Prince Rupert Daily News l6l '82 ASW '.iepuuw ! : : 1 1 mm&m Lamb Killing Organic Matter Needed by Soil A11...L SHIPS AND bear Slam BURNS LAKE A bear had been making heavy inroads on OTTAWA Frequent applica- j tiens of barnyard manure and j the of short crop rotations! WATERFRONT puld Come J tutiiif j, Kill 60.000 in Ottawa WA- Hon. Brooke Ulax- the sheep farm of Lee Cooper, in ! ;:pite of careful watchfulness on the part of the owner, who fin-1 ally reported his losses to Game' Warden William H. Richmond. The bear had been making kills of a lamb every night, eating i .nly the choicest parts. He would ; usually encounter the mother of ! he lamb in search of her' jitsnring and kill her forthwith.' On Thursday night Game War-; fen Richmond, accompanied by Roy Lord, well known guide ji ill members of the Tweedsmuir Pa;k Rod and Gun Club, camped ,itr.r (if national ueienre, ,P Royal Canadian Air l s!.riuUi Saturday that winning attack on Called come In two directions j)isluA On board SS Louise, arriving In Prince Rupert at 11 a.m. today enrou te to Skagway and return, were 40 tourist "round-trippers" among a total 'of 150 passengers including general cargo. mbarklng at Prince Rupert were Mrs. Alex McRae, Mrs. Banneiman, R. Day, K. Smith, Mrs. M. Botxford, L. Halton, ' Mr. Todd. Mrs. Klos and W. Mc-Kuijiht. , .L- -,""! : J . V.); m M ; iy I J . v U u I'll f , j- - ! t ' i r ,1 i I a it-' ' ' i i a I . t I I s t t t I Lwl fc-- i" i - Btefta .rm fe-rn ivrriWilr--Witr'ft1.frlj,l A-m-fl 1 frfit'iTirr "r jt - feia.ska r vla Spitsbergen. Chop 5uey - Chow Mein Open G p.m. t 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 believed mat attack ,wt likely be by the rou'e. Ocn. F. F. Worthlngton, .vilian defence co-orriina-(Janada. (old the Associa-jt a well-laeed atomic linht kill tili.ftiM) people In are recommended for the improvement of soils in the Prince George area, where there is a natural deficiency of organic mutter. R. O. Savage, of the Experimental, StaU in at Prince George, who makes the recommendations, ayV the deficiency is particularly noticeable in ths fine-textured clay soils. . Berau&e of their fine texture and their lack of organic matter these soils are slow to warm up in the Spring, are difficult to manage when wet and have a very dense subsoil. Addition of organic matter Will help correct these structural conditions, and, in time, modify the sub-soil, Mr. Savage says. Barnyard manure not only adtU organic matter, it also increases the bacterial activity in the soil and acts as an excellent fertilizer. Rotations should include grass and legume mixtures and not more than two consecutive cereal crops. Fertilizing these crops adds more organic matter through, root growth. Keeping the rotations short-term 'means lu re organic matter is plowed in. ! Mackerel, a fish seldom or ever jsen on this part of the coast, will bi marketed thi summer. I It cojiws, In considerable quan-j tity, from the Island el Atka, in j tlie middle Aleutians, Spawning ! will be iu June and July. The fish lend themselves to salting ami i a considered excellent fating. warn, tu null it, advertlw l the sneep range between Franco's and Tchesinkut Lakes. During the early hours of the nicming the bear sneaked in and mat-: hif kill. Tracking was easy until they entered a junkie of heavy windfall. Each circled the down timber and finally the game warden spotted the -bear dragging a lamb. He signalled to Bud Lord and they . closed in, opening lire as they cornered the bear, an average black bear neighing over 350 pounds, fat as a seal. TRUCK PARTS NEED DUAL DRIVES? KMi B.ii;ie and Transfer i aes l I'l.KN A TION L - tiMt -III M. I' Truclc Motors all kinds. Transmln-aijuj Winches, Hoists, Sprluna. Axles, etc., etc. Buy With Confidence Save Time und Money Order by Mull or Telephone LA. 7200 Credit Terms 11 Desired SKITTI.K Till CK UK AIKJI ARTI KM !)".)K K. Marginal V) ay UMBNG and HE ATM NEW FASHIONS AND FACES Up-to-minute styles and fair faces will brighten the