Alaska "Ark" assenqerS Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. February 2, 1951 0 i Richatd Miller Ml'RDF.R CASE COMMENCES iContinued from page 1' Boy Marries DaVld Satko, 19, whose family made headlines by sailing to Alaska In a homemade "ark" 15 vears ago, passing through Drlnna Dtlnurt rn till WAV Will To Vancouver (today) O. F. Pike, R. H. Dibnab, t. B. Cail, Mrs. R. McKay, H. L. Batten, A. Pratch, C D. Forbes, N. Jerrhyri, E. D. Wash, W. K. CtniRhlart, D. Sutherland, E. W. McColm and A. Ryan. can as e Funeral Today had been no fighting of any kind on the boat while he a on it, he said. Who Was Mm nlffnrd Richard Miller, 85, ,u. UTOss-examniea, r,... .i v.. V,4 to found dead In his . cabin . . ,rt in 300 ,7 of ; Seattle ---- - soon. yourspare time to serve From Vancouver (yesterday T. Richards, Miss L. Rae, B. W. Innts, W. R. Bonnycastle, A. L. Fletcher, R. Dibnab, E. N. Walsh. .. f rt r V. the police afterward he had lied Block Eleventh Avenue Bunday, David, a construction worker, about the drinking that had was buried this afternoon in said his father, Paul Satko, now taken place. He had told them Falrview cemetery. In Richmond. Wrginia it several weeks Plftns to,vklt TflCom,a s," a"d. the truth about ' services, conducted by ' he has ago. He had been charged with Fun.P T," ,.,, , ay wttle on some land From Sandftplt yesterday! Mr. and Mis. R. Moigan, W. N Tarruck, E. Moure, Mr. Ryan, J Malrs. Canada i. a. im-p .r u . . acquired , that area. weeks few possession of liquor a , L h ,,, l,urt i!tv he Grenvllle Court chapel. Floweis Two married sisters living ht m W M said. He was fined. He had no, were sent by deceased's reih- Juneau are the only members. 4 1 t ' Union steamer Chtlcotln, Capt. liquor hi his possession at tne at nih Avenue and Sher- ouiku luomy now time the chanse was laid. The hrnnk street. in& in Alaska. Harry McLc-an, arrived in port at 1 1:45 this afternoon from the niphr. hefnre December 23 he had Pallbearers were William Lund, south and will sail tonight for Ux been drunk, he said. He was nut William Rothwell, Cant. William ! Norman Jermyn, pilot of the ciHin were J. r t, ClotiRh, Rev t time he met Ryflii : fharlotte Islands whence drunk at the hpKll. rhHrl fwraehan.' n.,.. rwimt.. Airiitwx nlnne Quren and Loraine Tait. His memory ni,iih a,,t Ktnnipv Mar-' m,, ,i h,.,.. iun h i..n. it.u she will return here Sunday Rev. l. 0. Si..tJ" m.lrnlr,nfWn f u-W ' In lli.ldV eVfllll,K SOU. ! li;otll 111 i-;i.wikit:i iuwion, Mr ai was clear, lie suid, about all uui InH haniwiiRl lit1 'UllA not AUft? shall, . "id M: hams. liMv? f thf Chtl him disembarking win Roy Moullon Is replacing were how hn. l,ens on the boat Funeral arrangement after it arrived at Port Simp- made by B.C. Undertakers here. 1 son. He thought it wa.s about 15 minutes and it could not have hppn js mnrli as ail hour All 1. v the drinking had been done 111 1 5' the pilot house. No one wxs cutj or scratched on the trip over, he said. AI.FRF.I) WESLEY (RESERVE) X W Alfred James Wesley, and fisherman. Port Simp son, said he had been in Prince 'Rupert December 23 but had not 'seen Ryan or Miss Tait. He went down to the dock at Port Simpson about 7 p.m. to pump out ;his boat, which was leaking. He heard a boat approach and when !he went up on deck both Loraine 'and Harold had called him to ! their boat. When he went over, they handed him a drink In a cup. When he tasted it and 'found it was wine, he spilled it 'on the deck. He wa.s in a hurry !to get away but, when he said 5 lUli advertisement ii not published or displayed W vuuui uutra or dj id uoverDiutat of Unm -JJ.,.....!!.