F ' ' - ' - 1 f Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 17, 1951 Baffling AS STAXTVNiS At Old Times at Jr. Chamber THE HAS in BV6Z OMD 1 ! ft , OINOIR ! Showman m Prince Rupert Also Wonders How Or. "Tex' Morion Does It Ail ITIVI JIM-"' iV P-H- RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE 1 951 fs Outstanding Made.- to - Measu re ADDED: WW "So You H'an't i Move" "Ai'lion in Sports" "Hone for a Bone" Today and Tliurs. 7-9 To Co-operate in Furthronunx j "Clean-up and Paint-up" I Campaign ! HihliKhts of the monthly, dinner and business meeting oi i the Prince Rupert Junior Cham- S ber of Commerce last night in i (he Civic Centre included inte.-j esting and amusing talks by-Phil Lyons and George Rorie un the format. on and early struggles of the first Junior Chamber organized in this city. The )ay-rees decided to go all out in their assistance to the city coun- i cil and the senior board in the ! coming "Clean-up and Paint-jp" campaign in Prince Rupert. The next monthly meeting scheduled for the third Wednesday ,n June will see Uu th musical with th moiUtl "Tex" Morton, a dual personality entertainer, first a yodelling cowboy and sharpshooter ; and then a debonair exponent of the science of hypnotism and mesmerism, stood them in the aisles and rolled them in the rugs at the Civic Centre last night in as different and unique a show a.s na.) ever ueen u.fered a Prince Rupert audience. 1 A capacity aucence waited until the very end of a program tlrat occupied more Hum three hours. Even the most skeptical had to admit lh; it was one if the lieu r.' ;t 1 n iiiances oil le.orcl in this ci! y . Morten ha$ a full biR of autll- ; -n .inline trick? to be .sure, and they are Rood cues too. Nobody could complain at not get-, tin,- their money s worth and it is pretty .safe to suppose tliril the succeeding three niidils will i ii i 1 1 "' i I ii a r w h 'j j i a e ei lion oi the new executive1 fur l'i.il-52. I he rapt interest of the bl ; crowd. Morton got h's audience into (he best of humor with his songs :ii (he Aiistr.ili.in yodelling man 1 . s. Glothmg iTTIF . 1 hi h TOAY to SATl'ltllAY Shows 7 - SAT. i1 ATIM:KS 2 . ner, accompanied by his own guitar and .sauve, if somewhat pacK the his auditorium. i The versatile Australian psy-1 cho1 gist is. indeed, a veritable ' one-man show" with a combi-l nation of talents suii as no; j JUST MISLAID Charily Hutihlngs. CNR. lost-articles clerk, is dazed by tin; variety and multitude of articles and bai;gage travellers have left behind on trains ami unclaimed in baggage dcpaitmcnts. llufchings and Irene True of C.N. Expi vss arc ptuzled a.i lu who could have forgotten this artificial leg. (CP PHOTO i CIVIC CENTRE TONIGHT, MAY 17th Ami V.rh Nifiht Till Saturday (8.3(1 p.m.) The Amazinq Dr. Robert (Ten) -f .rzz ..... often, if ever. Iris been previously been seen iieic. From the moment that Gloria Sather, who had reposed peacefully in deep hypnotic slumber at Gordon & Andersen's store from 2 p m., found herself awakened at 8 p.m. on the Civic Centre stage with the assistance of the gentle kits on the orow by Geoff Hill, president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, it was a repertoire which held 1240 Kil'veles RADIO DIAL CFPR broad, line of patter and asides. He had tears in the eyes of tho lemirr-hearted with his "Mother" number isome had memories oi Hank Snow a year ugoi. Ihe Horse Called Rio Grande' trought to the audience a song by McPherson, the Australian counterpart of Robert W. Serv-, ice. The "opery" .selection "Barnacle Bill" was popular and rollicking "Ragtime Cowboy Joe" brought an end to that pha.se of the entertainment. 