Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. May 17, 1951 Y ;i" - ,u. i NU SHEAR PIN Lady Bowlers Enjoy Banquet Trophies Presented at Uappy Gct-tuicether :ootball fM 'JXIQUUUD 1 Canadian Legion K'.ause; Ccwper, Eby; Alexander, Yet-! iland. Nelson; Bowman, Bedford, j ' Ralph Smith', Dave Murray. i I Referee Pat Forman. ! FEATURE let Mi atow yot the ni ' rateatI propeller clutch. Tin 1 ins fi enutrly new ticm-n w tin riiWMiu. First Game Ends Even in 3uUMid moturs auurn siiioutt: Krause had no chanc with ; either shot. Eby was fast and! , trcuble !itt per K'lbOs.e. Mcie how it ui4.&: wl f.f a obstruUion, the propel j. XfUi!. but the m,,r nurn i WMw Ira ' : v ' . Ai kuuA is it s " jLzTyr-Y I Presentaticn of .season's tro-l phies featured the Ladies' Bowl-Ung League annual banquet, on ; Tuesday night at the Canadian Legion auditorium when an-j other season was happily wound ! up. 1 After a delicious dinner serv-! ed by Mrs. Jean Warren, the M.jf ia Way nd tec tiitie otw Flmihciu Outboard sure, cowper was an aggressive pieyer with a good shot. Yelland was effective with good ban control. Nelson tried hard. Smith 'd:d not get so many chances. Bedford improved as -the name continued. Murray net up lh Legion and Motum Share Four tioaJs Viiur Dealer: trophies were presented to the following: QRANT & NEWTON B.C. I)istributr: Curves F-. Ritchie & Sons Ltd. C.)g Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. first goal. Bowman as fair. -! i i SERVE 11 In Deadlock In spite of Urn fact that both teams have difficulty in finding players, last evening's opening game of the season in the North Star Football League provided an interesting match with th Motors coming from behind twice to '.e the m oiu, (he t;ame tiulnif, two g.ials ti two. Dixon was the first goalie called upon and lie saved somewhat unceitainly from Alexander and from Eby. Lien stopped a Dixon did well in the Motors.' i goal. Lie n and Robinson played a great defensive p. a me wi'h j RiOinson doing effective drib- i bling towaids the end. Jennings! showed good football "know- how' 'though obviously out of i practice. Leighton p'.ayvd hard a" rln null. Price sliuwed good 1 ball control and -set uj) the1 ,.5 Mm 0 Qm'6$ ( K I lit I MM. i LOSDOSDR yjB-v - : I I find elf-ver. Lfiloin rr:n nlnvnH at 1 f.Jf -.rW f L"gio;i attack and the Emith was ,.cat two-wav Enme fh,.kinp ! e high with two attempts. The hurcI and gf:t Jns int0 the opl)on ' "A" imiSION Champions Lyons. Annette trophy I presented by Mrs. A. MansellK. High average Mrs. Ants Pierce i Lyons, 20C. Hiah ,ciiwle and three M-s Jessie Slieiitciii, 30(i and 8E(1. Team hih .single and three Rosa Lee's. 1219 and 3251. Consolation Belnioul's. "If DIVISION Champs RorkPttes i Sweet 1C trophy presented by Mrs. 3. Savillei. High average Miss Kj y Thompson (Wallace Pharm.'. 184. High single Mrs. Margaret Montgomery (Manson'.si, 354. High three Mrs. Dunna Mc-Neice ( Battlers i, 7t4. High team single and three Manson's, 1U92 and 2730. Cojisolation Skeena Grocery. Gue.sts were Mrs. AnneUc Mansell and Mrs. Bftty Savill". The evening was .spent with various forms of entertainment iwu.u!., unence wu-, uei;!B ent ' iii goal aiea time to score! severely but with Robinson and !, eocd goal. Boulter also show- I famous since 1 750 Lien bpth def. rutins stubbornly ecl that he couid play in the fleld Us Legion forwards were held a, .... ;n .,.,. ,, , fVl at bay. Then Krause saved i.vm flrst goal fm. the Moturs , Leighton and again from Let-. North 8lar fuotball Leasue I ourneau. Lien robbed Smith at1 P W L D Gjal Pt a crucial point and Dl::on Can. Lesion 1 0 0 1 2 2 r biought off two fine saves. Price Gcn MJ(01S j o 0 1 2 2 l! missvd a great chance when Mc- Hvy. Bat o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kay centred beautifully but i j half-time came with no goals. 1 lrie next ' league fixture on' From the kick-off Dave Mm- Monday evening will bring the ray made a clever run through Heavy Battjry and the General the Motors' defence and his Motor tnipihr I L i-' kUJjtftwjA VICKMV ION0ON DIY CIN is littilltf ii Ciiih iti liiliikilei li Calvert DISTIUIKS (CANADA) LIMITED -X w-" h ! iKZif J ft r-.-ry- vr, , . 