v V. 7"" 4 . .. . - mission. Is "be police u ev.-ry- aal'mI'N FARE CHKATEKS ""'lid!,) r'nrite Kuperr Uailv INewS Thursday. September j, 1951 HON IRKAt A Useful tody but U-ut liubudy." He suid .Willi StliUib Black acKwooa on North Not Hit Badly masim for tramway employers,'"1 lu Sei up Wes. 6. given her.- by Ivan Sheehan, dl- court last year for failing to pay hand record bv LJl" . . . Vrilr fnrf nnH till aura m,.. " 1 , , ... - i oi aictj: By Easley Blackwood rector cf Investigation ior me Montreal Traiiftwrlatlon Com- victea except iwo. 480 syllable. ' a winuu "You experts," complained Mr. Muzzy, "are always telling me that I should have finessed when I SMALL TALK AT A GARAGE clidn t. and vice versa. What can you tell when to finesse and when to f orjrt t : ' ' -. .. . - i J" THE BEST 1 i , " IN I W 4 f5 -QUALITY ; . vfw 'I' ' ; - 1 ' X , Prince Rupert based fishermen won't suffer the same hardships j experienced this year by fisher- men of trw soumern bo. fish- 111 A1n0'h many of the main fishing areas In the south have been closed on account of dry , weather, only one area In north-ern waters remains unfished at the- beginning of the chum sea- j F t . .er.es Liopa;tmpnl said to- day that actually only the Bella ing for clum salmon would begin Bella area, wheiv? normally fish-September 1, has been closed due to low water in streams which has prevented pink salmon n aching spawning grounds. iunsequenuy, pmKs, ready ior spawning, are still "milling trouncl" in waters of Fitzhugh Sound and Burke Channel, and iluurt there I04 conservation is in .ffect. Meanwhile, sune fishing areas at Pearce and Portland Canals art- closing tonicht until further notice. Areas open to seine fishing are Wia-'-! t:'nnel. Upper Matheson channel, Sealorth Channel, Riv- Inlet Fisher Channel, Smith nlet and all of yueen Charlotte lands areas. Oillnet fishing Is lUlowed In the Naas Riv-r, Smith and -Riv f.-f In'ets areas with cockeye "Would vou mind chuniiinit the havi. "Jus. fix the horn now. You can work on the brakes next week . . . ' all In my tires?" w. ck about linessing and just lay "Well, it's an art. Muzzy," said Mr. Champion airily, -you're either born with It or . . ." ; "Oh, come off It," replied Mr Muzzy angrily. "Probably ih: one time you're sure of the right ' play is when you're bikltzing ar.1 tan see all the hands." I "Is that so?" snarled Mr. Champion. "Well, you could see all lour hands and you still wouldn't know what to do." j "Just a minute, gentlemen," put In Mr. Masters, who usually assumes the role of peacemaker. "Muzzy asked a fair question. Let's outline for him the situa- ticm.s where the odds favor re- 1 using the finesse." Today's hand Illustrates Mr. Masters' first puint. The follow- ing series of hands will lllus-' trate other situations where the finesse should be refused. Mr. Champion opened the queen of hearts and Mr. Muzzy I won with the ace. He immediately entered dummy with the king of clubs and led the jack of spades, letting it ride. Here the fireworks started. Mr. Champion won with the king of Spades. He led the jack of hearts ....... and Miss i. r,...L. Brash ruffed. She o... re turned the queen of clubs, Mr. hi (CLOSCKE T1MK 10 a.m. un day or pulilicaliun) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Pieuso relrain from tele)honlng. ciji Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Dirth Notices 50c. Cards cf '1 hanks, h,'M Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Announciini nu SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE 1 K1CE. I want to know is. how down your high cards. East dealer Both sides vulnerable Ni.rlli ( Mr. Itai'c 8 J 10 3 j H S 6 a LJ -K Q 9 7 3 C K 10 est Fuxt (Ml- ('hiliililiiil) (Ml- Bril'li) S 7 2 ,H-yjion4a II - 9 D A 0 1J J 10 5 4 C 8 C Q J 9 7 5 3 Smith ( Hi. .Mum) S -A O 8 4 H A K D 8 2 - A 0 4 3 The bicMhig: lust Smitlt Vi't Nul l II I Pa:s IS 2 II 2ii I l-Ms-i 4 ii All pass t . 