ly learned enough of it to pass j not sure. Anyway, whatever the Interested in As I See It ; T; rai,xav i natural i... Prince Rupert Daily News ; ' raw . . Tl!iir.rinv. M:iv 10. 1951 my matric, I swore never again tneory may nave Deen. me re-and I'm too old, to change now, suits were obviously good. For even for the sake of Yugoslav- this teacher was obviously gv?t-Canadian relations. ' I ting results that any teacher oOo ! would be happy and, indeed, This District Reflects and C""ection W. M. Maxwell, chief of de- mln THE GEOGRAPHY CLASS WAS proud to get in any land, a tre at, wen If I had to get whin. ! oOo velopment of the Canadian Na-: Reminisces m ore The room was full of boys of ; points with my interpreter, I , tlonal "allways. has written to fcn Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Ontr&.l British Columbia. , , . . Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Ne-;paper Associat'on. " ' A. HUNTER, Manayine Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' . Carrier, Per Week, ?Me; Per Month; 75p; Per Year, "tv'i J J $8.00; By Mail, Per Month. 35c; Per Year, $8 00. "-f fc-fc : about 12 or 13 years of age. ; asked myself why they had made j tne trine Kupert Chamber of $1 have separate no distinction between Canada, Commerce expressing apprecia (Girls and boys schools here.) 5 U. S.A., Mexico and so on, in their tion of a letter sent him by the The teacher, Mrs. Radmllo ' teaching. But then I recalled chamber recently acknowledging k JAPAN A country whose re- i icent history began with "Pori"j j Arthur and ended with "Muck", : Arthur. ! Ristio. is a Dowerful woman in : that the teacher had been most alu nublicit v he SCHOOL IN BELGRADE (Very sense. She appears to be in : explicit in correcting the boys, to tni6 port arid district in address, her thirties, Is fuirissh, broud and the effect thut they were study- i befre eastern organizations New Tariffs IjELGUAUK YL'uO- businesslike. Energyi vibrates '"B a coimneni., nu cuuiiirie. HARD TO CHKKR IP Mr. Maxwell indicate that he will be hanpy to visit Prince Ru- , When we are being urged lo gLAVIA lnis morning lfllHl,n tu w,,,th ;were interested in physical facts lieiliUUU JltUlC iiiuiicj u nofl T 4 1 .,.1 a school scnooi American American continent-wirh continent witn a a go good nut P')lilical Riding lines. i, . tu :,,,,. ,lf .,. l went uacK to OOO IIUU1.-., U1C miu" . ,,.. .-l,.,,,!., tH fo! .A, alwuys feel and, incidentally, the more British to bouL In this country, in a sort of no-man's-land In the big bloc war, the American Ambass.irlni- Mr. Abbott .s t."id indeed to this time tar trom home., j ke l ot ; my wife is very pleased iTeXcla'es 3 Wi cos ! 1 "M hat did any kind were shown. , with herself, because of what sh, univ'fomf about when the i in lnelr scnools hel'--. so-'pbked, The teaching technique, in that thinks was a smart comeback to A- einoluvee will be wilUn to toil ! the one nearest our hotel. clas:;, Is by the question and an- p. comment made by an elevator : probably the most powerful I swer method, the first boy man. Ho saw to ner. you Am-,Biit. the longer Mr a smaller pay cheek it was th ernnd bvs' Ivi up British- Ambassador, I am everywhere told, is the most influential, perhaps because ' noticed 10 lnp DuarQ lo answer ss lo e' school. As we entered I , I the huge bemb-gap. kit vacant me to be the -brain" of the class "No she answered, J Cana-iho r.m0n. hmhc,i this -.probably picked to impress dian. But to hear tne glorious news that there won't be any more . $2.2j L-eelstealts or au-cent busier conies as s;ant comfort. 