t.IKE meanest thieves VANCOUVER (CP) Officials fjUli I .if (CP) In- Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 17, 1951 r Cj circle Silvm v.-- - . 1 phone line, the com-fbie-shooier round a TZ .ntantrled U. the here say the meanest thieves in town are those who have pilfered tindreda of golf balls from th-: driving ranee at Exhibition Part eiunn Little; Girl Has Chance , EDMONTON H Lt.-Col. J, R. Stone said yesterday that his liter being re.easea lae urce B - :. mm J, its Wily v..v. . .K alrie nnf.l j In one four-week period 585 ball I were lost, and they're increasing i in price. BIG BEETS ARE GOOD BUT SMALL ONES ARE -TASTIER into -r- two-year-old daughter, Moira, WtMM" lllll j now has a "fifty percent chance of survival'' and . partial vision f 2 i Vf I TORONTO (C Barbara Davis, j Newmarket, Ont., girl who has I been living in England since 1944 i when she went overseas with the Navy sh-jw, is back in Canada, j She says the Festival of Britain ! is not providing easy Jobs for j aspiring young actresses. Barbara says established stars in one eye. , The commander of the Prin tr f. I i cess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry said the eye will be t eated by radiation. are preferred because their : oirr'a other-eve was removed lTVTIX?r7 rzS I V3f I sf MONTREAL, May 17th If you're like me, one (if your favorite past imp ia visitin f rieods and lping visited. And one of tlie nicest gestures I know when friends drop in is to serve them coffee "n 1 last Thursday because of cancer I name i are more likely to draw lt)uilfits. Girls' roles are scarce. The colonel, who flew home : too, because the emphasis is on aom Korea at the week-end VjuMI " . 'V St pletelv delirious. You ran be mire when 8WAX8 p:ays. including many classics, said the radiation treatment now planned likely will take 3', or DUW war, riAA.ll is your chief murediertl The superb evenness of Swans Down makes enkej that are fluffy and tender. Sifted and resifted until that feature male actors. The supply 'A actresses also Is greater ; than the demand as lack of work lour months If Moira litcs. Ii j said his possible return to nnf as ordinary flour, Swans Down makes cake-baking suo in the Billyh niov i iiiuusi v ii. m fCaia'y' lrV ewsns imwn i u rmur sn-n - lor ciki at, m Korea '"will not be dlsciiFsed now." ' z.. . rent film people seeking jobsaon romimnv-iiiiinnereo imi nm your requeu or iarn is M'U tore It" mit 90 page booklet full o) rrrip,, to Grn-1(, Limited. Dept. K, Cobourg, Ont. Send your name an the stage. . L uJ 20c m coin. . .. i .!.' ... M 1 Htvi ' 11 studied for two years at the I Plain, Ordinary Hamburger and dash on just enough ol Wfiiu Ketchup to give, it that special, estm iif ! Central School of Dramatic Art in Royal Albert Hall, plans to Izzy' fuelled: up to his friend, very excitedly. "Oh, Able, I hear you are. going to marry Reba," he said; ."Don't dtt It. Site's been out with every guy in Peoria." "Well," queried Abie, "is Peoria such a' big city?" t i si . -iV'i v T ,. , "VtVJ ml flavour! Ked Magic thai s what Hnnl Ketchup is . . . and so are nil of the Iti.wioul HK1NZ TOMATO PRODUCTS . . . Tomauj Juice, Chili Sauce and Cream of Tomato Soup. I'il in rnnltinff thv vnrlr nmlAH a.., I. U I CANNED FOODS fA- "' fo IV Jo flavour of ordinary casseroles, gravy, egg and JS"D cheese dishes. Maybe intakes a. psychiatrist to find llw but everyone has a streak." tit Sanity' in him somewhere1. ' ; - . ; '. BEEF RAGOUT SUPREME Cut 2 Iba. round ateak into inch euhH. Brow PAYS' CLASSIFIED ADVEttTiaiNO If: THE DAILx NEWS y-P' nd the next few months act- ing with the Straw Hat Players, a summer theatre group that Is , headed by her producer brothers, . Murray and Danald Davis. The group stages plays at Port Carling and Gravenhurst, Ont., in tho heart of the province's Muskoka tourist district. Barbara will star In the "Winslow Boy" and "Candida," two "of th-j eight shows planned lor I he season. She now speaks with a British l gj fit. Stir in J tbapm. (lour. Add 3 evins hit water. 