age American consumed eight pounds of sti-'.ar a year; by llJ4;i ' it hud ri.-t.-n to lul uo.n... t-.i'. fori (hridae Black Free Hitting Baseball Tie j Wages War on IWasteful Fare H'L!F'A: n 2. Till, " on a By Easley Blackwood boat on this hand. He only but that was one round too much sugar, by unbalancing a j body-building diet, is a coni-i raon cause of rickets anion -I children and early tooth decay,' is'iiioiru are given too candy. Opposed equally to over-eatin- and eating to-j little, he frowned I here. upon the American habit of e,v- j -,-ing a large quantity of meat m- main mal c tk fore the night's rest. But 'he i trarqidi'i.- ' , favors dinner, the American ., I wor!t " ' (Saturday ) AMERICAN Philadelphia 5, New York 8. Chicago 6, Cleveland 0. Washington 1, Boston 11. St. Louis 3. Detroit 2. NATIONAL Boston 12, Brooklyn 10. Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 5. New York 2, Philadelphia 0. Cincinnati 5, St. Louis 2. PACIFIC C OAST Oakland 1, Hollywood 8. Los Angeles 12, San Francisco Sacramento 5, Seatt'e 0. San Diego 2. Portland 1. WESTERN INTERNATIONAL lacoma 4-2, Vancouver 7-4. Yakima 15-5, Vicloria 5-8. Wenatchee 1, Tri-City 8. Spokane 4, Salem 0. BASEBALL (Sunday) AMERICAN Chicago 5-6, Cleveland 5-4. Philadelphia 7, New York 4. Washington 3-1, Boston 9-7. St. Louis 2-3, Detroit 3-3. NATIONAL New York 2, Philadelphia 0, Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 6. Pittsburgh-Chicago and Bus-tou-Brooklyn, postponed, ra:;i. PACIFIC COAST Seattle 4-7, Sacramento 0-2. Oakland 2-2, Hollywood 8-8. Los Angeles 6-2, San Francisco 7-3. San Lit .: 3-2. F.rilar.d 2-3 WKSTF.k iNTI'lt NATIONAL Vancouver 12, Taenia 8. Spokane 4-0, Salem 0-3. VVeiutche 10-11. Tri-Ciiy 8-5. If that had been the case five- eighth inning, the season's odd could have been made. But opening baseball game last Mr. Abel was only in four and Might at Roosevelt Park was that should have been his prime called because of darkness. Com-' objective. mercials tied the .score, 11-J1 See what happened. Dunnsy's Aith Gordon & Anderson by bai- only entries were in the trump .ing in two runs in the eighth to suit, so Mr. Abel led a heart io jercon;e a two-run lead. the ace and then played low The ppener" of thirty games and the king was smothered oy th- th.-ce-teum league is sched-I Mr. Masters' ace. i uled to play this season was live- Mr. Masters fired back a ly all the way and saw somi wood M Abel missed the led one round of trumps many. South dealer i I Both .sides vulnerable j (Mr. ('Eiamititiio j H 4 H A 8 D -Q 7 a 4 I C M 5 4 ;! (Mr. M;t1fr-) (Mrv Keen) H A J 10 5 li Q 8 U 3 ! H--C 5 A 11 -7 :! 1) i) :) 1J -X 111 I! (i 1! j co a 7 3 c .1 io (Mr. Ih-I) I S- - K 7 2 11 K J 1(1 9 1 I) A .1 C A K 8 The bl.iiling: ! "i Wrt Ncnlh Kast 1 H Puss 2 H t'.i.,:, 4 H All Pass Against the four-heart contract Mr. Masters led the nine, of diamonds, diimmv and is ' Keen ulaved low and Mr. A:-t 1 won the jack. He could cou..t nine winners that is. live! ncaris, two cuumonus and two ciuos. ine iciiui tricK was easily obtainable, but Mr. Abel didn i see it. He wanted to lead a .spade up to his king, in the hope th:U the ace was in Mrs. Keen's hau l. trump and it now dawned upon ' Mr. Abel that he was going down unless a miracle happened H" won the trump lead in his hand and led another spade. No miracle happened. Mr. Masters went in with the ten of spades and It you want to sell it, adverts .. m.M- : & i' a ft a m m a m Now i MANSON'S m led the last trump off the board. balls, otlu.- on a struck bui-Mr. Abel had to lose a third ,ie.r- Stock Arriving Doily ar CI,;,,,, SHOP !l MS. PARIS (Reuters) A leadi; French nutrition expert is wag-1 ing a campaign against "wa.sle- f ul eating for purse and stom-, aeh." Professor Hughes Gounelle, president of the French Clinical and Biological Research Unit on Nutrition, a Rockefeller foundation set tip in 1140, believes that the majority of people, irrespective of income, are still unable to eat sensibly. He says that the average Frenchman who is obliged to spend 57 per cent of his earnings the highestin western Europe on food still does not eat to the best advantage for his health. By organizing his meals on a rational, balanced basl. the average Frenchman could eat more healthily for less money, he says. Gounelle has these comments on: French Kitch.