!j Canadian cotton mills devised U,e jt t Prince Rupert Doily News new materials such a? imi-e . to ad-tp; ' Monday. February 12, 1951 liM SPHERE OF SP0RTS!f?2?ffi cloth and camouflage neu In even; o! b ! when in VANCOUVER... dine in the 1 INTERNATIONAL BASKETBALL Irish League Sards 1. Bullymena 1 Hie" Cliftonville 4. Portadown 4 itiei Coieraiue C, Crusader 1 Olenavon 6, Distillery 2 Ofemoran 4. Derby City 1 Linllckl J, Bangor 2. i the bleachers, when thp trophy was present sky basket buzzes rince Rupert Jets ed, the Jets' roivcli, Alex Bill, i re Series Winners turned to his team. "This isn't lor me,' 'he said. He handed tlx- vi.-U.ry emblem to hi. men. "You lake it, Ixiys. You sum deserve l1." T win the series Prince Ru- Those who didn't see Saturday i night s final game between Prime Rupert Jets and the Metiakatla Vets missed an exciting exier-ience In competition which wu -4 V Prince Rupert P..C.) Jots are the proud is- lessors of the handsome WW Fishermen' Co-opti a- shared by every .spectator. As the pm j.,llS remained unbeaten Ut unui scure was iai.u on u-u poe lt a unai oi iuj jinn.-. of about 00-40 lor me Jets so 0,1,, r teams scored us :onows. " t , . , ' v" - - A alto weie divided the two Hums- K'.o.. Metiakatla Vela .. 144 I'Lil kdvcrtiiemeiit i. m.l tuil.K.I,. j: ai.d peopit who UH iacd, j KiU lukan Rockets 147 Cm.u.1 Bud or if lU G.vmu,,., dtSX. and booed at every opportunity. 105 At times the timbers shook they brought the house down. I live trophy for international competitioji as a result j of their W to 51 win over Metiakatla (Alaska) on j Saturday nip;ht. It wax the most exciting gutne of jthi: .scries hut Jets were never behind as they piled up a quick 19 to i lead and I iiMyecl brilliant basketball all Lruphy to Coach Alex Bill who the way to win the Interna- in turn handed it over to his jiiunal Tournament with a clean team members. I sweep of three victories. A capacity crowd witnessed Metiakatla fought gamely to the contest which produced as ; overcome the Jets' early 'lead One basketball as has been seen , and at one "time came to within here In years. Every game of the vllert Kurt II 11 The game count: W Prince Rupert Jets 3 Ketchikan 2 MeUaUatla 1 Ruuert II 0 L 0 1 2 3 Before each game was played, It was clearly obvious from th j start that the Vets, running an j even chajice with the JeU to wii ' the series, would have a deatily fight on their hands. They did. From the first they were outplayed, outcheeked and out-scored, j The tenacious Prince Rupert: team wanted the traphy hadiy. They played a ciean, hard game, to get it. i Ketchikan was still in the 1 MunufaitiireJ hr Wood Freeman - Tacomt series was a thriller. The teams were a!l well matched and, although Rupert's second entry wa.-' not expected to give much oppos.tion because of the hur-rierlness of its oreaniration. it Whichever way i- 12-32. llOVti the tiophy was placed on a table in the centre of the floor. Everyone saw it and admired it, many commenting that they had never sit 11 a finer one. Fishermen's Co-Operative Association has it designed and made in Toronto. The trophy stands two feet high, four gold-liui'hed nillars supported on a heavy eight-inch square pedestal. Between the pillars stands a life-like figure in the net oi shooting a basketball, and mounted on a gold dome on top is the in the eveni.12 ' made every game a hard-fought running early AH models pxcrpt fi-volt supplied wi!h 'Tlvyt eliminating "B" and "C" 'Batteries. THE MOST POPULAR AND DEPEND, PILOT ON THE WEST COAST 1 0 points of doing so a.s they ! elo.