3 , l! t presented by several of the teammate Cowper scored a fine; in last night's game the Le-t Learns. Big Sisters of "B" Divi- goal t0 put the Legion a goal up. gion played with ten men while ' son won the prize for the best AtlP1.. MrKay hit the UpriRht.tne Motors could only muster! ,5tunl- Boulter fastened on to the re- nine. Oiher players were "work-! Mrs. Pebbles Dickens was re- . bound and beat Krause to even ing f ;r a living." New players' elected president and Mrs. Agnes ! the score. Motors did more at- showed up promisingly and while Pierce, secretary-treasurer. tacking'. The Legion went ahead the Heavy Battery seem to have tThis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Gjntrol Board o: by the Government ot Hntish Colombia. Mt-mphis in lower Eitypt on the Nile was a centre o! great im-1 portaiice ab.iut 17C J B.L. again wnen rcuipu onuin scoieci. tne best line-up most games Eby defended well and then Dix- should be hardly fought. Rumor; rn brought off a great scva from says that Gerry Ford has reft the ' Smi'h and cleared. Cowper set Motors and will play for the up Bowman but the latter shot Battery. He is one of the most high. Krause saved splendidly p-.-imiflng players in town and frcm Price and Dixon from Bow- his defection will be a hard biow : (MSSDFEP man. Yelland saved a danger- to the young Motors team ou? situation when McKay seem- ' Classified Advertising is payable in advance. P ease refrain from telephoning. CusmIm .Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Mottoes 50c. Cards of Thar.k;. txatli Funeral Notices, Marriage and E magement Announcements $200. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. PLUMBING and HEATING Baseball Scores CAKS FOR SA1.1 WANTED FOIl SALE AMERICAN - NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES to turn buck a Legion -attack.; From Price's good cross Letour- i ncau cut in fast to tw the score and with neither team able to break through again the game ended in a 2-2 draw. I Teams: i Geneial Motors Henry Dixon; Robinson, Lien; Jennings, Leigh-, ton, Letourneau, McKay, Price and Boulter. WANTED -- TOP MAKKE'l PRICES PAID lor sciau Hon steelu brass, copper, leua. etc Line-belt Sueeder Shovels: FOR SALE - I!i39 Ciw sedan. Good hip,:Iij.". onion and eiwi ryt Otiick fale. SI.kI 00. i phone (- Honest Kiadliw Pronml payment made. Atlas noli & Metals ltd.. 251) f iur S' v.-Luuver. B. C. Phone Pactflr bial. . (U The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Cranes: Draglines: Adams Road Graders: Llttleford Bros.! Black Too Road Maintenance! Equipment: Owen Clamshell , Buckets and Rock Granules; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; ; Clark Forklift Truek-s: Nelson i Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Port- 1 Or.e li is. In :i:s': S5 First Av FOR SALE "Hie1 a-IllK Co.. ? REAL ESTATE For Action Advertise! Detroit 7, Washington 1 NATIONAL Chicago 14, Brooklyn 4 Cincinnati 4, Boston 3 New York 2. Pittsburgh 1 St. Louis 5, Phlladtlphia 3 PACIFIC COAST Sacramento 4, Portland 2 battle 9, San Diego 8 hollywood 4, Oakiand 2 San Francisco 7, Los Angeles 5 Western International Wcnalchee 7, Spokane 1 Victoria 20, Yakima 0 Salem 9, Tri-City 5 Vancouver 4, Tacoma 3. KNEW GOOD COATS able Centrifugal Pumps; Na- FOR SALE Four-room wartime tional Dragline Scrapers and; house. Good condition. Aruli-Buckets: National All Steel cial fireulace. electric fi a so line Hoists; N-jitioivil Furnished or unfurnished Owner leaving citv. Reason This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor '"A Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia PHONE Far Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. TO. Box 274 Portable Sawmills; National Rotai v Sci -:eiis and Conveyors. Full information from Na-1 FOR SALE - One '43 uu; one .it) vcxid (OiKiiuon. P:i Plumbina and H'-'-'-lua. ' Bl'SINESS OI'POKTI FOR SALE -A: irai t.'.f fixtures and tug im lud.iiL' 14 :u. ft. 1 and Wurlif:cr; 6 c 9 sea s, A it:i. hi 1 Box la3 ur -caii Ha able price for cash. Phone Blue 165 or call at 133 9th West anv time. ttf-nc) Call 363 i ()It BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing tional Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. (tf) MAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS:' ' FOR SALE Neve and used fur Ort ALE F'KASEK HOU3E Bmaest litt:e weh-eslao-llslied hotel bu.siness in Northern B.C. Korcea ij sell owniR to aie and ill ne:-a. Mr. and Mrs. K H. hi 'KS. ( tf I niture- haidware end tables, chests of drawers, beds complete, bedioom suites, small size carpets, held classes, used louKina boots, sewiiv machines, radios .and bicvcles. 