Prince Rupert Daily Ws Thursday, May 10, IS 1 Arti and Crafts oca aiienaeri a EARLY EXPLORER j. XA?JT SYE5TEM Nottingham Island In Hudson j The Cse used fingerprints and PERSONAL From Sandspit (Wednesdayi i Bay was so named by Luke Foxe : as disye signatures on on his voyage in-1631, after the documeij as eariy as the , Drawings for the recently con Mr. Houghton, A. Kullberg, H. Earl of Nottingham. seventn -jury A.D. uturge vuos was a passenger; Sidney Gonick returned yes- ducted raffles in connection with on toHav'c nlsii. f... a i . - j ... . . . . . . . . LiOKKCn A. Milter, R. Secord, Mr. ! SPECIAL! Alberta Deep Seam tcoolor, -----j - -vi tiiv.uuver veruay irom a iwu-uuy uua:ness me Arts ana ijralts snow tooK lor a brief business trip. , : trip to Terrace. place last night during the Sonja tea, oomecooking andj Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Levelton of Slav CWiJ rentfPRUP"RBC 3. Everybody welcome U1D the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. ; purse, Ralph E!m-Dr R. H. Ball of the Columbia1 George J. Dawes returned to Breen- No- 863-cellulose Co. left., on today's the city on yesterday afternoon's Evening bag, Mr. Gustafson, V I .75 i luMp $1 PER JON MacAroney. I From Vancouver (Wednesday) A. L. Gordon, Mrs. Rickwood, i Mr. Karner, Mr. Norwell, Mrs. Norwell, Mr. Venutl, Mr. Good- i ridge. . j To Vancouver (Wednesdayi i J. I. Rodriguez, Mr. G. Zion, Mrs. I Zion, T. H. Barbour, G. Ander- son, W. H. Johnson. To Port Hardy Wednesdayl-i- G. F-'terson, B. Reicher. j To Vancouver (today i J. N.j Forman, L. Crampton, Dr. G. E. i H. Montgomery, G. Cooke, D. Munro. E. Eamnr, Hanson, A. pmne ior a. cmsiness trip to Van- Dlana from . two weeks .,rln t No. 167. 10 SACKS ?8.50 couver. Vancouver ' Green handbag, R. C. Good. No. 383. T I 1 i ; t-; ..a. - ii n REPORT -FROM PARLIA- Hear Hear E E. T Apnlewhai.e ' .u ,1' rc,oc",'"i" 'C-""J w: r.aure, t naimucre, wo. 03. MENT MP Mr, Station Cf OFPR PR fl-4i 6.4o, tnnihf tonight, ' ",c un "le "-e nupen. , oewing ku ana nassotK, Mrs. Ration yesterday from a business trip Mark Hill, No. 66. w ,aiii.uuci. i i-ui:iieu art, ivns. j. naruin, ino. PHONE 116 -117 or 58 Albert & McCaffer 0 362. Mrs. Robert Cameron Is sailing v,.,.ei.,,a nam, QUe num me Th H,au,io. -i i ,. tonight on the Prince Rupert for East at 11:15 davlicht savi- , . r.:""u"-" " A. Cote, H. K. Radford, J. E. mitwjuvHi wnrr? jyrr. v-amc-ion la receiving mediiaj treatment. Wright. To Sandspit (today) P. Stark. ar 'th.rTT bf I'"" tUr tducuuo. au.l creation bJf?. inft ,a9Vh Hhifor lhe 'tmeut of Educa-would would bring tt it in at 12:45 mid-Wirn iticn. u,h t,8 h..,, i ,i. LIM1TEP Brank Calder, MLA for Atlin left for Stewart today by plane nlBht. 'For Action Advertise! official business. Mrs. W. J. Nelson arrived in the alter a, short stay in Prince Rupi'rt. city at the first of the week fnm V. Q. Stenstrom, consultant 0cear Falls to spend a month lor the Columbia Cellulose Co., nere visiting with her daughters, arrived in the city on the Prince Mrs- James Donaldson and Miss gf To Smithers Bus Service Is Starting Rupert, yesterday from Van- Beverley Nelson, couver. He returned south by n00, nui , M,anson China Shop Is plant, Diane todav today. re opening tomorrow, Friday, May Duncan Kerr, Terrace saw- J1- ?ee tne wonderful gifts Justi mill opeartor and secretary of P time for "Mom" on Mother's' the Associated Boards of Trade Pav- With every purchase oTi The new bus service between Prince Rupert and Smithers will of Central, British Columbia, is "3U r more Mansonls China on onop will give you FREE one (Flint Bread