-ns: Among the best In the world. They provide varied palatable dishes winch also aid digestion. The Aincr.-1 can kitchen comes aft'..- the French. There is no such thin:; os an English kitchen. Tasteless food is one of the unfortunate results of English cooking. Many valuable salts and minerals are lost through overcooking. . "Makeshift" Meats: Whale, goat, reindeer and beaver may not suit everyone s taste but they ! have as much-nutritive value ..s' pork, beef or mutton. . Cafeteries, particularly tht kind in the United States: "The nutritive value of the meal is wateful!y offset by the atmosphere of noise, haste und nervous tension in these rapid self-service restaurants." Sugar: Sugar is one of the greutest enemies of healthy nourishment. In 1823, the 'aver- Your choice of 16 oat-terns of English Bone China Cups at 97c. Beautiful Gifts for every occasion. We will continue to qive a $3.50 Flint Bread Knife with every $3.50 purchase. -Pacle as well as a club trick' fur duwn one- Mr. Champion's lecture wis nui iung m sLurung. tie puuu -. ;out iiiai Mr. fluei couui ainnu to lose two spade tricks, but not three. After winning the trick with the Jack oi diuinonds, he should have led a spade at once. As soon as he got in again he should have led a second ' , spade. ! Plavinir in this manner noth- 'lug could have prevented mm j irom trumping a spade in dum- I my. He would always have been , one jump ahead of the enemy, Funny thing, but the king of! ! spades was actually a liability , i to Mr. Abel in this hand. If he j had held three small spades i ! there wouldn't have been any I point at all in golna to dummy j lor the first lead' of that suit, The correct play would have been automatic. Your neighborhood RE Goodrich deder the best tires... the best service offer you l rF,Xo ) fj "A"W"-fsj'r' ' I oa L-a I 0 k yn a r ' ; 'j Calvert qi a m, mr ,? a has and to Drive a Prince Rupert- CALVERT DISTIttERS (CANADA) UM1TE0, AMHilS' ...a ilveitisiiniiit Is nu: iuOilMlieci or (iivplavn) i Cnntrul ISuanl or by the Ouvernmi nt of Britisht, An sncrtain drlvor named rVrrh Drove a smeoih-tirtd car and fell fwvovfc Soid the t.f.G. Dtoleri "I'm your trouble healer Retire here you U olwayt pet aervlce." M CLISSlflEi wru n t'uul a i Well, Mr. Champion's analysis - of the play was right as usua.. -s-m of the thu d inning were It was exhau.stive-and exhaus- a?di"g Comnrciais e-1. ting. It impressed everybody but ', vllth Commt. c als' bases Mr. Abel. Mr. Abel continued to loaded in the last of the sixth, insist that if Mrs. Keen held the ? nout,:e I a" '-' third ixm shorUtep Ehu.r U Uii d-play ace of spades, his method would have won. HLs part- baseman Sciicrk put out Gunn ner's lecture accomplished noth- Ani stopped two extra runs coming but to get him badly upset u 1"- Cunmeroials racked up for the next hand. a doub.e rlay towards th enl 'of the game with the Wie.-is- It it good common wrue lo equip your cmr wilh B.F.Coodrirh Silvertown Tire. Among their miny quaUiies ere cooler rnnnin, longer-Urting Classified Advei Using Is payable In advance. P.cast- iefraln fiom te'.eplioni;-.? Ct. Word per Insertion, minimum .chat ge 51c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, D: Funeral Notices, Marriage ami E igagcment .tinounumen Mi SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBI F. PRICE. rubber compound ... the result of B.F. Goodrich reeeerch . . . which givei yoa longer mileace wilh ronifert and ufety, n lower com per mile. The high quality and superior performance of BJ Goodrich Tire rnnke them your best tire buy. Sec them today, at your nearby B.F.G. Dealer'. Kin Races I Are Run off ' i Th.i rjostnoned -snorts events Jiii'mMH ISJ OK SALE FOR SALE Sunshine biw ;v v-ilh mattresi S17.M plav iwil chme, ex-.