I Prince Rupert Daily News We Still Hove Friday, March 2, 1951 ray.. Reflects and Reminisces As I See It 8 h j Clmore r fy 1 3 WARM WINTER CLOThr All at the old low priC(l! IION T MISS OUT ON Till sr ON SATURDAY ANIi M0NJ MEN'S WEAR BOMBER JACKETS Fur collar, quilted Ih, "" Sell reKularly to $20.00. Now Independent dally newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association . A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, ! 00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 Education Week Interview With a Prince Rupert Businessman, N. L. Jones Q Does modern education fit the student to earn a living? A. Only to a very limited extent. To the average boy or Bill who has to earn u living, it Is of very little use. Q Can education help combat delinquency? A. Yes, that Is real education can help providing the Instructors themselves are educated for that purpose. By the way what Ls a juvenile delinquent? A. Are there udeqiiHtp opportunities for adult education In Prince Rupert? , A. No. Q. Do you think the graduate of today is as competent to take his place in the community as the Rraduiit.e of twenty years ago? A. Yes. Q.- Do we expect too much of our schools? A. Yes. definitely. The school of today ls expected to perform dulivs mid responsibilities that riulitly belong to the parents. , Published every afternoon except Sunday by Tince Rupert Daily Nevs Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. ONE PROBLEM LESS Mr. Att!e is a busy man but nothing is neglected. His Ministry says a loaf of bread is n loaf o! bread, whether slic-d ui in one piece, despite a receni legal ruling that, when sliced a loaf Is nic ely a rolled ion ol pieces. In Canada, w h:ive the butter question. Liquor Situation PLAID SHIRTS All wool heavy plaid shirts. Regular $8.50. Special $5.!3 WOOL PANTS All wool pants. Excellent, for fishing and all types of work. Reg. $9.00. Now $7.23 WORK PANTS Good cotton work jianls. Usually sell fur $500. Special, pair $3.75 ISLAM SAYS UNITE KARACHI, Pakistan-Believe it or not, visiting newspapermen rate free haircuts today in this mushrooming Asian cap- N ATTACKING the present liquor situation, Andrew Whisker (Cln Cowichan-Newcastle) told CAN'T FORGET IT! Til i' ' nla'ni n "Invt mine' DRESS PANTS For young and old off at 8 a m." Bo writes a cniTtapomtan!.. ital, for the WELCOME, somewhere in British Coliuniiiu sign is out. in all sincerity to the Alfred Oaspard, grizzled and visitors to the World Moslem ! wrinki.-d promedol-, vowed he'd Conference. 1 find this one, believed to fce iv. 1 Of course, the free haircut is the Pitt Hive.' region. Twenty primarily intended for the offi- others over the y.a s hive tried .think that the piii'c:iiai of a' i ticket pave the rij-nt to shout! i prize specimens of blasphemy ; a u.t obscenity. One may feel an i of pi rfcc.tJy tulloii-il iln-Mi imias. ftpecial prices from ! T:Our;t-rs without cuffs mav again become th. rule, as It ws!111" t0 kl" lhp ""'Dire and re in the second war, Washington ommenn u ai. me ion oi un warns. Indeed, there Ls a urns- , '""r.--. " n. 'i' wnr cial big shots. But it was nice of also, and now it's thought Hostile barbers to think of us worK- ' paid has joined them. That K j ings newsmen, too. For on the, they have all "yone lor aye" j basis of need, there is no doubt 'away in the wilderness tMf who will benefit most by the I i"1" weakened, hut. with hop;' At. 'ie i.k of beliu thougnt friendly to daylight savins, it's not unpleasant to behold as peel, of control becoming el fee-tive in tlie use of wool in civili.m clol.hini'. lint. cufllKs pants is no hardship. They were handy as dust receptacles, however. .still strong. BOYS' WEAR Kuiiilier Jackets, All Wiinl Fluid JaikHs ' ft. School Punts, sliiics, y,r KOMItm MCKI'TS-Wui inly lined, fur roll:,,, WIMlhKKAKI KK All wool wiiKlbreukers SCHOOL PANTS -Good .strong school j,,,, Now SCHOOL SIIOI.S Solidly built, lots of w,.ar t Sizes 11 to 13 , Sim I u, j I March takes over a sunny sky at pm TWKNTY A DAY! "Bursts of fire are screechln:: ov."r their her-ds and doloiuUin:.: a few hundred yards away fro"i gi:ts novhi:hk! The:e is no m'ii.s'? of .sport';- free shearing operation. oOo MY VISIT in Cairo coincided with the meeting of the Arao League. So this gathering which is much mpre comprehensive Us a n o t h e r conci el e evidence that the whole Moslem world is astir. Moreover, the whole Mohammedan world Is Ihem in the woods. The mei i:l 1.U...1IIL-. iiii: inni'1. CHILDREN S SWEATERS tramp twenty miles a day 'n .full equipment and t!i.n sle.'::) in soaking blankets." The new- Legislature that people in his district "had no specific suggestions to offer." Perhaps we can help him. We know that the present laws require a citizen, when he wants liquor, to buy it at a government liquor store, or at a private licensed club. When he wants to drink it he has to do that in private under cover. Private clubs" are open only to a minority. They have little or no competition so there's only one price for a drink. Most private clubs make fortunes. A government liquor store sells only in large quantities. For one drink, a whole bottle is bought. After that, whole bottles are often hurriedly consumed. Most government liquor stores make a fortune. Taking