9 I P4 u&ute&5 cure also otlirr useful household articles at lowest prices. See SPECIAL eSSiona For ouick sale. Beau- ill? tilullv furnished six room ti. u. r urmiure (jo. tiiacK 34. (tf-ci 1'Olt KENT FOR RENT Sinslf :. houM-Keetiin : ro Ave. West. Apaiv -- 41 U-DRIVE CAHS. 1 71 1 f ,ren'H e C ''H' F(JHKENT One 2-'" Mu.-.t tie CHU.-l i'"U!i' I Ave. Wst. CALGARY (CP) Thieves wild took two good topcoats from a restaurant he-e left in their l laces tv;o other coats mucn older and much more worn. ANGRY ADULT VANCOUVER (CP) A woman here disciplined a neighbor'.! child by putting him in a tub full of wale. The boy lia.1 thrown n lock fit, her own child. Pal'ice investigated and gave a warninp; to the angry parent. IV C. FOitEST SERVICE NOTICE OP LICENCE WALRUS (COAST) EXAMINATION house. Ccntruhv located. Two bedrooms, can be rented for a wood revenue home. Terms can be urraniert. T. NOK'ION YOUNGS Real Estate and Insurance Phone 451 or 04 H U18? HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE W AN IT" TO !' FOR SALE Some furniture including wash in k machine, $40.00. ranee coal, tools, electric winder, airl's bicycle, halibut eeur. Kodak in.stcurd. also House or Sale. 1138 Havs Cove Ave. (llVpi FOR SALE One complete barber outlit. consisting of 2 Koken super livdraunc chairs, 2 bathtubs and wash bowl an i mirrors. For quick ;;ale. 'Jan For Your PAINTING and DECORATING FOR SALE Duplex house, two .. ( storeys. Available middle ol wnin i .-w w ... - - li e wis i io " June. Call at 732 West. il2il)l GENERAL CONTRACTOP.3 Building and Repairs of all kinds RPOES CHIMNEYS , OIL BURNERS MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Ituilders &. Contractors MARGARET McLEOl) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 1TONE BUILDINO PHONE BLUE 5!M P O. BOX 1184 i. See . .i t ' keeuin - room m Coliimhi i C ;UU-'.' t Hl2. laiiv Ni-KS. WANTED TO Uvly 3 or 4 i d, m sure, t.-889 before 6 l) ... be located at St Elmo" U nci, I Room 14, W. L. Newell. ( U7pi SWAP T.1I1P rn-nrder nnH HnnJ SPENCE & MAT I UK BOATS I'OK JKAJ.K FOR SALE-.)U0-Baice ' Drill-wood yueen ; 20' x a x il ; 2 years old. Has Nortiuil ttii-chor and Star marine tonvei-siou leadv to insiai. Moored Xarht Ciud; see owner uuoaid "Oriole." (tf) PHONES 752 Green 917 Phone Black 215 (evenings) Black WWII'' near for typewriter or camera. For Sale Do.l'?e couoe, $500.00. Box lul, Dailv News. U17pi HEi.r ked 894 Box 1070 P.O Famlnat!-m for Scalers Licence fCurti uTitl'T pmvl ;lon of Section AG of the -Forest Act" will be hel-.l i;t: Terrnee, B.C., June ICt'.i and Kit!). 1DM. Dam. ' IiO'ts will be .scaled one duy, an't x paper written tbe other. E.'tnmlmitlon fee H 5.00. (Appll-niits who hnvc tried the evumlim-M'ui previously wilt be required to brlnss their receipt for the ; 00 I Application forms In ilnplieule mutt be correctly filled out and aubmlUed before the examination. Application forms and further information may be obtained from the District Forester, Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C. or from the Forest irOR SALE McC'.arv Charm oil FOR SALE $2000 Cabin cruls- ratme, chesl.erlield suite. d.)u HELP WANTED - i penins ex st in female oil ire ,u miner si "as:! n -bilitv ol one o 1 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis cies bie ana .sinate beds complete. 1501 8th East. (tf) FOR SALE Tennis raauet and baseball elove. both in perfect condition. Apply 318 7th Ave. East. (tf-nc) Fishermen s SE; MAC for your ... ROOF RE-SHINGLING orSIDING Phone Black 660 (M19o) pjintni"1 081. tor ai OFFICE HOURS Steam Baths OPEN 12 noon to 12 midnite Phone 658 Corner 3rd Ave. and 6th St. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. I Ranker. (M 17,23.31) 212 - I FOR OUICK SALE Oak diniivr HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist er 'Oriole ; 40 x u b ' x 4 it.; 90 HP universal 6 with 2'4-l reduction. 