-,, . tt. '.i-.J n Pre;aredns ii necessary 10 freedom. The Nival Reservist stands f": prepared. ,ts. He is tr-!y patrimic Onadii.i. He is in training improving his skills and knowledge an-! preparing himself to s.-rve Canada at se shtrtil.l tc neef arise. YonT. see him in Navy unilurin right here in this city any day. Ymi, tt, tan prepare vourself for advancement, make new friends, and X do Jtrvicr to your rojntry h, joining the R.C.N. ,Reserve now. Mil matter what your ixxupitHMi, voo are eligible. The need is urgent. ISIM miHIHC IS MPOKWtT mitflHG. it StMANtS WHOll-HlAXItS WiKtST $ IffMT If It's SERVICE Ymi he had to go, Loraine caught :his sweater. Harold said: "You are tearing it, you will have to j replace it." Loraine then took off her sweater and she and Ryan put it on Wesley. Police had asked about It the next day. he said. Loraine had only a FRIEND OR FOE? Watching a far-off aircraft from their gun stations aboard the Canadian destroyer Sioux are AB. Joseph Schultz of McTaggart, Sask., left, and AB. Sidney Bradford of Drumheller, Alta. This Canadian Navy photo was taken on one of the Sioux's last patrols in the Kirean theatre. She since has been relieved by the Nootka and is on her way home. (CP PHOTO 1 Phone 383 CA brassiere on the upper part of her body after she took off the sweater but was fully clothed in Fire Chief ! 1 0 0 mucks iroiii me waini tiuwn, 11c 'said. i On cross-examination. Wesley j said he had not heard of Loraine 'hnrninc hriplf uit.h pnl prensp mi To Hospital Fire Chief Earl Becker Is being ttm b rrqiiJ m tpenJ one night 1 th Itirninft Hit fii o ih ti an J mxuf aloabl ftiUi. om Xpetxd two week each year irotmnft on water cruitt-t . . . gttoing priiiical cxpntoce i sea. You will enjoy recreation ihjrt kerp yon ii . . . make new frienti . . . nt ytmr-aclf for aJJcJ responsibilities. iThe pilot house was fairly dark, admitted to hospital tomorrow to j Only one bottle was in sight u"c"1' '"cc Iwhen he was there, he said. He JUI Chief Beclcer Injured his did hot give the sweater to the k"ee at the fire that damaged j police the first time he had the home of Pierre LeRoss before Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Cta word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, i Funeral Notices, Marriage and Eigagement Announcements $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE talked with them, he said, but nrisimas ana luriner inj urea a they asked him to keep it. They later when stepping on a truck , SALESMEN I' FOR SALE Ft'NERAL NOTICE had picked it up Uttui". It will be operated on next Tuesday. ' I Eb.VhS SINCLAIR-In the cltv Satur- Yoo will he paiJ ai regular Navy raie for ihe lime you spenJ in training . . . earn lira money in your spare lime. During his absence. Assistant flees, factories Chief W. H. (Busier! Hill will Sinclair. 1 82 vears. of TuT- etc- "ew- rnone 0,U,29DV 1 t Minns, etc.. - bonded electric minrescent f itiive 01s uiace ana jock cwan acuumi. d.v. nc. c. n. noKin 0 Do you know you ran now purchase to-days NKWft III KAI.U to-day? jovfs m:is stand Papers are flown lr iiily by C.P.A. will he assistant chief Kpnnpth wi'l conduct services at Oren- poR 6ALE Pair commercial l,Ll .L .Ll.. ville Court Chaoel at 2 p.m. Sat- YluoresVent Hunts complete. market. Immea CT TH FACTS. S JH RECRUIJINC OfflC HT H.M.C. S. CHATHAM cian a loicYiiis m nic ucao,- uroav. f eoruurv 3. interment. 10 l i t uih East 1300' follow in Fairview Cemeterv. ment. and track B. C. Undertakers in charge of FOR SALE Haneers commissions w. orders are ness from fs-assures exce.., future income. ' Dailv News. B.C PRINCE RIPF.RT, One 4-hole lit:) arrangements. lor garaae door. range. Blue 4UU. t&k I ft If Mrs. Kilby Is SACRIFICE SALE OF CARD OF THANKS WANTED SITUATION FOR C mm LaitJ At KPM Tlie family of the late Mrs. H. 11 "A" i friends for the beautiful floral 9 Mrs. Narcia (Nell) Kilby, aged i tributes, svmoathv and kindness extended to them during their so vears u;!i hnripH in Fnirvipu-! cence. 