Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, February 12, 1951 ( i - i ! . - . .,'-t,..i;:--:.; 1 kJKALKD TEN1)KHS ililre.l to tile m ."te .... y , v i ..:. V w,-! i'.''- iiv'j , unrlersU'iirtl and emlorwd "'TENDER m DOLLAR FOR HOt'KR-OKMCE UNIT. j btLLA BtLLA. BC". will be ricetv- ! e i in the urine in the tt-retnry. uu- , DAYS '111 i PM IKS I I. WlUKKUAl, : - ' FEBRUARY 28. I i I . Plun and speriticaiiun can bp Bern ! ami kiriiis of tender obtained at the I ittires of the Chief Architect. IX-' iwrtment of Public Works. Oltuwa. Now ! Ontario, the District Architect. Fub- lie BuildlliK. Victoria lit.', ul me On At UaJUU nNE SKEP," 1 Vlr'T0R. mat" ' Post Office Binlrilni! Vancouver. BC, , Mill imTTT.-Trr-r Rhd at the Tost Oltlce, Bi lla Bi llu. i ' "STtlu ; B C. i Tenders will not be considered unless mwde on thc: forms and in c- WALLACE'S Si; Valhalla Dance ( ornance with the colidltlonn times riiincc. Colu.vil wuh his , forth therein. 3 1 Is Happy Affair tav a cprutud chenu1 on a charier" tne ;ia c DEPT. STORE bank in CmiH'id. pHabie to the ord In tharge of Members and friends of Val ul the Minister of Public worics, or B-arer Bonds hk specified in the form j ol ulider. for 10 of the amount of were A. 0. Mori, v Mrs. H. R.T.,v,.,;a'M: ! halla Lodge gathered at Valhalla 1 me iciuirr. Carl Rimpiir " NOTK The ucparuiu'llt. throUK" i , ithe office of the t)itrict Architect, j Hall Saturday night for a lottee t Public Building Victoria. BC . will I - - after serving at Ksquimalt i supply blue-prints and sp?cinctlon j of the work on deposit of a sum of 25 00 In the form of a certlhed bank 1 cheque payable to me order of the SIOUX RETURNS Thousands cheer as trw destroyer Sioux returns to Victoria. nearly seven months in the Korea theaUre. The ship is shown about to berth Navy base. CP PHOTO FROM NATIONAL DEFENCE I Report from Parliament iLtj hi want J. sJjyifcwiaife UJ.f-. I Minister of Public Works. I lie ae- ,,"slt ""leased on return of I UU returned Sat- - Dyke McMil urday from a trip to the Queen .. . 'L.nth from the date of! House-Offices , C'harliitie Islaiuis on Social Wei reception of tenders. If not returned I within that period the deposit will be forfeited. ROBERT FORT1ER, SHIPS and WATERFRONT laic Branch business. Mr. McMillan said the weather on the islands was bcaudful. Fisheries For Acting becrclary. : DciKtrtnicnt of Public Works, (Iti i Ottawa. February 5. 1951. Tenders are being called fur construction of buildings described as house office units for Douglas Payne returned fa it urday afternoon lium a business trip to Vancouver. This ddvertiement It not publisher or displayed by the UquotCJ 1 i i A few days ago Arthur Laing, one of our very active young Liberal members from Vancouver, addressed a question to the Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys asking if the department had any plans with reference to iron ore in British Columbia. New Freighter on First Voyage For For Action. Action. Advert Advertise! isr! - ' . 4 the federal Department of Fisheries at Queen Charlotte City and Bella Coola, according in the Hon. George Prudham, word from E. T. Apple whailt , M P. at Ottawa. Tenders are receivable until February 28. 'ran rar-St-ir r-il I r in 7$T-OtWT COMPARE rr l'p Coast ss. iukon Princess to Skagway Making her first northward voyage since arriving on thij coast to enter the service of Canadian Pacific Steamship:;, the steamT Yukon F 'incess t? now on her way from Vancouver to Skagway with a full ra:go of freight. The Yukon P incess, like the old Noatka which she replaces, while owned by CPU. n operated by arrangement v.itn land. In 1950 geological survey party, in charge of Dr. J. W. Hoadley, made extensive studies in the vicinity of Zeballos, Vancouver Island. The British "Columbia department of mines published a report in 1942 by A. G. McKee and Company, engineers and contractors, of Cleve Burns Lake Ski Meeting new and popular Minister of Mines, took the question as notice and made a statement a few days later. He said that investigations made prior to 1925 were compiled in a report by G. A. Young and W. L. Uglow, entitled ' The Iron Ores of Canada. Volume I, British Columbia and Yukon" i Economic Geology Series No. 3. In 1930 further geological fiuld work was conducted in the Buttle Lake area, Vancouver Is Tn; land, entitled "Report on Pro- i the Frank Wate.