-ed up the geore to 48 to 67 ' in the .second half. About this time the Jets lo.it Art Olson on five personals and it looked as ' though Metiakatla might come through as Ol.-.en had held J-H ! ! David oown ail unrough tie ; came and had played an out-! standlns game while doing it. ' However the Jets took a time- ; out anil ramp back more confi-j dent thin ever a.s they ran tip j their lead a"am to Hi points, j with Mellaka'la a '.so playing ; leruis-up ball all the way to ' score the final two baskets. George Viereck presented the when they stood off Prince Rupert's r-ecood entry, bttt they were hard pressed throughout the game. j Rupert II threw everything they had at the Rockets. Hity, eniihln't uin of course hot Ihev . you like it--to dine at a picture window amid a feast of scenic beauty or to add your own deft touches to your cooking you can do either, or both, at the Sylvia Vancouver's most picturesitie hotel overlooking English Bay. Accommodation is reasonable service, genial and efficient. Sylvia hotel Overlook wis Vanrimver's famous FnKlisJi Bay 506 1154 Gilford SI. PAiific 9321 Hilled C. Me, Managing Director Price-$360 0 'Sa'e u, extr? v.l iiiiii,i-.. contest. Mr. Viereck, in presenting the tiophy, expressed the wish that this first tournament would be the first of many in the coming years. lie congratulated the, winners on their excellent play I and spoke of the clean sports-' man-dup demonstrated by all players. Metlakalla players rushed to the Jets' bench when the final. by kept their .score high enough to victory ligure surrounded nut the Alaska team out of the f'ur gold laur.'l wreaths. l.f DISTRIKI'TORS BROOKSBANI running. But Ketehikan had' Next year litis prize again will more than a team on the floor be placed In the offing, as a re-againsl them. They had the ward for clean sportsmanship crowd against them too. It is and successful competition. Marine Sales and Se their victors, this being a typi- , n;tltl sllort Horn cul demonstration of the xcel- j Canada's 19"0 sugar beet liar-vesl orovided about 'iVJ.U'M.J'M 4!-4l Altr.YI.H ST. I'OliT AIKU WUITK FOR HJ.ttRTR.Vm BOOK!. lent feelings which were in evi-, game a.s nc . scored rz lor k 11 pen. i ... ..,., h,,,.. ,,,,,ar tr It was rugged contest with; a , , in , ... throughout the tourna- ".est crop hi-.tory COOL SMOKING - SLOW BURNING Referees Slalla and Davidson I del tee lnent. D.m Seherk was again high calling 10 fouls on Rupert and MFIi M li V ff 0 A 14 il F 1 I J 11 on Ketchikan. Rupert was woefully weak in their foul shooting, getting only 3 for 13 possibles. Ketchikan made 15 of 23. PRUI.IMIN'AKY High School Green continued their winning streak in the Intermediate League to dispose of man for the Jets as he scored 20 points. He was well supported by Jim Flaten with lii and Art Olson who scored 13. iivrb Morgan saw service briefly and gave good account of himself. Reg La-vigne, Joe Davis and Ray Spring broke up many Metiakatla plays 1 with their vigorous offensive and III mill Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Pl ax; .efrain from ''l.c word per Insertion, minimum char 50c. Birth Notices 50c Cards of Thanb, & Funei al Notices. Marriaee and E tpagement Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL, DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE ! the long-passing plays of the Merchants by an easy 39 to 25 ' Jets were largely responsible for I score. The Merchants were out MALE Ulif Bi ll OKKS & HN lltA( TOIES FOIl SALE their superior showing. played in every quarter but the PLUMBING and II E AT f N O 1 THE BRITISH CC For the losers, Jeff David was third as they just couldn't get uu...i in.