1U vears' experience run " Itwuina truck bus. cat gravel i one man in v- trucks etc. Phone Green 328 HO. or address J. L.. Box 220. C.t v - piTvE y cf 711 Greuvillf U (RESERVE) (lt-nci ecent bereavement. JUST IN! A DAISY! Like New! What a Buy! Whato Value! cemetery Thursday. Funeral ser-1 vice, conducted by Canon Basi! S. Prockter, was held in the afternoon at Grenvllle Court FOR SALE APARTMENT K'- HELP WANTRD WANTED - Male or female clerk NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Limr-belt fcneeder Shovels: 1918 chapel. Cranes: uraiilines: Adams Nearer My God to Thee," and HUl nve. c-v "Term''" puhIk-A(TPI Tax siirtWi SUuie BuilUUK (or rutin) and appliance siore. Plume Blue U92. 28pl 7tEAI, ESTATE Road Graders: I. tl. eford Bros. Custom DeSotoiisI Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is cl jfroeiiionai Black Ton Road Maintenance Kduioment : Owen Clamshell i Calling" were the hymns sung iiMneSS an to the organ accompunlmenl of Buckets and Hock Granules: T 1, Smith Coneretfl Mixers: Mrs. J. C. Giiker. Clark Foiklift Trucks: Nelson r. f - i 31 it 4 i! -I . ,fl ;!' it; '.ii Pallbearers were Jack Bulcer.i Bucket "waders for Stockpile Check These Values 1st Overlook Lurtfe Funr Wartime; good condition fenced and Imnroved grounds. Reasonably nriced. Terms. 2nd overlook-Four room house, oarilv excavated basement; wicket fence and lawn, nicely and Know Removal: Rice Port nhla t'Mnl rifn(J!il PninnR' Na Sedan Fluid drive, spotless Interior. Not -a-scratch finish. Winterized, air conditioner. Must be seen to he appreciated Bob Parker Ltd. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE tional Drai'line Scraoers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National WATCH REM (iclent seri rt Jeweller. Sato-teed. OIL BURNER Stove servirf 1 Alfred Rivelt. George Kilby, R. Anderson, Stanley Veltch and A. K. Nelson. There were many floral offerings from friends of the deceased. Mrs. Kliby died Monday. Porta hie Sawmi is: MATTSON'S UPHOLSTER1NO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. i"h East Four room house, con MARdARKT McT.KOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDINO Rnt:irv Kcrnr-ris nd ConveVorS crete foundation, fenced oroo-rrtv: tool shed. Interior and location make this an ideal family hump Flectric Stov Full lnlormation from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. tf GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS BOYS FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. A Rood OP Of, ,.,. u anl heater included. Full price FOR SALE aew chesterfield onlv t43n0 beds: beds comolete: un )aint-i,n addition to these listines we ed chest of drawers, sewing navp a pw 3 OP((room homes, machine: kitchen stoves: heat- For romolete Information and ers; hardware coffee tables. inslK.(.u,m ,.aii Armstront end tables; bedroom suites, Agencies Phone 342 or Green brand new carpels. Axmm.ster, aU7 ieVes.l 32cl sizes 2' x 4tV: scores of other i delivering 1 routes. Pl. t i lie Pi)'1 PHONE BLUE 503 P.O. BOX 1184 I Rev. L. G. Sieber, pastor of First United Church here, and Rev. J. A. Lawton, pastor of i Grace Church at Port Simpson, arrived in the city on the Chil-jcotin this afternoon after attending presbytery sessions at ! Bella Bella. Mr. Lawson will pro-iceed during the week-end to Port Simpson, PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street. Phone 655 and leave V and uhoiw useful furniture at lowest FOR