-ellent eonatt.on .-a. t. ,u. l0, .. ,, 1 i2,.yi FOR SALE - 5-oiece dlnelt. bov.s ticvcie. No. 3 Be.-ner Ao... Mav be "t'ea auw 8:3U- 12801 FOR SALE 2nd hand bricks sa.tiU oer hundred. Prince Kti- l.. it Vvur..iouse. t!2(iui CARS FOR SALE iJOiJlJilXCH Tire Dealers In Darkness Ends Season's J Opener in 11-11 Tie -All tied at the end of the ! - 'ar playing by both teams. Fi st team up was G & A with Lairy Varncr starting nit'h lor Commercials. Warner pit :h id an in.' way uirou;:i trie gain? .jiving up .our sufe hits mi'.x earaed runs, and to bases oil ( .'i:;t oi ' j. ot, n. nau uuuuu kiiii ins pitchers after Vern Uiccono, tarter, was .-elii'ved. But Loth Kristmanson und Von Scheik, oach pitching two innings, Ui.l-? handir-i' out walk;, piuiutt scleral solid strikeouts. 1 Star miter of the game was Ai.dy, left i. elder io.-O. & A., who civukIU in Lluvu runs, two of UKm wit-U a tare.: tase hit.' ! uunii, nut lieider lor tun- mercials, was the other strcnj n.ttCi- in the cam;, with two u o-taggcrs. He t.juhgt l i three runs. Benny Windle. C:mme: -Ax'.i .hird-baseman, hit twice in fcur 'times at bat and brcugr.t m wo tying runs in the last of the eighth with a two-'jase hit. G. & A. chalked up two ur ; in -tile first inning, cue by paug fchier on a ti e xi.t ai.a tfu- (-the: by playing manager Cw-n- ;l.o.-edaU combination, seoiul jand f;.-st-basem.n rcsepctively. Wtather was perfect lor -Uie Jcaicn's openr altiiouKh a cold treeze fanned the leaded bleac;li-eis toward the evening. The first game crowd nave $S4.3 in n Sunday collection. uunuiu, is tmitn. ;: wicns. 2b; Linney, rf Gordon & Anderson D. Shier, ss; S.. Cornwell, cf. manager; D. :herk, 3b, p; A. Marshall, If; Eunberg, 2b; G. Barr, lb; Car-alli, .3; Ciccone, o; Kristman on, p; Christianson, ri; Spring, rf. ROM A VT ST A Mflrf iro a tax) rtrivw ...... fmm H.,.'. vni.i4u.i n I driving over the Cabot highway struck and injured a white fox, feldom seen in this district. The driver put the animal Out of its misery and reported the incident to the RCMP. Wick, George Braman and Bruce Stanwood. Girls, relay, 14 and untfjr W 1 n ning team: Mary Kerr, tfvonne Jackson, Beverly Barwick and Drue Patrick. Tins advertisement ix nut pulli.liml or displayed by the Liqimr Control Board or by the ( lovernmeiit of British Columbia. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 210 - 4th Street Box 845 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert Steam Baths OPEN 12 noon to 12 midnite Phone 058 Corner 3rd Ave. and 6!h St. RUPERT MOTORS LT1 BI SIXKSS Ol'POl: FOR SA! E - F-$22011 lur !a::v t'liiran;. Stair Red 8!'2. lf ' rMtWV. DRESSMAKING- , dresses, lot:: I inautf i'J liK-a-t alterations. J..; 1 Law aid. WILL MIND in Btud home 1 mothers. Vo tsvt. Bu."k Mi . get one cakes or Lid Phone 643 Is CASH for scran per batti-rlei n Phono City. " FOR Kf Second Ave. or 1st Srrcet iof the Kinsmen's May Day cele- BlU Gcrdan, vits-presldtnt c bration were held at Roosevolt 'the Pnce Rupert Baseball A.i-fmk sunuay alternoon do the 'Jo-iation announced, rejoicing -f some 200 children,1 -Lir;:ire-L r:'.,l-( Letca neau Skies were cloudy and sunny by called the game at the erd of Hi.-intervals, and 4t rain-Jd for a few efehth because of darkne.s minutes .but no One minded it lbj3re bv as 28 events were runoff by girls Ctmmereials 013 122 0211 md boys ranging from 5 to 14 O. & A. 2'J4 032 0011 yi.ars. I Lineups: Following were the winners: Commercials B. E inur.dson, Girls, 5 and under Lorna '' t M- Simundson, cf; manager Bellis, first; Colleen Spews, sec- B' Windle, 3b; Gunn, If; Morgan ond; Georgia Currie, third, in 1 c:. Warner, p; R.sedale. lb; Mac- CASH for aulck sale Austin A4Q GIVE the folks at ' cl J-roe66i Dun Miaue Low mii( i''.. Phone Blue 992. I127i)i FOR SALE 19.10 Austin Station W!iou low miieaae, new condition. Phone Green 587 (125pi BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE-13 ft. inboard ex llieboat 4 vears Old. $375 00 FOR REN'T-2 casii. $42d.OO terms. Blue 7(i'i. jjojn housft; tI28o i raoiie ' 40' Cruiser "0:iole": 90 h p. for RFNT-B-e Universal; 12 V Hnlitine. wired, ..'Kire Phone H:.