PROVI'iCIAL LI3--p f:! NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Delivery LwHSI AT IIKI J Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XL, NO. 110 PRTVru- OTTPirRT H r, THURSDAY M A V in intii ddtpit -tv- rtruTo r: if fcTr1 AiTnnnrp W I llll I I f L.IV riiouj Jl nbMVUUO snmunists Are jll Retreating CMM Should Be 'Prosecuted Peirlhpps KYO (CT) Allied armored patrols today into Mun.san, 21 miles northwest of Seoul, i r I Al 1.1.-11 j?l i ii tilling out a neu iineat 10 me iianK oi ine oiu 2 Korean capital. Janks and South Korean ln-nen hunted through Munsan without opposi tion and then withdrew. Elsewhere along the 100-mile Manslaughter Trial After Train Wreck PKINCE GEORGE (CP) The manslaughter trial of Alfred John Atherton opened here yesterday with the suggestion by Defence Counsel John Difen-baker that perhaps the Canadian N ationaf Railways should be facing prosecution. i hi Landings Defeat of i Communism Tide Turning Against World Domination Ridgway i TOKYO (CP)-Lt. Gen. Mathew' Ridgway said today that the United Nations battle in Korea may have started the defeat of, Communism's efforts at world' domination. ' ' The United Nations comman-l der's comment was contained in I answer to Lt. Gen. James Van' Fleet, Allied field commander, I front the preatest obstacles were cncounlvred by probing tank patrols where mine fields were covered by small arms fire. Chinese amies are "willing on the vine' 'because of lack of sun Sir- if plies, said Lt. General Edward M. Almond, commander of the United Slates Tenth Corps. The Teds have withdrawn to keep out r;f range of United Na-'on.'s artillery. , J2 Mill Co-op. jjnon Colli Storage, irol H 5c. 2'i.(l('0 Cold Storage, and H ''" 23. Cold Storage, r mid IS-' CANAPHN a. 18 (Kir) Bool.ll, 18.1c, V ; congratulating Ridgway on his , Nevertheless, Almond caution- nomination to a full generalship rrt. tliev ae preparing for an-! : i V J 15c. I 41.0H0 I5r. ill 45 1100 Atlln, 18.1c, - Pacific, Admired Music Festival Here KETCHIKAN W. E. Sco'J, well known Ketchikan music teacher, back from attending the Music and Drama Festival at Prince Rupert, where he had two of his boy students entered, liked the way the whole community entered into the affair. The frank criticism (or praise I i of the adjudicators he also ad-1 mired. The manner in which the adjudicators' opinions were de Atherton, 22-year-old telegrapher, is charged following the Canoe River train wreck '.if November 21 last in which twenty-one were killed. He is alleged to have relayed a train order Incorrectly, resulting in the collision of two trains one a regular passenger and the. other a trooper. While Mr. Difcnbaker was cross-examining a witness, Eric-Pcpler, deputy attorney general, objected to questions regarding the use of wooden cars, saying that the "Canadian National Railways Is not on trial here. It is the poor man in the box." ,. Difenbaker replied; "Perhaps the CNR should be." . Mr. Justice A. D. MacFarlane, is the presiding judge. ; """" ' " '! : and 15c. iecr, 5(1.0110- Cold Stor- 16 5c and 15c. lis, 18.000- Cold Stor- 16 2c and lfic. 36.0OO Bacon, 18 lc, 15c. ' other attack. Lt. General James Van Flent. United Nations ground commander, emphasized this point. Van Fleet said that his men were In excellent spirits, at the highest peak of determination and "we are ready for the enemy now or at any time In the future."