advantage of people's weaknesses and ignorance is exploitation. There is no greater exploitation in Canada today than that which concerns its people and liquor. No doubt the Attorney-General has ' enough experience to place before the House a sensible, proper solution, as Mr. Whisker pointed out, but let's be specific about it. Place the sale of liquor on a competitive basis. Let people take a drink in public in congenial surroundings if they want to drink. And when they take too much, let the public bear witness to their shame. VISITING KAKT INIIKS Cnini"; word of .Scrpcimt Pil-buhadur Hurung and Kiflenian Birkhabahadur Thapa, 1st Bn., King Edwaru s Own umka Rifles being awa.'ded decorations fir gallant conduct In the field. Communists in Kora needed An introduction to these wiry little n:ilK VVIMH. SWr.ATI.ICS Closely vuvii . li..,i,.t. Cl.,ni, o t... nn to io ui tile field, li-niued 1 now astir under the beginnings ' omei.s Anyone .should be aware of tins but evidently the majority d.i miL. An Ottawa clerfyuiau, leei-tiig .strongly on the subject, says it has been an illuminating experience for him to r."iuove hi.s cleiical collar, and sit in at some spurting event. He discovere.! ea, carried 40 pound ually crys crystal- nm,UI of Intelligent, gradually A HIM SI'K 1AI . at .v well as unuruiiiition lizins leadershm i Pars It is not a Domtless. runnlmt-i "'W ':,u action, in ' fighting men from the land on :e round-in-chcles business. There "it'Wy ground made everv move is a deliberate attempt, at the "P u" mountain slopes treuch- that ton many funs appear to known as British India. hop and i erous. There was a timMani 'ave at danger of mudslides carrying Up men into the valley hmicheilf, of ief below. T aniiiilif! in rai.i-uidden clol.hini; ov.-r Mirinerv various levels, to get the various Moslem countries to cooperate or, later, eyen.tu unie. oOo IF YOU LOOK at a map of I 1 Yr T ripsp-i )" f a .fl ails w..l. i il'll act Win 'sini't!v lifter ll. inino-l i PRINTING m m us Highest Quality . ' f all these Asian countries, teeming with poor people, ale slum-bang up against Uie frontiers f;f dynaiiiie world Communism, one gels fact p umber one with winch to get understanding of the realities here. the world, and color the Mo-; hammedan countries in brown, i you can get a good idea of the 1 direction of one of the next bia tides in human affairs. For, while there is a lot of mc.c taut at these Arab and larger Ma6lragatherings, there ure ceriain,f2Uimon oojectives j very plainly emerging. Chief of these is thVf fctfiipletion of I lift opiunial liberation process. At the moment .France is the main target for the blasts of the arriving delesatfs. " , Ihil advertisement i not publliheg or dliplyed by the Uquor Control fioerd or the Government 4 ColumU. Closer At Home Dibb Printing CI According to Murad Kiouna, editor of the Algerian paper, In FISHERMEN .... QRINCE RUPERT is notorious for its excess in r drinking throughout the length and breadth of the province. We probably spend more on liquor per capita than any other city in British Columbia, perhaps Canada. Surely, this is not a healthy sign, and as surely there must be an explanation for it. In Prince Rupert there is perhaps too little opportunity for wholesome recreation. Is our city so drab and depressing that its people are driven to drink ? Or is it that only jn its beer parlors are found companionship, community spirit and con ternational Young Islam, four hundred thousand Moslem boys in that. Frenrh-ruled country are without .jfioOlj. 'Freedom ui speech In uiiWiwn, he declares, fcven freeopm of religion nas been curtailed, 'for "the govern-' ment (that ls of France! has taken over "the selection of lilt) Muitti and Imam. For complete mmllai.l of your High Seed Gasoline EnWs, see Rupert Motors Ltd. Wn have tlio trained and specialized equipment lo 5-- ' Ik -J.J A The Canadian Army Active Force announces SHORT SERVICE COMMISSIONS perforin this work for you efficiently and economically. J-J T'f To avoid delay this spring when y-JjS H the rush Ls 011, let us have' that L sSi' I CITE Trtrf ABOVE because It is typical of the many bla';ts which are let loose as planeload after . plane-inari oi delegates arrive. In this part of the world one does not hear so much about the question, i which looms .so large in North America whether or not theri will be a war between blocs led by the United joli now. Rupert Motors Lid States on the one hand and Be Wise. Russia on the other. But one does hear a great deal about the iniquities of imperialismand of the need finally to liquidate it, especially in Moslem countries. oOo IF YOU TALK, as I have, with top statesmen who help direct the foreign affairs programs of their countries, you also very quickly find that there is a BUY N( The Canadian Army Active Force will accept men with the necessary qualifications for short service commissions, as officers of the Canadian Army. This applies to men who are in the following categories: Veteron Officers with Second World War experience will be appointed directly into Ihe Canadian Army Active Force in commissioned rank. According 1o qualifications of candidates, appointments will be i.i the rank of Lieutenant or Captain. In special cases, mainly ip technical