'Yugoslavs deeply respect what All same-all the British have achieved bv visitors. But there He shrugged. j place in 1941. was nothing i their evolutionary type of social are all same as advance. . . we entered the principal s wis:-'"u(ieu uooui, me rest oi JI.ST WOILUN'T DIE office much like its Canadian th- rl"d- Af eath Question was "O, so yoi ": Ntsbitt writ-i But I noticed the asl" eaK" u"as wel1 "P. ! Jim of Victoria, counterpart. nV T . , . ' bv 011es lwo. but 'n He burst out laughing at that ing recently about the Time i significant two photographs on r large : and the Colonist, described the the wall Tito's and Lenin's, "umbers. The whole class seem- for, of curse, the Italians and 'latter as Canudas senior news- Three years ago, Stalin's would ed to have areally sound ground-i Yugoslavs, though also next-l.mtwr. .rfftib o but It must be h... hr. ui nnt ni '!n I" the kind of resources : door neighbors, are very far from SPECIALS!! "i YIT1I industry becoming : factor of pre-A Vv pomlt'rant importance in the economy oi 'Prince Rupert and Central .Rritish Columbia, we ' become more tariff-conscious. Tariff is of a good deal more direct importance than a merely theoret-- v . j(.ai matter. Heretofore, tariff on fish was the thing that wc Tvere most directly concerned about although lum-" W tariffs interested us to some extent. Now any announcement concerning such commodities as pulp and aluminum are of great interest. :c , Theref ore (he Torouay agreements, some par- ticulars of w bich we announced yesterday, are liead-" line events for Prince Rupert. For instance, we note that the tariff on alum-i inum from Canada to the United States is to be re-.duced by twenty-five percent. Such a concession, if finally consummated, would have a great bearing Z on the new aluminum industry in this area. V. Canadian canned salmon in the United States also gets a cut in tariff from 25 to 15 percent. This should work to the benefit of this industry which has "ong been of so direct concern to Prince Rupert. . British Columbia businessmen are receiving tlv; neAvs of the Torquay agreement with gratification. They should be of considerable satisfaction, also, to this industrially expanding area. MEN'S llltKSS SHOKS-AU sizes j. helluva long time since Wil- ! j SQOn chuckled to think how ! which North America possesses. being bosom pals. Of course, her Ham Lyon Mackenzie and his's;miiur people are despite dif-i I asked myself whether a class ! comparison was away out bt line, little sheet proved so vastly an- j (erellces of race and tongue and uf 13-year-old Canadian boys for whether we admit it or. not, noying to certain groups in To- p0lllics Tne principal, or direc- - would be as well able to answer, i the difference between Cana-ronto. Doubtless a century ago. : tor Pairasin Nlkitovic. neat. readily, questions about the ciians and Americans are virtu- MKN'S l.'NIirKWEAK-Comblnations. all sli.,s p;r vuil FISHERMEN'S Pl I-EOVEItS - All wool n a ,ry gwNu writ'iii, t IIOVS' UlNDU'tEAKHlS-All sizes anyway. 'Ihey tnrew nis ptr-Unacluus paper into the lake but j thut did not finish the proprietor, because he refused to -;ay UcKed. raven-haired, hawk-noa-d mm """""i Pauiuula. ally lmpercepiiDie to omvis the farther from home u0" I However, of 30-plus, was talking to some: windbag on the pftone But I AM NO EXPERT ON TEACH-, we are, the more Canac.ian we meantime, a handsome woman " methods. It seemed to me ! ' with a fins flirure was trvinir to;"1"'- lne Belgrade lady teacher;. , . Simij tVJI K.Bi. BOYS' ItLl'E UKNIMS 8-oz complete some business involving intervened to correct the boys' j tlArtf Iffhinfl answers more than would have ! papers on the desk The principal, been thj case with us but I'm! More thai one special urtlcie is trying to establish the fact mat tlje married man lives longer than the bachelor. It all