1 , eirois. 1 onion ihced, 1 tbspn. salt, 12 tbspn. Helm Cider ,, 13 cup Heme Tomato Ketchup. Simmer about 30 mm. t diced potituM cook until tender. Serves 4. Your Summm I Mar- Wmnl To Mnlf Cottage luok to sieep on . . easy like a holiday? Then I'd sug- A f,1 gest you do it . Heel: Arc I'.rst for the Table and for Canning When as Large as Golf Balls i 3 r E N i t b (Hidden twf' ' , accent, which, she explains, she auc find, as lone H.l Hip liimvi rliiln't insl nlelc mi Rho Ywilr tSo inexpensive to own! : , r Bret ci'C i l1"3vy yHcl for the snnct they take in the home 8 P R K U SAT1N1 Even the job of painting be- P DWENSKR! Tap icman lender, a disli of bret, lessons to acauire it after she ,u) out mines JUKI I he right garden ; and can be harvested all green cooked with the tiny beets I was told It would be difficult with summer long and served in many ww be a delight, dh well as one I her dark coloring and un-English ol KHiUntig Jcrgcns. iVo uasTfw no slippery -mi spilling! And Jergens i "bargain'1 in hand-care! vih the upper layers of drr-nkia softens and 1 it. So wonder Jergens is 4bvmrire women lhan all ritimx kiijons combined! dc'lrnus ways. oi the most nourishing dishes of j voice to get a decent part in The freight of their quality is the season. Thin gradually all Britain. , i cached when they are as big as along the row, using tin ext jss j . n. golf ball: so several sowings at plants, until the Individual plants i A college fraternity house re-intervals are advisable lo keep aec four to six Inches apart, de-Gently sent its curtains to the new crops coming to be harvest- pending on the fertility of your i cleaners. Shortly afterwards the ! ed in their prime. garden. young gentlemen received a 1 At this riixl.niee tho hents win i note from from the the Eirls' dormitory I Li 'l rim thi$ "double bar- eomes holiday fun with this won derful indoor paint ! It has m synthetic rublier emulsion base that makes it as easy as a dream ta apply and makes it completely washable, tool What's more, Kpreil Satin dries to a smooth, velvety finish in just 20 minutes and there's s.bolutrry no , offensive odour! Unbelievable? Just try it and see! And wait 'til you see those beautiful Spred Satin colours! Hetter choose your SprerT Satin from your Giiddea dealer now. You'll lie sure of vetting the colour of your choice if you "shop early"! Summer Floeeere And You ".nd 111 lor m limited II you nave xrouoic Krow...B "--.V .,, , across th the. street Ulr! Ak for I he 57c sue of hnrtv It. mnv hi. vonr so l needs "" "'""'. " ji-iuil- run lime. They are among the first and gad varieties remain tender and sweet even when they reach revet al Inches In diameter. For canning, the small beets arc preferable. A row of beets Dear Sirs May we suggest that you procure curtains for your windows. We do not care for a course in anatomy. The boys immediate wrote back: Dear Girls The course is -UK it lor two weeks. II not delighted, mail it Dank .tolrew Jrrgcnn Co., Perth, Tu'v'll rruirn your money, be Eingertip Dispenser as lift! n topped when I got my tirt glimpse of Vegetables to show bad effects from acid soil. It causes stunted growth, small roots, and too much red and yellow coloring in . tNrrs; J& crf IV$S J-'' " can be sown especially, tmnneo Mit'iE leuvca. t T .,.. Koold chnwnrl these UUl KiailUrtliy UI1U IIHI VL'KLCU III ewiamumtmm me daV wnen nave reached symptoms last summer, be sure lnpy to spread lime or limestone tllc desired stw and the canning Cre ls ady to operate. erf , nines over voiir earden this 'ii " Klertnr. Kance! It a hard to tell which is the lovelier when you wear this outrageously