corps, the rank of Major may be granted. Members of University Contingents C.O.T.C., who hove successfully completed the second Dractical phase of training will be appointed as Lieutenonts. Graduates of Command Contingents Six Months Course will be appointed as Lieutenants. Other Ranks, Active Force, wll be appointed officer cadets pending qualifications ns Lieutenant. GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS $), vvnn pump 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE REFRIGERATORS deep concern at what is considered the too-truculent approach of the United States In ine world struggle with Russia It is not that these Moslem leaders are in favor of that immoral and cowardly process which, since Munich, has become known as "appeasement" GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE RANGES geniality? And exploitation does not end with the liquor problem. Whenever a commodity is scarce, it goes to the highest bidder. If it remains scarce, all sense of value is lost the bidding becomes a frenzy of, hysteria and we have inflation. Real estate housing in Prince Rupert has reached this point. Efforts to keep the situation thus would leave one only with the impression there are those who favor this situation; are taking advantage of it; are exploiting their kindred beings not for their weaknesses, ignorance or desires, but for their dire needs. Save Music Festival PRINCE RUPERT has already had two very successful music and drama festivals and ambitious plans are being laid for another this year. However, there has been a disappointing response so far in the way of entries so the closing date for the entries has been deferred for two weeks. After the good showing that has been, made, it would be regrettable indeed if this splendid cultural event should be permitted to languish or lapse this year. There is plenty of group and individual talent both in city and district and it is fitting that it should be brought together in competition, particularly under such auspices as these festivals afford when expert adjudicators are on hand to criticize constructively and advise helpfully. Within the next two weeks, it is to be hoped that music and drama groups and individual conv petitors will rally to this event and make it even more successful and interesting than its predecessors have been. It does not speak too well for a community of this size if it is indifferent to an event 6uch as this. Here is a challenge to musical organizations and those who have the cultural life of the city, really at heart. In long and most candid talks with some of their key statesmen (which were the more candid because they were not to be NOW ON DISPLAY AT Northern B.C. Power Phnne 211 Prince Rupert reported verbatim l, they have compared the proclamation of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers with the votes in the UN. Why did the non-Asian members of the Commonwealth wilt ana retreat from the positive-peace-makmg position agreed upon at London? They ask it without bitterness, but with sharp point. Why did only the Asian members stand firm on W ALLACE the ground unanimously ac PAY AND ALLOWANCES Pay and allowances will be the same as for Officers holding permanent commissions. Gratuity Aqratuityof one month pay and allowances for each year of service will be paid to officers who are not Granted permanent commissions at the end of the Short Service term. Uniform Allowances Officers appointed to Short Service Commissions in the Canadian Army Active Force will be given an adequate outfit cepted at London? GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates for Short Service Commissions must be Canadian citizens or British subjects normally resident in Canada, physically fit. Minimum education requirement: Junior Matriculation. Length of Short Service Commission: Candidates may apply for a 3, 4 or 5 year commission Dt their option- Short Service Commission Officers will be considered for permanent Active Force Commissions upon completion of their term of service. Pliar oOo I VENTURED to suggest to one key figure that sometimes even countries like Canada, or even Britain, were not able to I hold a preferred position in the I face of pressure from the Unit-; HOURS: WEEK DAYS: ed States. His eyes twinkled as he pointed to a big map of Pakistan. He I showed me where the Soviet Union's borders adjoin this p H O N E 7 9 country's and also where Com- i SUNDAYS: Howatt, E. R. Campbell, G. M Meredith, H. Ji. Hodgins, A. J. 7 p.m.1 Bell and H. W. Jefferson, Van FOR FULL DETAILS Write directly to the Director-General of Army Personnel, Ottawa, or apply to the nearest Canadian Army Personnel' Depot: No. 11 Personnel Depot, 4050 West Fourth Ave., VANCOUVER, B.C. munlst China s do. "We have neighbors, too," he said. I am not suggesting that the neighborly 'friendships are the same for, obviously, they are not the same as between Canada and our best friend and next-door neighbor. But If one keeps In mind that couver; H. Boquist. Houston Sing Fun, Stewart; W. Keteren chulc, city; C, B. Thompson, Tor onto; W. Comeau, Topley. For Action Advertise! (Prince Rupert) H. Higgins and W." Hicks, Victoria; A. E. Small, Everett, Washington; A. F. Chapman, F. D. AND THIKH 81X111 STREET