SSSsfe!S 111 l Prince Rupert DailyNews Thursday, May 17, i'Oil ' oca and PERSONAL a committal for trial from Smith-ers. Garland', 'who has a lone record of sucTi offences, is also alleged to have cashed three checks in Terrace bv a similar SPECIAL! Check Artist Is Sentenced Long1 False Pretenees Trail Duds Up in L-jcal Court Gurney Austin Garland, who Alberta Deep Seam j technique but, as fax as could be Navy League of Canada re3-1 ' w. L. Woods Ivft on today's vi!ar monthly meeting Friday, ; plane for a business trip to May 18, 8 p.m., H.M.C.3. Chat- j Vancouver ham. (lt, , w- - Sheardown returned to Henry Jamieson, game war- the city on yesterday afternoon s den, returned to th2 city on theiP!ae from a biief business trip Prince Ruttert vesterdav from f. f'w--v.uiiuii in wicpc tiau not been commenced up to today. PER TOM llMP - . K.' V U-llUUUVCl . P3---(S as a missionary to obtain 1 u 'ay brief business trip south; . .. . ,r S O N. Smorgaasbcrd Frichy.1 $':0 worth of Bibles and the bat 10 SACKS 8.50 'SAUSAGOb Miss Fefcfiy Large arrived l:i the city on Tuesday night's train May 18. Program find supp.;r, unce in cash from a worthless 7:30 sharp. Dunce 11 to 2 a m. ,.heck ,., M9 at. P.,Bnt from her studies lit University ! Ticket' ct th.- rirnu- Mni , v Better with slutioneiv store rejftitlv iai PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 li luuino to Hwm we siimme with her pa -enU, Dr. and Mr.-R. G. Large. and Mrs. H. N. MacTier Mis; Helen Balagno returned sentenced to six months' irn- to Eeatt -j on today plane after s konment , bv Magistrate W. D s ten day vis.t here with her . r, ., ,, , .. , ,. ,r Vance in citv police court ves-naiano ,terday. He pleaded guilty to a ' e ' charge of obtaining money and We have a large variety of goods by false pretences.' Resti- white stone brilliant jewellery tulion of one Bible was made i returned to the city on yester- I bert & McCaftery I ' LIMITED I , day s plans from Vancouver vhere thev had been cal '.d after ' Virs. MacTitr's son, Ma::sel Gray, I'stained a serious accident vhiit ikiing on Mount Baker. He iiiumuiii oeauuiui n e c K 1 e I s, wttuflnu wua icvuiiieu neie earrings and scatter pins. Spe;- from Smithers where he had tjen !' tnmed a broken vertebrae ial new artistic designs vhich will k-jep him confined Bulger, Jeweller. (lto of six months on similar charges. The local term was made con- I Hor 1y( 4 xeutive to that at Smithers. for that man on the fairway . . . don't foget to shout 'Fore' . . ." rUK.HHt (III in Is tar, "o n jspitai for at least six weeks ! with his body In a cost. Mr. and ViatTier a!so visited Mrs. Mac-rier's duuifht-r. Miss Carol Gray, vho han been fur some time in ic.:nitul in Vancouver. Still another similar charge against Garland awaits tearing i i Cou'ity Court iuri-ciiction on iteitt ORTRAITS iwluped and Printed K0M1T SERVICE UMilFii'S STUDIO Ul) Street Uox 845 , uretn 329 Prince Rupert Catholic Rites j Roosevelt Pk. King Edward Parent-Tear h. M rorLhasRimmer ! J 'ocJc OIIIOl tSlte' Many ends gathered ffnfhcro at nf friends 11 ominationS "Sabotage!" Church of the Annunciation I Wednesday morning when high ' That'' 'nat Art Murray, parks Eastern Star Tea, Masonic Temple, May 17. S.C.M. SB4'jrija..S.i...:., May IS. Caradlan ! .on r.'M (.anv May 22. Lutheran t:a, May 26. Card Party Catholic Hall, May 31. Job's Daughters Jamboree, May 31, June 1, 2. Queen Mary LO D E, tea, June 21, Mrs. F. Thornton', 400 4th West, 2-5. Tea and Home cooking sale, Catholic Hall, June 14. Past Mistresies L O B A. sale of ho.mecooking and candy, June 1J. Nomination of officers of the Women of the Moose took place iequiem mass was sung by Rev ' ub"la memoer, and Aid. George Father F. .1. Bsvn ih. i,,. Casey, chaii man. said this mnm. Charts Oakley Rimmer, well ing wnen theV viewed severe last night at the regular meeting :ified Steam Boiler fngeration and Pipe Welders Certified Operators le build Stacks, Fire i.s anil Tanks