5 Page 2 THE DAILY NEWS | PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. §H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpIToR. = Se a: iil ME il *SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 ‘TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. — a . axe. Monday, Sept. 22, 1949. —_— Ce DAILY EDITION, Need for Quick Action : On the New School. ed There is great need of haste in connection with the new th public school. There is a class of about forty pupils crowded into the basement of the Methodist Church where the light is very poor and the room is in other ways ill suited for the purpose Pt of a class room. This is not good for-the youngsters and steps should be taken to get something better as soon as possible. be There are other rooms crowded to the doors as well as an inconvenient room in use on Second Avenue in the Hays Block. The people of Prince Rupert have decided that they want a new school. A majority of the people realize the serious con- ea dition of affairs. There are some people, however, in every o community that begrudge every cent that is spent on the children. This has no particular reference to those who voted against the school bylaw for many of them did it because they thought better arrangements might be made. To the average normal parent the most precious thing in the world is the child, and nothing is too good for it. Many of the Prince Rupert people are perfectly normal and they want the best there is for the boys and girls, What is needed now is quick action so that they may have ii before thehealth of the children has been irreparably injured. Registering for Voters’ Lists. ; In Victoria the voters’ lists were all cancelled and a new list ry a i has been made for the election which is taking place there, cause: by the elevation of Dr. Tolmie to a cabinet position. Whether the same will be done in every constituency is not at all clear. To ; a make sure it might be wise for those not registered to get on |i j list at once in order that there may beno chance of their being disfranchised. Because this action is taken for a Dominion elec- tion does not follow that the same will be done before a provincia election. There are a good many newcomers to Prince Rupert and they should all see that they are registered before the list clogs. iT Tookw ME AM HOUR. . Ride in Comfort 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your Service Day or Night STAND "siti Streee ROYAL HOTEL ee Sixth Street : We are agents for Garden Court Perfumes .............. $2.25 per ounce. Garden Court Combination Cream .......... 7c per box Garden Court Coid Cream .......... .. 75e per box. Garden Court Toilet Water ........... $2.50 per bottle. Pi The Prince Rupert Drug Co. Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. Phone 134 : Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Daily News the famous Court Toilet Articles aanertcntitiany dota , = Subscribe for The THE DAILY NEWS “‘The Influenza Epidemic’’ From Oct., 1918, May 1919, the Dominion Accident and Sickness Co, paid $58,- 907.4 claims to i? lim resulting from Influenza, Pleurisy and Pneumonia. These figures should carry conviction. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. \gents ii - 3rd Avenue Insurance Real Rentals. Phone Kstate > = 2 LAND REGISTRY ACT and 134.) 11,044-1, sections 36 Re Application No, File 6,198. ' & that application has been Made to register Jim Postulu of Prince Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee under @ Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Price Rupert, bearing date the tv: day of December, 1918, of ALL AND SLNGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the ~~ of Prince Rupert, more par- ticularly nown and described as Lot Seven (7), Block twenty-five (25), Section Seven (7), (Map 923); You are required to Contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the ser vice of this notice (which may be effected by Publication in @ daily neyspaper), and your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act’ with amendments, and_ to the following extract therefrom ‘and in default of @ caveat or cer- tificate of lis pendens being fled be- fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, . « « , &fid those claiming through or under them, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the lend by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or im respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person en- titled under such tax sale a8 owner of the land so sold for taxes.”’ AND WHEREAS application has been Made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands, in the name of Jim Postolu AND WHEREAS on investigating the title it appears that prior to the 10th day of October, 1917 (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the assessed owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the fame time | shail effect registration in pursuance of such application and issue a Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe to the said lands in the name of Jim Postolu unless you take and prosecute the proper pro- ceedings to establish your claim, if any, fo the said lands, or to prevent such pro- posed action on 7 part. DATED at the Land Registry “Office, Prince Rupert, ao this 19th day of 91 August, A.D., , H, F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. To Robert J. Abbott, Esq., Prince Rupert, B. C. DRAINACE, DYKING & DEVELOI’'MENT ACT Notice is bereby given that it is pro- posed to form a development district under the name of “Horse Shoe Drainage Districts to include the following lands, that is to say:—The fifty-five and one fenth (55.1) acres of Lot nine hundred and ejghty-three (983), Group one (1), owned by Chas. F. A. Green; Lots twenty- five (25) to thirty-five (35) inclusive of Registered Map numbered nine hundred dnd sixty-seven (967) in Lot No. three hundred and*sixty-two (362), said Group; Lots twenty-six (26) to twenty-eight (25, melusive of Registered Map numbered one thousand and ninety-seven (1097) in Lot No. nine hundred and seventy-njne (979), said Group; the forty (40) acres in Lot fine hundred and seventy-nine (979, said Group, lying east of Lot twenty-eight (25) of Registered Map numbered one thousand and ninety-seven (1097), said Group; Lots fine (9) to sixteen (16) inclusive of Registered Map numbered nine hundred and sjxty-five (965) in Lot No, eight bundred and thirty-seven (837), said Group; Lot (A) of Registered Map num- bered nine bundred and sixty-six (906 im Lot No. three hundred and sixty-one (361), said Group; Lots one (1) to seven (7) inelusive and Lots thirteen (13) wo twenty (20) inclusive of Registered Map fhumbered nine hundred and sixty-six (966) in Lot No. three hundred and sixty- one (361), said Group; Lots four (4) and five (5) imelusive and Lots nine (9) to fourteen (14) inclusive of Registered Map numbered eleven hundred and five «: | in Lot eight bundred and thirty-cight (838), said Group, all in Range five (5 Coast Djstrict, containing approximately five hundred and thirty (530) acres, and to present to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council 4 petition pursuant to the Drainage, Dyking & Devel mt Act for the appoimt- ment of J. K. Gordon, George Little and 6. H. Taft as Commissioners to acquire, execute, maintain and operate drainage and dyking works for the reclajming and improving of the said lands. A copy of the said petition can be in- Bpected at the office of Geo. Ligsle ai Teriace, b. C., and objections thereto may be filed at the office of the Comptro: of Water Rights, Parliament Builidings, Victoria, B. C. Dated at Terrace, B. €., the 28th day of August, 1919. J. K. GORDON, GEO, LITTLE, G. H. TAFT Above named. LAND ACT SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE 4, TAKE NOTICE that Mark Smab ’ Ocean Falls, B. C., occupation lo ~4 tends to apply for permission to ot following described lands :— Commencing at a st planted at the west end of a small bay on the soul shore of Swindle Island, and direetly gorth of Sandstone Reefs; thence east 40 chains; thence south 40 chains; thence west 406 ehains; thence north 40 chains to point of commencement, and containme 166 acres. more or less, MARK SMABY. Date, July 24th, 1019. ot TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. of in the VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B, OG, Phone 547 —- P.O, Box 725 *eeee eee ee eee MAIL SOHEDULE *| e¢ ee eeeeeeeneaee® For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- irdays at 9:30 a.m. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver: Saturdays ..... senvvcsr OP BuNdays ..cccccccscese | TuesdByS ...5 secsseees Thursdays .... ssesees f From Vancouver Sundays .... 10 p. m, Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a, m. *PIGAYS cece eee eeeeees Oe M, aturdays .... 10:30 a.m. 3 0 p.m. 5 p.m. 0 p.m. ee eeeeee For Anyox: Stindays ...... ceoosese ee pas Vednesdays .......... 10 p. m. Saturdays ......seee0% 10 p.m. From Anyox: TucSdAyB ....ccccccesses Pe M. “‘hursdays .....++- covrvcoes Do Ms Sundays ...... seeeeesees DP, M, Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, sundays ... 10 p.m. From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. TUWOSdAYE 2. ccscccccccsess PD M. For Port Simpson and Naas River points: Fridays ..... 10 a. m. From Port Simpson and Naas River Points: IOUEPGNFO i ciccceviscev' eee ewer p. m, Queen Charlotte islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island points: Wednesdays .......... 10 a.m, ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: Thursdays ........+e+..+ DP. mM. for Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: ‘ortnightly. From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— Fortnightly. For Skagway and the Yukon. Mondays. From Skagway and Yukon. Saturdays. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m. From—Saturdays ...... p. m. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS — NOTICE. Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look ut, Mystery, Midas Lake Frac., Pass Frac tional Mineral Claims, situate im the Port- ‘and Canal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis trict. Where iocated:—0On the East Salmon River Valley. TAKE NOTICE that I, A. H. Green, act- ing a8 agent for L. Watkins, F. M. Cc. No. 16349-C; C. D. Carter, F.M.C. No. 9,588 c; R. M. Martin, F.M.C. No. 9,587-c; H i. Fetter, F.M.C. No. @,5697-C; H. E. Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9,508-C; Martin Welch, F. M. C. No, 9,5909-C, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of im- provements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the claim. And further take notice t action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Im- provements. Dated this 26th day of a. A. D. 1919 A. H. GREEN. MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. B 8 wdon Frecti Clark, Jimm eaver, Su raction, Fraction, Reb Roy, and N F ’ raction Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:——On the west side of Granby Bay, near Anyox. H. N. Clague of acting a5 agent TARE NOTICE that I the city of Duncan, B. é., for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Sme)t- ing and Power Company, Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No, 32188-C, intend, ixty days from the date herecf, to apply .o the Mining Recorder for a Certilicate f Improvements, for the etrene of ob aining a Crown Grant of above clatiu. And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of Im provements. Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D. 1919 H. N. CLAGUE, B.C. L. 8. MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. NOTICE. Iron Bug, Blue Jay, John Bull, John Bull No. 1, John Bull No. 3, and Drum Lummon Fraction Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas Mining Division of Cassia vistrict. Where located: — A ‘miles up Falls Creek, Granby Bay. TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague of the city of Duncan, B. C., acting as agent for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smeit ing and Power Company, Limited, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 32188-C, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply roximately two to the ining Recorder for a Certificate of Improyements, for the purpose of ob talning @ Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, un- der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of im provements. Dated this gra day of July, A.D. 19f0 H. N. CLAGUE, 6. C.L. 8. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE that Northern B. C, Fish- eries Limited whose address is Winch Building, Vancouver, B, C., will apply for a licence to take and use 4 cubic feet per second of water out of un un-nan ereek which flows north and drains lito Steamer Passage about 200 feet west of west boundary Lot 4954. The water will be diverted from the stream at @ point about 180 feet N.W. of the 8. W. Cor. Lot 4954 and will be used for industrial power purpose upon the land described as Lot 4954, Range 5, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 6th day of September, 1919. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto to the “Water Act, 10914,” will be filed in the office of the Waiter Re- oor oe vemes tho. apa B.C. ions to cation may be fied with the said Water Wetorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Pariia- ment Buildings, Victoria, 8.C., within fifty days after the first appearance of this notice in @ local newspaper. NOKTHERN B. C. FISHER LIMITED . Applicant. Bauer, Agent The date of the y Ww. first publication of this notice is 8th September, Dally News, Prince Rupert. — — ip IN 1860 - tHe are KING EDWAaD “we ‘a WHEN PRINCE OF waig VISITED CANADA WALES CANADA 1919 PR VISITS IN Bank Money -==-— Orders | For settling small accounts —where it is not desirable 7 to pay by cheque— many ‘| Business Houses as well as ‘| Individuals, regularly use the i Bank Money Orders issued by The Bank of Montreal. WINNIPEO BRANCH H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, - Prince Rupert Branch, oa) an See ALBERT © McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line We handle oe Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber B. C. Mill’s Fir Cement Shingles Lime Plaster Brick Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. —-- S.S. PRINCE RUPERT S.S. PRINCE GEORGE ————— SAILING THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. , 8. &. PRINCE JOHN FND PRINCE ALBERT For STEWART every Wednesday at 2.00 pm Massett, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, August 2>!! . Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, Seplembe: TRAIN SERVICE : al Passenger Monday, W°dnesday and Saturday aj 1) 9° *! eae Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipee, making direc! all points east and south AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply & City Ticket Office, 52 Third Avenue. Pron? 260 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steame! S. 8. PRINCESS ALICE §.8. PRINCESS MARY < for Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rup September 9, 19, 26; October 6, 17, 27. For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, September 4, 15, 22; October 2, 13, 23. CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Por rates, reservations and sailings, app’ ' 3rd Avenue and 4th Strect Prince Rupe we 586 - Phone - 586 The goods on our shelves are al! priced " plain figures to aid you in your shoppins: from Prince Rupert , rt, B.C. large LINZEY’S GROCERY J s