ei. : 4 rf y a ae “ ie _ , cer 3 re ri Page 6 G. H. Arnold Investors, THE DAILY NEWS Notary Public Attention ! We have for sale a Double Corner in the heart of the business district, S.W.corner of Second Avenue and Fifth Street, Lots 9 and 10, Block 22, Section 1, at the remarkably low price of $4000.00 H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Est ate Bonds Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats making fees lig materiéis is Several section, can te docked together on one small ht. Large stock of repair being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Ganneries Solicited. ’ Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. | MLIMLStephens Financial Agent Notary Public The following exclusive listings are excellent buys: 5-roomed house, with bath, pantry, etc., Section 6, eight minutes from post office, $2,150, terms $8650 cash, balance arranged. One choice lot Sixth Ave. Section 6, $600.00. cash. House and lot tith Ave., near Cold Storage plant and drydock, 5 rooms, with out- houses, etc., 1,600, terms, $600; balance, $250 every RK. BE. Allen has received word of the death of his brother, John E. Allen of Fresno, California. * * . Earn five dollars by writing a five-line limerick. That is a dol- lar a line for someone. There are no conditions. Just send in the verse. . >. * J. M. Paterson, the new inspec- tor of schools for this district left this morning for Hazelton on in official visit. He has taken R. A. Birch’s flat on Fourth Avenue ast, and will move in about the rst of next month, when Mrs. iterson and children are ex- nected, Come bb Onde 6 ees ¢ * |OCO LATE TO CLASSIFY * six months @ 7%. M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE You’ve read about : ChittiConCarne “The favorite Mexican dish. , Try it Tonight CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. The Principle of this Store = Is to play the game of business fair and square. To do it with everybody ’ ~—rieh and poor, old-and young, with the inexperi enced and the experienced buyer. To Offer goods of re- e Pulable character at a reasonable price and by eiving satisfactory service lo Inerease the number of our customers, Gyr years of experience safegyards you against mistakes And on that solicit basis we your trade. JOHN BULGER Jeweler Phe Store of Worth and Beauty. ———— ie ee ee ee oe FOR SALE — Oak dining ~- room | suite. Apply 10 Summit Apart- ments. 223 .FOUND—Two watches. Constable Bailey, Apply to police office. Try Our Ice Cream and HOME - MADE CANDY lee Cream Wholesale and Retail. lee Cream Bricks Always in Stock. We Keep Nothing But the Best. — Mr. and Mrs. Christoptier Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. Fishing Boat FOR SALE Fishing Boat forty - one feel long, ten feet beam, equipped with 20 h.p. Buf- falo engine, to be sold cheap. Apply Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. Heavy Duty Marine Engine FOR SALE 30 H. P, Fairbanks-Morse Heavy Duty Marine Engine remodelled and rebuilt in first class running order for sale. Oan be seen running at Akerberg, Thomson & Co.'s new machine shop, No. 1 Bartlett Preserving PEARS $3.75 per case Arriving Wednesday Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212 PERHAPS A PRIZE WINNER IN CONTESI *| First Limerick Submitted in Reply To the Offer Made on Saturday. It is too early yet to expect many contributions in the limerick prize competition. One of those published today is of a personal nature, but that is not ruled out when the person mentioned is a public man holding a public of- lice, All the verses that are sent in may not be published, but som of them will. Those which arrive early are likeliest to get into print. One of these may be the prize winner. The judging will take piace after Saturday night and the successful verses will be published. This is an easy way to make five dollars, which is the prize offered for the best five-line limerick. Chere once was a titizen \ Enthusiastic and merry, With talent quite rare He conducted the fair; We know him as “Aldermar Perry.” \ Port Simpson visitor who has been impressed with the weather here, which the loeal people al- lowed to get somewhat out of hand during exhibition week sends in the following: Rupert, Prince Rupert for rain, I don’t want to go there again | went to the fair, Bul while I was there 't rained and it rained and it rained. BRING GRATUITIES — BEFORE CIiY COUNCIL Alderman Casey has posted the following notice of motion to come up at the meeting of the City Couneil tonight: ‘Whereas the matter of extend- ing payment of gratuity money t returned veterans has become an issue between the G. W. V. A. and the Dominion Government, am wheieas the outcome of the con- troversy will have a far-reaching effect on the social condition o/ the country during the coming winter, therefore be it resolved by the Prince Rupert City Council! that we endorse the six months extension of payments of gratuity and an allowance to widows and dependents of soldiers comparable with the present cost of living and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent t the Dominion Government and the Dominion executive of the G W. V. A. and that all other muni cipalities in British Columbia b« requested to take similar action There were only four fishing boats in the harbor yesterday with catches. The speculator had 2,- 000 lbs. halibut; Venus, 6,500; Margharita, 8,000, and D. C. F. No, 1, 1,500 lbs.~ The prices rea lized were 15.4¢. and 9.4e. SS ee Ww hile a " passenger on Saturday morning’s train going up river Aaron Nelson, track watchman at Cedarvale, died suddenly in’ his seat. Heart failure was the cause of death. Burial will take place at Cedarvale. Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round H&rbor J. MYHILL-JONES > Grandview Hotel FIRST AVENUE Now Open Rooms by Week or Month hone 577 rev tee ew | ee ee eer ® { Local News Notes | _———* ————o Walford went out on tk jay s train for Usk, > > > Mrs. Kk, Eby of Terrace in the city last evening on a visit. . . . L. W. Patmore left this morning's train for a few days al Usk. W. &, arrived on . . * For Sale, American’ Billard lable. Apply at Little's News Stand. 222 >. > Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mahood of Alice Arm arrived in the city on Saturday. tidgar Harris of New Hazelton, irrived in the city last evening irom up Tiver, . . * Major A. W. Davis of Alice Arm, is in the city today and is cistered at the Hotel Prince Ru- pert. . * > Don't forget that the Daily News job office is equipped to do the best class of work promptly and well, . . . J. Keleh, of Usk, who is op- erating the, Old Hickory property returned up viver after spending pthe last few days in the city * A. M. Kipp of Port Essington and J. F. Strang of Sunnyside cannery were among the up river visitors in town over the week end. . * 7 The regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Ladies’ Auxiliary will be held in the council cham- ber at the city hall on Tuesday at 3:30 p,m, : Howard Campbell, of Hazelton, was among the arrivabs in the ity last evening by train. He left again by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. . * * Miss Moore and Miss Davis late of the staff of the general hospital left last evening by the Prince Rupert for Seattle where they will pursue their profession. Philp, city ticket and pas- senger agent of the G. T, P. at fLdmonton, accompanied by his son, arrived in town last night on his way through to Seattle. * * Constable Hanley, of Vander- hoof, who has been in town for the last few days in connection with an automobile left again for the lake country this morning. J. 8. Case, . . * The regular meeting of the Army and Navy Veterans in Can- ada will be held on Tuesday even- ng at 8 o'clock in their rooms on second Avenue. All members are requested to attend. 22 * . * A. ©. McDougall, accompanied by N. Bell of Calgary, were among he arrivals in town last night from the east. Mr. McDougall has the contract for the comple- tion of the cold storage buildin at Seal Cove. * * . A. L. Carruthers, district engi- neer, and P. W. Anderson left town this morning for the Usk district where they will look into ‘the road situation in connection with the extensive mining velopments. * * * The death occurred at the hos- pital on Saturday of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Clay- ton of Naas River. The baby was shipped north yesterday by Hay- nor Bros. and will be buried at the home of the parents. Will Edmunds, Charles and William Balagno left by train this morning for Prince George where they will play at the coming big G. W. V. A, dance there. They will also stop off at various points on the way back. * * * There was a very interesting and instructive leeture on Chris. tian Science at the Westholme Theatre yesterday afternoon. The speaker was Charles I. Ohren- stein, a member of the Board of Lectureship of the First Chureh, Boston, Mass, . . . Captain and Mrs. Bjerre were unong the departing visitors to Vancouver last evening. Captain Bijerre was port captain for the Imperial Munitions Board in this port and that board having now oneluded its affairs here Captain Bjerre returns to his home and other work in Vancouver, de. Spirella Corsetiere. Black 257, Phone Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf B. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. So SS 7 ©S~—she does her | OWN washing” | 7 Washerwomen ar, ; ‘ce and dear—so she jus: d her brains; she i heard about Sunlight—she bough: it, read the directions ¢ aretully and now hus a desler, cleaner ash with far me re satisfac stion than ever befor« Sunlight Soap Rubbing the ber of Sun! ight over the wet clothes—putting them to soak rinsing them—ead hanging out to dry doesn't sound very hard, does it P It's the Sunlight way. Insist on detting the _ soap you ask for--SUNLIGHT SOAP. 30 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Torosto. SCHOOL DAYS Be Be Prepared) ir naw ~ ARE HERE: Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. General Real Estate Agent Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor “Everything in Mus LATEGT POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Repairs to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bows rehaired Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted Rupert Academy of Music in Connection With the Store. THE BEST KNOWN TRACL Prine MARK In THE WORLF The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. E. L. VAUGHA Prince Rupert Music Store Parkin & Ward Electric (0. LIMITED Electric Engineers aud Contractors Exper: Piano Tuning and Tepsiring, Players a Specialty We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Mac! Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, !' Toasters, and Fixtures. Lstimates furnished on House wiring and Motor | MARINE DEPARTMENT . Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Callle Perfection Motors Titan Storage Mosler Spark Piug The Plug that was chosen for the Transatia! Our service department will help you to |} Lighting Equipment. A full line of )) Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Condu Lamps, Searchlights, etc. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your ane whi Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no ti" ; your battery is being charged, we have one at y° Third Avonue (opposite Post Office) Batteries » dispose PHONE 125 y puBLie AR INSURANCE NoT Limited: mpany: . Royal insurance Gor Limited: S Northern As urance OO neuranet avi a S London & Lancashire Fire e Co., Limited. aranvet 4 London & Lancashire Qu Aocident Co Fidelity-Phen's Fire insurance Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street.