Prince Rupert Doily News ', May 17, 1931 7V I Atlin Member is Stewart Visitor hotel arrivals Oh Yeh ! :;aVOuitj son 11 'Anyone Can Do OHNNIE 1 f II lCP Prince Rupert N. R. McCarvill, C. G. Evans,' H. P. Cahill. P. S. Bonney, M. ; P. Parkinson, A. Van Snellen-; berg, Ian McCloy, Rain Haig' and Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, Vancouver; W. A. Whistler, Priest River, Idaho; R. E. Noble ... .tiuievy ! Tribute to Sanitarian L'nit Board of Health Regrets: Departure Of Arniine Cm Plaice Rupert and District Unit Board of Health regretfully said goodbye at its quarterly meeting yesterday to Armlne Boas, fanitarian here for the past four yean. Mr. Boas leav?s tonight for a new post at Nelson. Aid. Douglas Frizzell. chairman cf the board, voiced r.'gret at Mr. Boas' departure. He had worked her under a lot of handicaps and he had been criticl-zf.d but "we believe Mr. Boas carried out liU work to th best ol his ability and that he had STEWART Visiting here over the end of last week. Frank C aider, MLA for Atlin. went into the situation knowing the closing down of thi- government agency and the d(partment of public works offices. The member also looked into the scindi-tlon of the antiquated Superior School building with a view to the oossibility of erecting a rww ind mire up-to-date building vfi. Cald'T will endeavor to have l-on. W. T. Straith, minister of 8 It" Dr. Morton Only 10 per cent of the brain power is used in everyday life by the ordinary person but, by concentration and training, it is possible to develop thi memory ?o a to perform such remarkable feats as he himself displays, Dr. Robert (Tex) Morton, noted Australian psychologist, who is visiting the city, told the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday. The blindfolded Dr. Morton then went to work to give an impressive display of his and J. T. Walmsley, Tacoma; W. J. Clark, Seattle; Mrs. L. G. Skinner, Copper River; G. E. Lamb, Hoquaim, Washington; E. T. Hankey, New Westminster. l , . ' ' ' 'f ? ' t 1 If you want to sell it, advert 's- - J TEETHING WITHOUT TEARS At firrt Ritm of ffvprinh retlewTWM give Baby's Own Tablet. It's wonder-fill the way they relieve fev?r ami help baby gpt restful comfort. ' No "slfepy" ituff no dull in k effect. Fine, too. for quirk relief f diwentive upsetii, cftntliliation and other simple ill iwinkH tn n TOnvrl' if rt- Bitrd.In use forwtr r,Uycai 3 Only 300. education, come here to view the rtuatlon at first hand. M. . calder also paid a brief dune much in the best interest , visit to Pivmier while in the district. flavin? finwn here by Qucu, Charlotte Airlines. Mr. Caldt r returned to Prince Rupert on the Oamoun on Tuesday. loin HM- JL Sill Omni SUOTI V 1 I .liM. Blcmlcd " own faculties of memory. Dr. Morton then marksman with a .22 rifle, shcollng out the flame of a candle, breaking pieces of chalk attached to the fingers of an assistant, cutting a fly-lnsr string and halving an edgewise playing card. Highlight of the performance was when Alf Rivett allowed a cigarette to be shot out of his mouth. President Don Forward was in the chair and Harold Ly-num of Ten ace was a guest. U the iieuiin or Prince Rupert." f formal vole cf acceptance with regret of Mr. Boas' resignation was made. No successor has yet been named to Mr. Boas and Dr. Duncan Black, medical health olfi-saw this as a serious situa-t on in view of the urgency of e-nUriuous sanitary inspection service In Pr'w Rupert. The board is taking th matter Jpr loruia 1 1 v 1 I a : i ii stevar NEWS Mini in Scot Mint HiVt . WALKER SONS ITO, :0rd Whisky Oilfillers ,AIN0CK, SCOTIANB "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders Tit Take Out 1 1" Lodies and Gentlemen LING the tailor n '"it h the provincial Board of George Bunn has been busy niM'intnr is nol