ocal PERSONAL TTH JF- 'AIs. Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Monday, February 12, 1951 Ice Arena Poll fanml'Q For combination ama 99 CA I X J For skating rink only l Cj yAVjU For curling rink only 1 ' VfJf A 2 $25C.0C8 project 55' f , fl fsAfJ m pr"iect 3b (u&J? tifCna"afd!'49f mjneral Prodc- '! ow...to relieve CltS on of $.1,040 million exceeded, distrP8Swithout If Vfc 3 the billion dollar value for the tlonins, rub on...W VAPORub first time. In 1901 the total, output was $S5 million. ! News Classifieds Maka Sales ' IJShl J ill! STOCKS LAST! Irta Deep Seam Lump at 19.00 per ton and erta ''Diplomat7' Egg "I gave up smoking yesterday, but the temptation was just too much" at 18.00 per ton il.css Hum 5 sucks, $1.15 per sack) HONE 116 -117 or 58 ! VALUES 1950 FONIIAC 8 SEDAN Hydramatic drive, ' 5700 miles. Private owner, car guaranteed $2:195.00 J950 Y'tUXIIALL SEDAN 8 cylinder. Guaranteed new car condition. Used as demonstrator $1635.00 1919 FORI) Tl DOR SEDAN Excellent condition. Frivatc owner, low mileage : .( $1530.00 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Very good condition $1535.00 ' J947 PONTIAC SEDAN Privately owned and excellent condition $11:20.00 194G PONTIAC SEDAN New motor; needs repainting $1125.00 1916 CHEVROLET CUITE Good condition, 30-day guarantee. Piivate owner, low mil-cage $1190.00 1911 OI.DSMOUII.E SEDAN Out of town owner, a Good buy $890.00 1949 INTERNATIONAL 1-TON TRUCK Flat deck, under 5000 miles, guaranteed in good condition $1500.00 1916 CHEVROLET 2'a-TON TRICK With steel dump box and hoist. Guaranteed for 30 days. A good buy $1185.00 1951 NEW CHEVROLET TRUCKS V2-ton, 34-ton, pick-up.? and panel trucks for Immediate delivery. WE HAVE LISTED NUMEROUS PRIVATELY OWNED CARS AND TRUCKS FOR IMMEDIATE SALE LONG MOTORS THIRD AVENUE AT SEVENTH STREET rt Sf McCaffery ! LIMITED and Mr. and Mrs. T. Bcntham,' who have been on a trip to Van-couver, returned to the city from the south on the Catnosun yes- wrnay aiternoon. i Prince Hun ert tivrn ninh fv-1 jecutlve was in session today In preparation for the regular monthly business meeting to be held this Wednesday. ; S.O.N, meeting Monday, Feb. 1 12 at 8 p.m. followed by social j for members and escorts at 9:30. j (36c) Miss Peggy Pullen is arriving j i home this Wednesday on thi I Prince George from her nurses' ! : training duties at Royal Jubilee Hospital for a visit with her mother, Mis. H. F. Pullqn. Come to the I.O.D.E. Founders Day tea and sale of home-cooking at Mrs. F. Thornton's, 400 4th Ave. West, Tuesday, February 13. 2:30- 5:00 p.m. (T,F,H) Mrs. C. Paulson and Eli Arvid-scm, both of Terrace, arrived in Mln fitv nr. CntnpI,,,, ;.L,-.. irain ior a weens visit wiin Mrs. Paulson's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Halver- son. J. R. Cross and child arrived in the city on the Camosun yes- j terday atfernoon from Vancou I vrr to Join Mrs. Cross who had arrived previously to attend the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. H. Skattebol. D. Denham, boiler inspector, arrived in the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. He is here to make Inspection of installations at ths plant of the Columbia Cellulose Co. at Watson Island. E. Jensen, foreman at Sunny-side cannery; William Glass, A. Chapman and H. Anderson were among B.C. Packers men arriving in the city from Vancouver on the Camosun yesterday afternoon. Murdoch Robertson, Smilhers lawyer, formerly of this city, ar- riven 111 tue cny uil oaLuiuwj ,-... train. He plans to leave " , , . .L.. ... tonight's train. J-Joli'( -Jlrriva (i Pr'nce Runert) H. H. Church, H. Anderson, E. A. Jensen, A. P. Chapman, Wil- Rosman, Klemtu. Farewell To Terrace passengers sailing on the Chilcotin last night for Vancouver were Mr. and