'Iic entertainer then provok. d gasps of admiration with his feats of marksmanship with a .112 rifle, shooting the chalk Irom the fingers of his assistant and a cigarette from his mouth. Jak Moffatt was brave enough to venture from the audience as a foil for the same stunt. Split-1 ting the string and cutting the edgewise playing card were fur-1 ther demonstrations of remark- j able prowess. j Morton then turned to a dem- ' onstration of concentration 2" common objects were named from the audience and written i Internationally Tuitions lecturer, Aidliur, INyrhnlk! Scientific, durational and Hiluriiiiisly IjiterUiniim" HYPNOTSST TICKETS AT CIVIC CKNTIIK Prices: Res. $1.M $1,110 General Admission ; Children 30c (inc. Tan MATINEE CANCEl.TI I) P RINC ETON (Subject in Change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00-Leo Barkin 4:15 Mus.c by Goodman 4:30- Maggie Muggins 4: i5 Stock Quotaiions it. In. 5:00 -Intornat innal Cointy. 5:10 -Alberta Pipeline 5:30 The Question Bo 5 :4S Something in Harmony 5:55-CBC News Kaiser's Cook Draws Tourists KITCHENER. Out. (CP) A woman who once cooked for the Emperor of Germany is doing he,- part to lire American tourists to Canaaa. Mrs. Augusta Thiem of Cone-stogo, six miles from here, Is kept busy providing tourists ano village residents with the kind o; food that melts In your mouth. She came from Rominten, Germany 27 years ago, which was a village on the .oal estate ot Vhe late Kaiser Wilheim, last o the German monarchs. The whole village fuisea and flurried preparing dl-hes to temp.t the m ; OUR GUARANTEE: 1, Individually measured wl.-.n you order. 2. Personally fitted wUen we deliver. m B u a sd c.y pi,;: Ci w fc- ' Ni V T si s -,J . J ' TC , P' ., Air yea i the caa liev ma , era i 5 : m V! 5 n m m a m t :i i; Godbout on the n.jrih the St. Lawrence bi'b J mm Mrs. Thiem, they explain, cooking is an art, not a mass-pn-ductlon proposition. Her gucsls want to keep it that way. was established beforf H trading post. : Mm, ! imperial palate when the Kaiser jWcnt theic for thp shooting sea-json, and Mrs. Thiem, tarn a 6:00 Supper Serenade j 6:15 Freddy Martin & Oreh. j 0:3a -Musical Varieties I 0:45 "Snrly Bumette Show" i ':00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Ernesto Ninci, Baritone CCD - Leslie Bell Singers 8:30 Musical Tribute to John Weinzweig 10:00 -CBC News 10:10-CBC News Round-up 10:15 Chapter and Verse' 10:30 Canadian Concert 11:00 -Weather Report Fish Arrivals ll:0 Sign Off on a blackboard by Mrs. Demp-.;ey after which the blindfolded and back-turned cwnjuror recited them straight down the list, back up and then at random from the numbers. Association of ideas was dc- -Suits - Sportcoats Topcoats You arc invited V) view the newly-arrived outstanding di p'ay oi fabrics and sec our distinctive Made-to- I Oicted as 11 persons from the young gi. -i. was no exception. Now she cooks for less distinguished guests, but the food tile prepares still has the touch of magnificence. For her guest, she whips up delicacies like-Wiener Schnitzel, Hassenpfelfer or Sauerbraten. She makes her own sauerk.aut and has a light, and adept hand with strudels. Mrs. T hiem likes to see iwnni Mcasure Sly'.s. Fit Guaranteed with Every Garment Rupert Men's & Boys' Store 2 Mlll!:Hm BtHBEBonaaHBaRaiaMBBiiaar 1 1 t!"SI hlf" III . cat and enjoy their food. She puts a flatter of fried chicken on the table and if you don't eat, it all, she's hurt and insists on reloading your plate, a cone-urn is always on the table and guests are invited to take all thev want. The only trouble with th Thiem establishment is tha-Concstogo resident are trying t0 k!? tler talR,1Ui a secret. With Skinnymen,women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. 1 oURKIMI n M 7.00-Muslcn! Clrxk H:dO-CHO News 8:10 HfreK OiMid 8.15 Morning Song, 8:30 Mnrnlng Devotions 5:45 Any thing1 Goes 9:00-BBO News and Com't.y 9:15 Mu'ilc for Moderns , 9:30 Sunrise Serenade .9:45 Your Music Appointment :: lime signal 10:00 .Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodie 10:30-"ThLs Week's A.list" l:4ft Invitation to tne Walta 11:00 Kindergarten of Die Air 11:15 Roundup Time ll:30-Weather Report 11:31 Messara Period s 1 1:33 -Recorded Intrrlorie audience came to the stage, each placing an object in an envelope for presentation to the magician who, with little dllficulty, returned each to their respective owner. But it was the culminating demonstration of hypnotism and me.