Ptince Rupert Daily News Tlim-Mkiy, May 10. 1951 Blackwood on Bride 0 CFP iqe 1 Baggage Cars Still trying to beat the experts with his count bidding method,. Miv New added up his points. Four points for each of his ace, two for each of his queens and. one for each doubleton. Fourteen points in all and a compulsory opening bid. nn l f I -' - -1 ... L U U , JjC If you choote your cigarvtt for mildna you II choose Millbonk Cigoretml South dealer ' Both sides vulnerable Nor! ii (Mr. MllftZV) a 3 2' H K Q 7 5 -D--None C 9 B 6 5 4 3 West Hast ( Mr. ('hiimiil(in) (Mr. lialrl 310 8 5 9 K J a 7 4 H A J (I 4 H 10 a 3 I-A KJ 1,3 u a o 5 O J C-K KituUl (Mr, New ) 8 A Q H 9 2 D 10 9 4 a C A 1U 7 3 Tb5 bidding: Kuntli West North Knst H" 1U 6 C PliRS Hass Bbdl. All puss After Mr. Champion over- called, with 'one diamond, Mr. Muzy put on quite a show. Ho laid his cards'on the table and started lingering his abacus again. Presently a look of dis-i I belief come over his face. Ha Dicked his cards up and tave them another look Then i he put them down and carefully studied his abacus. He was be-' coming more and more pe;4- piuxad. i Here is what had happened.; Mr. Muuy's hand added to 10 points: five for his high cards and five for , his void in dia- i inonds. This made a total of 23, counting the 13 points guaranteed by partner's opening bid. ' li4U Mr. Muzzy had got messed up on his abacus. On the second W-re, where each bead repre-.senied 10. he had pushed two beads across instead of one. Thus me abacus showed the .ota; count in ooth bantu v. as 33 THE SLAM ZONE! The hand didn't look like a slant even to M;4. Muzzy. But a. ho was he to question the system -hi own system? Finally lie stopped worrying. "Six clubs," lie sard loudly and his kibitzers nearly fell off their chairs. Mr. Champion doubled out of sheer anger, and Mr, Muzxy stuck to his guns with a re double. j Ur fhamn nn pfl thp Hn5 OI JBosoboyjkores National St,, Louis 3, New York 17 Chicago 4, Brooklyn 5 Pittsburgh 5, Philadelphia I 1 10 innings). Cincinnati 0, K-jjtan - American Washington 0, Detroit 4 New York 9, Cleveland 2 Western Internaliti'vil Wenatcheu 2, Salem 3 Vancouver 5. Victoria 8 Tri-Cily 8, Yakima 6 Taenia 5, Scokar.e 6 FaoliH! Coast Sacramento 5. Hollywood 1 Sun Diego 5; San Francisco ! Los Angeles 4, Portland 0 Oakland 14, Statue 7 ' TOOLS MILLION YEARS OLD PIETERMARITZBURG, South Africa TQols used 1.000.COO j , years ago have been found along the Natal coast. The South African ; Archaeological Society believes I that an ancient civilization may have had its origin in vasl-ern Rhodesia. . i lll-., " nr. r iAVy sm is' - ilil ft fV &r s s f7$ Uj kM Mygsv.BT j..... ROYAL W - iter jr Xjr . -v In J tu auvmicu. Pltuso i.ihmji Hum tcitpuurn.ii. t.uu.. cliarKe 5Uc. Bull Nuuce oik:. Cuius ui 'IhaKks, Marriage aud E. igaiifn.eia Annuui)ifim-:iu U ,uu DISPLAY, UUbUb. fiilt diamonds. When the dummy minutes of the game remaining. went down he screamed like th.r victim in a horror movie. "You MORE PRISONERS bid SIX," he snarled, "on that VANCOUVER (CP)-Blsliop A, unholy mess of rubble?" H. Sovereign, founCer or the Mr Mu-jzy merely looked smug John Howard Society in Van-...1,0.' wo,., r-nurt in 19 t r i . couver. told a nuetlns here that 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL (Subject to Change) THURSDAY P.M. 3: 30 -Listeners' Choice 4:00 The Sunshine Society 4:3330,1)00, Leagues- Under the Si i 4:45 Stock Quotations 4:55--CKC News 5:00-Tnt Conity. 