PROVINCIAL A PEOVINCIAL LIBSAHT, 113 ORMES VICTORIA, B. C. .. DRUGS (I I DAILY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CABS I Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key lo the Great Northwest" Phone , ,S-AT HKI. VOL XL, No. 266 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1951 PRICE FiViS CENTS DELIVERY 81 rem Churchill Wins Again Parliament Rejects Protest Against Long Recess Civilian Defence Pays Off, War Experience Has Proven Col. Crockett, Organizer for Alaska, Says ' 1 Describes Conditions in Russia Oil Dispute Unsettled WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) American effort to mediate the Anglo-Iranian oil dispute col lapsed Tuesday and lt ws re Safe Containing $6000 Taken A way by Burglars Roadblocks Set Up in All Directions From Interior Town PRINCE GEORGE (Special to Daily News) Road blocks have been set up on the roads leading in all directions out of Prince George following a daring robbery here during Saturday night when burglars entered the men's wear store of Robert Mc-Kenzie on Third Avenue and took away a 600-pound safe containing $4000 in cash and $2000 in negotiable ' I checks. I LONDON Oi Britain's Conser Experience gained in the last war showed that, it I f a - . "( 7 r: 1 vative government mustered a where civilian defence was properly organized, cas-'sT-vou majority Tuesday night ported Prime Minister Mossadegh has sent a personal appeal to President Harry Truman for financial help for Iran. Deputy Prime Minister Mas-sein Fatemi disclosed a new appeal hours after the Department ualties and damage from bombing were fully 50 per ibM. e cent less than where there was no such organized ; churchm s plan to send Pariia- defence, said Col. J. J. Crockett, who was in the city ment home for a long Christmas holiday. Ttw vote was 318 to 281, giving the Churchill government Its second Parliamentary victory in two days. Churchill said he will adjourn at the first of this week heading for Juneau to be stationed at the Alaska capital as assistant to the director of civil defence for the territory. v WARRANT under which newly organized Captain't Coips now operates was presented last week to gu, ot Canada branch president, 8. P. Woodside by Lt. Tye, area officer commanding Sea Cadets Pacific oncl ceremony was held In the Navy Drill Hall here parade niuht of Sea Cadets last Thursday. rendum on Power inchise Is Passed On of State had announced "no new basis" for settling the bitter oil controversy hag been found. Fatcml told a reporter that Mossadegh had sent a personal message to the President two days ago. It will be Col. Crockett's job Entry was made from the lane Parliament for 53 days from De UM Soldiers Are Murdered cember 7 to January 29 to give his government time for some quiet non-political study of problems. The Prime Minister, dur- at the rear and the safe removed on a truck, the tire treads of which could be traced for a short distance in a light fall of snow. Then the tracks were lost In street traffic and there is no Mossadegh plans to leave by plane for Tehran Thursday. He spent three weeks In Washington while American mediators to take an active part in getting fluid mobility between areas in Alaska ready to handle any sit- case of emergency In one or uationa that may arise in the more. event of air or any other form The whole organization of of attack should war break out. civilian defence Is directed pri-Col. Crockett Is convinced that marily to saving population and such a war is- Inevitable and it Insuring a continuation of pro-could break out at any time with duction. Such functions as shel-a spark such as Korea, Germany ter first aid, rescue, mainteu-or Egypt kindling the- explo- anoe of health services and M-sion. jsurjng of food and supplies are tried vainly to find a ing the recess, will also make a trip to Washington and Ottawa. Some Labor members said Churchill merely wanted to get them out of the way. further clue up to today as to the direction taken. o December Election The store had closed at 0 PUSAN, Korea. The head of the Eighth Army's legal section today said that the Reds have killed at least 5790 United Nation soldier prisoners about 5500 of them Americans and some 250,000 Korean civilians in atrocities since the start of the war. t'mincil Has Stormy Session With Mayor o'clock Saturday night and the robbery was discovered about 1U o'clock Sunday morning. - -". UIHlllisea lor ciueiBCUi-y wimii Itetoring Order Several Times United States Plane Missing i I Prince Charles The store is located near the Prince George Drug Co. margin of one vote, city council last night might irom any type oi warfare such as bombing, chemical, bacteriological and atomic. The cities of Washington, Seattle and Chicago have already had their full scale civil (Alaska, already being strongly armed in the event of it becoming a firing line, is ronsidered to be in a vulnerable position. Prince Rupert boasts of being the most strategic port and railway terminal in relation to Alaska.) Col. Crockett comes now from Has Birthday I Parents on Rough Seas Today FRANKFURT, Oermany if) A United States Air Fore plane, carrying 34 persons, was lost on Police lined up several suspects but have released them all. It is thought that the same gang may have been responsible for other robberies that have taken place recently at Terrace, Smithers and Burns Lake. i i a referendum bylaw asking Prince Rupert v lather they wish to have B.C. Power Com-i-Hiimly electrical energy here. The referen-j be presented at the civic election in ian defence exercises. The problem of civil defence 1 But Their Geetings Heard a flight from Frankfurt to Bordeaux Tuesday and is feared to France Cuts Her Imports PARIS France announced in Alaska, with its great dis-; ,,, . . . tann. nnrt enmnarativelv small LONDON (CP) A Sturdy, and isolated communities, will squarely-built young man who be different .than continental "'lU ne day be King of England have crashed somewhere in the Chicago where he has been