Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April' 30, 1951 ! - ; v ! . . -v- , -4 ; Busy Week-end as Halibut i jfl fr. - . SHIPS and WATERFRONT Coastal steamships are already beginning to feel the Impact of heavy freight traffic into the Kltimat area for use on Aluminum Co. of Canada con 'ilk i :v i SPRING fJ PIECE G00DS JT NOW IN! struction. The Prince Rupert-! (1 , SEWING bound Union Steamship Co. liners Camosun and Coquitlam are having increasingly long stays at Butedale to transfer cargo which is moved from there to Kltimat and Kemano Bay on a at WALLACE'S Of Course Northern Construction Co. barge. Both the Coquitlam and Comosun had such cargo at the week-end. The Camosun, Capt. John Boden, which arrived here at 6:15 last evening from the south, had spent over four hours unloading at Butedale. The Camosun sailed at 11 p.m. for Alice Arm and Stewart whence Fleet Goes to Sea; Skipper Doiron Victim of -"Touch" It was a busy day at the waterfrolit Sunday a fishermen and relatives talked together, visited from boat to boat or made the finishing touches to their vessels, readying for the halibut opening May 1. Probably one of the busiest spots along the waterfront was sWc There was subgtantial F. E. Hunt Ltd. s .store at Cm uaIam.e in the Homer ftnd aj.. Bay. Last minutes orders we e in(s branL.h , the R , k rushed through new mats for of Canada SSdT'X Tooney ?o S X&fu"?- "V! " ncli, Mr. Doiron notified bought-or just a last tale to be swapped with Bill Nickersun anHhU!: h a' and the boys in the back office. th,ef went dlrectly to the Outside the slore were the bright and fresh vessels. "Two new 6'rls were in the Typical of these was the Sea- bank and when this fellow maid, Capt, Henry'Doiron. The brought in my book to draw old schooner-type vessel built nioney in three separate checks in Prince Rupert by tiie Doiron for $30' 200 4nd $350 Uie money family sparkled with new paint. was 8lven ' him," said Capt. The skipper reached port here Doiron: Saturday morning, bringing the o.NC E TOO OFTEN 1 Seamaid up from Vancouver. . . . ... . BANK ACCOVNT "TOl't'HED" IL,htd"t blf" 50 U , . . ., he might have got awav wi'h An unfortunate nsident oc- it b ne fc curred for Doiron in Vancouver he Wednesday before sailing gan to w01uer f0vUy , . , . checks were being drawn." the i Li While in a city hotel, hta ships fi.snermall explained, papers and bankbook were H stolen from his car parked out- 1 'Tlle,n whcn he went back for SnOtl Thursday morning he was ' caught," said Doiron, who said Added Featurette: Showing Once at 8:30 I Mund" wl El m t -I. she will return here tomorrow to sail south at 12 noon. i Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. William McCombe, returned to port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from Masset Inlet points and' sailed at 8 p.m. for Vancouver and waypoints. The vessel had a fairly light passenger JLst as traffic now is largely In the northern MISS AUSTRALIA Lovely 18-year-old Lynette Vincent,, selected as Miss Australia, Is thown on arrival at Vancouver. She is paying a semi-official call before continuing on to Hollywood. The flowers are a gift from acting mayor Archie Proctor. (CP PHOTO) To Look Into Bus Service An inspector of the British ONLY 2 DAYS TODAY TUBC, ) (f) IRENE DUNNF 'I LFRED MMURRAlffV "'.L""'-- 'hat there was now going to be I (ffllttTWHTTlTfrf I afac;euvevrcr " in the courtfi at -r. I ! "I guess it was a case of to- ing too often to the well," said Movini;, Packing, Crating Shipping Urneral Cartage and Storage Complete. Reliable ant. Efficient 6ervice. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. Tor Oxygen, Acetylene and all voiding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 191U I'lionrs GO and At a shipmate on the Seamaid. The crew had received a wire from Manard Edwards, then-bookkeeper in Vancouver, that a "suspect" was being held, i Meanwhile, the Seamaid left Columbia Public Utilities Com-1 mission will be in Prince Rupert j within the next week to lookj into complaints which have been ' made by the Pulp and Paper, Workers' Union in connection with the quality of the bus service between Prince Rupert ani the Watson Island plant. J. D. McRae, MLA for Prince Rupert, has .so informed the union which addressed its complaint to the local member as well as to the commission. "If ilus advertisement m not oubli.