schedule or countries where manpower was ; ousted last month as a Trotsky- divisions, each with its own cabinet minister Is one of the questions which will be debated ie. u h.-i u outlying estates. Oliver shioui'h 2. Preston North! partners over the question of ton colonial minister in 5 arms standardization and mili- am;s new conservative United 2, Munches- tary commands under the North ment fle; to Malaya to United 2 (tici j Atlantic Treaty. atp 'conditions on the Knot and First on the list for election is haitley Bay. on January 12, followed bv Kitkatla, January 14, and Po:t Simpson, January 17. One councillor hi elected for each 100 people in the village. i ite sdv. give a $375 increase across the tr.j least of me prooiems. at the Truck Loggers' Assocla board, school trustees met last 3. 1 As 1951 drew to a close Brit- came bark with a seven-noint 1 tion ninth annual convention in Vrsl Hrniiiwieli Albion :i!i-nli;mi Hotspur 1 Division II night to consider certain adjust iaiii also found licrself under plan to make thincs really hot Vancouver next month. I Prague radio said that Dolansky was sworn in this morning with three others to new mlnis-i tries in the fast-changing gov-iernment of Czechoslovakia. Charged With 'Eligible persons must be 21 or iovei. i.widc on the reserve and growing criticism lu Europe and for the terrorists. j "In our early history, when for- Lclcestcr the United Slates for her stand- Tnui i.. i.. k extrv vm reluMm-lv nnlmnnrUnt. ments proposed by the teachers. Decision was to stand by the :iiminu!iam City 2. must be "persons of good report." .11 Ui ..liltiwln t,,ur...Tl b'urnnmn , . . . .1 i r-. ..r City 0 I ,' 5 1 i '( - Premeditation rs3. West Ham le lc alL " ' f?" . , . I r' nr. Z" Nominations niu.t be filed before offer without changes and, ac iill.i' kljurii K On tin. crerlll kill. ih ITnlled iiivminitu ni ih Anoln. one." sav association nresident luiuiiibi, wire niavucr ww acni, Uiiilril 1 isidiff City BUDAPEST Communist- 4, Nottingham Kingdom won recognition in an Egyptian Sudan, boiled over into J W. Baikie. "With the expan-' J"" nnTrf JkZ back 10 lhe teachers- Frcl i The negotiations cover the 1952 ruled Hungary announced Friday Threatened Cook, Fined U 2: U".'U'd lou the countries Judged British feeling, occasional riots over the years, the problems of "r "P",'" I"6' scale scuie. 10 the women .vote and n- an imls United 0. Doncastcr , Lsihi- h rnnlrihllun all h u nnH ,t,hN. administration have become creased lnterest in clvlc arlalrs "ov- 0 I support to tiie common defence of British soldiers. But Brltam more acute., There is a belief , night it will bring to trial four United States airmen whose plane was forced down In this country by Soviet fighter planes. In a note to the American le- ellort. This report said it was said it would stay on In the that the operation of these two A Kemaiio Bay logger was fined $20 in police court here fell Canada could do more. j canal zone. j complex envisions snouid dc sep- Domestir ally, the country! The year's final review of Brit- i ayaled f scaler efficiency. Kings Message In Transcription Nulls County 2, Swansea Town 0 iJi'Tiis Park Rangers 1, Cov- eniry City 4 Mlirrnum United 1. Brent- (i"d 1 ilK'l West Coast Lodge Burns the Ministry said gallon, Foreign Mn lrj, a ste aftei the fliers will be turned over to dinner hours i showed Its determination to be Isli defence was given to the ne apj inuiu ni in reiu umrs, I prepared with announcement House of Commons early in Dc- r two deputies to the Depart- tlilit !hl (iril-lliin. Unmo fiiiarrl wmhtr hv PmW fhnn-hill ' niCIlt Of Lands and Forests ill- LONDON t Buckingham ' the Hungarian court "as persons i Appearing before Stipendiary is to be revived and that ft naval His general message was that Scales that the next logical step mine-watclilng organization will the danger of war seems to be would be the separation of these re' Palace announced Friday night having with premeditated In ten- Magistrate Don Forward. 1,. .liofheld Wednesday 4, Ever- BAMFIELD h A $50,000 violated the border of i-ansoury, uown in 10 ranee reduced alt " hoimh the roontrv 'wo divisions, each with its own destroyed BamficlU Lodge at this! that "'at the me Kings Kings Christmas inrisuna. Day uay tion Hon viol .. T, ; k. ".!.,.T. . cabinet minister." Baikie con-. west coast, of Vancouver Island ; message to the Commonwealth Hungary.' be recruited. FAK 11.1 NO BATTI.KFKONTS Rupert from Kemano under police escort, pleaded, guilty to com- ri iu iur.. ,,nrt, tZ . nria-. eludes. outpost Thursday night. Manager i wil1 e recorded because the The note did not give the trial the British troops were ton 0 "iili.iniii.un 1. Bariisley 1 i tie i Sluttish l lie. Iiv. I inlrieomaiis 2. Third Lanark ( 'II