-houss Line posed Iron and Steel Works." i vessel is proceeding oire-n norm The field work of Dr. J. W. Hoad- from Vancouver to Skagway ami ley in the Zeballos area will be may call at Prince Rupe t -ont'.i-continued. and this will include j bound to make her fir-1 call at manning and studies of DOten- this port. Sh? will be loading f BURNS LAKE Omineca Ski Club will be staging its annual -ski tournament on February 24. i 25 and 26 and, from- the much heralded competitions, will be chosen the cream of local skiers j who will go on to display trwu j "large cargo of concent ates out of Skagway. Capt. John Camp bell is mast of the Yukon Prin tatent at meets in Jper. Prince merlv the Is- ' Fast Relief for SCIATIC PAIN rntWlui's T-R-Ci ire noted hr lt, nilartinf relwi froffl the ihara tabbin am i watka. Sale, relable, T-R-C'a will brmi Mi taa the romlorl you long for. Got depena-Me T-R-O toda;, et relief taniiht- cess which was for tiai iron aeposits. i 38TH PARALLEL -J- Recently Mr. Coldwell addressed a ques-' tion to the Secretary of State for External Affairs asking whether the United States or the United Nations would decide whether the 38th parallel would aeain be crossed in Korea. Mr. "and Cn in- o-e-ai''1" tween Montreal and Maritime s-o.ts to i-rir.e laward island. lU U KD LiLlL " ! -si - - ' ':;:1; -'- ---;""-0 "C-'-v ' yi''''Se rnii r Fndr iwt and white iidwoll tirei optional al tf toL JLjr 'K " " " " ' ' '"' ' ' ' ''" "' "''' ' ' "' : s-W.-.V:vh';iA - i. ''I fftVifti-"'" Pearson, in his reply, said he presumed the question referred to certain press reports. He said: ' Under the circumstances which the hon. member contemplates, Union KleamT Camcsun, Cap'., i William McC'imbe-, arrived in ; rort at 2 o'clock yestcrrtay aftyr- ; noon from VanmuvrT and way- , point-; with fair-sized list of ani full f'eiuht car;0, -.aiMng at 11 pm. in continuation of her vovag3 to Alice Arm and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow morning to ui-ui bc auu milliners, nieie is every reason to believe that this will be one of trw greatest tournaments on record. Culminating feature of the three days' pre- cecdings wll be a ball on rlosin : ', nic lit wh"n th? oueen cf t'ic : club will fc" elected. The hi- . venile course'is expected to pro-, v'd" the usual modicum ofmer-riment. Tows are being ir. ii Herl on both hills to make things : eas;er for the contesta.irs and to speed up the competitions. i , Officers of the club a- : ! j President .Jack R. Frown ( Vice-President Gordon R"sh . j Secretary Maurice Roumicu ,' Treasurer Miss Margaret Bickle rnpltirGo'don W':' Hill Cilrf-Kaarp Ensstad." I would think it would be proper for the question to be discussed in the United Nations." WHEAT TO INDIA Also by way of question, this time by Mr. I Catherwood (Conservative) to sail south at 12 noon. Second Union mt nf'th" day. tt; steamer CliilcnMp, Cn-M. Ttm--' t, o hofnr. th. McLean, c-'iv.-rl in port at 3.4.) vp;tnrr!:!v af.prrnri fr.-im sin' i ouestion-of sending wheat to In one) .