published 't by the Mtjiior Control r Ijv i In- tiovenimt'iit of yismitiiJi. I Tne Coppermine P-ive; In tl'i : " I f J ) Phone 649 Nc thwest Territories flow, LOITIITlOQOrG Ldie 1 220 Sixth St with his .small garden I ",ial,-n with a view to expediting plow.DK and cultivating gardens lhe appointment "f M. Boas for W. J. Crawford, Roy stwrp j BUCCPSSor- and Nick Gillof. Very little rain j Ml . Boas has aim resigned the has fallen so far but. In spite of p''3 position he held as city that, the gardens au showing I plumbing inspector. steady progress. There is still . quite- a bit of sn:;w back in the i Tonight's train, due from the aocut Da nines irum ne-.'.r - - 1 Great Slave Lake. . mm mmmtmmmm -) " '- m Ijt ban. iiif. ' vnv J? i , ... -. . i .. . - - hills and it is anticipated that,East at 11:15 daylight time, is A A, reported this afternoon to be on be later than the season will usual. MAN OF 1-ARTS Canada's much-talented Gcvernor-General revealed an aotitude for log-sawing when he visited a forestry exhibition at Hull, Que. (CP PHOTOi time.. NEW! S EXCITING ! STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL! ORD'S Stewart Tennis Negro Show John Yelich. an employee of Nick Benkovich, was brought to town from thv; logging camp suffering from an Injury to his fOt. S..' Godf ey Knellcr, famous Eritish painter who died in H23, j studied for the army before be-I ccniing a famous ai r- Club Organized jnd er hre The Stewa-'t branch of the ! STEWART The annual meet- Recent Diesentation in Piinc- Canadian Legion are busy mak- Ing of the Stewart Tennis Club Rupert of a Negro entertainm-. ni - I mm. at in null uuui ONSUL ing preparations for the annual wac h id on Sunday at the home B'oup w Sm c; itkized by the Kuw-Empire Day dance which will be j of Mrs. F. H. Lewis. There was men at their meeting last night held this year in the M Hall ' a good attendance of old and and advice to this eliect will be on Wednesday, May 23. j nsw members. Officers elected wired to the district governor. 1 j Icr 1951 were: ' It all started with a letter irom PREMIER NEWS r President-Mrs. F. H. Lewis. ."If Cheniainus Ki.israen Club who complained that although it Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneison L'Ktary-T ' had booked the Harmo"y Kin?s r e a s u r e r - Mel left last week for a h ;!lday trip I cence" I for a Prfcse'ltaun several weelts to Vancouver. Returning north. ! , r. ... . ago and had wld tickets for th" :Ql" .S a 1" I Chop Suey - Chow Mein 1! ! HOLLYWOOD CAFE i jii-'tftt V I Sec it soon ot i Parker Ltd. thc will spend a week in Prince i D V i, . U .', f ieVPnt- the group "neve,- showed pultun uiiu iivm.up - and leit the club holding Rupert. nuuuison. ihp hni? " i MONARCH DEALERS ice Rupert, B C. Mrs. L. Prest of Vancouver is visiting here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aiid Mrs. Ottc Hornell. Repairs to the court fence are i As Chemainus unflerstood th? In the hands of Gjorge Sanvido. entertainers were to play in The members are full of en- i Prince Rupert, the club southt thusiasm and are planning an ; help to contact them. Prince Ru active season. pert club thought, if the d!itri governor wr. -e advised, further such disappointments could be avoided by a blanket plum. Johnson's f P. rem ic r Si03 CANADA DEPARTMENT OF ACililCULTUKn Jlc 11U on ori cl'S Prairie Farm Rehnblliuulon Act U applitr lor Ola-Coal tlx yoti wan floor I ifonomg up) PREMIER Mother s Dav was tenders observed last Friday when moth-! St,lle tenders win be received by Prpmiprl,he "'' 2:00 o'clock pr, ers were w .t, guests .1 at. rremier p m., R,.Ria Tui,p, Tuesday. Juue s. school .all the pupils 111 the 19ol. for Are 2, Contract -C" ot U10 school taking part In a program rmooet Valley in-cmmmion Project. The work la located near Pembrtou !to