ir 2, MuUk i wcU St.. U'U'i iinilee L .sm i line Alln.ui 1 only, monarens voice is stm ioo wean date. imou assauis,. lor "live" transmission. , The United States Air Force! Hun. E. T. Kenney is present Orval Brickman was the minister of lands and forests. ,' person injured. I It. will be the first time a re- plane Is said by American auth- I roi ding , has been used in the critics to have become lost over traditional Christmas Day mcs- Hungary November 29 while on move tnruughout the year, in Korea, exploits of the gallant (ilouecstei-iliire Regiment and the Kiny s Own Scottish Borderers went far to support a statement bv Field Marshal Wil- !ilu;i; ii 5. Raith Rovers 0 '.iiii'fc Thist:.i I. Rangers 3 sage. a ingot iiuui a uerniaii air lorce : base to Belgrade, Yugoslavia. inal three-year 4.700 000,000 arms budget. On home defence, the Prime j Minister Btiitl the country should conjure up for any potential! paratroopers the picture of "the back of a hedgehog rather than the paunch of a rabbit." j He said the greatest concern j in rearmament Is caused, by the J slow process in developing the Morton ham Slim chief of the general 1 'ii'i-n of the Boulh 4 1 United Nations! fort St. John B.C. Power Commission Plans More Expansion; North Gets "Attention VICTORIA. More relatively remote areas of slaff, that the British soldier is the best in the world. First man to win the Victoria Cross in - WEATHER - Synopsis Twenty-one inches of snow wa3 on the ground at Hope this morn- ing as yesterday's storm left southern British Columbia and moved into Montana. Snow depth at Qucsnel was 19 Inches; Revelstoke, 10, and Cranbrook; 13. Vancouver temperature rose to 39 yesterday but sank to 28 again overnight. Temperatures are :' Mirri-n 3. Aberd"en 1 i -..isl File 2. Hearts 4 Korea was Mai. Kenneth Mulr, Bark I In States Well Yields Argvll and Sutherland High- i p' i" landers, who ri-ccived the award the latest machines. In this pasthumoiusly. ! resect It hud previously been 25-30 Barrels Hockey Scores I'.h ifir Coast '"mil'- 4. Victoria 4'npii 4. Edmonton 5 I'.inlie ( nasi Amateur .'.iruimo . Kerrlsdale 3 VICTORIA '(fi Tests at Pacific ' likely to stay in this range for Petroleums Limited Fort. St. John the next two clays with slushy inmmer butwew g,nKrWly became of s British Columbia may have electricity before too a-tain as the Iranian government; """ manpower. One, jong jt wa8 indicated in the B. C. Power Commis-inslsted f llie country 8 big problems is . the ou on fields its ana law nationalizing the refinery ' io fllld the 500,000 workers need-jsion s annual report ior r its -t sixth u year of e operation. bmlt by British-owned Anglo- ! 'd for various armament fac-j During the past fiscal year in-1 - Iranian Company. Loss of the i Mrivs- vestigations were made into the supplied from the Puntledge oil revenues caused a sharp On the vexed question of a . possibility of supplying the com- River bydro-electric plant of tiie Carry War Britain's balance of I supreme commander for Allied mutinies at vtuccn L-nanoue iiy Canadian Collieries iDun-smuiri strain on conditions resulting. A new storm is developing 700 miles off the Columbia River but its motion will probably be in a southeast-' erly direction with Uttle effect on B.C. weather. . , Forecast North coast region Variable cloudiness today and Sunday. Little change. n temperature. Wind, light iwesterly). Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at No. 1 well, British Columbia's first oil well, show it capable of 25 to 30 varrels a day flow plus a small quantity of gas. Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands, said Friday he had received word of testa from Frank McMahon, president of Pacific Petroleum. Operations have been suspended awaiting better weather. After the holiday season, a service rig will be moved there I payments. j ' l'i the steaming Jungles of Malaya, the "bandits" who for forces in the Atlantic, Churchill ami bKinegaic, Doin on uie Ltc wajj eiltlrely supplanted for showed hlnuself still unconvinced iWueen Charlotte Lslands, and at this area by supply from the by American arguments. He said : Fort St. James. I John Hart development, it wasn't a question of national! In the fiscal year, two new j,, tne North okanagan the pride but ol good working ar-! power districts were autica oy rurul electrification program as raugements on which .salvation the Commission Merrill in the envisaged in 1946 was essentially central Interior and Houston on completed, the Bulkley River south of Native Is Shot At Ft. Babine PARIS The United Nations political committee gave the United States a vote of confidence yesterday by rejecting Russian charges that the United Stales is supporting anti-Kremlin plotters on Soviet soil. The vo'-e was 39 against the Russian resolution, five for it and eleven abstentions. David Musgravef Simpson, Dies A well-known resident of Poit Simpson died suddenly at his home yesterday just prior to his intended departure for Prince Rupert to do his Christmas shopping. David William Mus-grave, 55, suffered a heas't attack. He is survived by his widow, Susan; his daughter, Marietta, and his mother, Mrs. Ethel Mus-grave, all of Port Simpson. Funeral will be held tomorrow at the Grace United Church at Port Simpson, conducted by Rev. T. C. Colwell. Port. Hardy, 32 and 39; Sandspit, Sniithcrs uiiiLuraienn i numn Prince Rupert, 28 and in the effort to make the well a 35 and 40 commercial producer. 