-if Oiipii CharU'H- Hand and sailed a. 8 p.m. ft--- Vancouver and waypuints. Don't Wait- - dia. Mr. Howe stated that the government of India has not made formal representations to the Canadian government, but I has made arrangements with the j Canadian Wheat Board for supplies of wheat, 300,000 tons. I FEATURE FOR FBM Lubricate Adequate lubricatior KEEPING THE FlSH RECORD Lakelse Lake Pleasant Place Even In Winter FAER BY FAR! "Sli-n alipad" tnt'int-erint! brines vou fiirly-lhrrf ow, may save you New Initrumerft Fonol . . . wilh now "Glow-Cup" controh ond "ChonoUlod" Imtrunnnl CKiitor grouped In a itrlkinsly boautifvl perforated totln tilver turpanol. Now gracehil "Air-Wing" flooring wnooL Wheat available is very low grade; discussions are now in process to ascertain whether India can use any of these grades of wheat. Gordon Graydon asked Sin rcoair bill in the future. Drive uo today head" features in the '5 1 Ford. Some of ihese fciiw illustrated and described here. Others include w H Spinner" Grille and new "Luxury Lounge" inicnor). Automatic Ride Control and improved 100-Hp. Vljt ante . . . safe, solid "Lifeguard" Hotly and King-Siittf' (I$y Larry Stanwood) .1 To many local residents Lakelse lake mean ;m holiday easy days, spent in sunshine amid the nalur- ( al grandeur of the mountains, trees and water. Of, course, all. that in the summertime. . ,- ; Iitit who would think of going to Lakelse in the; , ....... : i To iruik-,? owning a car ;. real tlelight, let us attend to all its needs. 1 toper service cuts driving costs in the loiif; run. "Double-Sealed" against weather. 1 est-Onve me and you'll set and for yourself the quality d'"" features make. Compare and you'll agree thai feat"" ' Ford is finer by far . . . with "step ahead" dc"iign tp far out front in style, performance, comfort an(i 00 THEATRf . . . radio listening you'll "iy every Friday night . , . Dominion network .3umu Net dead oi winter : if this is part of the common-wcalh plan in which Canada is. participating, or Is it a collateral transaction between Canada and ' India. Mr. Howe replied that sales have been made directly between Canada and India under the international wheat agreement to which we are both parlies. RETORT COURTEOUS For a gocd example of the "retort ' courteous" or something, I like this one. On Tuesday Bert Hcr-ridgc, CCF from my old home, West Kootenay, was speaking, and evidently figured that Jack .Gibson. Independent from Co- (mox-Albcrni, was doing too much interrupting. Herridge suddenly looked at Gibson and Autametle PeMvre Central ipring. actuated to position and "angle" entire teat for comfort. Key Turn Starter . . . M lorn the ignition key port Hie "On" position and engine ttartsl Kmiwt m 1 ' xmmim 1 - tijlssssssswae m r ! About five feet of sr.ow there is n"w, and it has been cold . . . right down to 30 tclow zero . . . this winter. A narrow, slippery, winding mountain road, gouges if way t) Tc race, nearlv 2H miles away, the only contact wit.i civilization. There are no telephones. Smart Mororists Rush to . ... SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. Tin: VLM V, OF I5KTTER I Slil) CARS Third and 1'ark Avcs. Phone Green 217 There is no electricity .,1 "Mr. speaker, i nope mai Y.-t there live a few people at 1 tUn hon mnmhpr Is not. crnintr - inn, i ii el sW;- - 3alll .,7-4 aw New rear window ityllng- Beautiful new chrome moulding with extra wide bate frames Automatic Mileage Maker a self -regulating system thai matches Ignition timing to fuel Nw chrem "Wlndipllti" attractively dreu up rear fenders and new-detign tail K.y.e.01.... Turn the key ond the balancing hingol . omf 1 "r to tpring open I massage his ego by constant i-aiteise who a.c iiatu, ! mane, innocuous and inconse- 1 even in the wnter. For example, 1 quenlial interruptions." . . . Tem- j there are Vem and Anna Mc-nni-ari, snhsiriinir of Mr. Gibson. Mahon. Vern U an assistant bio- charges, gives more gas miles. the gracefully curved rear window. lamp; odd new distinction. logisi, wonting tot iiie icucirt YOU CAN PAY MORE BUT YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER can support. i As the federal fisheries dejwr'-j mcnt is mainly int.jrcslcd in re-, search of commercial fish. Vern's' iob deals with the urvlval of the sockeye salmon. ! Other work Includes k""iint daily temperature records and netting