5:10 The Weston's 5; 30 Intimate Revue . 5:45 Young Man with a Song 5: bar CBC News 6:00 "Canadu at Work" 6:15 Tex Beiieke & Orch. fl;30 Musical Varieties 7:00 CEC Nuws 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7.30 Event.jle S. CO. Radio Cartoons 5:30 "Whatcha Know Joe" 9:00 After Prison What? 9:15 Musical Program S:3j Vancouver Concert Orel) U): 00--CBC Sews 1.0:10 CBC News 1,0:15 Cases and Chases 10:30 Winnipeg Drama H :'(() - YVi.i'tl'oi- IfViiort ami - Fish Arrivals ! FRIDAY A.M. ! 7:00, Musical Clm l; I K:oo l.'HC News Ilerc's Bid Good " -Morning .Son;' 8: 30--Morn ins Dovfttlons i 8:45 Little Concert !L'().U BiC Now uad C,;ir..y. 9:15. Music for Modems i:3a--SUM'isc Serenade 9:45 Ycur Music Appointment 0:5i.i -Tiine fjiynal Mnrniii", Visit C!f liar:-y Wo d !'!:nw "?e'(i(lv Tiiin:" Musical Kit, !e n ICindor.artcn or the Air K.iiiiiilup T '! , Vv'c.U li. r Fo:'e 'fist M ,'::." l'-i lud M.-v.. irX FF. i:'.S - i iv." M;u-i!a . -ns:: ,v. . Pro:-itu R?) ume '-.(.. H'-iiia ., si. 12:55 Bee. Iv.K 1:03 Tlu Iiour tf:tj- National hod Bdcft. !::10 - Recf'i' .s it HanO'iui 2:45 Na:t.lcpo:ntcrs; Comty. ? 00 The M.l. ic Box "i: 15 -Don Messrr & Ills Tslan iers ' S:30 Listener's Choice BEYOND' CRITICISM SWANSEA. Wales A poetry social4,4 president, intrigued by a nem in a n.agazin-; by Henry VaUghan wrote invitin? Vaughan to join the society. "Writers find our criticisms useful," tlK letter said . But Vauehan is beyond ritxism h.5 died in 1695. A.:: t, iii 5lfrWSk. Liquor Control BoarJ or frtfS and Bottled in By Eosley Blockwood Puck Champs Speed Home WINNIPEG, Man With th" rheers of the Winnipeg Hockey fans still ringing in their ears, ar.d. In proud pcsscsslon of the Mpmoriat Trophy, emblemati: of the Junior Hockey Championship of Canada, the Barrio Fly ers left here last evening ovor Canadian National lines fov Toronto where they will arriv? Fridav morning Under the coaching of "ILn" Fmms. the brilliant Junior lads from Barrle won the:-' chamij-ionship in four straight gam-s from the lnnices Mona:h!. western champiens. Fiillowni": the final same, coach Emms let it fc known that he Ls finished with hockey and will return to his own business in the future. Owen Sound Cup Winner OWEN 'SOUND - Owen Sound i Mcrcurys won the Allan Cup last i night. ' I In a thrilling seventh fwii" Mercurys defeated Fort Frances Canadians 3 to 1. It was a shzlini! third period f'.n'sh that bnught this Oeors-ian Bay city Its ftist Allan Cup championship in history. The struggle was the most thrilling in thv entire srven-gann series with both clubs fifhtinii every inch of. tho way. Pat McReavy broke a two-period scoreless draw wh"n hi beat Goalie Barefoot a. 3:26 Burlington and Bukacheskl put t.h'0 Sounders three up before Eizensoph tallied the lone mark- 4 fnnn nna r,l tt civ i tl lor nit- vtmauiaii.i v" "every time a man goes to ju.i iorle'y admits a failure." He noted that more people are go ing to jail now than ever belore wit li the prison population 17U in 1950. J. Mr. Pile Sufferer What Vast diffcrcpee tlv.'re Is I- th 44 niod.'rn way U treat Piles. The necorsity of removing Hie r;al cause -a ..use 4 4s nniir only niTin plain rnmmnn common senst. The lv.w I'YLTONE treat- meat (a liquid taken by mouth) . goes' direct to the inside cause. ,:, nlnnt flint , "r r. 7 ..:' , , ,,' ,7 ne O iiui-uiu iiruuiiu inu.v- ui n- cat4.