without interrupting his phone talk, carried on the complicated Toes and Feet hop and ave at extra transaction, which involv down to this. He only thinks he doej. Ei Cliff 1! NOW IS THI Ktri U n ch'un. Btulults. mitiit)r i H thut will do mure t" help you ;-t r it! of your trouble than unythiui-you've over ncMort in mti owrrfuy pcno-truting thut the ItchiiiH 1 quickh upp4:d; uiiri in a iiLort. tim you uri rid at that hothersuiiiu. fiery iwhwi. Tiw same ts true of Barber "b lu n Suit Rhcmn. Eccma othT Irrituiln" unsightly skin troubli'it. You can obtain Mount's EmtraU,. Oil In the original buttle ul uny mod em drui store. It Is safe to tiw - una f i i Ki r in uny of Uie uilment.-i utu u above U rarn 1hJ(hU. (l' ed sign language, signature and even tearing some coupons a'id ..tier in half oOo WHAT DID I WANT TO OB-serve an English class, geography or physics? I chose English first and geography second. It turned out that we were just too late for the English class so we concentrated on geography. I think the principal was a bit disappointed when I resolutely vetoed physios Once I unwilling- TIME TO Matthew Halton, ace corre-rpondent, Is equally at home m p.ctunng war or international pontics, and now his broadcasts miss nothing in describing tne british testival. He has the Aiiao Oi malting you ant 10 jee and know more of what must be a marvellous show s.x months of it. Halton hails originally from Alberta. Scripture fas.safje for fJnJa.j "Be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools." Eccle.s. 5:1. yg&k i his aivcrtismeiit is nut pubMnMl or (i-pht(-( by the Jiiqimr Coiitmi li mrd or by th ( J rvmnneiit of RE-ROO We will do the io1 Asphalt or C. Shingles if rmmi Eft7, iwhw r at Prince George has won a prize ior ward rapport among this vear's graduates from the Roval Columbian Hospital nurses' Evn Canadian history is be- J-"iSVV FOB ESTWATC traininir snhunl at. New Westmin- coming mixed up in this Ma: - Ittrie Ktcr. I Arthur-Truman tingle. It go I'Uone 909 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. ro M is, i An Amvox-born elrl who for oacK to Queoec ior almost a Miss Smith is the daughter of WHO SAID SAVING B.C. merly lived in Prmce Rupert and William Smith, a former emithers and whose home is nxiw police officer, now retired. J i couple of centuries. When the general was a cadet at West foint he was instructed .o tamiliarue himself with Wolfe.; HANDSOME LUGGA assault on the French-Canadian j WAS litronghgld. It seems the British! origadiers met in council und JUST ARRIVED they .were asked by their commanding ofticer which was to ftage the attack from the boats or scale the jhfis. mt s.rongly favored the frontal assault and this was all General Wolfe wished to know for he lelt convinced it would hoid the attention of Montcalm. It did, nuiKing pjs.sitjie U:e Unshiag climb- up to the Heights v.t Abraham. MacArlliur never fo.-got this lesson, absorbed ut vV't't fomt. He even thought ol it m prevent it j -DURING CHILDHOOD ...FOR THf YEARS AHEAD! J Korea! S fleer your luggage in Ma I died Sets or indiviuiKil pieces fijjr our wide cl'ioicj of Leal hers, Vaicr, nnd Colors. Fashion TS ALWAVS POSSIBLE The Lord's P.ayer is calk'd the most perfect of all prayer.; but do not try to have cnildren learn it from poor enuiiciaui or where there is an audience. There may be misunderstanding. One small boy was heara to say Harold be Thy Nam;.' Another begged: "Give up thii day cur jelly-bread" while a N1;..- Footms CL: 1 Ol WILL HELP YOU MEET THE HIGH COST OF LIVING York tot petitioned, "Lead u;. not into Penn Station." L I ItCa Save HELP WANTED Permanent positions for sultabh- nun. M'jt working coiidllloiw. Top wai-s. Two t"'.'