-tai uHirk lar unn K.-rvirp reouirrs -Quaker not burner condition. 215 7lh 38p FOR SALE-in good West. Pipe Tobacco Grade 1 Mr of Public Wort pert. Sali-month iiiniuo- e ravel rooaiiK. Call !2! litli West, PlUlie 543. Lelouineau and Sons. I OK SALE ; again sensational. In spite of the rolling. Clark and Peneef led fact that he was well checked, the Greens to victory with their I by Art Olson and Rupert Holke- 12 and 11 scores. The Greens lost I st ad, he was still able to get in Rhodes on 5 personals. The game ; 20 points, although 6 of these , was refereed by R. H. Davidson were on foul shots. J. Booth and 'and Boyo Gurvich who called 11 FOR SALE Car undercarriage goijd rubber $:i() 11O. car motor complete $'25 (Ml. uuitar $a(lt). 1417 Piggotl Place I40p KOI! SALE- Firewood and kindling Kaien Trausicr. Led '.M'. fOR toiliNG YOUk own THY OLD VIRGINIA FINE CUT Atkinson each contributed 8. 'on the losers and 12 on the win- :J( Booth left the floor on personals late in the second half, after a scintillating performance throughout the game. ners iron bale. otn cnesiei unu i and matching chair. Youth's 1 ncrr? r i n re LEAGIE (AMF.S ! bed and matching chest of Tomorrow night the regular! diawers; a desk: kitchen table league games get underway, and chairs. Phone Red 297 SITI'ATION WANTIU) PoTorouc rrn'-irtinfi nnrl .Ql 1 1 1 . n . .rith Ut,.l O..V.n,.l nl.rinr. JC1 ie a Bonus m I Ailowancn. I'i'f .arc nl treiii.iv- I House. Prince I luted e ardeiti'i- in jiioiis; A! i trainins as ar.i Oi ner. i rt I' J of eardeuiiin laree e-iaif or mm. Candida-" ish stibiifis. n I of an- exiro. . ex-service mer preference. AA t ( hlain.ible if"- r mint A-cn r: be ciiimilei J-t the 'ii.iinuar rnmniissiiin. ....v.vo Auwiwu.ttu uurri 11111 OUIUUJ )jiatii I . . ... J- . had a tough evening as they 'an exhibition with Brownwoods prvp rate- w Y,ave a few DIESEL electric plant operator, familiar with plants no to 3000 hp. 2 vears University. SimiO value tools, desires position u.ith nnoortimitv to earn iP4 pieces of custom made fund edMona called this typical cup-time contest. There were 20 personals on UneM anc steam ticket to supplement : Uie.-ent uiesel ticket All oilers considered Phone Blue S2U or I lure for sale at bargain prices. I in order to clear stock. 4-1 drawer Chests, finished and I unfinished. 3-drawer chests,' Birch veneer finish. Mr. and Mrs. 6-drawer chests. Modern rot fee table, extra large. End tables, record cabinets, oak I write Box in. uauv news. idiu as a preliminary to the senior contest between Co-op and Gor-! don and Anderson. Rupert Ho-' tel plays Malison's in the Junior game and this will be followed by an Intermediate game.be- ' tween Merchants and Fashion. , Metiakatla -David 20, D. At-1 ' kinson 7, J. Booth 8, T. Atkin- I the Jets and 12 on the losers. The Jets converted 12 of 16 free throws and Metiakatla made 14 of 25. ItCPLIlT II Vs. KETCHIKAN 1 Ketchikan won over Rupert II by CI to 41, with the Rupert KF.AL I.STATE HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE viilori.1. "m r r.leL a'al J FOR SALE Warlinie 4 fUwir MATTSON'S UPllOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box T.20 '3110 Second Avcnm;, Prince Rupert, B.C. condition. n,... ht,..u" i.,,t.in.ri i'Iiy'Ibi Im-c , coverings. Excelleni MARflAIiKT MeLKOi) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 JTONE BUILDING 14110 till) Ave. I40P Woodbulll Products'. 1st. 'Ave. Opposite srore. :mrt MeHi'iiie Phone Hlon 7'0 La.st. ruary 21st- lw V.AM1 wanted" busine.s nun 4 1-u.nit small li"" N Box 38 Dallv itr XT T ti" ft OKNFJtAIi CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS MOcJ , poR SALE House, large 4 war- i t ime oil ranue and heater in- NATION MJ.Y KNOWN NAMES .""u'.