Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 19, 1951 Blackwood On Bridge A. Bliellcnbcl k, coiiMl iu'llun , superintendent for Canadian ' Fishing Co., who has been here in connection with the building of the company's new cannery on the ocin dock here, is sailing Sanitation At Kitimat Slrctpfe eSi KJOWI1 r i By Eosley Blackwood CvoUei (Lt -ml omm . . j tomorrow night on the Coquit- 1'iv menu nil . imuzzv was sitrino- tit-ninit m r i lam lor tiuteda e - . i - i t i i ? , i I The Aluminum Co. of Canada development at Kitimat may soon make itself felt on the public health service of this dis- And if Mr. Masters had IpH -,jacia vmicii mis nana was piayeu ana ne rejsterea strong ,j disapproval of the way - Mr. Masters handled it. - thf Ifinn anH Hmn n(U . . -- biicii aiiuLiitrj: triCL. ii was anotner ease where the pullinp: of oi)n 7 . ,ig1' incK inree-; At p ' H-r 7 ' " s4 '"- , ' , i present Kitimat and Ke- ! r cuuiu nave won tne . . , , . , , , , , ponents trumps hatl to e postponed and where tli?i third round and led a fourth to trump. timing timintr had had to to Ik? Ik? perfect. norfecf.. . -'. - TV I "iamond Mr. Abei Mr. Meek's remaining trump and Incidentally, thus latter Is the mano Bay sanitation Is bein, looked after by Sanitarian Hug!. Hart of Terrace who goes there by aircraft but the United Board of Health, at its quarterly meeting this wc-k, foresaw where a If Mr. Masters had taken as ,,j trm,,lmen(led- You Slllp P'ed it the manv as two round, of PRINCE ALBF3T, 6ask. (CP)-F.-ifice A)lftt women take thf view that ii yu have Wa figure you can wear strapless gowns. Local wmien were ask?d about stri'pk ((N'fflni frowng as a re ult of r;ujuiii given next dispatches telling how Prince Murnaiiet had wn one publlcl lov the first tun i London. AMmiisn Marlon Sherman of Prince Alfcm xnij she thought h styfe 'most flattering to somo women." Girls out of their teens with we proportioned figure were most becoming when wea.--line style. Ttv alderman suggested that pur-fossing mich a ROW , ! one wlui proper eonslruc- Mas-!fu" tlme man would soon be early the enemv could have led '. nard and dangerous way, ' ; v - it i ".4 r ' ' the last ir.imp off the board ; lers," he said "I'd have made it when tiiey were in with their , much more easily." first diamond trick. I Mr. Masters only smiled. Wonderful Flavour needed at Kitimat. The matter is being drawn to the attention of the provincia' minister of health and welfare. i . X.. .! wmcn, sne said, is ma-1 essential to bith the wearer an.) .:e gaiment. Call 363 Hill BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing mi. e. T. Martin said: "The' figure must permit the wearing! of the pown which will bath I h)U r Uu- wearer and the gar-! nwnt." "They are wtainly not built (Mr. Keen) S A 6 H Q H 4 D A 7 2 C J 8 4 3 tlr. Meek, (Mr. Aoel) 8 K Q J N 810 8 4 2 H J 7 2 H 10 D J 10 6 3 ' D Q C K 10 C Q 7 6 3 (Vie. VlHslers, 87 6 S - K A K 5 3 ' O K a 6 4 C A The bidding: 8uti West Niirth East 1 H Pass 2 H 3 H Pass 4 H All Pas.) When Mr. Meek led the king of spades and the dummy went down, Mr. Masters saw he must lose two spade.s and one diamond. The problem was to avtud the loss of two diamonds. If diamonds broke 3-3 this was simple. But If they broke 4-2, Mr. Masters would have to hope he could trump a diamond in dummy without getting it overtrumped. He won the first trick with dummy's ace of spades. Then he took one round of hearts, winning with the queen. That was the only trump he could afford at the moment. He shifted U, a low diamond. Mr. Abel played the nine and Mr. Masters piayeJ low, as did Mr. Meek. This was the key play and a JUNIOR WARDENS J unior Forest Wardens receive instructions in use of forest-fire fighting equipment at summer camp at Lighthouse Park, Point Atkinson, West Vancouver. Camp instructor Gordon Philbrook is shown explaining operation of I portab,e pumP- The orgainzation-sponsored by the Canadian roivstry Association-has trained more than 20.000 boys since the hrst, was formed. Forestry Week will be hold across Canada Starting May 19. ,CP fnm National Film Board, s i jr e Mil m I0i How it Feels to "Go Out Like a Light" and Have "Whale of Time enjoyed by everyone but APPRECIATED It ior strenuous dancing," was the comment of Mrs. F. Prasse, jr a younsj matron who has worn such gown on elusions. "V ju have to