- tissues. PYLTONE Pt!e Treatment Is science's answer. I' Rets j'ou fatisfactory results with r one bJltle trial or price relimded at once. At all modern d'-urlsl'. H-M25 i Pacific Milk gives coffee a rich creamy flavor that makes every cup a treat. Economical in all recipes, Pacific is now Vitamin D increased for, extra nourishment. Never be without this all- lurpose food. PACIFIC MILK For Action Advertise! re Ordered ONl'iEAL Aai order for bugRa.L-e cars valued at $4,360,- Ol'j has been placed, by the Can- ; adian National Railways, E. A. j Bromley, vice-president, pur- j chases and stwes, announced j here today. It raises to 593,000.- j 00!) the value ,of rolling stock j now to be delivered to. the com- iifcny. . ; ' The new baggage oars, to be i built at. the National Steel, Car Corporation, will, be 73, feet, six i niches limn, 1!) t'oel wWe, and 13. feet, six inches night from the j rail. Of all steel construction. 1 the cor bodies will be mado. ol. welded steel with, steel undtfr-. frames and rivetted roofs, Both sides of each car will b'i. .equipped with two dcors bavin;4,4 eight foot and six foot dps" openings respectively. Interior; will contain water coolers, stove equipment lakers, desks and bagatje .'kid racks. NAVY - . -w. not published or displayed by the FOR SALE 4 I'OH BALE 21-i44. troller K unites, -Lone Star4' at 1''j.i-.enuei) it Kioa.s. liarKUm. JimcK 2ij. lliUf4l FOR SALE Pot oil uurnei kuchcii lanue. Yvmu oilers oi3 3rd Ave. (tfi FOR KALE 3mz collect oil o! Mti rcuords comolfU? ,vnn cabinet, ah fi-ed and niaexe.l i-iioue hiuc tti4 between u am aim 12 noon. llli.)1 FOrt SALE Household furnish mus iictw.'eii li) and ii a.m. or alter l ikin., auite 2 Sum- njit Auts. FO!i SALE Complete hou.'4ehuiu lunu.sniui.:.s. Must be sold lis WCK. $t7.).0i). 400 ath A:. West. 11'V FOR SALE - Tenders will be re ceived uv the undersii'iieu ui) to noon of luesuay. Mav ain.i liijl. lor the piuchuse "1 tl"'! hereunder desenoed llsliinr; vessel, together wiih eauiu-ineiit ihi-reon, beloimina tu the estate of John Malison, debased. Name: Princes i. Lenath: 2(1 Breadth: V Deuth: 3'8 ". Powered bv an tl 1 ho. Keut-nt enume. Arrangements to inspect the vessel can be made with Harry We. da. Vii'tnrv tlove Succes-sful ten- 4 defer to take no.s.-e-wioiv at V.c Ini'v Privn 11 U.C. Terms: Btrle IWI i ii i I la l DEMERARA RUM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia A straight cut for a TRULY MOO SMOKE ! L3 Cliuoillea Advei tisiiiB is puyaiiie win., ucr liiserLioii. iiiiiuiiiuiii Kuiieial Notices, BPLC1AL CAIU OF THANKS We wish to exoress sin jew; thanics ami ayoreiailon tu ma.iv menus lor uieir Kind tXiiie.,-sions ol. sviuoaihv and uurai uneiiiiiis retciveu in oar ion-i-eicaveuteni. . me uunilv of the laic Mr. Vincenzo Caideiom I ho.w se.iuiinr nowers were: The 'amuv ol PrinCe rtuueri; t,ouis iit'ien and t,uii ol i-mi e- lon; Tony, Evelyn ano cn.m.ei: Hecilev4, Steve (jiaiumi, n.u.e, Cell-ami and lainnv. ToruiRO, 'rom Vancouver mis. A. one and tantiiv: Mr. Mr. aitj aitj ,m v,:eone anu lainnv: Tile Martini Famny; Mr. aud rviis. Oliver Marino; Mr.