r'iiiiCe KuperT Luiiy i,e- Thursday. May 10. 1951 oni urJarij Clever African Artist Found Sc : Afternoon Teas make friendly entertainment , mi 51 5 oropli Band Honors Dead Member Funeral for Joseph Addison, 58, victim of an automobile accident Saturday night, was hid at 2:30 p.m. yesterday from hide his talent and modelled a perfect figure. Freddie's talents wete given servation, were marketed and instantly created a demand. Expansion in the ceramic field was started. Five potters were items a day. Freddie, who uses no toois but his hands and has had neither lessons nor guidance, continues to model his individualistic figures and critics predict a great future for him. For Action Advertise! PORT ELIZABETH South Af-i free rein, and hp u-as st. tn th Hiph School Girl to be ' Aided TB Sale Campaign Success I work he loved. His modeU of 1 aniirmls, detailed with acute ob i brought from Italy, Holland and England, and the output of glaz- nca The story of an African who changed the whole course of an Industry in which he was once a laborer was told at tha Members of the Soroptimlst irenville Chapel. The Prince RuDPrt. c.lUn Donrf m ,v.i- i. Cluh ff.'l that thov uinnlri like to had been a membpr fr,r in BM i financially assist hiuh school eirl Port Elizabeth agricultural showi Everybody's Talking About This Great Razor Bargain ! played two hymns in the chap-; studenu to further their educa-;0? an of"l of the company, el, "Nearer My God To Thee,"! ' Hon so a bursary of $100 will be Two years ago 30-year-o!d and " Lead Kindly Light." I offered to a girl student to help Freddie Mputing. an African from At Fairvlew Cemetery, where her to continue with her studies the eastern Transvaal, was in-burial took place, the band in the field of her choice. It was strumental in bringing about a played "Abide With Me." I so decided at a recent meeting radical change in the company's Pallbearers were W. J. Shep- of the club at the home of the output, pard, Joseph Adcock, Bert Teng, President, Mrs. Irene Busbaw at! Workmen at the end Bert Cameron, Leg Theobold and Miller Bay I , t, 1, rer-ivinp B , , , , ' ' lof v, i Josenh hiisch. Bi.sch The . ... ,. , a long kiln In which clay in-Joseph erection of another diving i 't Gill (0MPIETE WITH 10 CIIUTTI BLUE HADES IN DISPENSER! Canon Basil S. Proctor offi- r :iated. BIG $2.00 VALUE on c board at the Salt Lakes was dis-t0 time found clay anima!s hid. cussed. tlPn lln(P!. thp tno,,!-,,-. t'rn- M.. Alex MacKenzle, clubiWare f their real art'stic worth representative to the Civic Centre they often destroyec, th(.m. Association, presented a comprehensive report on the recent ne tlav a Johannesburg ar-Centre meetings regardinii the ! tist' Mrs- Marjorie Sangster, saw For Only 'OUIllt'l V ii n JJERE'S the g.-citcst lufcaui in shaving history! It's the new Gillette Rocket Raior and the amazing Gillette Blade Dispenser, now packed in a permanent Styrene travel case. .' This razor changes blades instantly, shaves like a dream. For tops in shaving ease and convenience, buy a Gillette Rocket Razor Set-only $1.29. one of the figures and inimcd- proposed ice arena. In a satisfying report on the iate)y recognized its value. The unknown artist had hitherto only More So Than in Canada, Local Lady Thinks Admires People There. People of the Old Country ib faeal sale campaign, Mrs. C. G. Ham reported that the sum of $2780.53 had been raised in the Princa Rupert district. Expenses of the campaign were $157.67 for stationery. Dostaa-e. been sought for the purpose of a reprimand for using company materials and time. NARROWING THE SEARCH The search was then instigated for another purpose, and was appear to be more home-loving than Canadians, says Mrs. R. J. D. Smith who returned to the city a few days ago from an extended visit in Edinburgh with Instant Blad Changing Real Shaving Comfort etc., leaving the sum of $2622 86 which was sent to the B.C. Tuberculosis Association earlier this her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Wil-:vear Doublo-Idgo Economy narrowed down to 20 Africans who were placed in a row and given clay to model. . The natural artist, Freddie, although unwilling to disclose his name because he thought he would be punished was unable to i.son, the former Florence Smith, j A l-'giomil conference of West-I And Mrs. Smith liked that. em Canada Soroptimist Clubs "They are wonderful peoply. ' wil1 be held in June at Kamloops. , Mrs. Smith tells the Daily News,! 11 ls htPed that a member of the ! "considering all they have i0 Plince Rupert club will be able ' go through. Their morale is high, j to attend this meeting. "It was all; vtry interesting,"; Following the showing of two she said, "but I really am glad ' lntel -sting films on cancer, de- to be home. There is so much Heious refreshments were served contrast between conditions bv the Miller Bay members of i iiere and there, what with their the club. jlng power . . . ji'lt it your Bapco 'k. i & I tfAf BA-SI restrictions and our freedom to have what we like and what we :nt'ecl," , J I To compare the stores in the Old Country with those in Tor- onto, lor instance, was like be-U8 in a different world. I 1 What Mis. mlth disliked most i of all was tfje cdldness of the Vancouver is Busy Port VANCOUVER Th port of .a:icuivr in Amil set a 1 asrtflWL houses due to the tight full record- f-ir imports and exports, rationing ana the fact that so n. B4. MCMastcr, manager of the Bourd of Harbor Commissioners announced yeslvrday. The slaff 6T the Harbor Board railway has bee a increased fifty nercent to handle increased traffic, much healing Is done by fireplaces. The larger houses are particularly uncomfor table. ; However, the people seem, to get used to It 'and, as they wear heavier clothing anyway, nobody seems to be suffering greatly. j Mrs. Smith crossed the Atlantic between Montreal and Glasgow, going and coming on the single class liner Laurentian. I KCSI.W " .! r" fVCNfY. N.S(CP).lhe majority of thrist:a:i lead-rs in Ko ea have been eliminated'' Kk below for your nearest Bapco Paint Dealer You, too, will want to use this ,oy tne Communi ts C: t, --r vj .-iT.iii.uf rum sa:a ca!d m a j letter to ills former ! Uon here. The Chanla: HOMPSON HARDWARE ick bc'ow for your nearest Bapco Paint Dealer 7. a said riev-1 R , .. ....in m in n. irea nas r.cen ier ir'.ble." pertly- h-cat";e mo ; buildings an of flimsy to:islru ECIPES nir. uuli run k:xlu SIUKAUE VAULT B IN NORTHEUN B.C. H TxJrSm 7HB MOTHS' I I Some of th - cold mii.ts'in the ; South African Rand go down as !deep as 8.0(10 feet. I - ' j thickened, ft' in i-Ll3n PM.i. ' Beat egg whites with remainin'i 'sugar until stiff; fold Into ,jela-Uin mixture. Four into pastry shell.,-, chill until firm. Garnish miracle wall paint regularly KEM-TONE is a real barga in in beatify. It saves you time, money, fuss, inconvenience ... gives you all the extra advantages you've been looking for. It