1 hAmnilC Pirrh!ait1 aillUUJ I Ul Hi I til II Shown by Royalty LONDON W Snecimens of historic Chelsea china wi re i,m,v,ri hv mvaltw fur tho evhi- hiti Dillon 01 f f-i-nhus la.nous uoreela'n porcem.n held mm this month at the Royal Hospi- tal, Chelsea, home since the 17th the exhibits was founded in 1745. Nicholas Sprimont, Silversmith from Liege, Belguim, took chargv ol tne lactory two years laur. c .u .. ,.n.:., : C . lil LI 1C 1UVUI LUlH'l in Jii ;ram n!,ir nf sjivpr-oMt eraw- Sloanc was the patron. H? in- spired th? "Hans Sloane Flov; crs' 'that were leproducd on many pieces ut cniiia. oufne oi ( these were loaned by Queen Elizabeth, who also contributed some charming small tureens in '-!('ts- Other areas open are tha w'-sn to announce the marr.aje ,... .01 iheir vounne.-t aauxnier. CONVENTION CHAIRMAN I 1 V . J. Seen, presiaent of the i Associated Boards of Trade of , Central British Columbia, presiding ' at convention sessions ; n in progress here. Hi says: j "We sit at the crossroads of our histoo decisions we make at this meeting may well Influence our district for years to ; come." , Point Pelee National Park near Windsor, Out., Canada's most southerly mainland extension, Is I in the -same latitude as Rome. i IJIERTIJfB I I ' ui mi , 0 M DRY G I H LOST LOST -In Post Ofilcc Keut. C. Mack wallet wiin large .sum 01 n....i ,nr ,.r u iv,. 1.1. ii.nu News ofice Ull-i - CAKS I-Cii SALE fARS FOR HALF 1950 Ford Tudor Custom DcLuxe. mileage 11) 01)0. Fust cIuas condit.oii. Phone Blue 723. (2131)1 FOR SALE 1950 Monarch se dan, limeade Id.OOu. Ursl cla.-s condition. Pnone Oreen W2 or 132. I213i)i muy p.aj-ru ine ace aim i, , 1 century o milllary pensioners. Champion ruffed. The ace of, ..... ,' diamonds provided the setting' Tne exhibition was arranged jpIj , by the Che Va Society In co- Would you have made this ' operation with the British Arts hand? You should have. And ; Council as part of the celrbra-I'm not saying that because I;tion cf the Festival of Britain,' knew Mr Champion had the I and exhibits were sent by King king of spades. I'm just saying George, Quc?n Elizabeth and: it because it's true. Queen Mary. Your main job here Is not to , The famous Chelsea china locate the king of spades. It Is factory which produced many of Craftsmanship In Type... Lc 's Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. 1IKSNKK BLOCK SnraFizz " L ...!' "iT.-'Vi.V' FOR SALE-Prelect. 11)49. Kood WANTED Two or condition. Heasonablv priced. ! unluriilslifd j,tc Black- 148 209c I p.us'de.vs nrls. r. - ---7. - ual!V FOR SALE--47 Ford Coupe. ..an ...... . be linanred. .I0 1st Ave. - WA WAN ! ED TO Rf.M to TAKE TEN TRICKS. This you can do by laying down the aee of spades at trick two and fol- lowing wun anomer spade. Now .the oooonents will win one snade ! - trick instead of three. Wheii LOUD West. 8ulte 1. I'EltSONAI. tii4rMif m icrii..,,i ti..,rif lor duilv delivery exeeot Sun- dav. Bv looklntr after vour milk vour milk will lo"k after you. Keen ii cool. Ail milk guaranteed. tfi GIVE the fo'Ks at :ioine a treai . . . get one of our dellnou cakes or pies. Runert '"Hkerv Ltd Phone 64.) for oidt'. V I ACTOl NTANTS you have reason to fear a cross-, fi,h galts designed by Sprimont. ruff by the enemy, get as many j Qjc?n E-Izabo,n exhibits re-of their trumps out as fast as ; tlecled the influence of the yu cnn- ' Chelsea Garden of which the ! famous physician Sir Hans PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income f OR REVT- Tmh rt Tux specialist. S. U. Furn.J ui18 .ouule. ids U. W ANTKD ! FOR R EST - Li'M ' -.1 ! " ' ' v'; . i - " ;M ' i ' : 1 ' I "i ! .,,; -J. t "i ' ,, i '-;; :T. i . . . :"V-' ' -:, '-!i; v, t l J'. ,1-, Kk '-til I:,' -j, , -Hp- 1 1, " l (' , ,- . 1 a :.