" -" '-? todat V- f-N . . . "MOLLY" f- N v "STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM" Prince Rupert Daily News Possibly his most difficult assignment, Rente to Europe via Churchill Hudson Bay Thursday, September 6; 1951 was to rehabilitate the and polar inlands. Major Mac-I.achlan hudson Bay Railway. was the confidant of As engineer in the nu itary expeits of three na-tions ! retired this week following an introduction charge of the standard neer, ating beeauss of his ability to Rail Chief project, he extended the i in the person of Major J. G. Mac-j bv J. R. McMillan, vice-president. to the new port of Churchill. operation tickle engineering problems in Lachlan, its manager, whose ca-; north. Until 1926, the the fur proposed terminus Is Retiring leer on the northern line commenced It marked the close of 46 years was Port Nelson, now in 1926. of s- rvire for the railway man abandoned. ! At a reception here, officers ager. Duimg that time he nas) In Philip Lyons, son of Mr. and World War II the WINNIPEG. The man who of the Canadian National Rail-fompietrd worked on construction in one j Hudson Mis. G. P. Lyons, left yesterday Rail- ys honored him with a pres-ay eanacitv or another on railway Bay Railway carried a vast on the Princess Louise for Vancouver the Hudson Bay eiuation from the hands of iim s reacn-.ig irom Northern a.nount of freight during estab-Ontar'o where he will attvnd to Churchill and brought ' to B itish Columbia. li.shmcnt of the Crimson Air College. the railway up to modern oper- Major J. L. Charles, chief engi Vancouver 1 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Wh'n W. F. Stone assumes responsibility lor a thing, there is assurance that it will be well and enthusiastically done. That may le said of arrangements for the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia now In session here. Mr. Stone is general chairman of the convention committee. AIYANSH AND LEGION (Continued from page 7) PEOPLES STORE DISCONTINUE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT People's Store are discontinuing their ch ildren's department. Wallace's have boug ht much of the stock but the following items are being Cleared at Less Than Wholesale to save moving costs. COME IN AND REAP THE HARVEST. 1 m ... P ! hilarious, iuiia-bluuMed comerM I (ExcuseMy-Bust Girls' Skirts TECHNICOLOR V . J Starring GROUP No. 5 RED SALLY Girls' Silk Party Dresses GROUP No 1 S3.23-S5 RfB. MACDONALD CAREY $1.99 FORREST izes 3 to 5 ... SKELTON ' SHOWS AT P.M. - 9 P.M. $1.99 RcS. S3.50-SI.25 Sizes 6-7-8 .... life GROUP No. 6 U OTE,1 IT S.VI $2.99 Reg. $4.50-$6 Sizes 7 to 10 ... A FAMOUS PLAYERS IHEATI GROUP No 2 $2.99 Reg. S5.25-S6.50 ' SUes 4 to 12 At these prices you can't go wrong. Stock is. limited but quality is tops. ' and Robinson defended well and j kept the Legion forwards well ; 1 1 checked. Davis was very good at ; 1 1 centre half and Mercer and C. I ! Morven tackled well and were ; fast. The forward line was al-; : ways dangerous with Percy! Adams distributing the ball to 1 1 his wings effectively All the oth- i I ; ers did well and It was only the! i 1 strong play of the Legion de- J ' fence that kept them from scor-J ; ing frequently. i j Th game was