remain a lady if you wear one. It i3 an ex; rem style which most women w..r nowadays, but it as M1. troversial a subject as the plunging neckline.' " Miss Agnes Campbell, superintendent of nu nei it h Prince Albert Sajiilorium, felt tint' strapless gowns wc-e only a 'Uiw-ly fashimi" and wculd b replaced by other styles. "If girls or women can wear them without a feeling of bein " undressed, I think it Is ouite aii nt'.ht," said Mis Campbsll. by those Dewar's strikes perfect harmony in any company on any occasion. Enjoyed by all . . . it is particularly appreciated by those who are judges of good .i Scotch whisky. Before you say Seofcfc . . . say Df WAR'S who know MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors , By LARRY STANWOOn They tell me I "went out like a light" 'ami' "just had a whale of a time" last night. Maybe I wasn't the "per-fect subject" for a hypnotic experiment for I do remember some things as I alternately slept and went through antics (they tell me) before hypnotist Dr. "Tex" Morton on the stage of Civic Centre auditorium, ' i - neauuiui bit 01 timing. But Mi'. Muzzy didn't think so. He made a face and held his nose. The whole thing looked mighty sihy to him. Mr. Abel came out with a spade and Mr. Meek won two spade tricks. He then led a small CONTENTS 2tVlOZS. W1M 1-721 9. could not and I found it very easy to do the Uiines Dr. Mor PLUMBING . aiamona ana Mr. ADers queen j fell to the king in the closed hand. MiMi, :MMi'"MimiW lHmit' Dewars Special" ton commanded, but I knew that i I Johit Dewjr t Sons l!' Mr. Masters now took a second round of trumps and followed with a mall diamond to dummy's ace When Mr. Abel did not t-i. Pehtm. -e-rtrt tm.i. Sew For Action Advertise! j trump this trick Mr. Masters I was doing them. However, there must have been times when I was completely unconscious -.if my actions. Daily News columnist' William Raymond, told me later that I had been in "fits of convulsive laughter." I can't remember that. and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know - PHONE j Knew ne was home. This was the situation he had hoped and 'planned for that the opponent short in diamonds also would ' be short In trumps. All through th3 half-hour nr I was not alone on the stage. Tliere were about a dozen other prcple there, facing a packed house the third night of the great show. Dr. Morten advised me before-and I would feel n "tingling Ljmation" before he put me to fleep. But I wanted to remember mere than that. I looked deep into the eyes of the "Master Mind." I fe:t he spoke to m.; alone. I felt there was no one cite in the whole place in fact, this hur,e, empty hall was getting bigger all the time, until the bigness of it engulfed my powers of thought and all I ivalizcd was a voice from the distance and I wusswaying on my feet. Suddenly I opened my eyes to bright lights and I was alone on the stage. I remember the others, silting on chairs ' behind ma, grinnini;. ne icq oacx to his ace of clubs, played his last diamond and ruffed it with dummy's last trump. He got back to his hand again by ruffing a club, took This advertisement it sot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia. ; so experiment I fejt a strong de-! to pet up and leave as though iseme urgent maU'T required my ' presence elsewhere. I was greatly 1 relieved when Dr. Morion asked ' me to get up and walk towards Krpairs and Alteration ins Ltd. TO. Itox 274 KINSAAEN CLUi mat was tne nisi lest, as nr. "ftji JtifaAl j-lllil M j Morton called it. mm. I looked at my watch it was 11:10 pjn. Then I remembered that I had asked the hypnotist to relieve me of my condition at that time. For a moment I did not realize, where I was but It came back to me a few minutes later. I don't think I was completely hypnotized. The sensation was similar to the stage between sound sleep and awakening when cue is conscious of existence but cannot account for actions or speech. Tliere is no douhl in my mind of the power of hypnotism in BUS SERVICE PaiwiHit.vr Tim Kchwhile No. l lor I'aMWiijfr aittl I'arrH J-:rftN Kri-e h-tuwii pi-lilt HiiMrt ami rmlMirt. Route - Trims-Provincial HiRhwoy NOTE: This company ts not licensed Tor I'x-ul iM'tween plnts Prince Rupert-Terrace inclusive. Passengers will be picked up and set down at these stops only for or from points east of Terrace, EASTBOUND Thursdays anil Sundays from Prince Ruoert to Smithcrs WESTBOUND Fridays and Mondays SMITH KUS to riCINCE Itl 'PERT WAT POINTS Tyre. Skwna,, Snlvw.. ExsU'W, Uliumes. Ansbury. Terrace. Skeena CnsstnK. New Hftwl-ton Olutell. Huwlton, New Hu7l-tan uSlullonl, Moricetown. CANADIAN NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION LTI. MAY 24th CELE BRATION! IIYINOTIf MOOD Then followed the "hypnotic mood." This wasn't so easy. I had trouble rekixing the way Dr. Morion wanted it. Yet I could feel a tingling in my s.