-ri5 1 it ji, i rfii i -,... V- i. '. -' r: : i - ,' WANTED ... TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap lion, steel, brans, copper, lead. etc. Honest eradina Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron Metals L'd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- onnurir H Phntij) PA" i tie the shape of a cauliflower as- '""i" to nil'y fr a lease of tne following described landn .sltimte onl and me'on' DaraeilS paiafetis dim int. on . -the Kkeena River, approximately Queen Mary sent a collection three-quartem mile sooth of Terrace. , of 53 porcelain seals originally - and froniinit on Lot 5759. R. 5, designed by the Chelsea ctory.1cfemmenfIn ,t , post plIlntPd ,t Each seal is surmounted by a the Komh-tast corner of Lot 675a,; small china figure, a cat, a swan, , R. 5. c D . then'-e south 2no feet: I o hoot nf jshnlrnoora nvTl tho thence S 21 W 700 feet; th-nce West; OSLO (CP) A halibut weighing 225 pounds was recently caught i by 84-year-old Ola Haltbakken i ui laivunuijora, western nor- , way. The veteran angler stru gled two hours before the giant fish gave up the fight. Ck Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Careful (election of the finest Oriental herbs and botanical make Sliver Fizz Canada'! finest London Dry Cin . , , Dry and distinctive, you will like It it summer refreshment. I . ti- I ire a ur. n BOATS fm Si FOK KALE- 30 It Mi oeaiii. mm..! 4'., r It. Ol ,-..U:.v 4 eni'Uie. S.v. u, n,'m oil Move a. ul u, . slis. S2..0U na.A v Winds. ' ITina- u Club. w.NTi:a 10 p, WANTED" lOKEVi n:.-heu .suite by .small child. li,,i ' News. 13'J uai.v New llllt l;t.M FOR KENT Gtrnr. , jioor uiiliAhrry Ii Phone Hiue 1W2. h inc. FOR A NMV ,-:. Phone 53U. Uus 1: and 2nd. FOR RENT - Farm.), 221 jth Ave. Est i pert he.utv Lit. iiVi riKjm. 116 8:h 41 U-DR1VE CARS, j 711 Urenvillf Cuuit , FOR RENT Site: , Phone Red 560. leiuli Dea.fr im neee.ssarv. A .'me to aleo into urol.tj." V. ne: e kawieiih r: been 'old lor Hawleiiih s Deai.Wu- Winnioen. WANTED Part t:mn er lor P lm-e Ra Uinnitr lOKtni. ii . ,U,m.-9 D in Kul; f davs Aun.v Mrs rnt ranee of lwlfi SALESLADY WAS Interviewing ln-w ber 8; Friduv. nH K illirfUtV 8 noon. Wallace's ft olfice time waitress W uert Hotel Uiniiu n from 12 n m. tn Mrs Lackie. aw hotel. trirr p WAVTED-C" lor eeneral launan ... ... -.,,n L. . niv lit Ploneer-Cauaillan u mtisip tn It inn "IJ Teleohone Rkim" Oreen 977. .. I II'. 1 ,1 r i...m,.r ale " (' "" "' .... ..j f,, I.'rt BOYS OR CI" Opening for W . nn nai'y NeJ J various parts ol o APPLY AT Offi Special Itm for Good"" o,, By CHIC VOL' I'VE UOT 1- J i RIGHT l-fe -f fvS 6357 "i tfi FOR REST - KwOK i Red 471 UJiWTrn 1 .illhra Wini-hpt. ter ammunition nnv auantitv. i 1ILI.P rtAMI Write box 130, Dailv News. - -. tf-nci WANTED Reliable :r.: WEDDING ANNOl'.NCEMENT Mr. and- Mrs Joe Ilatchforj JUne. 10 Dave A. Vani-e ol Kav- m ml. Aiberta. Tiie weddnu FiYUltXchri. " "ll ; FOK SALE 3.0UU-watt D.C. UeUt 138 Daily wews. I214u FOR SALE I. HlTlnKtl IV LT.r-. k. vTiiiia Llni2-beit 8iieed-r Khnueiiii Cranes; Drauiin.s; Adams Ifonri (lrnoTM- I lltlnfi.nl Black Too Road Maiutenunse Equipment.: Owen Clamshell, buckets and Rock Grapples: T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: CIwk ForKllft Trucua; Nelton Hueket. I.n.irler. fr Kt.,.tm,i. rnlt . and snow Removal; Kice Portable Centrifunal Pumps; National Diamine Scrapers and oucrcls. nauonai nn oieei Oasollne Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Scr-ens and Convovoru. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.t! (tf) FOR SALE Lovely 10 - piece black walnut dininu room suae, laive golden ouk library table. 2 larup upholstered Chans. 3 occasional chairs, iMine efimmiTi'iiil tlnuf ujivt.r and noiisher. Hoover carpet ' sweeper complete with oarU. one larire electric lruu luicer, electric rnassaser and reducer, 4 electric heaters. 1 small pot burner oil ranire 2 stood oil heaters, nice pictures In Irames. 4 Imor lamos. 1 labie tamo, flrenlace wilh all tools, large complete exercising; kit. 40 Bullous of namt. Standard typewriter. 