Knife utci ' J7 , "0""1 a visitor in the city today Hr driver David n m Jones of this city business, taking rut the initial trlD at 9 ('clock (daylight saving Vptat'. PORTRAITS Films In-velDped and Printed PROMPT SERVICE ' IIAMtl.l lt'S STl'DIO 210 - Street Box 645 IMiime Green 39 Prince Rupert Mr. and Mis. A. A. Antilja ar-' Mrs- A- - Boas and family are 1 rived in the city on the Prince sal'ing tonight on the Pnnre " TtnioW Blu Bonn ll j I , siT - j look a defuoui at it tot II i f i Press th button II ! Knead th boj II - rV Blue Bonnet it o rich golden-yellow ready ; if o serve I f t-arner in the week, a famil- larizatlon. trip. was. made with Rupert yesterday from Ocean ""l"" Ior Vancouver whei they the big 33-seat vehicle. Depart- Falls and will proceed from here wl" be Joined later by Mr. Bous Urp innHo at S a m t.n R:ihlno Iota In nhW-h r,lt and Proceed to Npldrin ij maba' FT 'Pocked In B.C vegetable soup id Smithers reached that evpn eefsrocK. K 4 r-. Zde Try 'H"' this with 'country-sty rich, nounsbng be s i-ii fiver i Mr. Annua nas oeen transferred """"t iime. Mr. Boas has l as forest ranger. i been transferred to Nvlson as sanitarian after having been For the hard of hearing we located here for the past four have added a hearing aid de- years. j partment. Ask for a -demonstra- ' lion of our $85.00 set. We also . , inf. Th- return was made by night, leaving Tuesday. The ve-'li-ie gave a satisfactory per-l.;i miince, the driver reported. - Under the regular schedule two trins a w ek will be made t ach way, leaving Prince Rupert n' 9 nm. (davlicht timei Thursdays and Sundays and reaching till I Y It's easy . . . it's fun . . . (oroake Klue Honncl hotel arrivals handle batteries for diliei.t.a makes. John Bulger Jewelle- 1 (ltc) margarine that appetizing Rollen-low color everyoue likes. Takes two minutes Hat ! And the amazing ellow MMER:M VEGETABLE SOUP yuik plastic bag actually seals in Blue Bonnet s aen-rious countrv-sweet JIavor; keeps it fresher, keeps it lunger. Ask for Y ellow Quik Blue Bonnet today I Jerry Mathison, director of physual education and recreation for thi fDepartment of Edu (Prince Rupert) E. Paulsen, K. Fraser, D. G. ' Stenstrom, D. A. Livingston. Mr. "Hospitality ond ' Good Food" I cation, after spending a couple YOUR FAMILY DESERVES AYLMER QUALITY w of days in the city, left by bus nd Mrs' L' Brooker ad family, thic m rning for Terrace wiience , R' Birnle' w- R- Clerihue and . .iii J. b. WriKht. Vancouver- H n j tm:iners at 7:40 a.m. Fridays and I Mnnrtivs Return from Smithers will be jni'.dc Fridays and Mondays, j 'f aving Uie -c 9 p m. and reaching ihere at 7:29 a.m. Saturdays and Ti s''ays. "M tlr-oueh srvic between Price Rupert and to points be- v id Terrace t Smithers. Through oassnnsers can be pick- t iri emoule tvtw een here and Terrace. That is Our First Aim I'lione 17 for Orders To Take Out he wi'l proceed to other interior points on his way back to Vancouver, v MAKE YOUR CAR LAST! 1 1 ii Davidson. Welland, Ontario; I. W. Coote. Hajlyburn; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett and ami v, city; Miss B. Rogers. Victoria; ft L. Bandars. Montreal; Mr. ai.B Mrs. A. O. Boas, city. " net .KVi S n Commodore Cale "V -e . .fell - t t A f I iint.Kii, t ineii 1 tk?' F"UV;"! Vl-MFNT Thr-.n h rir.Tln?