12V auxiliary Uxni plant and 12' skill'. Moored Yacht Club; owner aboard. (tf) FOR SALT Ki-fC sedan Chris-craft built speedboat with new hinh speed marine en-uine, in excellent condlt.on. Phone Blue 7U2. (116p) FOR SALE One 20-ft. trollinn boat, "OIku." Phone Green 8U3. H23p FOR SALE Tenders will be received bv the under.siuned lor the purchase of the hereunder ACCOUNTANTS room .suite with china cabinet in excellent condition. Phone income Black 1)10. (11901 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Tax specialist. S G. Furk I W. Mar I'K'k'i j. Personal inteivuw St. Stone Building Red 593. j FOR SALE Household furni 'zum lure, jno reasonable oiler re scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W! Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 . P.O. Box 374 fused. Suite 2, after 6 p.m. Summit Ants., (HOP) 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING ' ' Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. ness. i";',V,nt tub Keiic. Permanf ant f,.i.,i-u nuniii' CO- nerson to Kaicn FOR SALE One small wood and 1 coal circulating hpater in A-l i shape. Price $25.00. Phone Biack 613. (120p) FOR SALE Faw,-et,t Mnvfair! range, excellent condition.' described ea-s boat, together with equipment situated thereon. Name: "Vent. Length: 27'. Breadth: 7'. Depth: 2'6". Powered bv a t h.p. Eaftliopp engine. Hitrhest or anv tender not necessarilv accented. Terms: Strictlv cash. Gordon F. Forbes. Administrator of the Estate of Elbert Donaldson Houan. deeeascrl, Court House, Pr.noe Ruoei'l .C. 1210 colussfs music store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 -4th St. 111. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SHAND. C.A 353 3rd Ave. W. Box 1247 Phone 655 pnone mack 275. GiBp. FOR SALE Pot oil burner kitchen ranee. What - otter? ' 613 3rd Ave. (tfi rf THE BESt qCm QUALITYk gffll PR1N.TINGI II. G. IIELGERSON LIMITED , REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 LOST FOR SALE Tenders will be received bv the"ned uo to noon of Tuesdnv. June 19. for the ourcluse of Lot 1 anil 2. Block 42 Subd. D L. 4H9, Plan 958 Stewart Townsite, LOST-Saturdiiv ni-ht.' a silver cii'Hrette linliter-casp witr ware Store. , HELP WANTKD-T..; ?riidirS"ibd Ajv . Holmes. Vm-. HEtP'WANTEn and ecm i al uii" & Co. LUL . .. - welding fml)lll F- Wcldim -"' ri'r ' Cltaners. . ... VANTKD. ' downs. - - ni.rAs 'ki'S'"'1 IE & LAIRD ROR cold initials A. J. 11 anvor finds it. nlease leave it at th DallyNeW3. Uy PERSONAL touethp" with imnrovemenl s .situated thereon and contents.. Arrangements to itisuect the I iueiii;e cun bf made vtth1 t un n n x ii ut o r i HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent WavifiR Beauty Culture in all "' . its branches ' 204 4th Street. Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Hwls and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL ACCX.UNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 337 P.O. Box 130 inr r ., ou'wui i,, Dt. -- VANCOUVER VICTOHIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesdny, 12 Noon Cumosnn M ICE ARM, STEWART ANI PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Cnmosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam May 25 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS f.f. Coquitlam, May 18 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Hishest or anv tender nolloiVE the folks ot home a trea necessarilv accepted. Terms- ; K,.t one ()f our dellciotr Strictlv ."ash Gordon F. inVes or Bies Rupert Baker' Jorbes Artmlnlstrato.; of the Ltd Phone 043 for orders, (tit Estate of H"nr vnrsV.aH Wit- - 'ams. ("e-eascd Court-Honse, i DRESSMAKING and drafting Prince Runert, B.O ll21c) alterations, men's oant and Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK REAL ESTATE Fhtrt nitikintr Mireare' vanm-nioto. Port Edward. B.C. (119ci CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 ELECTROLUX , , Sales anc Service' - R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 . . in t FOR SALE 6tti Avenue East, larp-B 4 eompletelv furnished, "ond location near school" nfid bus. Phone Blue 411. (12()p) CASH for scrap cas: brass. Conner batteries and radiators Phone 543 call 029 6th W, City. Mi sli'Tl . west, " call 029 tUl