- An Eighth Army spokesman said that 6,000 North Korean Reds who had threatened to outflank Seoul were either killed or routed. Jasper Park Given Plug NEW YORK The vacation possibilities of Canada In general and Jasper National Park in particular were stressed ai a national wide American television audience by W. H. "Bill" Robinson chief photographer of the Canadian National Railways CADET GUIDES When the Canadian cruiser Ontario held open house during a stay at Sydney, Australia," sea cadets aboard acted as guides for a party of Australian Sea Rangers. The cadets! thre-; of six chosen from across Canada to make the trip with the Ontario, are, left to Tight: Grrald Freill, Montreal; Edward Kennedy, Vancouver; and Douglas Grouse, Bridgewater, N.S. The girls, left to right, are: Jeanette Merner, Anne Parsons, Shirley Wilken, Evie Freeman and Norah Wadge. , 'CP from National Defence) 1 II, 30.000 Royal, 18.1c, I 155c. livered before the audiences he felt was of benefit both to pe-r formers and public. , Mr. Scott commented that the Prince Rupert festival might" iot have been so colorful ns Ketchikan's festival but, what it may have lacked in showmanship, It certainly made up i Joan, 9.000 Atlln, r and 15c. Buy. 8.00Q; Primrose, rt B., 44,000; Ingrld JR., 11.000; Domino Suar. 8,000; Jeanette Fanny S., 7.000; Roam-Siunal, 47,000; North- ,40000 -Co-op. in a telecast originating In Nt;w York-. Robinson, described by Caroline Burke "Vacation Wonderland" commentator as the Tito Target of Assassin j Attempt on Life of Yugoslav Chief ' . Tl All ' Tk i m I m Rough Time In Panama Imborgo Britain Stops Nearly Three Million Pounds Halibut landings in Prince Rupert up to May 9 totalled 2.983.000 pounds of which 123,000 pounds were landed by American boats. "fishlngest. photographer in North America," told of the scenic wonders of the great Jasper playground and declared for In performance "and that's what counts," isn't it? the local teacher added. j nuiviii, (jf) ine newspaper 11 Tempo saiu last night that Yugoslav refugees, reaching Trieste from Belgrade, said that Marshal Tito had been shot 'EATHEFT that American vacationists would receive a warm welcome in any paxt.JiC.Can;u1a they an wounded in a recent assassination attempt at LONDON (CP)-Chlna will PANAMA 9 Mobs rioted' through the streets pf Panama City today, demanding the overthrow of President, Arnulfo Arias. One man was killed and at least 112 injured when crowds clashed with Ariasa's supporters. " " Svll(lISUi weal her returned to no more rubber from the British his palace. . il soctnns of British -- ... . According to the refugees, 11 : colonies this year because she j has already enough to meet her ! normal rivllinn rpmiirpmpnls Recruiting f Going Well OTTAWA (CP) Recruiting for the Twenty-Seventh Brigade, chose to visit. The Robinson interviews was Illustrated by one of the Canadian Nationals newest motion picture' films "Ticket to Jasper." overnight associated Tempo said, the attempt cn Tito's life was covered up by extensive area of low i, Bi, Marti... ch.n... ,iao( Uhich is drifting slowly Quesnel Man ! Body Located far west. of the Board of Trade, told the House of Commons this today. The announcement was made Santo Tomas Hospital said that 86 persons were given first aid treatment for injuries. Arnulfo, having dissolved the House of Assembly, is ruling with the aid of the army and police. I :ntrior of the province destined for European service, has boon Increasing after Rt. Hon. Winston Chur"- Laundry Girls Win Jackpot DAWSON, Y.T. The shrill blast of sirens last night heralded the start of the spring ice break-up on the Yukon River. The ice began moving at 11:06 p.m., only three minutes away from their guess of 11:03, laundry workers, Kal Kerteen and Jennie Monk, who split a $3000 jackpot. . fit the night. Shower i chill, opening debate on China ,l I s has swung into high gear with nearly 1000 men enlisted, the Canadian Army said today. In the Western Command there have been 266 enrolments and spread slowly inland QUESNEL 0i Retreating snow j has uncovered the body of a receht reports from Belgrade which said the Yugoslav chief was In hospital after a gallbladder operation. The paper quoted them as saying: "Two young men fired at Tito as he left his car in front of the palace. Tito was hit in the thigh. Belgrade police caught ie day, reaching the few section by this af- trapper. James Skokan, police 407 applications. nd the Okanagan re- said yesterday. t'lis evening. No rain Is ' Little Girls Are Drowned in the KooWnays until