flattering "Sunny Dream" by Woodbury. It's El f J it or nol, with I thi new de luxe 1 1 It 1 ( 1 1 1) A I R E - cU Keftmore's Morning Clor w , , ! : Also Also manufacturers manufacturers o of '. t . ) m r aw m -M r mr m spring. Bett seeds are large and soft: each "seed" in fact is a cluster of seeds and will grow several plants. Sow them one to the Inch in a half inch drill, and firm the soil well ever them, because the fcceds- art- reiirgh and air pockets easily frm. preventing close contact with the soil. lhat new that utterly wonderful WOODBURY DREAM STUFF simile that makes you look like, a dream a-walking. The warm glow of Sunny Dream hrmeyt your skin with a delicate sun-lit look that will keep you always "in a Bummer mood even on a rainv day. And 1 'j AT 15 mattress is outxtaiiding for itsj ' comfort surprising for its low, price. -Quality built, like-all Het , more mattresses, it has Fle-o-latou constriM'tion, pelui.ive ticking arid, pure layer felt. Eyelet bonier gives- ELECTRIC rrrai mn bake a cake and -'rak in the same oven at nme! How do they do iy by providing the range Wivible licaimg unit that il oven in half for two-nire rnoking when desired. ' nnljr thai, hut the Frigi-"rn is now bigger tlian nil whr-u you move the mm to the hoi tm of the u have room for a 30 iiirLpy! There's a score of ! .literal of Esther Mary Spald-"!., 2!5. Tort Essington. was held i r Utenvilic Chapel yesterday 2:33 i.m. Rev. Dr. E. A. WriRht f.c'al'Ml. Mrs. J. C. Gilk T pre-;ded at the organ. Btitial waa v irvi". cemetery. First thinning may b: delayed 'iiiiM advcrtiHtMtu'nt k not puttighetj or Jisplayotl by the lAnwtr (xintrul ltard or hy (lift (loveruiuent of Unth Coluiulua. until the roots have begun to thicken and the leaves are two Inches or more wide. At th .' trust to Woodbury Dream Stuff to give you a "natural" not powdery look. For "Dream Stuff " is not drying or greasy, but a sheer, satin-textured make-up. It's a tint, foundation and powder in one . . . just 75c. Choose your from Ave dreamy shades! complete air conditioning. Available)1" in all standard widths. So for the. , rwl of your life ak for ItcaliuoreV .' ""ivWi'ti! advantages. See Morning Glory Mattress. vimr Krigidaire Dealer's. ''T 1 "C v nWa'i AtU for lovelier shades to harmoniie with your kitchen A. MacKENZIE Furniture Ltd. a, tcs-oi lea! ( oral Blue Yellow Green ... ju-t , ; aait 'til you see the new C-l-L Coloured SPONGES! , i Ye. now they come in colour! And, of course. -L, they're the softest ever ideal for the bath and kitchen, loo! Their square shape makes them so handy for di-hwashiiig they get into all the hard-J-LU to-gei-at corners. And they float they're easily cleaned and so long-last mg. Ask for C-I-L Coloured Sponges at department, drug, variety, grocery Mores. And be sure to look for the C-I-E label your "I Ullalilv! Phono 775 327 3rd Ave. Wr .. A .' ' . .-!, . i- ;b''X'j "fmedl I have in front I of me while I f'.l write this, a i ANNETTE'S WEEKEND SPECIALS V -f ,",w l-IOHT-f MNG SLIDE 'W FASTEN KR. . aial "i know what they any about in. woiiuer- "They lock "P!" Well, it's true! l.ntlitniiig and only " tr.'t Hie .iinuus ouium(1. ' '" l-lk'liMiliiir tinner K, ; Oabardiivj, Glencheck, Worsteds, etc. h r- rr SUITS Rck- values to $69.50. Sizes 12 to 20. C "yUU 7. ton lt tils n(,aU there', n wide and Weekend Special Makes dHihe difference Next time you Herve bukiMl otatMs or any hot "vegetables ncason tllem Kith a generous gob of Itlue Bonnet Margarine. You'll say it, too "Blue Bonnet flavor makes all the difference!" It's the wholesome,-appetizing flavor of choice farm products. Fresh, delicate, country Rweel! Every bit as delicious when melting-hoi, as when enioved cold on bread or sandwiches. Gel "AM. 3" Flavor! Nutrition? Keonom-c-c! Ask for Itlue Bonnet Margarine. Everybody'! Doing III Spring cleaning