marred by the l 1 action of some spectators. Ap- I parently some of them do not J ; Know what the goal area Is for . i and what the penalty area is for. I ! Consequently hey shout for de- I I cisions when there is no inf rac- t ton of the ru.es. And some do j :iot know that In the throw-in Jjthe ball must be thrown over I ; the hrad, not dropped. Their I ! continuous shouting only upsets j the game. Th? Aiyansh players I practically never question the J i referee's decision, nor do the ! ' home players. But the spectators SELECTED SHORTS And NEKS ana r Misses and Teen Age Blouses mm FORREST inCIER-H HIT liv Girls' Daytime Dresses 99c GROUP NO. 3 Rrf. $2 50-$.'.. Sizes 3-4-6-8-10 Regular $1.50. Assorted Colors Sue 8 to 18 years. Tailored Style Girls' BLUE DENIM JEANS Sizes 1-6-8 years. Well made. Excellent Quality $1.99 $2.99 $1.95 Evening Shows J . J ij GROUP No. A Rot. $50-$V25. Sizes 5-6-7-8-10 TODAY TO SATURDAY Saturday Matinees i -1 W 25o I Hf and ""j Y MORE ffi " trfmma ii i mil a , should learn the rules, and under j , I no circumstances Is a spectator i or official of a club permitted to allf:h cr.nv.' back and staged a go on the field of play. In such ; ""ce attack. Away went the a case the referee will probably Legion and Verhaar's centre was 5 call the game . . . and he Is cor- i we" cleared Aiyansh came back No Exchanges, Please. Clearings! CASH ONLY -ALL SALES FINAL! twenty yean si r rah' fast but shot wide. Krau.se came I W t U f 1 W B rect in doing so. I W I VII out and savod but before he Nisyok was the first goalie 99c $3.50-$4.25 Girls' Raincopes Sizes 2-4-0. Assorted Colors I Reg. Reg. 5 I Sizes Sizes 0 $2.50-$3.25 Girls' Nightgowns QQ 0-8-10-12-14. Assorted Styles VAJ Septembfr (, 1931 railed upon, clearing from Smith Y'ma K" acK lnrre waa a SROt easily. Aiyansh attacked and 'or ,5al Bowman blockl.ig U K"" bro"n Krau.se had to run out to kick " another clear. The Aiyansh forwards gra"d "P and Tail hit the up- Anyox made It lour ti straight when they woe concluding match in the ware combining well and It was "1"" " "V"' aan Prince P. fXf " a good Job that Eby and Dunbar1 f"'ro"s snot bv feuyen and then ball serejl with )k)C wpre Paying so well. Davis shot Krau.se saved at full length Vr- la.st nlBnt o, - 1.,,,,. t-v, , j j ' haar centred well and Smith' n.i r.... ore ai 4- $2-$2.29 Plastic Raincoats With Hoods. Sizes 6 to 12 years Reg 52 50-$3. 25 Girls' Pojomos f QQ Size;, 6-8-10-12-14. Your hoice vAtt7 Reg. $1.20 Stanfields Vests RQC Wool Content. Sizes 6 to 14 years 3if Long Sleeve Corton Cardigans QQC For Boys or Girls. Size's 2 to 6 years. V U coiner kick that ran along the "''1" y myoK out., Watson, Douglas. Hadden crossbar, then dropped harm- bFl0T ne could c'ar, Phillips 4ter, Currie, Kelsey. i lessly behind. Legion forced niPPed to P"t the Legion a Dickens, Colossi, Norn three more fruitless corners. g"1 up- plav was suspended Referee J. 8. Wilson; ' wnen some PPators ran onto H. Dictor, Georgeson had a lovely long c. Youngman, drive that went just too high. , Hle fleld but lalpr was resumed. Rio, Dyer. Nisyok was lucky to clear tils from, ,a fw kick Aiyansh net-; . l lines and then Krause stopped a d ,:he bal' bl'1 ,ri'' ga' as: i hot drive off Jlmmle Adams s -disallowed. Cunliffe had a long William Bra of the foot and hurt his hand In doing ! drlve ami then, from a free shot, a score of 389 out of J He later caught a long drive , ?uno bpat Krause with a fine 400. yesterday took M from Davis and cleared. Dunbar! l" p,vprl lhe re. Play was r : ,ast and interesting right to the Canadian NsUonslH was very good and then Smith : ""'1 H W H n M H m m a m n n H M II a M ' ' 99c Reg. 60c Ankle Socks A A:' sorted Colors. Sizes 5 to 6'i .... for 2 ... 89c Girls' Watsons Vests Sli-s 2 to 14 y.ars ,m 0111 lnore were m"re goals " "e I sent Verhaar off with a long ' pass but the lat ter s parting shot and a splendid exhibition of at Montreal, football found the teams tied with a goal each ; war high. Half-time found the score sheet clean. The Legion attacked on resuming and, after Nisyok ran out ' to clear, a return shot was wide 1 with tvic goal empty. Legion ' lor-ed thrse corners. Then Aiy- If weather permits. tfc semi-finals series beta '1 row between Old Emprf ! Elks. Winners meet S& Canada, who were glv'! as league winners. ;i:okgi: dawks AUCTIONEER Phone C,reen 810 and Red 127 RU PERT ME D BOYS' RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE Boys' School Day Bargains Reductions 25o - 35o - 50?o STORE Reg. $2.69 Boys' RAINCOATS ond HELMETS SI 7 SPECIAL Boys' Long Pant SUITS 0 QCJ Reg. $8 Boys' ALL WOOL Leisure JACKETS M Q5 A.s.,oiUd colors. Sizes 4-6-8 years 9 jrCIMt Sizes 11 and 15 years. Choice V0.7U Fall welRnt p'erfe(.t or g,.nool , . .H . Zycim 0V Se9i?2;f " $350 YoUths' SHIRTS SI 7 Reg. $3.50 Boys' Elastic Waist GYM TRUNKS $105 Reg. $15 Boys' SPORT JACKETS fl Q5 Sl-'- le " 18 yars- Hfavy Printed Brushed Cotton Ii I O toi Gym and Basketball. Sizes 8 - 10 - 12 14 years f XtT f ol all occasions. Sizes 14 - 16 - 18 years vOiJ Reg. $2 Youths' DRESS SHIRTS ' Q-f IP Reg. $1.25 - $1.50 Boys' Underwear COMBINATIONS Reg. $18 - $23 Youths' SPORT JACKETS 1 9 Q.1 toi Day or Evening Wear. Ages 16 -18 yoars PJ.Ttt Assorted styles. Sizes 4 - .6 - 8 - 10 - 12 yoars Pi Iced to Sell. For the older boy Vj.AUV Reg. $1.25 - $2 Boys' SPORT SHIRTS AFn Reg. $2.50 Boys' COVERALLS SI 95 Reg. $11 Boys' ALL WOOL MACKINAW COAT Sfi Q5 For School or Play. Sizes 4-5-6-7 years Blue Drill.'S.zes 2-4-6 years old v"" For Fall and Winter. 4 ONLY vw' Reg. $2 - $2.50 Boys' DRESS BLOUSES Qf-P TvTI IT lCrf OCtV 7t Reg. $5.50 - $6.50 Boys' WINDBREAKERS $3,95 Slightly soiled. Sizes 2-3-4 years OthfiT llCITIS Z J Q-J J TO Jl) vO Oil For School and Outdoor. Sizes 10 - 12 - 14 years VUV Extra Special Boys' BLOUSES. 4Qp LONG PANTS Cl AC Reg. $3 - $5 Boys' WINDBREAKERS l&L0 n 7 R Rt rftrlur0v Sues $iJ,C Boys 6- 8 years. Blue Chambry. Ideal for play ,$8 CorduroyLONGyPANTS $4i95 4-5-6 Good Quality ddj &55ory.!:?OY HATS x 45C Reg. $4 Boys' LONG PANTS $9 Q5 CLEARING Youths' WINDBREAKERS - 500oH . Excellent assortment. Sizes 6-7-8-9-10 years v dJ If Limited Quantity. Large Sims tfV'L ?oCL$H50orie0n01 Bo Me-Hi - Borden - Conrad. CLEARING F.lr '5JS AT V SI JUtt) 4 SanforteJd Extra Special Boys' Blue Denim PANTS $1 M.UO OCT EXTRA SPECIAL Boys' WOOL BEANIES l9C " shrunk. Sizes 4-6-8 years Assorted Colors. For small boys Rupert Men's And Boys' Store glipALUES Rupert Men's And Boys' Store m j