trade, demanded that rubber shipments be suspended. The president of the Board of Trade said Chinese Imports X rubber for the first three months of this "year had been so abnormally high "that her civlliati needs for the year could be regarded as fully satisfied." Sir Hartley said that, apart from rubber, our trade with China, whether direct ' or both men. Bride Given Arms Are Not Standardized OTTAWA (CP) Minister of National Defence Brooke Claxton said Wednesday that Canada regrets "failure" to standardize western arms and said the most discouraging factor Is that United States and Great Britain cannot even see eye to eye on the arms they are adopting for the future. Mr. Claxtor. made the statement in the House of Commons in replying to a siege of suggestions and accusations thrown at i he Rockies strong nor "The would be assassins were sentenced to death and shot." ms are driving another it polar air southward Throne Empty Peace River country Nd rain and snow this They said the body of Skokan, missing since early January, was found by his son, Adolph of Es-terhazy, Saskatchewan, and William Horn of Wingdam. Five men nearly lost their lives in February in a futile 300-mile search for Skokan. They became lost temporarily. One member of the party was burled In an avalanche. Others had to dig him out with their bare hands. Another plunged Into a wilder Tito's wound, they said, had never been regarded as serious. Jet Planes ire in sharp contrast to I through colonial territories, NANCY, France Archduke Old Tragedy Is Revived Vancouver reports today re atternoon's tempera-1 could have had no signmcant Otto Van Hapsburg, heir to the kvie SPvenlloc PRINCE GEORGE KB Tim small girls were drowned Wednesday In the Anzac River when their boat capsized. They were the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George New. .The tragedy occurred eighty miles northwest; of here. One girl was four years old and the other, two. . Police said they were riding in a speedboat with their parents. ieffevt on the military potential of China in Korea. defunct Austra-H ungaiian throne, gave his lost kingdom to his Empress today. He married a blue-eyed German Princess in a lavish display of Eighteenth Cen I forecast City. Lower Fraser f ait of Georgia regions 'ith showers today and Lock Wings The minister said that Britain would give her "full support" to a United States limit of trade with China but pointed out that vived a month-old Masset trag- the government during two days of debate on the record $1,600,-000,000 defence budget for this fiscal year. , i edy story and claimed it hap-j pened last night. The case was ness lake while the temperature if "'e change in trmper itwinck i nur tnnihi this proposal was not intended stood at ten below. tomorrow at Van-' to lmPOSe a complete embargo, iwt, Abbotsford and' tury pageantry. Scores of Europe's throncless royalty thronged here for double rites .uniting the 38-year-old Otto and 25-year-old Princess Regina of Saxony-Meiningen whom he met while touring refugee camps In Bavaria. ana 58. ;r,asl region Cloudv that ot Irene Bell, aged 12, and her small sister. Agnes, who were trapped and burned to death in their homo. A "smart" Vancouver dispatch said it happened last night. Actually it was over a month ago and was reported in the Daily News at the time. Vancouver Island Bridge Collapses TOKYO Wi Two United States F-80 jet fightfr planes locked wings In a practice dive over the big Japanese industrial city of Fukuoka today. One crashed in flames, killing the pilot and ten Japanese. A Tokyo News Agency dispatch said the plane struck the home of Imakiemi Konishi. He and his family were burned to death. Far Eastern Air Forces headquarters said one of the jets failed to pull out of a dive and crashed. The other managed to return to base. it Truman Backs? Gen. Marshall WASHINGTON, D.C. President Truman, at a press conference, today said that the testimony of Defence Secretary Two more