138. might depend. On Anglo-American differences of opinion over whether the Allied armies should adopt the British or American rifle, Churchill emphasized the need Since the end of the year, 1 The report takes cognizance of nto China iONlKiN (CP) . The Brlllsh "iiiiii nt is urgently cxamiii-' a United Slates proposal for P'Mblc extension of the war 'J Chinese territory should a "'an Iruce Is agreed to and ii violated by the Comniu-li. il was learned today. foWMion of a naval block-! China in event of viola-" Is also reported under Hooe and I.illooet districts have development in the northern An Indian is reported to havV been shot at Fort Babine yesier- been transferred to the B. C. part of the province, particular-Electric Company. ,ly activities connected with the Also since March 31, a . new Columbia Cellulose Company power district has been set up near Prince Rupert and the Al-ou the west coast of Vancouver can hydro-electric project to day. No further iniormatlo wasi ol a Harmonious long-term pian. available today but RCMP here I But he did say he thinks the say the ease Is being Investigated ' British .280 may be the best yet by Burns Lake police who lell niade.- the interior town by plane this Churchill closed with an un- Island serving the Toflno-Uclu- serve Kitimat. elet area. The generating plant "Industrial development , mornmg I expected tribute to the "stcrlhig I patriotism" of Emanual Shin-well, former Socialist defence there purchased from the War is having its effect upon the Assets Corporation, formerly economic life of many smaller provided power for the RCAF, towns between Prince George station at Tofino airport. It has and Prince Rupert " it states, been rehabilitated and now has 1 continuing: "The s'mlthers- he f Recess For House Sixty Miners Perish In Illinois Disaster Victims of Methane Gas Five Hundred Feet Underground WKST FRANKFORT, Illinois (CP) Sixty or more coal miners, trapped in an underground explosion, were feared dead today as rescue workers labored frantically to reach them. Only five bodies were recovered but both mine and state officials held little hope that any of the men had survived the blast. State Mine Director' Walter, rr Eariie said that at least 60 men ,)Utslde was throttled at the Prices Hill Necessitates Keliirn Sixm After Christmas WhPI'fl here Is IC 19 minister and long one of his principal foes in Parliament. The kind words to Shtnwell, coupled with Churchill's soft treatment of forme Labor Minister Ancurin Bevan, led political observers to believe one of the premier's principal objectives is to win national support of defence policy. He may also be seeking to clear himself of charges of "warmongering" charges levelled by some socialists before the October general election, and criti OTTAWA W-A reluctant 1lllVl( llhiuso of Commons, stalled in 1 efforts to gel an early decision on the government's anti-resale Telkwa line was designed and constructed for ultimate 6900-12,000-volt service, in order that anticipated future loads could be supplied from the Smithers generating station. With the expected development of the area materializing, conversion to the designed voltage was made necessary and effected during the year. "Increasing activity, particularly in relation to forest products, indicates that further Natives Are Ruled Out VICTORIA i The Liquor Contral Board has ruled Indians excluded from veterans' or other a generating capacity . ol JUU kilowatts. Increased diesel generating potential was assured by new installations at Burns Lake, Dawson Creek, Houston, Merrill, ((uesnel, Serhelt, Smith-ers. Terrace and Williams Lake. The Dawson Creek Installation is a dual-fuel unit which can burn cither oil or gas. The Commission entered into an agreement with Northland II Incle Joe? I l 'wnj ....... " ChrtsUiias Holiday ana come oaen 1,,L.M..I. Ul tilin'u 1 DecemOer 27 " ' ",",; : , , ., 1 1 Thursday, N I in (f, ;itl birthday iny l.eluiul For a time there had been cized responsible com- VJ by .....J many .w..w. he Iron Curtain ' . . . . .... ...... l.,ll111,ll"'u