( 'Utt), wVeu,n. Cash or Line-be t Soeeder Shovels: , s p1)n(. 21 daytime r Cranes: Drau lines: Adams 1" ii9r. hi aui i La-Sl Fast uu' alter r 7 "'" Road Graders: Litlleford Bros. m' (38c) Blai Too Road Maintenance ,LlL team holding them to a 2G to U3 son 8, R. Atkinson 3, Mel Booth 1 Kad in the first half. Ketchikan 2, M. Booth 2, Leask 4. Total needed a lead of at least 42 54. 1 points to stay in the tourna- jets Davis 1 Flaten 16,' ment running in the event that ( Holkestad 8 Olson 13, D. Seherk! Metiakatla won over the Jets, , 20, Morgan, Beynon 2, Lavigne t but the Ruper II team wasn't 3 Sfnng 3 Total 60 I Ke.hir5',,8," Tr'n'Vheir ' I Ketchikan -Johanse'n 8, Chris- W Brewer 7, Olsen 4, J. I win win the the to.h tough wnv way. ! Christopher 12, B. Christopher I Christopher, with 12, and 4 Mamonl 4, Fisher 7, Eriksen . Christensen, with 11, were top 4 Hannan Total ill PHONE BLUR m P.O. BOX 1184 Eouioment: Owen Clamshell unp raii? Follv furnished 4 PHONES Black' 752 ' Red 891 P.O. Box 1G76 Bucnets and Rock Grapples; ..... I.,,,, vo Full rtnee S-lllllO. HELEN'S DKAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street. Phone 655 Terms may be arranged. Applv 1348 Piggott Ave. tJlei PRICKS PAID J steel, braw -1 Honest er-,? Metals Ud rouver. B. 63a7. ' .., . WANTED-i T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: i Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson! Bucket 'aders for Stockpile I and Snow Removal: Rice Port SWAP scorers for the winners and Mel I , R Holkest iri 4 Arnev ThomP.son played a bang-up , ." K ! able Centrifugal Pumps: Na-I tional Dragline Scraoers and -Buckets: National All Steel FOR EXCHANGE I have a A. in h jiutcliers. I' isnn 12' Carlson 6, Gill 7, Mar- I Was 11 Nearlv Cra7V a 2. Dumas 2. Totai-41. . H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE rhone 90 Evenings Black 899 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens -and Conveyors Full information from National Marinnerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. tf . V 1 Meri'hantM Ohristoff 4 Par- WANTED Cr With Fiery Itch- in person Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phonejllack 737 311 Second Ave. W. turnished. tour-room bunga-low in North Vancouver which I would like to exchange for a similar home, or larger in Prince Rupert. House is 42 bv 32 with full basement and furnace, and is located on a large corner lot in a convenient district. It is close to Parle Roval -shopping centre and m-ter-citv buses. Large hvlng room includes a fireplace. House is ni wlv decorated, inside and out. and of solid construe! ion. For further information, please phone 748. tl Vatll 1 dttcovtred Dr. D. D LMnnlf' amaitaf -iy rt relief D. D D Pr:rijtion. World prjuular. thi. pura. cooling. Iiquiu medication aiMeds oeaie and comfort frorr cruel itchius I caused b acierna. pimiei, rashes. Bthleta'a foot and other Itch troutil.. Tn.i tvitti r.F.e nell 2, Dumas 2, Smith 3, Place 1, McFarlane 2, Davidson 6, Stacey 4. Total 25. Ilieh Green Ford 5. Clark 12, Peneff 11, Becker 2, Webber 2, Sather, Rhodes 6, Sheppard 1, Tait, Wood. Total 39. WANTED-TriJ; camera. Ncv WAN'l'FD TO 5" irsl ai,plkatlon check, even tha most intend k.h or money been Aak druasist for U U Li. f-reeurtpkUae (idloary m aatra ttraMtu. FURNACES have gone up in price and vou can expect even higher prices. Have 2 all-steel furnaces in slock, selling at old price. If contemplating a new furnace, now is the time to buv. even if stored until required. Thorn Sheet Metal. Black 884. HI) .iiiiik room aci QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 771 ' Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL ilv of tiir'T,.;? A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL. C A. and ROY SHAND, C A. 324 Second Avenue Box 21 '3 Phone E8 FOR SALE Babee Tenda. safe I'FKSONAI, ELECTROLUX Rales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1020 For genuine pai ls and service pm me or wr.il e above. 