12 months ending In 94) ti.e federal . and j rrinca Rupert Dcily lc. Prince Rupert Realtors Organise j Health Dav Blackwood on &riJae Monday, February 12, ia51 a Ai C J I 1 By Eosley Blackwood 1 povernmenw wclh.u e hundred million dollies taxes and othv p alcoholic beverages. S,.tia a'"' New Biun.s-jrpd Confederation on . sugar, white a soft drink has nearly a tablespoonful. Introduced and thanked by Mr. Moore, Dr. Black framed his talk with r-r-rrv ' i?J . Ml JCflOOl In the present series of articles I have riven vou In additior. to about $340 federal taxes on a $2,000 car. In some provinces Canadians pay p-nvincbl "and municipal sales tax. KADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles Lrr K A brisk marching tune to! an anagram on the c . . . . In,A BrMa. Uolll r. ... wv,u (Subject to Change) i.oca rea. estaua dea ers have! " -" ,7 " " ' ! "HEALTH." Taking each letter many examples where the Blackwood Convention! helps decide whether or not to bid a slam. ! I . hope I have not given ... you the impression that! r i a i of the word, the doctor stressed "habits, exercise, appetite, leisure, """ teeth and happiness." ueciaea to organize as the Prince " "-"'b Rupert Real Estate Board EO- f aTli Eiemenlary students ward Gladding has been elected1 the'r c-" to a spe-president and Ahan Armstra.ig, I cwl Friday afu?nioon assembly secretary, both Dr. u-m. Drjiim Climaxing the Canada-wide In 1949 the total collected by municioal governments for le-distribution to Canadian citizens that is, government "transfer-lyments"-was $1 380.009.0CO. i recunwriena me use ol the JJ lack wood on all slam hands. No one knows better thanl l For Action Advertise! ccinulttion of oiu-initinn ; National Health Week, Dr. Dun Tlx hmim: Nulllli W i mat it is often used when itj should not be used. I wjuld say I.USt Norl h 6 H that if you use the Blackwood I" I H 3U (I H Ail uu.ia , I'aikiiiK, Crating yuiK liuueral jtaee and Storage i Keliable and Effi-jfvice. Also ugvnts for I.iuuid Air Co. Ud. and all fi n, Acetylene .supplies. SAY'S CARTAGE )RAGE LIMITED l ami furl; Avenues j I'hotirs Ml and til t ovulation of the local board "Sf" Bi"'k- lli''ector f the Prince j followed a meeting during h Rul'rt Health Unit, talced to the, f" latter part of last k ia the thlliicn- it" Civic Centre wlien 8. V, Smith of ' Since February 3, King Ed- the R.-al listate Agents' Licensing wa'd ScIwhjI, like all other ' r Uxmrd from Vancouver was on elwols, was preparing for what!?!'. In today's hand after Miss Brash tried to gum up the works by bidding three spu!;s, the primary question in M Master's mind was not how many aces Mr. Champion held. hand to a1 vise the local realtors uieir principal, R. O. Moore calls 'm "the one week of Uie 52," when; g ," we plan hoy; Uj look after our-i r '. 011 the latest regulations eivein MONDAY P-M. 4:30 Magic Adventures 4:45 Stock Quotations and lot. 4:55 CUC News 5:lM) - International Comty. 5:10- Hawhide 5:30- Uixieluiiil Jxfj. 8:00 - Hupptir frureriadje' 6:15 - Martial Airs 6:30- Musical Va' tetif'S C:45- "KiiuUilo lUu-Min' Uhythm" 7 :oo - .'UJ Jews 7:15 -Cli'-t News Houiulup 7:10 - Sonus for Kuriy ftmiiiig 8:00- i.Ac. Wild 8:3J Ouy Ijinljiudo Hhov; Q:Ut -HiiXMMiA tMiu Kudio I''ormn 9:30-Meiouy froi.i the Sl:y 10 MM) ;BC News 10:10 -4JBC Newi 10:15- Provincial Affairs 10:30 Recital 11:00 - Weather forcxa.-.t. and mv, the laal estate business. convention on much mure than half of your slam zone hand;, you arc using it too often. On many big hands there b more Important info.-mali.in n be developed than the number of uee.s your parlne holds, Soim; times It is vital ti find out not' only how many aces partner ha; but which ace or jot. Often K is heller to describe you hanu fully Ui fuitiu:i lattiet' Ulau Ul ii.sk him .soiuclhinj; about his. Here is a gooj tr.st which will, hi-lo vou iUu- -njiii u.)w.i i,.t- ,r' A provisional tominilUe will "'- " uie-ieuiaiuuer OI tnc; t -'- V"". pi ri! jTt tTX1'-' haw up bylaws and arrange y('ar- 4 H V M 11 r-'l n 1 1 1-- i Xrr 'i ,-r",J""r',':Tim oilier details. I Each school room was decorat t ' 1 IZtA tl tl H 4 " J I V J 1 - The chances that Mr. Cham-i pion had at least one ace to open the bidding were overwllieming. I What Mr. Masters wanted tj know was how many quick ..W lose.