SALE Oft RENT Z-room i wash! float house B.C. oariianv iurnisn- prices. - See Furniture. I (tf) ' PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 218 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert Urtta 1. ! ed at Inverness Black 324. raKer , General Deliverv. City, nFI tBLE 'om: 11 1271 Water Street. IKKS posit'' P.m. t2Bpl . LfJ gentlemas or ca FOR SALE In Prince Rupert! I arlips' nnrl children's weaTi ter 8 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis business.. Lone term, lease, wuu prin - ; rnom News H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 'l..?.' furni. furnished h?ri house house ft.IW modern. 'w.vtf.D - W fdMwi Irirntlon Immediate DOS OFFICE HOURS clerk lot. Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. ties for increasint; present turnover ($10.000 00 will han-i dle.l Other business interests; session Call between and 6:30. 333 8th Ave. East. (30pl 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 'FOR laree 4 war- WANTED force this sale. Anpiv tiox a. Prince Rupert, B.C. 29c) time. Cash or terms. Phone 21 davtlme or call 1328 8th East ?OR SALE Comolete Bear for after 7 p.m. 31pl 1400 Oth Ave. (31p) SMALL 4 Wartime, East. WANTED "j, PRICES P(( Honest , ment m ,ek- QUALITY REPAIRS ,. For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, CA. Resident Partner 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 28 ft troller. includes paies. new eurdies. lines, blocks and leads, etc., $150 00. Also auto transmission. 2 Chrysler -volt starters 1 2 - v o 1 1 generator. Also medium size not burner oil stove $15.00. Phone Blue 924 Saturday or evenings. t28p) PERSONAI, Metals Ltd ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine parts and eervice phone or write above. B. C couver, 6357. WANTED TO.?? IF YOU are contemplating getting a furnace we suggest now Is the time aa steel supply very short and prlcesex-pected to rise sharply. Thorn Sheet Metal. Black 884. Uf FOR SALE 1 Chrysler enelne. i lullv rebuilt and converted for I room aw"'"";, Ncft'S. marine use also suitable for runnlntr light nlant: A-l shape. Superior Auto and Body Service Green 217. (32p) u;"vTED TOjf scott mclaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Jiimes Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 colussi's music store Agents for the finest In Musical IrtstrUhiCtlU PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th fit. Ph. Black 389 TASTY, freshly baked pies with biscuits and buns are now being wild at the Rupert Bakery Ltd. Phone 643 for orders. (M2) M. .1. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 4 To. davUn FOR SALE One pair men's CCM skates, size 9. for onlv $15 00 Apply 318 7th Ave. E. after 5:30 p.m. (tf-nc CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders Ii Contractors WANTED-1 camera. " News. WANTED l-'v'n! 654 per batteries and raciraiors. Phone 513 call 629 6th W , City. Uf R52 " FOR SALE 1940 Ford sedan motor, iust been overhauled. Phone Blue 712 or call at 218 6th Ave. East. (33p) FOR 8ALE Firewood and kindling. Kaien Transfer. Red 62. (36p) BI'lLDEBS NORTHLAND Dairy milk delivered 24c per ouart. Whv pay more? Phone 18 for daily delivery service. (M-291 Rock and Concrete Work. Fhone Blue 939 P.O. Box 711 Prince Rupert RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phohe 887 P.O. Box 130 Train Schedule For the East Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. ROOM AND BOARD gravel 1? H I Tkii tttftiwincM if mi juWiiIiW Urtl kv V. Lm-m Urtrai M m W Gooiwral West. ru" and P,s- FOR SALE Small Astral fridge. $95.00. Green 137 after 5:30 p.m. (30p) Hi fHMA Cli.itl. ROOM AND BOARD for working man. Phone Black 660. tit)