-una .virs. 'i. Mosconi ami family: C. Man-zoli: Jean maiumi: Pearl and Soain. Vinre ano) An.e.o bau-turbane; Tonv and Vince ci.:- cone; J. Salvatl: Mr. ana mis. L Urain and ,am v; Vt,.n anJ Marae: u. uavaner ana tva: mi4. and Mrs. O. Culos: Pete Crave, -to; Eveivn and Fred Berry: M'4. and Mrs. L. Camnannolo: mi4. oitn- M4s. V I., nanson; .andv Cafe: S. Girodano; Spero. Lorraine and Parricia tiiirvicii; Friends at Em ore Hotel; stai'i of Einpre.-4s Hotel: Muriel and Martin; Mr. and Mrs. H. Erijr.-sen: Mr. and Mrs. Com Dom-inato; Mr. and Mrs. Se4. Dom-inato: O. Decino; Mrs. C Ooiu.s-si: Mr. and Mrs. Lino Colu-s'.; Pearl and. Cliff Johnson: Mr-. A. Montesano and lamily; Pat M;i"4el and f'iniil4 Max, Beil.: and Marie: Don McRae: Am-mie and Michael Montesano; Mr and Mrs. H. Monteaino; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin: Mr. and Mrs. P. Dvornak: Dun Ma -Donald; Art and Mavdu Nicker-.son! Mr. and Mrs. E Pedersen; Mr. and Mrs. H. NeKon: Mr! Postula: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pe'-roff and family. Mr. and Mrs. E Petlenii''4'04 T ous and naelo ."n-si: Pciv EmUv ami Do4uvi Richaids: Mrsr O. V.icclvr: Tin4 Sewin C:ir 4 Mr "ml Mrs t Svlvester and fanillv: Kav and Bill Smith: Snarkv and Ual.w (ill)) FOIl SAI.K FOR SALE Tennis raauet and baseball clove, both in perfect condition. AuuW 31B 7th Ave. East. ' (tf-liO FOR SALE 3 men's bicycles.. one balloon tiren new. Walnut tlre.-sei u;al suic span. Phone BlueS62. (til FOR SALE Baby carriage. Red 831. ill2i)i NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMEa Ling-belt Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draulines; Adams Road Graders: Litllcfoid Bros. mack Tod Road Maintenance Equmment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grannies: T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockuile and Snow Removal: Rice Port ' able Centrifudal PumDS: Na tlonal Dragline Scraners and Buckets; National All Steel n a sol in a Hoists: National Portnblp Sawmills: National Rotary Scr-iens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limit Vancouver. B.C. tf) FOR SALE ?Tpw ana used furniture, hardware end tables, chests of .Irawers. beds complete, tvdroom suites, small !i?e caroets. field classes, used lo"")!-!!? boots, spwlnn- machines, radios and blcvle:; also other useful household articles nt lowest irices. Sep B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. . (tf-c m m m t c, c,fA, - KMn ii f E-v H it-"!! I At. ! il I "I llfrtlll I Jit I I .1 'u"iV'??,.. ' ,. .... ""fs Bed 471 it--.iij :v i v ,i" . t i : f'i j ii - Htll llt'LT.V,.U 11V iUtruw . F. Forbes Administrator of tin?' n RFNT-'3leepiM rif llr-K1-, IVY' xxx 1 With 'IVU r 'i f OPEN ; LOST Sun-lav. two bud win C fl x ! ttt."V Mm Wmnmm i2nootoi2midnite rwz : Fl'.M 9 rW'l-yl Phone 658 ; 1 " ' rm K-Miiuy corn,-,r3i-dAve-and6thSt- ; wtnsr ly P,rf"l1ui-.V S I 1 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ltin rcitsuNU .Hon lui sti-iM i4it. Wi. .-V t uiv l AS'I'V TKA BOLLS ca-j tallied lAia asm ' llie Hujeil Bantrv t. mi lui4 oiucis. t WANTED-Past4r.r f:i;i. rar WW to :ul?' drivKi- -irt-ieiriu t-" l mjik U.'