-' alieronoyearemployinenl M. ilinu B.'nuf -fees paid by firm. 2 First Class Automobilo Mcch. Body W ' 1 Firsr Class Automobile and Painter. 1 Apply: LONDON (P. Recent laboratory tests of London's water supply showed 99.9 per cent of the samples met the highest standards of purity. It was the best showing ever made. Skinnymen.women , - p jr t .-.... ., huiihi,,,,,,..! t ..ji ' s ?r f jrrrrrrrrrrnrrs II gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Rupert Motors Get New Pep. Vim. Vigor CIIRYSI.EK, PLYMUUin I Whit thrill t Bonr llinlrt fill out; uglr bul- iow nil uu; arck do Ioukw ariawny; bodf r Saving money was never a cinch for any of us. But, today with taxes up and prices taking the stairs three at a time, saving is really a tough assignment. Still, all of us know we need to sav . . . for our own good and for die country's good. , If we're going to succeed, there's only one answer a plan by whifh we spend less than we receive. See if Personal Planning doesn't show you that way. Personal Planning is helping others to save. It can help you, too. As one couple told us, "This is the first budget-plan that my husband and I felt we could really make work." Pick up your copy of our ""Personal Planning" booklet at your neighborhood branch of "MY BANK". You'll be glad you did. rrnet tialf-(ils,red, tick If bt-ftii-uolp" look. Tlnu saiiilH of glrli, wutuen. men, woo UKtu con id mm ini for, fcr not proud of ttliKiifly, tinsltriy-lmikliif IhkIJm. Tlii-y i hank tbt si-I'lil vigoi -tmtldJui, bt-ih-lxill1iiiK 'oiin-, Ontrfi. lu tuntcj, Mlumluiia. tntlvtira- I FOR . WolUs J I 1 K5 TTTf i J : jS Mothr!Givyourchil- ' ' "', y dr.n Iht benefit of this ' 48s5elaHAJbaiB ji), t:n fl promiting new method lllllll I V4 " ' Wl I 3 j of oltocking tooth decay. -n A if I ""i :- i ' Pre,iminary tests conducted terine Antiseptic make this same ft i ,4 ; with thii famout formula at the formula readily available to you 'n ' ! p - - Universityof Illinois Foundation, and to your family, -j j - coeoftercaeofreduclioninthe Use Listerine Ammoniated ! i. , ' 4 incidence of tooth decay was re- Tooth Paste regularly, as di- i ' '; m ported. No wonder it has caused rerted, morning and night and t;i 'i- J B such interest in dental circles! right after eating. Lambert Phar- . . , - j K Now tlie manufacturers of Lis- macaICo.(Conoda)Ltd.,Toronto. t J V Chtmlcal action rftduot M Mtchanlcal action eUani mir. tom, irmi. iltHiiUt ft,, ci-rhim, rtirlctj bltxrd, iutlHOft (Mid )lv juu mort stroll in Kfid iiouri-lniiHit; lul tlttaU Gt Lovely CurvM !()!! t if4t tfCllillB fct. Stop ulifii uiii'ff Ki"d "'0 ft. Ut. 1ft or Itti lbs you nwd tor tlOIOIftl WKIKlK. lOill unit, N "jtet mintif)" GIVE ELECTRICAL GIFTS tun-. Try (lift 'iirnif TalHft tor WW mm ami itlerl iMKinrtn, Kill m (Uf. At til diUKkisli, Hamilton Beach Food Mixer , K40 General Electric Kettle -: F80 Gsneral Electric Iron , T12 General Electric Toaster T19 General Electric Toaster T22 General Electric Toaster -- Presto Steam Iron - ..... r. I frnm ' -5 J? Mm mouth acidity. Mouth acid- rX( ee fui as teeth are brushed hehiB break UD and remova , jf, My encourages Ueoy. Bank of Montreal decay-breeding deposits. Something New for BABY-VIYELLA SHAWL ;' -i "' I M Ch.mical action chtckl acid- --fflffflj i ' ---j rJi,,3r J ftn-ming bHotpria a major Jpr3i ' ' 8. r'I'l, cause of decay. Xj , ' 31 , Northern B.C. M Hp Cov Ltd. LISTERINE i b (I d slji- Prince Rupert Branch: O. R. S. BLACKABY, Manacer '- Stewart Branch: MELVILLE O. OENOE, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN E V E It Y WAIK Of LIFE Bl"clc A Besnff The Stork She Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. LICENSED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! Msd Io Canada SINCE- IIU