goes on so easily, with brush or Roller-Koaler, over practically any surface, including wallpaper . t . dries to a beautiful flat, matte finish. Discover for yourself why over two million moms in Canada have been beautified with colorful, low-cost, washable Kent-Tone. Insist on genuine Kem-Tone, the original resin and oil paint. Made with oil mixes with water! UNtlMITED KEM-TONE TINTS ... . Choose from 12 lovely "uVcoialiir styled" colors or creale your own by the addition of Kem-Tone Timing Colors in 2 oz. IiiIk-s. CHECK ALL THESE ADVANTAGES OF gmyfce J One gallon does a large room ; One coat covers most surfaces, includma wallnancr - Pmeapple Juice Tarts 1 envelope unflavored gelatin l'a tups canned i;lnea.:ple juice 1 tablespoun l.'inon Juice l2 teaspojn salt cup sugar 3 ei',i;s. separated , 1 teusyoon crated leiiuin prol baked and cooled p?cai ' pastry shells Soflvn gelatin in U cup of tho cold rilU'apple juice. Heul re-mainln;! lui:" leuioa jui:-e, salt, and rup of the sugar to tnii-Ins. Stir in gelatin until dis-srlved. B at, r 'i vo'ks: arid : little of the hct mixture and mix well. Combine with remainiiv.; hot mixtu-5. Chill until sIIhIiUv each tart Willi a border cf choo-pe4 pectins aMI ,frve w.i.i sweulened whlpwd c..;ani if clashed. 6 servings. Peean Pasliy Slf lis Add i , et'p finely chojiped rcans ti the dry Ingredients fur 1 re-sir r pa. try lusin. 2 -ir:s fl.mri. Or, i'?e a tarkn-e tf yjur favoiite pastry mix. Make Into ta t shells-uriik with a fo'lr Pcike in a vevv hot oven -453" F.) about 10 minutss. L mmue wall p i ktSsv- fnkc&i r - . , . . . . K Easy to apply ! : : ' -1 Si w. f I fTOm opx , FIRE MOTHS THCFT t Dries in one hour :" J j No disagreeable paint odor A durable, washable surface One gallon of Kem-Tone paste makes a gallon and a half of finest wall paint. TESTED AND PROVED lYllllONS OF USERS ''-' CmkmIwHJ Pail, form y s, L -mmlmr I Baoni of fmi( wo A -- - -y--.- . JC.. Sfi vaur actunl r-ost nf tum. SAFETY FURS--T IN JU. SCUBY'S FUR VAULT I I-EANINO OLAZINO REPAIRS KEMODELINQ Phone 974 FREE PICK-UP SERVICE "f Town Customers fillip Express Fully Insured I " jnKy Wl 1 ,5.co covins jjMAV' Jf-E-? Z- JV 11! . W rMr.. Doris VVood N. t Turner t " Bor1on 1. Johnson Tid O. All- - SSSSS Lfr;-j Si-f fB I "lore of ll , m"re , e j ft ' 4 (rtomSM by" DOES A I m. lift Wore-" 1 1 I Ktin-Tone is g 1 ! Sirbii' 'fclCr '"1 1 ii . tcream LSSA B-ONDIE Not a Silent- Partnership By CHIC YOUNG . ' 'Vrom ContenLdow," l' jlj l!Jpv 1 "Tpjpjjl ' ' lC SjR0tfSD 1 DONTT SHOOT) i Vvslotng nww DCTTcp BETTER BETTER pop FOR FOR rnBK COFFEE. COFFEE, .-3 r B"70 S. ,tL Give vou J ' ' T on the sofa? f f she want to sleep on ) . BETTER BETTER FOR FOR COOKING COOKING CT ?J - . Ufwnu, i.VI Cf i 17.. D. 7 onecf e-LJriiaatSt a if ! i DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 Becsuse It is whole milk doubly concentrated, Carnation is very versatile. Because it is homo-grnirrd and heat refined, it makes all fJud smoother, creamier-tasting. FOR USE LIKE CREAM pour Carnation undiluted into coffee, and on cereals, fruits and desserts. Use Carnation undiluted in recipes that call for cream and for whipping. FOR WHOIE MIIK PURPOSES restore the water by mixing half Carnation, half water. You'll have whole milk at its finest smooth, rich flavored, safe4 with vitamin D increased. ' 561 - MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FRASER HOUSE LbwJ -v-JjS-S uOfcigr;-- -iMMstiaMM' - ' "' r' ' ' s - - ' Hi,,,,