- meri.sm which was the hign-light of the evening. It was as baffling as it was fanny. Thirty volunteers from the audience ent to the stage for 'subject'' election. After about half the number had been weeded out for ,-ea.sons of "unsuitabllity," Mor-on went to work on the others. At the count of three they went nto various stages of hypnotic oiitrol, physically and mental-y. As hypnotic slumber became Icepcr and deeper and the con-rol more and more intense, the itunts became the more rc-narkable and the antics more unny. Some might have been skeptical but everyone was baf-iled. It was all obviously genuine too, for some of the subjects ater admitted in Interviews that hey did not know what happened after they had submitted .hemselves to the hypnotic influence. Nor had anything been rranged. It was Just claxed co-operation. 'Morton showed Prince Rupet jvhy his unusual shows are tieeting with enthusiastic receptions everywhere he goes and why return engagements are being sought. Mrs. J. C. Gilker assisted with jiano accompaniments in vari-us sequences of the Kings Plate 1 Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor Jlie pioneer eJ&ritfifthl Whit a thrill I Rnnr limbs nil out ; uftjr hi. fill up; nee n IdflffrT WlktrriT i r . . wm j vjr 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies 12:00 Mid-Day Memd:-- j . 15-f'Br; Nrwn ; 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 0y Seagram's SjW DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 ; ism tu! i l: ;. i ..ui:.uj nr W!Dlavd by he liquor Control Board or by thw Govurnment of BritisH L0 1 iandii of tirli. wHnrn. mem, iii nref onuld Mln ta-fort, ra not proud ot Uny, hmlihv-lft.)lii)f b.Hi!ot, Ttmy Misnk thr mm-t'UI vIhoi -rHfUtlliiK, tmh-bull film ionic, Ustrji. Hm tonkin, fcllmiiiftrtiii. hMiKork-tiiti, Iron, Fiitmln i,. rl-rimn, tiirli'h blood. Imuruf IMtitf ami lIlKrHttnn M ItNxl jiift ym more MrenRth nd nourUlimeut; put fleJi on dan- Ihiim-i, Qmt tovaly Curvat llttn i l"t gfiniiK Tun fit. Minii wlit-n inn fe KsitiM () ft. 10. IB or l Ihs. iw-d fur normal wniipi. i:nti llttl Niv "iP fiiiat!ifd" size only MU: try fairiniia OntiFi T'inlf Tm tiit-t ft for nw new ami id'lfrt ioiiridn. t hi varjr dar. At U diuiUiai THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT IN NORTHERN B.C. 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 2:00 B.C. Eahool Bdct. 3:30 Records at Random 2:45 A Book I Like; Cointy. S:iio,The Music v.nx 3:15 Western Five FRASER HOUSE We shall not be responsible for articles ci rtA THE Moth's storagc or deposit arter .-su auys " - uiri May 14, 1951 . MR.ANDMR For Action Advertise! , -? I! This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Beard or by the Government o( British Columbia EVERTRy IT? OXFORD The Family Cir M . I "HT1--. u H V. J A M ,oyj at prince y , from . . . A grand family car yet easy on tlie tunlget! (.ruteful ..! ileep-riisliioned comfort! 1'lenty of knee room, elbow n luggiige room for five on long trips, six on short. y'vet, minute engine features for smooth control. reliiiMe per to strict economy! VI' TO 35 MILKS I'KIl (;A, I'(,V ' drive Hum proof "Motto-construction" llody Lockheed 11 'yilruulic Itrukes Une-iiiece Adjustable trout Seat O Steering If heel Ceur Shift . FIRE MOTHS THEFT SAFETY FURS--T morns tlxford for yourself nsk lor uciiioiiu IN TODAY! At your nrarcKl l)c-ler' OXFORD MOTORS 2211 .4lh Ate. British Our t eiilre ' L I M I T Ej PhnllC BA. " iHatributora for 'Brilish Columbia and Alberta BILL SCUBY'S FUR VAULT CLEANING GLAZING REPAIRS REMODELING Phone 974 FRETJ piCK-UP SERVICE Out of Town Customers Ship Express Fully Insured Prince Rupert Dealer far Morris Cars DAN'S SERVICE STATION 7dSmoAe fiS&SSzgS t AbVERTTSlNO IN THE DAILY NbWS BRINGS RESULTS - ' 322 McBRIDE STREET i i n ii iim i i