0 Do you know yu enn now utirriMso to-duya M HS lli:it.IJ to-lny? jiii:s novs sTAvn Papers are flown ir -l-aiy by CP A. ty chairs, combinalion bed, . -- - - - ," ,,,, iilavtietin elf Product. nil- TASTV fl-eslily htlked DICS Willi proved bv Gniod Housekeeping ! biscuits and buns are now being ,,f CIIV. News. furii.-.l'd s , pnviiie ;. ,i lv Ma"11 . !,lnl delink' li.iih N'' - irf OAI.E OR nid Parents Magazine write i sold at I lie miperi riant-i y j.ni. Delivery. Mrs. K, Scott. Gen. Phone 6411 for orders. (Mil 3Hp) FOR SAIJ5 Large arched-lop CASH for scran cast, brass, cop COLUSSl'S MUSIC STORE A 'rents for the finest lr Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND REC INIJITIONED 210 4lh SI. l'h. Black 38!) per batteries and rain-aioi . Phone 543 -call 29 6th W. City. lt II' Inr rnoni (it"1 Illoili'l'll M. J. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS NORTHLAND Dairy milk deliv HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FI.OOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satislaclion on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 ered 24c per (niarl. Why pity more? Phone 18 for daii" j-liverv service. (M-2J) guitar with case. Perfect condition. Call at 445 7lh East after 7:00. ; (30pi FOR SALE -Johnson 5-8 hor.se-- power eneine Reasonable, Call at 445 7th East after 7:00. i (36p) t FOR SALE '47 2-door Plymouth sedan, heater, radio. Good condition. Green 165. (30pl FOR RALE Couch and oil heater, both practically new. Phone i 80 afternoons and eveninES. room. UF.PA1K3 West J' .1 , '' : 4 I ' Chop Suey - Chow Me in HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 ism -DRIVE 41 U RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 WATCH REPAIRS-Wrompt. efficient service. George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction il!f f I 711 (jreiiv Rock and Concrete Work Phone Blue 939 P.O. Box 711 Prince Rupert (37pj FOR SALE New and used fur OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove service and repairs, till. Ronson. Black ftHS tf t nflT Lao niture, hardware and clotntng at the lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture. 3rd Ave. W. FOR SALE-5eneral Electric 7-tube radio. Green 608. tf REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, daytime only. Phone Black 49a after 5:30 p.m. 36pi Train Schedule For the East-Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. Tram tlie East Tuesday's Thursdays nnd Saturdays. 10:15 p.m. turn to iiov'j yoonf.'-J, ti .-r--1 PORTRAITS Films Developed nnd Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phono Green 3!19 Prince scoit McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. A CtH NTANTS FOR SALE Large oil heater, very good condition: cheap. Phone Black 889 (before 6:3(. (30c R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) I I This idvsrtiKmcnt it not publiihed or ditpieytd by PITRI.IC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk filone Hiiildlng. Red 093 (20m) Rupert P.O. Box 374 Phone 347 the Liqaat Control Board Or by tK uotrtrnmcnt of Britiin Columbia ' p and Pi""1. li For sale at B.C. Furniture, (t: Want Ads, Sure Results!