.i Jr. ' .,,,C.V. U'J'M Saturdav. Hiom' uW J nil HutSE WA-vnt uiiNTFIl TO KENT- , , im, ni sure, I'M W tftore U UN WANTED TO RENT--4 enriv needed. Oale ll)4U Bll WANTED - Lieht t)0fi-rwirur.siiMiU'' wurmiw (!)- W N(.s, CAliS. I'lf 41 U-DR1VE ' Ill lupilVliil t.."'1 4' yji 831. RENT On 'ii.?4). roR MkoS one dojite. t , room lor oure'.. A iniv HO l'i " : ..ot . rii'nn I wmkinu fii Clli niier 5 n ni. VOti ItKN'T-S"-'1.1,: hcuse. fitrm-Ji Mil. Dailv New4 rvi liiUlIfi'. nuMlt. lit' Ave West. WirRKNTT5 .UXP WANTED-jF'jjSi lanv "inM oi'"V K:ir u- m tnry. and l 1)00 o cm r W. Man.", -,iP-3i- personal "' St. ..ih ffi pwrof!St" ii-aii' faclorv 0"j;,,ipn CH4 ware Stie- Biol-" ami WifU' , hiiV 4,1,4 fin0! . uil n CAFK. fir r-. . sei f en"'"'4 hpsiii' ,,,k suraiice- t" with the exeatest of ease, wh ui everything broke Just right. Ml'. Muzzy was in his glory. "In no other system." he stated, 'could this slam be reached." "Let me see that infernal abacus, Muzzy," demanded Mf. Champion. He examined it and :.oon Mr. Mu:'zy's feTor came to light. ..... Champion held his head .n Iris hands. " Gad, think ot it!" ae muttered. 44Fiunm)xed by a lousy bead!" Miss Brash was rearing with laughter. "Why don t you aumu ttiis paint-count bidding is great ... .. rM-..-! in tw.n 7'; aha u 1 1 atuil, mi. v-i.w.." up mysell. l.ic . I- T rln?-i4l V,iv,. irl ibat us!" WE rent TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 q v'I ..3 1 4 'f 4 r-4 1 Stove service and ren:ilr.-. ( Sim siii iXt.HJ-'-S44 i N i '.a i I M!$ I mtl f M yMm fo tWMKft m M A'-;ViU W 'I ll: , I f r 4, J : . j V,CKS. LONDON DRY M rNADA.' . , Si I - , "-'!'"'" T" illis advertisement is djdw rM,iL '-'t " iii'i",,h.ii) V..( . PAnTr" osLiti. ui Jonii M ifu-on U' ceised. Roam f. Court ll')4''1 Prince ltuuert. 13 C. -Ui" L'AKS I'OK SAI.K FOR SALE -1047 Pi. mouth two-; door sedan, r.alio heater, i Hash or tenn44 Priced reason-; ible Phone Oreen 10J 'l'"'H 7 lvni. . .. ,ll0lJ' 1 WANTIil) ! VANTKIl T(jr' MAl-tvfcl PltlCEH PAID (or seen:- U''; steel, hrnss conper. etc Holiest praillni! I'roniiit pay muni made. Atlas Iron M'-talit Ltd. KiO I'vior Si Vr couver. II C; I'lione M.I'MRINn AND HKATINti and sheet mecal woiK. fiionr call 62!) Oth West. til) HIvAL ESTATE FOR SALE Four-room wartime house, Oood condition Aril i- clal fireolaee, electric tne. Furnished or unfurnished. Owner leaving city. Re"-"'1: able nriee for cash..- Pi . Blue lfir. or call at 133 9th We;, anv time. (ti-nt FOR SALE Bis four furnished men mi, v.-it n Rhodes, Box 1111. (113p FOR SALE Family home. 7tn Avenue East. Three bedioonw. riinlii"4 room, livlna room., den-Oil ranee and some tiirm,A!'.M New roof nnd foundation ;m orlce $470U.()0. . Terms RE" MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. Real Estate and Insurance, ( FOR SALE Four roomed hoube with atlic room and basemen , some furniture neat; Edward School. Full. Pilte StOOO.nn Terms if renuned K E. MORTIMER. 3f3 3rd Ave. Real Estate and I"'.) . - lpi l Craftsmanship . , .. : ",0"ss",ee lirP'vl In Type... !t,me ' 1OU Ifrt fll UtUsSoIre ; FAVORITE gg' )M' ? 1 Your Printing Problems I - N fM j t " """ J BKSNEK BLOCK umitep - ' I -.c- 44iriT49 5 by the Uoveinment ot tsiiusa ujiumma.