- nrd a (o mer swoniD in o- M-iJu-a r -aduced worth of rice in 1950. party CatholL- Hall. Card May 10. A Product ot the Maktrt of : FUISCHMANN'S , YEAST - Rupert Milk Best in B.C " Bulkley Valley farmers, who scwly Prince Rup.'it's fresh milk market, are producing the best quaHty milk In the province. Such is the statement of Dr. Duncan McC. Blaek. director of th" Prince Rupert and District Union Board of Health in his report for the month of April. Ruiti! sampling of milk was carried out and bacteriolo-'i?a! data obtained during a period of six months. Qualified Stcqrn Boiler and Refrigeration Pioa Welders All Cirtified Op.-iutjrs INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 2'i-lst I). Pli.;r.e (ii-tcn R81 Salad Dressing BlueBonnf 1 o Usc, MABGARJHE I ' MAGIC IAKING POWOn and other fine lead products Derrer wan Christian Life crusade Firs! Riptlst Church. April 2!) to M.iv 10, week hights 8 p.m. Sonja lea. Mav 12 Presbyterian Missionary Tea. church hall, May 16. Tea, Home cooking and White Elephant sale, Catholic School Hall, May 10. Eastern Star Tea, Masonic Temple. May 17. S O N. Smorgaasbord, May 13. Lutheran tea, Mav '3 Card Party Catholic Hall, May 31. ('""iriian i.e'vion card party May 31. , BRING IT HtRE FOR . THE DEST OF SERVICE ! SUNDAY May 131 Joining up To Sewers rior Auto Service A"! UJo Superi TMUSTARD AM IMUSMRO MAN JOHN H. BULGER o John Bulger Ltd. Third Aveuup i.niiTnu I .hi- rau:-.;.'ei". Jain'joree There has been a considerable May 31, June 1, ? ediKtlon in the number of sep-' Tea and Home cooki,lg saip c tanks and nichtsoll collec- catholic Hall June 14 :l:.'tton of STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS liiiiii Avrniie bL Park Green 217 EP1!RS Sef r-i!,- lovf rAY GRFETIM ; r-rp i rz. ? ! .vn JS" -ft. jtWMu,. jlllls -miu .-m j. jm. mU. m s.. -a. . jH'"fc . I mmmi tions in the city as a result or hooking up with available sewers, ;ays a ieport on sanitation con-I'nec' in ihr Aori' r-Dort of the Prince Rupert Public Health Unit. "These collections have 'een cut in half, during the last iour years," says the report. . , - I. oi- iti uiWJOVJC id , r i w.v . ' fsh VIEW-MASTER REELS Wl 9t tmiim Jill) k Reduced Order Mother's flowers now and be sure she receives the favorite varieties she will cherish for the loving 1, 5 c each Vy, - message they bring. Public Health Nurse Sought Since the resignation of Miss L' MJm nj Malhr't Dai y - ' WRATHALL'S riiotii I'inisliin' 3-0 Third Ave. W. 5 j Flowert-by-Wtr any where. E. Edwards as public health nurse I P STEAMER at Terrace to be married, nego-iations are being carried on in an endeavor to obtain a successor. Meantime the senior nurse at Prince Rupert is spending ten lays a month at Terrace to carry out routine duties, including well baby clinics. , FLORIST Prince Rupert Phono 777 hinoiinciiicf A NEW SERVICE fegBSi Johnson's 'ails for Vancouver ''ii Intrrnii'tliule 1'nrls Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. for KETCHIKAN "m:si).y ihdnk;ht l uxury at Low Cost (ntw opplitr for Glo-Cool fhof yon wax Heart landing up) to KITIMAT KILDALA ARM KEMANO BAY. Commencing Friday, May 11 For MA'I'kS INHHMAT10?J. KESFUVATIONS MJ Jt ? . a-sTK c') f s3C' iwWWlMtl Nips, but it doesn't - ft A - CI Pny perfect wh fe I, 1 4 hoc dogs ot sandwiches. , f! . cxjQaaiiD cmiu iauci . !) i 5 ..for tint "gentle ptess" ' 0 Vy j I ( 50 ea ' goodness that wakes ;r; l For Reservations Write or Call ITY on DKPO'I OFFICE PHINCE RUPERT, 1J.C. ft?! PHONE 476 Queen Charlotte Airlines Ltd. Wond.rfvl y honilyl Long hoiwlto k " yw kn..i. IHnlly dixtill V pr.odi Gio-Coot inooir. "iy. iwy- tai out lor oasy waiMno. May b mod again and my- - . -dm I v-vrirv v J 5,o lo,tlffi rn jo,,ai Icwot sio e.(rl4a I sw OttJ 1 1 I I ""a-w.j Kiltas & Christoper Bldg. Air Freight on oil Flights " in Today a Johiuon'i Ull I VII .11.1.1m Clo-Cod al ruolw flo ... Olo-Caal AllH Sine Results! soil .