all Hi " " ,eaut'r n church work ! -""- w ucw.y constructed Elections will be next month whose death occurred at the end c"crete fence around the cairn Mk. f. Parlette, senior rent of last week. The choir was in Roosevelt Park. wa? in ui2 chair attendance t participate in the Fvour concrete posts, about four After general business the iers' Association had its annual , meeting Tue.sday evening. Offi-Icers and conveners were elected I for the 1951-52 term as follows' President Mrs. K. Hardy. I Vice-president Mrs. R. Tou"h I Secretary Mrs. J. Bowman ; Treasurer Mrs. T. Bjornson. ; ' Program convener Mrs E "Gordon. :' PublicityMrs. 8. Veitch Membership Mrs. A. Krist-manson. i Safety R. G. Moore. : Social Mrs. w. Peterson. Pre-Schooi Mrs. Hitchcock , Historian Mrs. H. Halliday i Magazine Mrs. Andrews. ! Study Groups Mrs. Oke Ja:k-j son. I Delegate to Central P-TA Council Mrs. P. Mark. R.' G. Moore reported that be musira! portion portion of of the the solemn, i '"s ;n oiameter and reinforc- h- n,i u, VlfMICTDI A I j u t , . , iijJiLUl gul!U, . will: run nfin in..i,.i . ,. , V . ... : , "P or Mn u. Mclntyre. pre- I iiivj niHh ILDING CO. rites. After th-j church service, interment was made in the Roman Catholic section of Fnh-viouf 8eve,'l sited entertainment, including p er-rs . a West-m skit and ballad sing- direT't ,Th It "1? U..was Refreshments were served, cmect act nf of vandalism," said Mr. Murray this morninir. Tho urmri r r. ,.m iE. Phmie Green 884 cemetery with Rev, Father O. P. , perts were SiUn a concrete base ' A model factory has been built ! aroun dtho cairn to hold a chain at Bslfast as part of Northern i ue- . I Ireland's uhare in tho 1951 Fes- Ine matter will be fuither dis- tival of Britain. ' ' - f j imiMiTTfi in umi mm j niii mwi i m wi 1 .cussed at tanight's parks board meeting. Police have been 1 1 O-- " Defies rain, frort 41ft of Iviohan, O.M.I., conducting the committal rites. Honorary pallbearers were O. G. Stuart, Dr. L W. Kergln, P. H. Un:;.y, H. F. G!ass"y, W. A. Allaire and Eric Trumble. Active pallbearers were N. R. Youiifc, A. J. Turcotte, Martin Albi rt, Louis Amadio, J. L. Blain and G. P. Lyons. There were beautiful floral tributes. JOHN H. ULGER 0jf tun to harm it' protective beautyl Organizing of Float Parade $50.00 Reward Will be paid by the Parks' Board for information leading to th'j identity of the person or persons engaged in acts of 'vandalism by destroying decorative work under construction c.t tho Ro. f.-. velt Park cairn. AI.D. G. B. CASKV, ginners iur school twuld be registered before June 15 and pupils must be six by November 30. He also gave advice on how to prepare the beginner for school. Mrs. Henry Lindseth sang two songs. A play, "The Bubble Peddler," was presented by three school pupils-Judy Felsenthal, Janet Sparks and John Lambie. Mrs. P. Mark presided at the meeting until after the election when Mrs. Hardy, the new president, took over. " Refreshments were served at the end of the meeting. k Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Little response sa far has been It's the talk of the town the way Durable SELF-CLEANING BAPCOPURE PAINT jjivet more year per gallon . . . save you real money! Use it NOW . . choose from 14 permanent colors, whitest of white and black! received from local firms by th- ' tr; . , , . i ii n.iuMeii attempt to make up , Chairman, Parks E-iard. New Boats Reach Here Newly Launched Vessels From Naas Hiver nf, Parking, Crating parade of floats this year for Wins and (.eiu ral "Use and Storage i May uny. Report was given ot last.night's rejulrr dinner meet-jlng of the' Kinsmen that the in- le. Reliable and Effi-wvioo. Also asents for w Liquid Air Co. Ltd. ECONOMY 14-OZ. j REGULAR -OZ. SlZrS - Two iuuai-jui ccnioani;s so fir ar-gill-netter boats, proached "were too busy." ... , ... !.!..., l-,. Mavt n new gen. Acetylene and all which supplies. Guaranteed nui-ii were wtric lauiiuiiea on tne 1 v 1 Hn-ont Eirimt't upper Naas River at Canyon wil1 be made bv club members to City m Tuesday and at once intrest downtown businessmen Renewal of Kiddies' Kamp The Kinsniens Kiddies' Kamp, IKAY'S CARTAfiF the ia:wa on ii.'