Ms. WUliarr. Bunting, Charles Whlteman an; Miss M. Bush. . The Rotary Mixed Chorus will meet In the Booth-Memorial High School Monday, Feb. 12 at ,8 p.m. (36 Mrs. W. Wallace returned U the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from a t ip to Vancouver. Accompanying her to Klemtu wers her son, W Wallace jr., and the latter's wife General meeting St. John's Ambulance Association at City Hall, 8 p.m. Monday, February 12. (3(jci R. E. Mortimer is removing his real estate and insurance office from the present location on Second Avenue this week to th premises on Third Avenue recently vacated by R. E. Mortimer who has left for Vancouver. The National Film Board Su pervisor will be De present present at at a meeting of the Film Council KM Everybody ' y welcome weltume- I--' (35c) I j IMPORTANT NOTICE All fire calls sent in from alarm boxes MUST BE covere.1 by direct telephone calls to the city fire hall to be effective. This will apply until notice that present repairs to the fire box alarm system are completed. PRINCE RUFERT CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT. j I. Dt. R. G. Large returned to to I the city on the Camosun yester day afternoon f;om a brief trip to Vancouver to attend a session of the executive ct the British Columbia Medical Association of which he is representative for this district. SON Whist Drive Nils. L Larson and Mrs. M Olsen tied for first place at the Sons of Norway whist driv; Thursday night. Mrs. Larsen won first piize on a cut. Winners m the men's class were Mr. Busa-man and G. Selvig. Dancing frc-m 10 to two to music by Mike Colussi was enjoyed by the merrymakers. Refreshments were served at midnight by Mrs. Carl Strand and her committee consisting of J. John-1 Mill, mis. n ieiisru, ivl. mm mi.t. i G. Gustafson, Roy Johansen, C. Strand and O. K. Olsen. Police Court Is Busy Today Police court was a busy place this morning. There were two convictions on charges of supply- j FISHERMEN . Uaftaffa JJefpS dbruma, Scoufo Valhalla Lodge, at Its meeting Thursday night, decided to take out a membership in the Prince jliupert Music and Drama Festival. Mrs. Alice McMeekin was i appointed representative from the lodge. The meeting also voted to sup- , nrt l,o ra.- o R 5? Sc0ut cPP8n wmi it casn aonaiion. resident i A. O, Morse was In the chair. Films and refreshments topped off a pleasant meeting. ' Farewell Party HMCS Chatham WrS. Stewart (fleeted letjcnl At the annual meeting of Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of Empire, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Honorary RegentMrs. D. C. Stuart Regent Mrs. D. H. Stewart First Vice-Regent Mrs. M. Davis Second Vice-Regcnt-Mrs. W. E. Halliwell Secretary Mrs. R. W. Whidden Assistant Secretary Mrs. N. F. MacDonald Treasurer Mrs. F. Hicks Educational Secretary Mrs. R. Harmon Standard Bearer Mrs. A. Johnston . , " Correspondence was read, also annual reports of the officers and convenors. The convenor distributed books for the coming raffle of stainless steel cooking ' ' pans. There were seventeen members and one guest present. The monthly raffle was won by a new member, Mrs. W. E. Halliwell. Use Classifieds tor Result3. - Attention Fishermen! Highest trade-in allowance on your present marine' engine. To save money and get the test, be sure your next engine Is a Kermath Write for Folders HOMEWOOD MARINE . , LIMITED . 