Canadian Army Reserve Force soon when the Canadian Women's Army Corps come into being. Smart new uniforms of botany serge for winter and trop ca! worsted for summer, form-fitting and t'.vsigned to give "a slim effect," have now been approved by Army Headquarters. Similar in many ways to the CWAC uniform of the Secoid World War, the new ensemble features false pockets on ths jack'.t, longsr skirts, beige nyl :n. stockings and improved thoulder purse of .genuine leather. Ths raincoat is made of gabardine with a full belt and detachable hood. A new item in the CWAC wardrobe will be a bat!.! drers style jacket that may be worn with slack? cr skirts. Model shown in these pictures is Miss Mary MacAulay, a secretary in the Directorate of Inter-service Development, Ottawa. ' (National Defence Photos) ACHING BACK? Why suffer with backache or painful Jointt? Many find quick relief by taking L)r, Chase Kidney-Liver Fills. This proven remedy treats two conditions at once; contains special remedial ingredients for both kidney and liver disorders which often cause backache. Dr. Chase- name you can 1 BEAVER INCREASE NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP)-About 2,700 beaver were officially ; "sealed" after being trapped 1.1 the North Bay district in the season ended. The total Is about 800 higher than last year, due to an Increase in the dls- . trie Us beaver population. i TIMBKIl SALE S31 18 Sealed tenders will be nrelved by the MlniHi-er of Forests at Va:Uri. B C, nut Inter than 11 a in. on the 20th day of June. n5l. lor the purchase til Licence 53118, to cut 3.2H5.-(XKI f.b ni or Hemlock, Spruce, B:.l-uim. und Cediir on an area covermt: part of STL. 7UH7. situated on .-ortlanu t;iuial, 14 miles south ul teu;ut. Ituniie b Co;ul Land Dli-trlct. i. Five years will be allowed for removal of timber. ! Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B C, or District Forester Prince Kupert. B C. 1 IM28. J4. 11. 18) he-.itlle, liNliingtnu 1 JDR.CHASESL ' he Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE Krpaim and Alterations lr-'.v V 1 m ! BvcuJifJ ficL A lll'CSl From Vancouver (Salurdayl K. Rogers. C. Upton, F. Jeflery, J. DennLson, L. Mistel, T. Muck-tie, Fran!; Calder, B. Schrader, N. SiHerman, H. Follwy, L. Olsen, Rev. Dr. Ball, W. Lee, E. R. Allen. From Sandspit (Saturday! W . Cooper, L. Grimble, C. Cameron. J. B. Smith. To Vancouver (Saturday) , A. lillil TO. Box 274 Bus Driver Sees Moose A bull moose was sighted on the Skeena Highway between Ter-lacc and Haatelton by David Jor.js, driving the Canadian Na-tiona' Railways bus, early Saturday. He was making the regular schedule run from Smithers to Prince Rupert. It was not long after the break of day and the mcose did not appear mu:h alarmed. After a few glances at the aproaching bus, it moved toward the edge of the woods and ouielly disappeared. Where Und Sang Now Ballet Spot 'M ' f i FLORAL ' -fSCENERY OLD MASTERS ALSO PHOTO FRAMES ,ctniuuK -s, w . j. rt. dunes, u. Insist ot UCHANAN'S Little. F. Dietrich, A. Lcgxart. A. 8mart, H. Thorvaldson, A. Bor-man. f-. P?nd.spit (Saturday) L. BLACK&VJHITI3' Hurlburt. To Vancouver (today) S. Packard, H. Johnson, F. Howard, H. Sproule, F. R. Wilson. Mrs. Duks; Mrs. Woodruff, W. Ebbutt, A Ebbutt. Mrs. C. Christcffersen. I To Sandspit (today i- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sieve lis. WHISKY i ; ti'. .1: a SCOTCH ! UxkAw: is I "rTr(VAfitli rtiit i mrir j i hutinfa i TORONTO r Jenny Lind enct sang in the musty old hall , ht . j that is to become a head The Secret is in the Blending -A - - ittvertisemrnt not published or displayed by the Liquor 4 IttVl'l iiiilrul iiKrul Hoard or hy the Government of British Columbia. & jYi J kr' ft iin.iu.r-- T quarters for Canada's dance devotees. The old St. Lawrence hall a century-old auditorium not far Irom the waterfront has been taken over by Celia Franca for her dance studio. Beneath the ornate ceiling, gingerbreaded to 19th century litt: MisQ Fraiinu will teach j FRASER HOUSE o shall not be responsible for articles left in rage or deposit after 30 davs from this date, oy 14. 