-s Uiojve were In the South liand. . ! oai-d i.s td tocombiiii-wn.11 all the teach-i " ' 4 L U i I H r I U V I The purpose of tiie "U inr-reasc tlu; service U, tho tesnom tit Uie w. r w A fV II .1 II H -1 'T it of co-' The 47 Grade Five nunils of .T I " v ' v--- w ' Jiiiblic and create a spir opi-ration and good will in th u- 'Jou Gj.scoe's room reuoi'U- He bid five heati, asking M". ' wt you should use lin Black- " B Uj six if h ; coui:l wood four i.n Hump bid. Iiok at 'i"llr"i u'e second round of vuur hand, consider the hirlriino- -Wiles. Holding the king and (islrict. ied the o.iginal health smn? l It has been decided that (ho the old nursery rhyme of London members or the Hoard will join Undue, thus enabling the young-trie National Association of Real rr Rrativs -to get the swim; of it. Estate Boards in order to keep in 1 "Drink your milk ann lirealhj clo.se contact witii the activities' fresh 'a'r, of thj profession aero is Canada. I "Brush your teeth, comb your nc tpade, Mr. Champion could, 17 dale, then a k j-ou !.! f Uii tlKn-off I find .out how and hl' m Uie slain- question: "If i jHSMimoi mm Miss Brash opened the siiuitc- hair, Reprcv'-'iti'd at Uit; Iniiiaiory meeting were Armstrong Agen- TUfcHiyrtl AM IS', Musical CkcK 8:00-BO New-8:10 Ilea's Bill Gooa :1d y.,.mnn Sonjj 8:30 Morning Devotions 8.45 Little Concert many aces my ) a tner has. win I Umm We able to r"ach a definite tlcar-.;ut defcialun ub.iut jtlaW" If lh" answer J? y.. Ujp B'a-wood fits the situation nicely If it Is no that is If you are still hazy ab nit your .slam chanc?s-ycu should have use.! 'ton club which Mr. X'humpi in won with the .ai;e, ext -a-led the It umps and parked his small spade on dummy's third club. lie trumped his fourth diamond in dummy and the contra::! r:41-d home. t cies, G. P. Tinker Ltd., H. G. 1 Helgcrson Ltd., S. D. Joiinstwi j Co. Ltd., Dybhavn &. Hanson Ltd.. ! R. IS. Mortimer, Prince Ruuert i):')0 BBC News and Commen- 1 Xtealty Co. aiid T. Norton Youngs tary. ! r, . III us 0:15 Music lor Moderns "So you will he healthy pupijs, Yes. Sircee! "U;e a haukv when vou sneeze, "Eat your spinach, fruit and cheese, "That's the way to keep the rule, "Children of King Edward School." While this was being sung, one child regulated a nearly life size cardboard puppet hanging over Mr. Uoscoe's schoolroom door, easily seen from the half where the pupils passed. By careful pulling of the strim? Anger Is Harmful To Mental Health V Father Of Marc Gormely Passes IUEL ECONOMY some other method, fiouth dealer ( North-South vune'ahle Vordi I Mr.v j B-7 3 1 II A J t t I i V A Q l ) O K Q .1 .M lil j I 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time SianaJ 10:00 Morninf! Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Charlie Kunz Presents 1 1 :00 - Kindergai U n of the Air Tin: M w Production usuolly increases Funeral took place this from St. Augustine's Church! FIREMAN ! in Vancouver of tire late Michael TORONTO Kh Hostility can bounce rlt'ht back to harm a per- son wlw. is Jiostile, s;iys Dr. J. p.1 M. C'iifin, nujiial director of j th? Canadian M.mtal Health j Association. i lie gave a gathering of Uni-j viy.sjty of Toronto Students re- H A QJ SDU 4 3 H -U 6 I! 6 , II 10 0 l .1 10 4 a IJ - 7 5 with efficient lighting The cool, quickly PV lighting efficient !,tlf in increased production. c - - io o a n 5 a William Gormely, father of Dis- trict Forester Mare Goimely olj Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. Gormely left here last week to attend the funeral at which Rev. ; 1 jfioin inside the room, this card-, board boy, armed with a. toothbrush, cleaned two huge white j te?th. in rhythm to the song. ' I Displays were arranged by . he i grades with health pamphlets J and material supplied to the city schools from the local health oil burner solves lu-.st. problem In vy oil. 1 penny an meu n wnat jiaiHiens Si, III h (Mr. IUjullilll) D--7 5 H U. ft 11 -k o 7 6 a i) k u a 11 ; a 7 Father L. J. Sweeney O.M.I, officiated. , 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Wenther Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude .1:45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00-Mld-Day Melodlw 12:15 CBC NeWf 12:25 Program rtesume 12:30-B.C. Farm Hroadca.st 12:55-Rec Int. l:noThe Concert Il.mr 1:30 -Musical Program f V(1 YiiUR NKKIl bst iti.rr kj 'Mr. Gormely, who was known unl'. as a visitor in Prince Rupert,1 Dr. Black, director of health p;.s.sed