1733 W. Georgia 'Vancouver. B.C. FRAMES! FRAMES! Come In and choose one lor that Christmas Photo. We carry a large line of l'p-To-Date Mouldings WRATHALL'S I'holo Finishing V 320 Third Ave. W. For complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Enguwn, see Rupert Motors Ltd. Valentine i i I Masquerade the decoration8 of the Conrad street School hall Saturday night for the Valentine masauerade. Many people attended. Feature of the evening was the grand march. Tony Bussanich, In a Valentine tlwme, and Fr.arl McGinnis,. as Teeny Mouse, were chosen king and queen. They were crowned by W. Griffiths, retiring king. , Percy Downing was master of ceremonies. Conveners were Miss Barclay and Mrs. J. Denning. The committee consisted of Joe Kurdziel and J. Denning, pouring coffee assisted by Mrs. Hansen, Mis. W. Davidson, Mrs. A. Eus'anich and M s. W. Murdoch. Music was by M. Hauser. Winner of a Valentine cake in the bean guessing contest was Mrs. K. Kurdziel. f1 It APR . The Sons of Norway Hall was filled to capacity Saturday night' with merrymakers at the International Association of Machinists ball. Music by Ancly McNaughton was enjoyed by about 200 people gathered as they danced to his ex,lient piano playing and the pipptrif iniirir The party gath ered momentum during the even-ins; as more guesU arived. Stan Downet,;as master oi' ceremonies, made sure there was never a dull moment. Refreshments were served about midn'ght. , Committee In charge of arrangements was Martin Rhodes, Vincent Walker, Dennis Garon, William Morrison, Stan Downej and Harold Hclgerson. ir)R 1)8 y 'Oct. date to bo set i, Christmas Day (Dec. 25). We have the trained median ics and specialized cquipme: nt perform this work for you efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring" the ru.'-h is on, let us have job now. CAR to fp-.. VIt when that Free X-Roy, Fitting! FOOTWEAR i i AlV I Experience i PURPOSES ' Volatility PHONE 231 Rupert Motors Limited Friday night, on behalf of the ' Ham Glass- D- Denham, A. R. permanent staff of HMCS Chat-i Wismer and J. W. Mullen, Van-ham, CPO an Mrs. JaSnes Wood couver; R. E. Stanhope, Edmon-cntertalned at a farewell party!10"; Rov ott and H- Pfe'ftr-in honor of CPO and Mrs. Stan Turner Valley; J. C. B. Anderson Pellan who leave for Esquimalt1 and R- H- DindoP. Smithers; tomorrow. ' Mary- Fidelak, Terrace; A. C. Lamb' nclsco; C. L. Man-announcement Climax of the evening was the I Uon.St Catherines; Miss RCam-Tcllock. of Miss Norma Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. J RN of the Prince Rupert M-. Cameron and family and General Hospital nursing staff Prince George; J. Vv. Joy, and CPO Harry Cuttress of their pW Hughes, Nanalmo; Mrs. i. C E. 1 engagement. Coming at the end Mr. and Mrs. f lh v.in h. r.a hrnk Read, Buteoale; hi i0B& j lng iiuuor to Indians, one on creating a disturbance and eight: CANADIAN HOLIDAYS drunks. I Holidays in Canada in 1951; Convicted on supplying charg-1 New Year's Day (Jan. U. Ash rs were John Harley. fined $50 Wednesday -(Feb. 71, Good Friday r.nd $3.50 costs, and Nick Poll-1 'March 23, Victoria Day (May chuk, fined $50 and $3.50 costs.! 24), Kinu's Birthday Uunc. date William C. Anderson was fined; to be set). Dominion Day (July $15, and $3.50 costs when convic- 2i. Civic Holiday (Aug. 6), La-ted of creatine a disturbance in'bmir Day (Sept. 3, Thanksgiv- PrijAlgy Hunter ;rish? fruit sinuly" thiV mW s Kuhu'v-Liver Pi Hi )nnnls in oncl 1 hi i 'i von lel better fy in vfs both liver and i'l tin backache and w oiten iruU. lr. i Cti.ise nam S I ,rH',',,m'nB' 5 I : : APPLIANCE SERVICE .M ram. is I'.luc ELECTRIC & Heating ! ip HAND HEATERS 'EX OIL tNERS M.UMBING fURES E174 Elkins Ltd. km folity and i Food" I1 'M Aim J I r Orders I1 Out joreCafe t 8 -VICTORIA v micolm f 1-'- Noon " -un pl.WUiT AND "'s'"i. 11 p.m. a " h i:i:n tK ,S1 -ANDS A i . . . T" QVI'l-.N f ISLANDS V''1' 0 and 23 f m. 6 DINNER ' l' "r Agent J rlionp Rr.K Wc have just received a new shipment of SAVAGE & WRAGG CHILDREN'S SHOES FASHION ) tetv PRINTING i ! cawotspfJB j up In a round of gay congratulations to the couple. During the party, CPO and Mrs. Pellan were presented with a Ronson table lighter by the company present. The couple has been in Rupert for nhout two years and have made many friends here. outle t in Canadian Legion card party, February 14. United Chur..h Valentine tea, Mrs. L. M. Greene's, February 15. Rupert Rod and Gun banquet, February 15. (p Legion nuisqiierade party Fri day, February 16. Conrad School P-TA card party, February 18, 8 p.m. Card party, Catholic, Hall, Thursday, February 22. 