-alp which brgan to spread down into my lace and nvek. I remember clearly how hard it was to keep up mv head and so I let it. rimn 11 i ITO. i. duced by suggestion, but there must be comnlete relaxati ir i,,.3i,. ..JUL oil 11 A 11C:1.1VI 1.11 111 IV . ,, n,. I a will to follow suggestions m Programme of Events Queen Uicloria ZXrj THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1951 crdet lor a person to enter that stage .of somnambulism, ' I felt exuemeiy. rested when I left .the stage and had difficulty going asleep again last night. it SPORTS Full 'schedule of Races and Sports for all children under the age of 14 years in the i . IV. .1 1.1.(11 flrt UH'I UVt I again "you are falling into a ' deep sleep K v ' But .nmoug' rjuitg impossible to raise my head I war not as.ep. I heard Dr. Morton's monotone voice and I heard the audience laughing.. I wanted to look to open my eyes but I MODPRM it PARADE Prince Rupert Civic Band will lead the parade. PRIZES 3 priios for beat dressed boy or girl. 3 prizes for best decorated wagon, baby buggy, tricycle, etc. 1 3 prizes for best decorated bicycle. $10.00 far best decorated car. $25.00 for best float in the parade. (No application forms are necessary) NUMBING Prince Rupert S. A. Orr. Pent id on- H T THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT IN NORTHERN B.C. s a wis,, investment, in lr'rmf family health and "nine economy. Call Blue 846 si . . 1:00 p.m. GRAND QUEEN'S PARADE (Route, of parade: front Bus Depot up Second Street then up Third Avenue to Fulton Street, up Fulton Stru't to Sixth Avenue and Roosevelt Park) tm p.m. MAY Ql'EEN'S rROWMNG (in front of grandstand at Roosevelt Park) 3:00 p.m. CHILDREN'S SPORTS DAY ' (lor all children of Prince Rupert, 14 and under) 6:30 p.m. BASEBALL CAME (Owning game of 1951 season) 8:38 p.m DANCE AND GAMES (Civic Centre) Music by Howard's Rythm Five. Prince Rupert area. McDonald, South Bumaby; R. ;Crouter, Huntingdon; W. A. McKay, G-. Flamank. P. L. Johnstone, L. Kaufenberg, Percy A. T.ei r? Rillirliam - T-t t..i. , u..,iuiii, i. ijUCtv- jham and J D. Clark, Vancouver; ' LUMBING jAANICH it ts. fa. Leith, Williams Lake; M. Bradbury, Winnipeg; W. J. McKinnon, Sandspit. George Mostad, forme.: accountant at Edward Llpsett Ltd., I wno lert for Vancouver twD months ago, has returned to j Prince Rupert to join the staff at Canadian Bank of Commerce l here. Mr. Mostad returned to I the city by ca and reports a tniiicuit road with particularly bad stretches between Terrace and Hazelton. MONSTER DANCE AND GAMES CIVIC CENTRE 9:30 P.U. FEATURING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THIS CITY "HOWARD'S RYTHM FIVE" r'S NEW ! IT S EXCITING ! STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL! FORD'S British Built CONSUL AUCTION SALE from . . . T I in her Sale X.-.IIK14 There will be offered for sale nt Public Auction, at 11 a.m.. on Saturday. July 14th. 1951. In the office I of the Forest. Ranger at Queen Chnr-! lotte City. B.C., the Licence X50104. to cut 5.930.000 (bin. ot Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area cov-I ei ing part of Lots 988. 989. 1807. 18( i miU 1814. situated on the west lct? of Kumdis Island. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. O FIRE MOTHS THEFT SAFETY FURS--T S ee it soon at COMBINATION TICKETS $1.00 FOR DANCE AND SPORTS DAY TICKETS ON SALE AT BALL PARK AND DANCE Parker Ltd IN BILL SCUBY'S FUR VAULT CLEANING GLAZING REPAIRS REMODELING 'Phone 974 FREE PICK-UP SERVICE Out of Town Customers Ship Express Fully Insured Pour years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attetid the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treuted ns one bid." I Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. R.C. j (MIB-26. J2-9) (,iti) . monarch uvm ra Prlnce Rupert, B.C. - If you want to sell It, advertise