.ir journev to "vt"lu iiuuvs una join FORAGE LIMITED parade. 3ur.nysi.ds Cannery where they wi.l be fit:cd with 110 horsepower . Kinsmen xr M and Park Avenues 0- Phonti r.fl ..! aa of wnicii tne main lodge was ai- cranes. They arrived in Prince "'"'V uti" h:v,i t ...... n rt ri' tiie v. : mi i. 1 "U uo most completely demolished bv I Rupert last nieht. -j.- frr thir fl(v Tt FMf Check below for your nearest Bapeo faint iDeale; THOMPSON HARDWARE iieavy !,i,in i ti,i. .... ,t , . viirt have a'vrrd Kir-".-, ih.. winter, will be ,ut into operat.oll -wh Vl?Z? "'V "7 7" cgain. But it will not be l, r "n f H" operated thev had safelv hit the water n , by the Kinsmen-only maintain- h by M,"1 Martha ed club members deemed at their j Aak as the "Vesta Mae' 'and the p " f., u. . .. . -MASTER Only Kellogg's says: "Double your money back if you don't agree these Bran Flakes are resier" Send empty carton to Kellogg's, Dept. 4A, London, Ont.) regular dinner meeting la;.t "Colloen A. willinu-neis to hjlo REELS Reduced For the MEAL that REFRESHES in wr." i night rossible. ; ; 50c each The camp, situated on the shores of Lakelse Lake, will be available to s.roup sponsoring outings for children. Rev. L. J. Thorpe, Bantist Church, has offered aid in group rNir to restnm thp hiiilriimis ,n Following the launching the whole population of the village enjoyed a picnic lunch and honored the boat builders. Boats have been biult at Canyon City every winter for the past three years under the direction of Eli Gosnell. "Bi n.n nr. payrolls' FINEST"1 OF COOKING' ' BEST Will FOOD ;! -: AXJ RATHALL'S return for use of the camp f or j r""lii Finishing 11 Third Ave. W. These eill-netters have trim FOR TAKE OFT ORDERS PHONE 200 HANDY. COOKING AID ,,, ,. . lines and have proven their sea- '5J would be needed for" hard- 'd"er ware and about $300 for canvass aa 1,:," Canal ,!, ';, uf ,U1 BROADVyAY CAFE No other bran flakes are Kellogg-size and so crispy in milk! Delicious way to get extra bulk to , help you "keep regular"! ' He Covers "tent" roqfs Ho put toe camp , V. , for d r Azak a back into shaoe There wns ?.re Ptrcy and Maurice Nyce. plenty of lumber on hand to do , ; t. ! t i 1 A 9. 1 . Priced from $3.75 lovely selection any extra and much of structure could be salvaged, he said. Tf addeH finances were needed, President Fd Garner felt the weVa switched to ( ) monev ,-ould be raised bv the Now Vitamin I) increased, creamy-smooth Pacific Milk adds extra nourishment to favorite recipes. Its uniform goodness makes it ideal for baking, cooking or beverages. And Pacific whips eatiiy for party meals. PACIFIC MILK Vacuum packed and homogenized ividuson s; upnojseerers; are CLOSED while moving FROM 330 SECOND AVENTE To New Locotion of 234 Third Avenue East May Dnv snorts event or other A farmer visited his son's college. Watching students in a chemistry class, he was told they were looking for a universal solvent. "What's that?" asked the curious farmer. "A liquid that will dissolve anything." "That's a good idea," agreed the farmer. "When you find it, what are you going to keep it in?" H Shoppe functions. If, however, the club needed to borrow money for this puniose, members authorize' such a move. 118 NdER ANNUAL LCSS Ontario averages about 1,200 forest fi 'es each summer of which 75 per cent are caused bv careless crmpers and smokers. Rupert let Us Scttnu lcuv sAll,s Pnn ncouver ''"''meliate Ports t0ch Thursday y at Low Cost Reservations Write ni. i k- r ii hi MM r,TV OR dk,.ox OFFICE PRINCE Dtl RUPERT Let us see to your car's needs, through " J regular check-ups on, Battery, Radiator and CrarlktLte . ! ftlEv Superior Auto Service SB TEA BAGS i " I.I.MITFD RS&lRS STUDEBAKER o" AUSTIN DEALERS inira Avenue at ParK - Green 917