8 p.m. Junior Chamber of Commerce cabaret party Saturday, February 21. Pick up your tickets at Jerry's Barber Shop. Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band concert, March 2. Presbyterian home cooking sale, McUae's Store, March 3. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, March 10. The King Edard School P-TA White Elephant sale and tea, vlarch 15, at 2 p.m. St. Patrick's Tea and card parly. Catholic Hall, March 17. ' Orange Ladies' tea and sale, March 21. J Job's Daughters Easter tea and j sale, Masonic Temple, March ii. Cathedral spring sale, March 29. I . Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, i April 4. Presbyterian spring sale, April !12. W.O.T.M. Spring baz-aar, April 20. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 2fi. Sonja tea. May lz. For Action, Advertise! :1 ' ;5ab On the eve of his re-thement, which takes effect from today, A. R. lAigyl Hunter, superintendent of customs examiners, was tendered a complimentary dinner and presentation at the Broadway Caie on Friday evening by fellow customs and immigration officers ! and transportation employees. l ; Under the chairmanship of S. P. Woodside, the evening got off to a happy start with a reception preceding the dinner. After din ncr speeches, attesting to the popmarity and. esteem in which the guest of honor is held, were given by O. I. Smith, collector of customs, E. L. Dale, deputy collector, U. S. Custums, and C. P. Balagno and Howard Hill of the C.P.R. and C.N.R. wharves respectively and James Nicoil, Immigration Department. Mr. Hunter responded In his own inimitable manner. A presentation was made on behau of Ihe assembled guests by E. J. Ashcroft, junior member of the Customs Staff, of a steamer trunk, photograph of a Prince Rupert scene and a bouquet of spring flowers to Mrs. Hunter. The evening was rounded off by reminiscing o.i events in the early days of the city, a number of Scolcn songs by the guest of honor and the assemblage ail singing "For He's a Joliy Good f'cliow." Among the invited 6"csU, besides Mr. Hunter, were O. I. Smith; F. W. Griinble, S. P. Woodside, N. McGlushan, Martin van Cooten, E. J. Ashcroft, J. Wiikie, J. W. Pavey, J. W. Bowman. S. ii. Tordifie, I. Nicoil, VV. Lahli, L. LahU, b. L. Dale, T. Cameron, d. it. ioru.vinliut. Cameron, R. Dickson, i). P. Bai-agno, M. Burn, Howard Hill, N, Krook, and O. Wingham. Dibb Printing Co. a cafe i i Arm orij J2)a nve lnjtjuj -datr . The Armory Saturday night rebounded to the merrymaking of nbout 100 couples at the Valentine ball of the NCO's and Gunners of 120th Battery. Planned and arranged by the whole battery under the direction of Sgt. Maj. Darrow Gonrez, the party was a great success. Music was supplied by the Blue Star orchestra. Supper at midnight served by Mrs. W. Rothwell was much enjoyed by all present. I for o quicker, I ! nicer, blocker L.L. 1 J Jaiiorincj jc 'Of Ladies and Gcnt lerr.cn LING the tailor 220 Sixth St Phone 649 For Action Advertise!- BKSNER BLOCK j t For Your VALENTINE A Choice of VALENTINE CARDS f CANNED FOOD? A ! CALL ON . . . ! f&VcGreer&Bridden ' BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS i Sentimental or Comic or VALENTINE CUT-OUT BOOKS WW Phone Black 367 ! jiTI mm sv.v rr l I We do A" Types of Buildins Va v a I m v i m -.ii yfei"jl'- and RemodelHng CgmrO " ' ' r.O. Box 721 . Prince Rupert, B.C. ij ILj