away last Wednesday. in the district, explained to the In addition to the son here, bovs and girls the care of teeth to anyn' wlw luubors fei'lniKs of liiksAiJil.y aiKi.sud(U:ily reallw :; thai. ip lias a he:id;u:l,. and jii naii 10 til? ;.liuiai I). ftp W the miliums meiiilx aiu s lining tine tin oyl. and stouiaili and wime tlujr ore,ans are af-fueUuj. Glands misbehave and Die blood undergoes bi-chemic.il ' deceased has two othw sons and ' two daughters. and suld one stick of gum editions one, half tablespoonful of rr v t it ing & n&4 .TING changes. AltogeUier, he suid.j hostility Ls a harmful thing that apparently js flourLshing Uicxo days. Dj-. 'Criffin said that during recant Uiiiu;d Nations debates on .the Far Bastern situation, Canada's retwesenlatives displaced more maturity and less psychiatric hostility than those of ".wiw ' . I '-'Sr!"- JOHN H. otner countries we could mn- p7 'g"njmr9 , ' LGER I'lonuhiSt tion." Canadians could be "rons-onably proud" of the action of Ujcir deU'eates. I Dr. Griffin also rlescussed a I motion picture, "The Foaling of j KixiUlJty ." which apparently I aroused some hostility itself when j shown to honxe and school association groups. . nisTi RHisG rip "It had to he withdrawn from j piMjeral Release." said Dr. Griffin. 1 "A lot of peonle tliounht, it was idisUirbing. It hasn't the sort j (A ending Uia s'ii''s evei'yone , home intiwiy. so thev can put it out of tlu.ir minds." Bulger Ltd. Tnrd Avenue Knju llieencrllpul nwiuiut-iiiiiiIh, llie dilii'lun fMd, nd the rourlMiu rli. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS Wednesday, Feb, 11 WeJoesJoy, Morch 7 Wednesday, March 21 . . . in 0 feam ihat needs YOU! r inforinulion and reservations contact . S. I). Notniitn, Asent 3.il Ave. West lor (Itstma- Tlic big plants of the R.C.A.F. take oil tions far ami Hckr iharutctl by .ktui i IS IS VALUE eyed younc; Th" fi'"i Kr"wd h.iw hnstilit ' grew in the mind of a little girl liRined Cfoj-e, whase father was kilted in I he Canadian mining country a"d whose widowed motlier mnd Dlare too riV'Pin-dent unon )ir. I showed hen how dure took on nsnects of. rejection ond re-senlmcrU. after on unspectacular Stenfatlier npjjeared on the scene V&Hw. Ar-f (I world, rcspci t and (lanailians . . . a team that's cirnc pect This! admiration. hev. Sedan I 1 rl ImY ! - M'A Pil,.,t' Navigator, Radio Operator part of an V. team which can fly a complex aircraft any-in the world. '. . rt 2-Tone j V Buy It! and haw she finally turned inl a friendless ( shy girl who was v-tn1 to show pervnnp thTt even If she wasn't lovnb'.e, she was smart. In the end slje became a successful editorial assistant In a mibllshinc house but 'ie spent her eyeniil"s p.'.one. There was so miieJi hostility ir) Xtcr make-up that there was no room for love. PILOTS RADIO OFFICERS NAVIGATION OFFICERS THrPE ARE IMMEDIATE OI'CNINGS FOR HOUNG MEN TO TRAIN AS Parker Ltd. fONARCH DEALERS j Have a Good Meal! NEW CITY CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS or Phone Blue 92 FOR TAKK OI'T OKDLRS e Rupert, B.C. F U) m VM M W. H. Murray returned Saturday from Vancouver wluire he attended a meeting of the directors of tire B.C. Hotelmen's Association. Matters concerning providing bet ter service to the public took up much of the time at the meetings. Here's your opportunity to get into the fast growing field of aviation and render a valuable service to your country. '. TO BE ELIGIBLE EOR TIIE R.C.A.F. AIR CREW TEAM, YOU MUST... jTKR . . . planning Building or Repairing 'ALL 363 For Action Advertise! I O Canadian citijen or other ftiit.A 0 tingle and bflwren 18 and ?4; 0 Havft Junkw Motfitulolion or better V mm. ACT TOPAY! Get complete details without obliqntirin from the Career Counsellor ot your nearest R.C.A. F. Recruiting Ontr APPLICANTS AM MO.UIMI0 IO ftRINO WITH THfcM TO ICtUIIINO OFftCIi t . tirth Crtitt 3 . CerHUt a ld(oin p OR MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY O hi n 1 2i run n lit 1 oncer K.C.A.K I,iultlrK Unit. Wallace ring., 9S2I - 11A Ave, Eamonton. Alia. PIlOW 26fB Pttit mil mt, withwtt tbligition, lull rtituUrt rtfrding tmlitt-mimt rruirtmimlt W aptutHgi mw tmUHt im Mr K.C4.F. NAM1 (l'lcM PftnO stLi;t address , citv provin'f. EDUCATION (bj dd inJ proincr) rt Af.E CAF-25 ipl C KHELL CURRIE & Contractors Me mmm m DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81