1951 . MR. AND MRS. HICKS ! advanced ballet. She same here FOUR DIE IN FIRE Three firemen and a volunteer were killed in this fire at Peterborough, Ont., when ceiling and floors collapsed. The building in the centre of the city's business district was a total loss. Damage was estimated at $300,000. (CP PHOTO) In February on the recommendation ol Ninette de Alois, her former employer and instructor at Sadlers Wells in London. She also came at the request of some of Canada's best-known dance teachers who thought it high time to set up a national ballet. "And I'm going to do It." said Miss Franca, "if it takes me live years, 10 years or 20 . . ." She doesn't seem to mind the fact that her studio is smack in the middle of a vegetable 07 i Consulting Engineer Passes There died recently at Riverside, California, W. R. Bjnny-castle, a widely known hydro engineer. Mr. Bonnycastle will be remembered in Prince Rupcl. He had been engaged by the city to study the city water system. COULD YOU HELP? CYFiO CLUB has undertaken to collect, pack and ship s riulliing for the Central City Mission, Vancouver. oruaniziition outfits between 000 and 700 destitute men lie summer and more In the winter. All persons having l!es of men's used clothing which they wish to donate i deliver them to the CIVIC CENTRE, or call 231, or 641, Hi' t'lol hlng will be picked up. MEN'S CLOTHING ONLY Shoes to Hats, From the Skin Out ? ? CAN YOU HELP ? ? STEAMER Prince Rupert EAILS FOR Vancouver a. id Intermediate Ports Each Thursday - "It's just the sort of place I; wanted," she said. "It couldn't j be better. The city has rented it ! to me for a very nominal sum . and has promised to brighten it i up with some paint." j COLORFUL HISTORY Meanwhile the hall in which Central Interior Enjoys Summer at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIOMG1IT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Summer appears well advanced 11 THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT IN NORTHERN B.C. mm .SB Jenny Lind once sang, where a Toronto audience once heard aj lecture on slavery, is filled with 'chairs piled on tables and mat-' I tresses. During the winter it ! served as a hostel for homeless j men. Soon however some 60 baller in the region around Hazelton, says David Jones who has charge of the CNR bus making regular Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE riilNCE RUPERT, B.C. tripr between here and Smithers. j Wild cherries are blossoming and the breeze is pleasant. Returning here, numerous salmon were ! e noted jumping at many points along the Skeena. WITH I) MfiO , l j ISV W 1 1W iW -W-WifrV fwjel 1 inas will be climbing its rickety staircases to spend summer mornings and afternoons learning their routine. They will be members of Miss Franca's summer school which she will conduct this coming season, assisted by Betty Oli-phant, fellow and examiner of the Tmnerlal Socletv for Teach ,CX from... ers of Dancing in London, and by Wendy Canetta of the Royal Academy of Dancing. Students from across Canada are expected to attend. BO.TH OCEANS The Republic of Columbia has a coastline of 913 miles on the Pacific coast and 1,004 miles on the Caribbean. CLEAN AND FIRM mtk ait (tibia wide (kimA of SATIN - SMOOTH GENUINE CORK IT'S NEW! IT'S EXCITING ! STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL ! FORD'S British Built CONSUL Sec it soon at Bob Parker Ltd. FORI) - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. FIRE MOTHS THEFT ror SAFETY FURS-T IN Ladies and Gentlemen- JILL SCUBY'S FUR VAULT 654 LING the tailor X r, -o i ; 85c pit dwin ptd tot ctnpiit. Pli htvl the ttdy wtwn the drtvf r cH, CLEAN1NQ GLAZING REPAIRS REMODELING Phone 974 FREE PICK-UP SERVICE JTown Customers Ship ExpressFully Insured G Phone 649 220 Sixth St Tkt dvcrttmcnl n not putlik m dugfyed by , bV Ltquw Cenbol Bcu(f ot by lbs GovsrniMnl ; oj 8frtnn Columbn. JQ j