honor th mothers. Under' ! direction CI tne teacher, F. Mam- , Tne followlni; are the main Items chur, Grades 1. and 2 pupils of 'orlt nd tUe approximate qwnu ties of each: J presented a skit which was fol WIMXJSUHUM C$L ' j ll jl Jl A Flavour is the least expensive and I fj I OW8! yet the most sought after feature of I I r5T'v I every meal. A dash of Heinz Tomato I I 1 1 f I ' JC'fe Ketchup costs next to nothing, but I p4 ll4kilN7 117-11 W V whether UBed as a sauce or in cook- I fJ B C ' I lX II I " 7?WS- ing, it gives a zestful lift to any meal. I M I I ggg- pWWy. fn . That is why 7 out of 10 shoppers in I J IJ IVI A fYl I MODi-ilN ZZZZ?'''" kFTruLn PLUMBING l ZZrrZr izH is a wise investment, in IT r $7 ll iMO- ' terms cf family heallh and i""' I rJl"- J Cl HEINZ CkSiSam twrio : Call Blue 846 -A t e - plumbing HEMTottuitbgcace ftFa 7: Ah1t.LC " I 1 HEINZ cWgx "1 lowed by recitations ana songs. Dainty refreshments were served Canal excavation 36.000 cu. yd. Embankment 91.500 cu. yd. Rm'k rlpntp 17,000 Rock hauling and placing 68.000 ton -mi les. Timber Hood bos 36 5 MFI3M. Plans, specitlcalions and tender WMMlfful;Y handy I long handle hacpf yv off your kncei. Fluffy cnvnilla pad tprvodt Gla-Coal tmaolhty, avsnly, qukkly. Pad tlipt by tlie pupils and each mother i received a gift. The Junior Red Cross presi- out for aoiy wathmg. May b utd ogam ond jVv OQoin ft"- dent, Wayne Castle, conducted from the undersigned" at his office in the meeting, asssist -d by the Re'ina. sask.. or from the p.f.k.a. secretary, Jean Smurthwaite. , omce. victoria Avenue, Kuminoos. Todo ay . gal can Janian' SaH 1 C..I , ,,,! ric. , mmi ih, CMa'Caataf I tpailal law pilial I t a.Kj.. upon ine 01 i en uol Billy Thompson was elected lars cash fio.ooi. or a certined i-"r th Hinount oayuble new health officer for the school. the Receiver General or Canada, waich uvpa' it will b- j-odc?m:ibi upon the return of the plans an.t spec HI rat it jus hi jjood oraer witiiui month after tenders have elc .t J The lowest or any tender Is -lot necessarily accepted. By Oriler L. B Tliomwn, Director. P F.K A., 910 Mc(.M-m-hnl Builcltn Ht-Hlna, Sask. LADIES' SPUN NYLON ANKLE SOCKS ' . Assorted colours; lastex tops. Easy to wash. ! Will not shrink. Extra long wearing, -f Priced at PAIR JLVV , LADIES' NYLON HOSE Subs manufactured by one of the leading hosiery mills. Evening sheer texture, 51-gtiape. New Spring shades, dark seams. A Sizes 8'2 to U PAIR jL00 REMNANTS Dropcry Upholstering and Slip Covering 1 to 10-yard lenqrhs Tiour chancj to purchase a useful length for any purpose yor may require, all priced by the length, AT GREATLY REIH'CKH PRICES TO CLEAR. ALL NYLON LADIES' PANTIES . LADIES' VELVET CORD SLACKS 1.59 White only. Sizes S-M'L. 9,95 Fine walo. Grey, Wine, Green. Sizes' 12 to 20 PAIR PAIR. Witt last years Go on over old roof Are fire-resistant Come in many MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Grey, Green. Yellow. Fin." poplin t?A wtave. -Sizes S-M-L. EACH t''V (. i.jpp styles Besides Asphalt Shingles your Barren Dealer has com MEN'S T-SIISRTS Values up to 2.95. Various colors. All sizes. Clearing at ...,i: t EACH LADIES' VELVET CORD SKIRTS Green, Wine, Red, Copper. Q (TA Sizes 12 to 16 O" LADIES' VELVET CORD BOLEROS Green, Wine, Red, Copper. ( JA 14 and 16 0v RAYON SILK PANTIES Maisc. Pink, Blue and pair -4 A A White A lor 46 SUNNI-WEB CURTAIN FABRIC CHAMFAIGNE, OYSTER, NfLE GREEN, Crystal Sheer "Cellanese" fabric . YARD Marquisette and Plastic Cottage Sets. Assorted patterns. Ready to hang SET ,59 plete line of roofing, insulation and weatherproohng materials 98c 2.95 MEN'S SHIRTS ond SHORTS Barrett company, limited Good quality Bulbrigg4r knit. 65c Sizes S-M-I.. GARMENT 9250 Oak Street.. Vancouver, B.C. .R.7?Tfr ceVour building problems to your Barrett Dealer