-, lor 110 V. uood living accoui- " . .,. niodatlou lor two, Moored FOR EENT--4 .i Vaclu Club: owner aboard. rurniture I i I2ac GreenV27. FOR SALE $500-Barge "Drift- ROOM and Board--wood Uuecn ': 20' x 8' x IV; j West. i vears old. Has Northill an- clior and and Star Star marine coiiver- in whert you it. Idi'i sign MfiM mm Li i D. PKone 566 eASionci I MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST i Room 10 iTONE BUILDING PHONE RLUE 5'J3 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 21? ' MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. II. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 i .TTvir'rAl!-readv to Inst al.' Moored, 41 W-DR,1'. it Club: see owner aboard . 711 Gitnvuf - Jle-" I ID uwrEDTil sion Yacht "Oriole. FOR SALE 20-ft. boat "Stella r--.".' M.'i-is." Can be seen at Aero QUIET bus r-- 'I ... O 1 ri lit. ... . 11 ...1..1U 1 111 U111 1 ' 155 H2Gi)i: two bottsew"t: u , near ioft .... i News in mi:mukiam I FRANKS - In loving memory Vi-, u"" J.''uH wa'J Ever rtmomoeiea oy lue tany.'.v . tilct FRANKS - In IcA'inj niemorv V h v,wrVl,MaV 2a' lJ- thfnw ' But this'they'll wipe out never n e iiirmuiv 01 ino-e nauov (lavs vihi:ii wc nave ffoeni. uaemer. Ever renumbered and saulv missed bv his wife Nora. Galiano Island. B.C. iitci FRANKS In memorv of A. O tOlliei Franks, lone-service member of Internatiohil Tvi) 1-Braohioal Union Local No. 413. who passed awav Mav 28. lttio. Ever remembered bv brothers of ITU Local No. 413, Prinze Rupert (it 1 ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fausthl of Red Deer. Alia., formerly of Prini-e Rupert, announce the encasement of their daimhter, Dorothv Jean, to Mr. Harrv A11-dreassen. son of Mr Oiaf A11-dreas.sen of Prince Rupert. The wedding will take place in the First United Chur h. Red Deer, on junp 12 iltpi BIRTH NOTICE DeFABIO A seven-nound Son was born at Oakland. California. Mav 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeFabio (nee Marie Amadio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Louis Amadio of Prince Rupert 1. Utpi FOR SALE OK SALE Beattie wasti ng maritime, excellent condition. 910.W1. riione nea tAt. mo i-un ovl,e, oua pieces 01 lur niture all in excellent condi tion. Phone Red 813 after 6 P.m. (124PI FOR SALE-2 boys' bicycles in good condition. Phone Green . "27. ,124c) FOR SALE Bed chesterfield for guick sale, good condition. No. 20, Cow Bay. U25p FOR SALE Nine piece walnut riinln room suite, in good condition. Phone Green 837 U24p NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-belt Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglines; Adams Road Graders; Littleford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance Equ oment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifueal Pumps: Na-tmnal Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver, B.C Uf) FOR SALE New and used furniture, hardware end tables chests of drawers", beds com- . Plete. bedroom suites, small size carpets, field classes, used lo'rcing boots, sewing machines, radios and bicycles, also other useful household articles nt, lowest nrie,..o C(, B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324'. i (If-cl FOR SALE-Three niece chest-erf eld suite. 4 piece bedroom suite desk with cha-ir. 2 book st-ands. kitchen table and two chairs All in ood condition. J;0! 