private c.uos seui g inioxicams. , be- had been enlombed 500 feet point of explosion. This caused I "we was no cine in Moscow!1"'105 "'"'' .' "v . ""J .i" ...... mentators as among the most ij.i ivrcuuKBM, nquvi , ,..w th parth anfl snm two us to the present where- 1K's'ai1,' p. "...y' I unscrupulous in modern British sioner, confirmed this .Friday ,,,. ,, .h fear among old-time miners that expansion of distribution sys- 'HIS or 111,. Dmnlnr i ano " ----- . " i"" , politic, terns from Terrace eastwards after an Indian and a W.A.C. , (jrlm-fuced rescue workers the trapped men may have died i-i. .. . . . rogue unui iuo oira-sum u.. , veteran were refused member- tnought tnFre were at ,east 100 from lack of oxygen. will be necessary in order to " mm. ollie ii Knv e. renorl . Conservatives ,, --- -- r-i vi. - --- , np . . , uie ship in the North Vancouver nc IlioveinenlM nf the Ru.s.sinn . .. 1...... n.-uit i 1 1, .1 1 e Army, Navy and Air Force Vet-e: ans' Club. Alida Johnson Traffic Victim "m mouuieo a ilihiul-m " was last July when he was d(,ua,c wi,lch macro this linpos-1,1 hi liavc iitleiuled the annual ihh 'r Parade in Moscow. ' Evcl, us the Chamber agreed ;,ll"'' then he has been quoted ! to meet again next week, Pro- making a statement to Oravda ! gressive Conservative Leader "n""ing that ranssla had made ! O-W Dcw n,ade clcar caught in the blocked soft coal Reports from rescue teams pit. Indicated that they have un- The explosion came) less than covered at least 14 dead, an hour after the night shift of Condition of bodies Indicated 220 men had reported for work that' some of the dead had been at 8:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Allied by concussion. Time I yesterday. The mine employs about 1100 Rescue workers, some wearing men. The night shift had begun gas masks, were impeded by foul its last trick before starting the air as they timbered their way Christmas holiday, toward the trapped men. I meet both domestic and industrial requirements." A jeport on hydro-electric power possibilities on the Ques-nei River was submitted to the provincial government during the year.. Surveys were made and construction Is now proceeding upon a distribution project to serve Needles, Edgewood and Farquier near the Whatshan plant. Survey work also was carried A well known city telephone Bidding On fee House at Pacific the Dartv's campaign against the, operator is In Prince Rupert (B.C.I Utilities Ltd. early tills year for the supply of natural gas which is piped to Dawson Creek from Alberta. This gas now is being used as a fuel in the 1880-kilowatt generating plant there. During the fiscal year, a distribution system was completed to serve the coastal community of Sointula, fed by a submarine cable from Alert Bay; major extensions were made in the North Okanagan region; the - Merritt distribution system was rebuilt and conversion from 25 to 60-cyc.le power proceeded in the comox Valley. With conversion to 00 cycles completed In the Campbell River area, 25 cycle energy hitherto "'ii bomb tests. , Bui, there is. no indicaLion ". Stalin Is in Moscow or " l'ie Black Sea coast where he legislation will continue unless General Hospital after being the government agrees to "let it struck by an automobile Tues- stand until the next regular scs- day evening at the top of Fulton slnn of Parliament." Street. She is Miss Alida John- Two Vancouver firms have taken plans and specifications The blast, believed to have for been set off by methane or TIDES - - p. id are probable bidders construction of a, 200-ton out In connection with possible ice , marsh gas knocked out a cross- extensions to the Gabriola ar.i. house at Pacific for the Cana- section of airlocks in the vast Sunday, December 23, 1951 High 8:31 19.0 feet residence, or some place prime Minister ' St. Laurent son, 719 Lotbiniere A-rnue, sul-" ' said he could "make it quite clear , fering from shock, brj's-s and "Mia! silence has been main- that there is not, nor is there possible Internal injurie. . '"''rt about the state of hts 1 likely to be, any Intention of the Police said driver of the ear alth which has been the sub- 1 government not to proceed with was Arthur T. Hanberg, 252 " of spasmodic rumors in the this bill before Parliament pro- Ninth Avenue East. The case is "Mem press. t rogues." j still under investigation. dlan National Railways. The in- diggings of the Chicago, Wil-terested concerns are: C.J.Oliver mington Si Franklin No. 2 mine. 21 :24 16.0 feet Quadra Lslands, to 150-Tiiic House near Williams Lake and the previously mentioned Queen Charlotte Islands. Ltd., and Bennett & White Con- Because of the shattered con- Low 2:02 struclion Co. Ltd. crete airlocks, fresh ah' from, 15:19 8.6 feet 7.2 feet wi