7 lame new French nlatp mirrors. Black 823. Mr. Hicks. (tfi FOR SALE These thlnes must be sold Electric auitar. odd Kiuiieri ehairs. one combination -adi). washine niactvne. buffet, caroet 5x8. atln cu-hions end table, coffee table, one new 34 slz- bed b'lbv rrib. hi:'h chair. Call at 33d 8th Ave. East, downstairs. i210ui FCR SALE New and used household furniture. Slichtlv used Kitchen Sets, Bedroom Suites. Che.slerfield.s. Bovs' BIcvrlM Bedside Rues. Cribs. Studio Couches etc . pellln" at the lowest nn.sslb'e prices B C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. un FOR SALE Aonles. standard box sixe. $1.00. Plums 10c Der lb Brine vour container and nhk them. Riverside Cabins. Terrace. B.C. Phone 107 M ; 212o BOYS' OABARDINE PANTS New shades brown and prey, pood fit. lots of wear. Sizes fi to 12 vears Real narirnln. rnuf 3 75 to S4 .25 ualr. BC. Clothiers. Ufc) FOR SALE Boxe- Duns beautiful suecimens, Females $(10.00. males $85.00, Anolv Box No. 185. Diilv News. Prince Ru-Dert B.C. (2090 FOR SALE-Orpv Fnellsh. nram. "nd eonrllUon. Phone Oreen 39 or call at 112 8th Ave. JWest. (21ll ?OR SALE Man's CCM hike. ood condition. Phone Black 700. (212DI FOR SALE White bnbv car-rine 17.00. Bteel crib. $fi 00. 1431 Atlin Ave. (211d FOR SALE Reasonable nrlce. Sandv's Cafe. 3rd Ave West. See Droorietors. (211o FOR SALE 4 vear boat. 1 vear car 4 month motorcvelp "4ft or 451. (210DI FOR 8ALE Ea washer, vacuum tvne. Good condition. Black 93". (211DI FOR SALE 3-rnom house trailer. 1710 West 2nd Ave. (211m FOR SALE Oil ranire. single bed. 54H. (211o) . This tdvenisenient is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boarrl or by the Government ol British Gilumbi. n"-"a mvtr, innnpi cnaniivi, Oardner Canal and all areas t"LULfS,n"'g-1.... ... 1"t U1 """" """""" 1,1 lilands is leported low so far. FOR A CHOWN PHTHOLHtiM AND NATURAL CiAS l'UKMl I' UNDER THE "PETIIOLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ALT" In tlm Land KeeordtnK UUtrlrt cf Prince Ruju-rt hihi tiluutu on iho north west const' of Onthum Isliuid In the vicinity of Thin Uuy. Tuke notKf that Brvtlone Lome Tineli - y. of Vlctorm. BC. ck'CUprtUon, petroleum 'and iwiumi k"s permit on the locati-m aesenhed us foinm-j: i'"" -' 3.. 4iia. 27U1). 2770, 2771. 2772. 2773. 2774. 275)0. -791 2792. 27S13, Queen Churhitie Lanil j District, and containing 8.ti72 ucres. , more or le&a. Date of application. 27th day of i AUKUHt. A D. 1051. i Dined at Vlt-torln. this 28lli U.iy ! of Aull. A D. 1!I51, 1 BRYDONE LORNE T1NOLEY. Applicant. IA30SQI I t-OT;cE op intention to apply! to leask land ; LA1U KKCOKDINCi DISTRICT 1 OP PRINCE RUPERT I TAKE NOTICE that Dudley O. I Little of Terrace. BC , Lo"aer. In-i 1720 feet: thence North 570 feet more or less to shore-line: thence Easterly nlmiK i-.hore-tl:ie 20H5 l'i-t more or less to point of commencement, and cohtiill.lns! 20 acres more or lesn. for the purpose of diiJini gravel ' DUDLEY O. LITTLE. H. B. Cotton. AKt-nt. Dated 20th August, 1931 (A30.S6, 13.20) XOTICK Notice U hereby given mat on thf 12th day of September next the underslKned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board fur consent to transfer of Beer Licence Number 8iMJ5. Issued in respect of premises being part of a bit titling known s IiPlmont Hotel situate at 125 and 727 Third Avenue West. Prince Hupert. British Columbia, upon the lands described aa Lots 5 and 6, Block 31i. Section 1. Map 93. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, of the Province of British Columbia, from John Hosklns to Belruprt Hotel Limited of 404 Randall Bulldtns. 