2 Muss'ilem Block. Phone Red 926. , ai 1 WANTED TO HC hoii'e. 2a00 rf ' Dailv Np- WANTED TO BUY-Small- im-lurriisricd house. Close in. Box 107 Daily News. U24pi WANTED Anyone who plavs WAVteD to R', any instrument to loin Priu.'e ";,0r cm HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS ' PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. - Black 503 coLussrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 -4th St.. Ph. Black 389 1 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR . JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Bine 442 uMneM For your PAINTING and DECORATING See SPENCE&MATIUK Green 017 Phone Black 215 (evenings) scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347" P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. 353-3rd Ave. W. Box 1247 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branch's 204 4th Street. Phone 655 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1620 For genuine paits and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Saws Tour uwi will cut cleaner, -! truer, fast?, when filed on .JifiAW ir previaitm mnuiine. Quick ifKTT kfi-vu' on all tyien oi mw liririff your uw in today. 'f; Old lwf mouthed. PRECISION SAW FILING I:I5PIGG()TT PLACE Box 1011 Station B. (Agent: Bus Terminal) the 30-yard dash. Girls 6 and under Shirley Odger, Lana Young and Shirley Olson, 30-yard dash. Girls, 7 and under Anne. Christianson, Sharon D u m a s, I and Wilma Denuick, 30-yard ; dash. Boys, 5 and under Douglas Anderson, Danny Gillis, and Oeorg'e Elford, 30-yard dash. Boys, 6 and under Ricky Harris, Sonny Dickens and Jimmy Tough, 30-yard dash. Boys, 7 and under Johnny Olson, Larry Veitch and. Ronnie Hoskins, 30-yard dash. Boys. 8 and under Garry Leavitt, Danny Philips and Chris Downing, 50yard dash. , Boys, 10 and under Larry Stanwood, Robbie Irvine and Rodney Pierce, 50-yard dash. Boys, 9 and under Garger MeLeod, Rodney Pierce and Jerry Jensen, 50-yard dash. Boys, 11 and under Frankie Stewart, Billy Watmough and Ron Eby, 50-yards. Boys, 14 and under Bruce Stanwood, George Braman and Anatol Meset, 75-yard dash. Girls, 9 and under Karen Taylor, Gaiiay GrlmolXson and Beverly Erickson, 50-yard dash. Girls, 10 and under Anna Cnllusi, Shirley Kurdziel and Valerie Keehn, 50-yard dash. Girls,- 11 and under Judy Fel-senthal and Elizabeth Pierce, 50-yard dash. Girls. 14 and under Drue Patrick, Ann Wick and Elizabeth Pierce, 85-yard dash. Girls, 11 and under, three-vgged race Mary Kerr, Beverly Barwick; Shirley Kurdziel, Heather Douglas; Irene Petersen, Patsy Kenny. Girls, skipping, 10 and under Guillya GrimolLson, Beverley Er-ickson and Alads Grimolfson. Girls, skipping, 13 and under Elizabeth Pierce, Gailya Grimolf-son, Maureen O'Leary. Boys, three-legged, 14 and underDavid Stabor, Denis Lec-nian; Ross Mjrray, Ronnie Irvine; Johnny Olsen, Jacky Mc-Ginnis. Boys, relay. 14 and under I Winning team: Dick Flood, Ralph Rupert Shrine Band Practice 8:00 p.m. Civic Centre every Mondav ( 124c W A N T E D TOP "mALKEI PRICES PAID for sc:ra iron steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc Honest Blading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver, B. C. Phone Pacifl: n.)ji. Hf KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Lovelv home with view. Double lots. Central heatinj. Immerlate occiipimcv. Terms can be arranged. Phone 57. G. P. Tinker & Co.. Ltd. (tfi FOR RAT.F Tslnnrt in Prince Rupert Harbor. 30 acres, about cittATI"n fi ,lun.i-url h.lon,.. llmhor VVC Ml" .... Newlv weua. WANTED TO R 3 or 4 roiim riHil before 6 1IKLP WANTEDTM;in, 12 to 6 ar , If pension. rw Ca" WANTED mutes 7B7. Bus - - - "itrX1,;1 -;mueu sr'1 stoVP ' n;.i. II WATTH, Mrr.tUl (T'.'N'J Kiniie i'" room 'Viouse also one room in- ,-,;-;MTPD-4tli " sulated cabin. LkhtniB plain eeks for house. L.irge chl'-'ken ihiv , in 1" ioi houses. Good soil, ome.snian fruit.'-Phone Blue 385, evenings. 128pi FOR SALE Furnished 4 room house. 13a 1st Overlook. t)2!pi viv oni-nrniwi i" " -, - heel I"r tt'f-S wartime house, good comli-1 . ! 1 t H29 , tl cm ,, tion, near school and Telephone Green 145. (124c) FOR SALE 1417 Pigeott Place Wartime lour, some '"' proveinents. furnished. S350U. casli. - (128pi FOR SALE Wartime 4-rooni P - IC Acti , hL V0! of , Tax hji utisn. vi i"H nam v ,v - Tune. AnDlv 13:i(i nrst yvr : look after 8.