-iml with other vessels Sunday muru- or displayed by the Liquor Control lnS preparing for more import-lVwrd or by the Cnvernniwit of ant business on the fishing' Ilritu-li Columbia. t grounds Tuesday. JL For a clean engine I switched to JVIcirvclube Motor Oil You pet more engine protection under all driving conditions with Marvelube the premium motor oil that meets all car manufacturers' specifications for correct lubrication. Marvelube is a detergent motor oil. It not only lubricates it cleans. A clean engine free from gum, sludge and abrasive particles lasts longer and gives you more trouble-free performance. Let your Imperial Esso Dealer protect the investment you have in vour car with his "Care-Saves-Wear" service. Thriftiest, most compete me KING in f wits ffiwwn ni&uury y Civic Cr it fv Lft MONDAY, Rrsrrm $2.00-$ General U $1.2 TicktH. Civic &' a the sign that says (Esso) to stop for Ormes Dm i J-X- balamtJ performance from your engine with Esso gasoline. Fill your tanls with "up-io date" Esso or Esso Extra, l ake your in out on the road. See tut vourself its better all-rnunri nrf.,.mn, . Esso and Esso Extra are continually being improved to give the best balanced combination of fast starting, good acceleration, power and mileage. Switch to Esso Gasolines and you're always ahead! PRINCE RUPERT protection against repair bills with Imperial Esse. Specialized iubiicition guaranteed tire life with the famous Atlas Writ-ten Guarantee which covers all road haards nnn every point carefully serviced by chart according to car manufacturer' specifications. nd is honored by over 58,000 dealers in Canada and the United State. :-cJbraii LlilC iva Re-roof with ASPHALT SHINGLES 1'erhaps you run i slore, and your truck i ptrt of your "huiineM equipment". i)r mayhe you're t transport man and trutki are your living. In any case, today's bigger and thriftier Ford Truck Lin brings you NEW advantages ... for better job . , . t louer east. NEW, wider range of models . . . including exactly the right truck for every job in the Vi to 5 ton field. NEW advancements in engines, clutch, axles, transmissions . . . built to save you money on service ...built stronger to last longer! And NEW Power Pilot Economy . . . a truck-proved, road-proved way of getting the power from the least gas . . . automatically ! See your Ford Truck Dealer for convincing proof. Wednesday, Thursday, May 2, 3 ond 4 I OR ESTIMATES SDK iMioNK sea GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. r.o. box :ai For the MEAL that REFRESHES Offit-lal iipniinK ly In.spiTtiirof Srli'mls01 fj p.m. WciliirMlny ADJUDICATORS: DRAMA Mrs. PhobeSm-Hi MUSIC Mr. Burton Kurth V 1 fl'Mt FOOD V'l Truck EnftnM Nr CAI OVER ENGINE MsttH y Nnr DRIVING EASE Of) a NEW DeJun CABS 7 SERIES RATINGS H H I ttnt V 12 WHEELBASES BEST FINEST OF OF -OC FOOD Vl 0 COOKING III Tl M - PROGRAM FOB TAKE OCT ORDKIIS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE tann F l Paail tmnFenMiwIKCal t.V.W. Hjtat ll,M IH. 6.V.W. RMMg4;0llto WEDNESDAY CICNTRE 1;M CIVIC -1 -m- CAPITOL THEATRE- 1:30 Pm 1 Seeyvcr turn F-l CMl Ortr Enr)M e.y.w. amni lungiii Inn F-iekim mill Cat s.v.. i(,mm in Imti r t eii wl Cat I.V.W. Iii tt.witL fORP mUCK Oeaer Not lllu.trot.d, Seri., f-3, G.V.W. laHng 4,g00 fbl. . . . S.ri f-S. " ' ""0 n.uou ibi. . . . Mrwi P-8. G.V.W. loH.. JJ.OOO Ih.. More Canadians use FORD TRUCKS than any other make THURSDAY CIVIC CKNTUK -9:30 . 1:f p" " CAPITOL, THEATRE -1:3" P'n UNITED CHURCH 12 N'" u CIVIC CKNTUE -!):3 a.m.. I.1 CAPITOL THEATRE -1:30 Pnl -Jlic Pioneer 3)nitiriisl PARKER LTD. WW DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 FORD and MONARCH DEALERS SATURDAY 8 P Honor Performance Home of Friendly Service PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Advertise for Best Results Season Tickets $1.25 Afternoons