fish through the ice. TbAi is accomplished much the same as the Eskimo does it in the Arctic. To one end of a net is Vir:i a wooden "bobbin" which is then inserted in the water. The bobbin is given a sharp push and is propelled under the ice. This process is repeated several times until enouch net has been si rung. When the fish have been giiied. they are removed and their stomach c o n te n t s examined. Most of the fish caught this way are Cutthroat trout, i-avs Vcrn. ' In this cold weather w have' no hardship keening them for some time," said Anna, and added: "We have come to like trout i very well." j The wife of the biologist,, ! formerly a practieing reeisler-I ed nurse, follow a ntitinc . much hc same as olhrr housewives do. She mav not hve the ritv conveniences, hut she savx she is a nature-lover. And friends dron In everv so oftTi. There H Tonv. a trapper, guide and fisherman, who is building a VST YOUR FORD DEALER TODAY PS- mmm Luxury Steamer Prince George NO. 1 MIKE As was to be expected, "Mike" Pearson's review of the international situation was a wonderful exposition. He pointed out that international relations involve many complicated and indeed dangerous issues which at times divide even friends. . He stressed the fact that freedom cannot be cloister fisheries department. His headquarters are at Nanaimo, the Pacific Biological Station, but Vern is a fieid-worker, and seldom gets down south. The McMahons live in comparative ease 'mid al! that snow and cold. At least, they think so. Their cabin has three rooms and an office for Vern. They heat BOB PARKER LTD. FORD arid MONARCH DEALERS ed in one country. In one con PrinceJuP.1! SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN tinent, or Indeed in one hemis-;and cook with fuel-oil and their phere. Another point he stressed "Home of Friendly Service" DLONDIE Special Delivery! CvCHlCM light at night comes from gasoline lamps. RECORDS FISH FOOD Vern's main iob in the winter is to keen a record-of the plankton content of the lake This I if that whatever may be the re-' suit of a re-examination of the i role of the UN, it is certain that 1 the United Nations still fulfils tzzr-zz. 1 rMCTimiiiiiitHiiiin " 1 1 """' '' 1 1 ' I rs, k 7 - P took--i'u7. jL . . I fl - J II.--1 : W-r I it, vou again! opawamap Jr ' 1 V. l :" t -7 's IS- Lr FOP YOU r-li ( NO USE-t CANY I J Lm ' mpp S a' a number of functions which are indispensable If peace is to be means digging through the snow I CAN'T HKp ) l MP FUDDIE'S 1 wkim:siay midnight Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call maintained on any tolerable ba- on the 'ake until the ice is reach- tfJ" f-'M yrjiju ... sis. He does not feel that !t a CITY OK DKPOT OFFICE OFFICE VV I i ed. Then a hole is cut through the ice and a plankton trap inserted. Plunton ts minute cell-life unon which fish feed, and on the nuanllty of it largely depends the number of fish a lake should be a reproach to the United Nations that its reach exceeds its graap. We owe it to those men in Korea and to ourselves to make as cool and ra- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. log-cabin 500 "nMs Inm th" McMahons. And- there Is Tom and his wife who live about a mile tli oil jit wav. Tom wink for the fisheries too "We are always hapny to fee spring," said Anna, "but we den't mind the winter at al!" This is tlonal appraisal as we can of " " - the dangers which threaten the Any one who heard Mr. Pear-free world, not only in Korea son's speech anyone who reads but at many other points as it in full will know why "Mike" well, and, In the light of that Pearson is regarded today as just their second year there, she ex-appraisal, to decide what is the about the Number One man in plained. proper policy for the United Na- international affairs, anywhere "And I can always keeo an eve tions to pursue in the Far East, in the western world. on my husband," she twinkled.'