American halibut-ters unloaded fish in Prince Rupert today. They are the Sea Lad, Capt. Ronald Leask, and the Jeanette. Capt. Bong Johnson, both of Ketchikan. TODAY'S 'ts today and Friday. "l today and southeast 0 arpas tomorrow. Lows 1 l highs Friday Port "I 65; Sandsplt and 44 and 52. LAKE COWICHAN Ift The STOCKS centre span of the Riverside bridge collapsed into Cowichan River yesterday less than an hour Alaska Town Is Flooded FAIRBANKS, Alaska 01-Flood waters, backed up by an Ice jam in the Kuskokwim River, today swirled through the town of Bethel near the mouth of the river. Residents of the community of five thousand prepared to flee to higher ground while a foot of water ran through the main Johnston Co. 1.1 rt. i (liiurlfsjf 8. D. after bearing the weight of school buses carrying 150 children. IdES 1 Marshall at the Senate investi-; gallon into Far Eastern matters j was the "exact truth, word for , word." Russia Selling Wheat to India NEW DELHI Russia has agreed to sell 50,000 tons of wheat to India, Prime Minister Nehru said today. The wheat Is already on the way in Russian ships. , The centre portion of the 150- 'lay.Mav n .22 ,50 .42 foot wooden bridge, constructed Aumaque Beattie ..; Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian twenty years ago, collapsed only 1051 18.4 feet 16.1 feet 5.3 fet .21 Vj 3:56 17:23 10:54 22:50 The President also said there was no truth to reports' that Secretary of State Dean Acheson might leave office within a few months. . Consol. Smelters 147.50 10.3 feet 1st reets. Conwest, 3.25 Donalda 55 Kldona 20V2 East Sullivan 7.95 Giant Yellowknife 6 25 -God's Lake .' 33 Hardrock 14V2 1 V 1 seconds after a truck driver had passed over it for the second time in a day. Traffic is now being detoured over a planked railway bridge. Peter Lamont Terrace, Dies Peter Lamont, 81, of Terrace, died In Prince Rupert General Hospital today. He Is survived by his wife, narncana .10721 , 1. .0 VANCOUVER ( American Staidard 25 Bralorne 5.50 . B R X .3 Mi Cariboo Quartz 1.05 Congress 07 Hedley Mascot .47 Indian Mines 27 '2 Pend Oreille v 7.45 Pioneer 190 Premier Border 37 Privateer 11 Beeves McDonald 415 Reno ' S'j Sheep Creek 158 Silbak Premier 50 Vananda 19 Salmon Gold .03 Spud Valley .07 Silver Standard .-. 2.26 ' Western Uranium 1.93 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.00 A P Con ' .44 Atlantic 3.25 Calmont 116 Central Leduc 2.30 Home Oil 15.00 Mercury 14 Okalta - 2.65 - Princess 1.58 TORONTO Athona .06 Special Announcement MANSON'S CHINA SHOP RE-OPENS FRIDAY, MAY 1 1 See the wonderful Gifts . . iust in time for "MOM" on MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL OPENING OFFER With every purchase of $3.50 or more we will give you FREE One FLINT BREAD KNIFE ((Retail value $350 1 SUNDAY, MAY 13 'f-ML'MBER " "MOM" ON HER DAY Complete new lines of c0STUME JEWELLERY. WATCHES, RINGS, ETC. member you are beating the tax J' i"wnt stock was purchased before the budget You don't pay the tax at Isabella, who is staying with the nevd .14 Jacknife ..; 8'4 Joliet Quebec .50 Little Long Lac 61 Lynx .13 '2 Madscn Red Lake 2.03 McKenzie Red Lake 45 McLeod Cockshutt .... 2.37 Moneta ..; .32 Negus : 80 Noranda 75.00 Louvicourt 18 Pickle Crow 1.58 San Antonio 2.30 Senator Rouyn 17 Sherrit Gordon 3.20 Steep Rick 8.25 Silver Miller 1.80 Upper Canada 1.45 Golden Manltou 8.00 deceased nephew, Donald Mac-Donald, in Prince Rupert; a step-son, George Peters, Toronto; two daughters, Susan and Edith are in Winnipeg; a sister, Mrs. R. MaDonald, in Vancouver.- Mr. Lamont came to Terrace three years ago from Victoria, where he had been mink-farming. It Is expected the funeral will NEW COUNCIL HEAD Mrs. Allan Turner Bone, prominent Montreal club-woman, is slated for presidency of the National Council of Women. Mrs. Bone will succeed Mrs. R. J. Marshall of Agincourt, Ont., when the ' ANSON'S JEWELLERS I latter's five-year term ends In j September. (CP PHOTO) i take place In Vancouver.