with a bottle of WINDEX in hand! And. no wonder ... for these are the days when you want ', to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and Windet cleans those windows, mirrors and piclure glass so quickly you're out for. fun ia no time. Just a spray, anil t wip '. .. and how they sparkle! No smears, strenks or oily film no' rubbing, scrubbing or heavy pails of dirty water ,., not with Windei's clear, active solution! Nothing could be more economical than W'index ... I always choose the 20-ounce refill bottle and use it sparingly for best resul'sl Once you try it ... you'll always buy it remember Windex tcmotrovl $14-95 fm SHORTIE COATS 6 only. Reg. value to $27.50. Weekend Special ."'range of Lightning sites evwr eostiime to perlec-' or skirts, I re- stimly Style 804 or Is!" 'lie fashion-wiao fit Vein Occasion" cos-, '"""aid Style 702 ia '"'''""it! has colours, too, 'Mir costumes perfectly. ; Miijung H, Fastener, t IH4 4 i at m i i it i it t m m i 4 4 if i i. i' i. I m. 4 i m m A. SLACKS Gabardine Slacks, sizes 12 to 20. Colors Brown, Green, Navy. Reg. Values to $11.95. Weekend Special Oidy Blue Bonnet Margarine Comes Packaged TWO Convenient Ways On, in th regular-style economy package with color wafer injevery package). Tw0 In the sonsational new YEllOW QUIK bag that makes 3 coloring far faster, far eatier than ever before. Just press the button ... knead the bag . . . and Blue Bonnet it yellow, ready o use I Atk your grocer for Blue Bonnet in whichever package you prefer. men's Eyclot Jersey Blouses. Sizes $695 Wm $2-95 III $7.95 , w. blouses : 38 to 44. Weekend Special X4i Xl aw : '$1 thltor ' (ro,,""'"- JERSEY DRESSES , ii.,.. i"tnie in any ,, .'" keep him out of In-mod," rUi,ve 1111,1 '" 'A' Mr' V1';,XI .Urve '" t 'Z u ratlin Colorful prints. Sizes from 12 to 20 V2. Regular values to $14.95. Weekend Special v "Vs' " ( at mtiu occn , Li't-vex is so "" re's no n...i , U-e Mother Nature'e Season for fook-iug her prettiest is ours, too I Yet, in May we like our clothes and our homes to be fre.h 'n' cheery after a long, drab Winter. And flutt's when those wonderful AH-fnbrie Tl.NTEX TINTS AND DVES are so handy I For just a lew cents, they transform faded looking . fabrics into fabrics al pretty as a May day I Tintex comes in a really gorgeous variety of beautiful colours. Auk tot it at your favourite drug, department or variety store (just 15c a pack ajce) ... then overniyhl, give yourself a dress that's brand-net, looking! Just follow the directions on the package and rcsulta will ""--oneeprav- BLAZERS Corduroy and Flannel Blazers. Reg. values to $14.95. Weekend Special 'till lKlk) $5.00 $1-39 " "ar ii, .'""" more, " Larvex-trcated '-"" ruin 1 1,"' lnr fare's 'V 'I"'B inex- than TC 10 Lfvex t0 I! hve it dry- Every pair per.foct. All new shades. Sizes to 11. All dark seams. Special NYLON HOSE Bouj , . beautiful I io have vnur yout 1"n,l i..,i. . . . ;. ... i aeai oi ine iime. Friday and Saturday, May 18rh and 19th at liciut ln Bt" 8rc' n,""V'"f clotl,c" in 4 , ' l1,,al wliy It's so important u tub or a washing t ' to use a laundrv .... vihiin P u hat . .not not onlv 01,ly Rets i. clothes i.,.i... daizling clean and v.. out in ever so k.n.i.t TI..C. mi7i ANNETTE MANS'ELL'S ni,n1'Tiiir!l'V'.-M,ore n"', women who've been expert FOLLOW" - - - - TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAY A Preduct oi Hie Maksn of fllfiCHMaNN-S YtAST-ataCIC IAKING rOWDK ' end Other lm teod fraducit a teT 1 tianiriiw. , 1. "K ol mose no-rinse chemicals ar .ST39 linndsl v 1,1 r for wl,i'e, white Washes without red "ir I two "" ? 1U combines great quantities of rii'h, MHan, e ,,lelf fRenls. It's safe for the pretty colours ' ",r ourif l "v .ind lo your hands! Trv Dui aexi washdate "WE LEAD OTHERS 525 3rd Ave. . V Good Nousekeepiaf J Phone 150 - " ""' Dm d oeij Eveeythmg!