5;)5 West Onorplu Street, Vancouver. British Columbia, the transferee. Dated this 11 th day of AUKUBt, AD. 1951. BELRUPERT HOTEL LIMITED, 1211) ( ANAIHAN NATION i. K AII.W AY WESTERN REGION Sealed tenders will be received at the office of the Chief EnKlneer, Winnipeg. Manitoba, until two o'clock. Central Standard Time. In the after noon of Monday. September 24th. 1951. for the construction of Station Building and Platform at Burns Lake, , B.C. Plans, specifications and form of contract may oe si-en, ana iorm oi I .nr4n ,,),lnnl,.l n fk. IIU n j Chief Engineer, Winniptg: District Erifclneers at Ed mini ton and Vancouver; Division Engineer "at Prince Rupert. B.C., and C.N-K. Agent at Prince George, B.C. PSB made on form supplied by the Railway and accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a chartered ! bank in Canada In favour of Cana-. dlan National Railways, equal to five per cent of the total amount of the tender. No bid bonds will be accepted with tenders for this work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. j. r. McMillan. Vice President. Winnipeg. Manitoba. September 4th. 1951. (209-c) BLONDIE Ii ill VILL VOU CLFAt? I nic;uF rcnu ,ST ih table, "1 3i eAf? jprojeteionctl CASH for scrso cast, brass, cooper, batteries and radiato:s. Phone 543. Call B29 Olh Avenue WesU CItv. Ul) "lIOlSES WANTED TO BCY WE SOLD six houses In Ausust.l We can sell vour. Have sev-1 eral cash buvers for two and, four bedroom houses. For too Driees and niiick service, nholie ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 U.ack 197 leves) U1UCI REAL ESTATE TWO SPECIALS Six-room xemi-bunualow. close to M.Bride. Llvine room, two bedrooms, lariie kitchen and bathroom, two bedrooms uo-stalrs basement Price only $5000, terms arranged. j Five-room house on full concrete foundation basement, Pembroke bathroom, flreulate In living room. Marvelous ie. Two lots in lawn. Price $5700. terms ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Black 197 (210c) FOR SALE Partially comnleted two-storev house. Onnortunltv for caroenter or hanriv num. 621 2nd Ave. West. (211d i FOR SALE Small home com- L - orlslne 5 rooms and bath. ' w ANTFD - Taxi like. Another of Queen Mary's exhibits is a magnificent bowl with a claret gr-jund, on which Is painted a landscape of the London di'tricl of Ch'.swick. If you want to sell it, advertise It, News classified. ! -?2U . 654 S3c pi dour piid lor imptni. Plcaic kvt (hem retdy whin ikt drivtr ulll. th, . .dvtrt.iiwM ii not ptibl.ih.d of d.vUyt br t Llquw Control Bono at by lot GovtmiM) ol Btrliin Qolumbii. PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P O. Box 274 UYn li,ufi onrri ximi.v i 1 ryi ' ' Rn.x.rt P...)!,. f 1911111 . " - - . iWANTVI). rliimbera FOR SALE House. 4 room." ami i nVview Hotel bath. Central location 14(100 . udutedd HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES: P.O Box 1670 Red 894 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block G08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER 8. CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. . 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1026 ?or genuin-e parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Sawi Yew Mwtj will cut cltener, fever, f Biter when filed on mr prectaion merhine. Quick eerrlce on U type vt uwi, bring your eawe Ik Um1i r Old mwi retooUiwd. PRECISION SAW FILING 1 Ji; fIGOOTT PLACE Btx 1011 Station B fAtinfc? Fn TftrmfnaU Terrace Builders Suppl cure Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn St Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 -41 h Street. Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS ' By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Train Schedule For the East , Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday's, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 528 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HFLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black 899 cash. Phone Oreen 59. (2Uflu j FOrTsALE House" 141 Wantage Road. 211o REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef-, ficient serv- Oeorue Cool Jeweller. Satisfaction guaranteed . For Results ADVERTISE WHEPE C.C3 YOU 1 PUT 1HIIWJHB5 I . - He Thinks Of EVERYTHING! I MAKt SHORT I' I n WOfK Of THIS J ' I 7 TABLE r" V s V i u