x, NO. 224 ell yp GEORGE WILL MAKE AN EFFORT TO CONCILIATE IRELAND Suggestions of co-operation with labor are refused by leaders; Several Cabinet changes are foreshadowed by British press; Churchill going to Colonial Office yol LL0 (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) London, Sept. 22.—In its forecast of the coming reconstruc- tia of the British ministry the Sunday Times says that Premier Lloyd George has decided to offer another olive branch to treland, dpecognizing as does Bonar Law, that resolute government has been carried to the farthest extent possible ahd that treland can- not indefinitely be kept under military occupation.” The Times says that the Premier has sounded certain labor eaders on the subject of co-operation, but they have definitely declined, “hence,” it adds, “the will be few.” ee ministerial congresses probably Viscount Rothermere, who is a zealous economist, according | lapheenetim