as-mountalns of central France. ;sistant director of civilian de-Rescue planes have begun a fence for the state of Illinois, search centering southwest of Current international tension ! United States, Col. Crockett real- celebrated his tnira Dinnaay Tornadoes in Leather today a drastic slash in imports- Dijon where the plane was last has been making the United i Izes. i ku""-. . , horn from i niiim .,or mnnh oiiuo tn t.hp i Hnl r.riw itptt is no stranner to He is mnce cnaries, son oi imposed by shortage of dollar re . " ' . ' . I" """ ' 1 .. .f(.i Princess Elizabeth and the Duke serves. Air rorce neanquariers in importance oi gevung civilian . war uu .iiraua. - - - - "7 i . .. , Tmn.. from th dollar oU" anne of next line for Wiesbaden. Germany, say the defence organized, Col. Crockett He served overseas as a lieuten- Mlnburgh. in ,J ? ,zo"e Synopsis RkipK are rlearino along the -v.n rir.ii.. Wnn.c qmt. in wnr ui war i ann 111 wnnii . i-- 1 . plane was a C-82 transport car The roval parents are in mid-' 1952, will be reduced to about oast .hile m tne interior most it D Northern U.U. aipany ends March, i cisl alter an hour's c In which Aid. T. , general manager of IT company, -charged i' asking people to I blind issue." rendum is one-sided, :yl has a political kan-ber! Aid. Black. "And f Uiu power com-' wiving end." The defence is organized on 1 war u was a ongaaier in une Midwest CHICAGO' W A series of tornadoes and violent electrical and windstorms struck damaging blows across a wide area of the mid-continent Tuesday. . ' Atlantic homeward bound from $500,000, a cabinet spokesman cloudy. In the nortn three levels national, state and armored force with six months regions are community and a well co-or-1 in London and two years In their Canadian tour but the son said I central interior a few snow flut- rying military personnel to the supply port of Bordeaux. To Welcome New Citizens dinated system has been set up Ruasla. With 32 years oi service nau nis uiiiuuay ucuu ' " "V, : ,7. ,,," rles are persuing "uu6"ul" with each authority having IU in the United States Army, be- from them just the same. His French idc- la 'rfJ the day. Temperatures will be own plan -and upher. of auUior-- twm war. and alter World War num.' Helen Lightbody, . will . 1950. to June 1951 were $650.000,-1 generally, cool with frost exit v ti,. .hni. .rhem. hPinir wpII II he served as militarv attache switch on thc"phonograph in the 000. , pected on the lower "mainland Frenchmen will be pinched.oriieht Little rhani:e is exoect- i (Continued on Page 4) i 1 meshed and capable of quick and primrose yellow nursery at Clarence House to bring the toddler 11 V. Olassey had to ed in the weather for the next The twisters killed at least otic person and Injured seven others. Property damage Is expected to run Into hundreds of thous lor coal, gasuuue, cutLon ana newsprint due to the Import slash, a cabinet spokesman indicated. France's dollar reserves are believed below $200,000,000 com To plan an organized program ands of dollars. Mid-November storms lashed ' 10 nelp nc citlzens to Prince 48 hours. Forecast North Coast Region Sunny north portion and cloudy soutli portion today and Thursday. A lew showers today in northern Vancouver Island section. Little 0: -.lor as several alder. Itr heatedly at once. .m't think the power if given us a square iSii nut pulling my They have not de- i jhc goods," retorted HHf Hills. Rupert area, the newly formed 1 1 I HiHMaMniRBnamMHMMmBMMMMHnKIJIIUII HMilKMJIl If isJSWW "' 1 1 'V. ; u ;"f 5i p.-, , pared with the pre-war backlog of $2,500,000 and the postwar average of $400,000,000. happy birthday wishes and be a good boy reminder which the Princess recorded before she left for Canada. The Princess and Duke were having a rough homeward trrp through mountainous seas today. For a time the Empress of Canada was out of communication. The royal couple are due at Euston Station on Saturday and will be met by Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. most of the United States midwest. Heavy rains hit many areas. Winds of 100 miles an hour whipped across communities in the path of the tornadoes wnlch struck in Illinois, Missouri, Indiana and Kentucky. , change to temperature. Light northerly winds. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Citizenship Council holds a general meeting at Civic Centre tonight. Following an executive meeting Sunday, Secretary Gerry Woodside said today a constitution will be presented and committees formed to handle a sur Hardy and Prince Rupert, 30 and 45; Sandspit, 35 and 45. vey of the area for Immigrants, conduct education groups, recre jus introduced by Aid. :W 1 tt. chairman of the -. t'lnimtk-c. Aid. Harold rUrniel mi I age 21 t ar On dents ational and counselling facilities. Establishing a "Citizens' Day" in Prince Rupert also will be the Demonstrate In Silence Terrace Men Vote Strike Little, Haugland & Kerr Decide by Majority In Favor of Going Out - TERRACE (Special to Daily News i In a government supervised strike vote here yesterday, 33 union employees of Little, 1 ' U effect of a motion presented to j Building Code Being Amended Prince hupeit is to have a uew building code and, when the bylaw has been passed, "wu .will stick to it," vowed mayor anil aldermen at last night's catmca 1-1 " s . 1 purr ill (.arliaer Tin CAIRO, O.-A human sea of a million or mole persons paraded In stolid silence today through kiphasi.fd by MHO Masset Man Passes Away Funeral will be held tomorrow at St. John's Anglican Church at Masset for well-known fisherman and prominent Masset man, George Price, 67, who died In Prince Rupert General Hospital Monday. He Is survived by his wife, Kate; three sons, Wallace, Prince Rupert, and Herman and Dol-phus, Masset; two daughters, riders' garbage cans streets of Cairo In a giant anti- iris s that garbage British demonstration and then p seel either to air or to folded up tru-lr bellicose banners ivs Health Officer and dispersed peacefully. meeting. Subject was touched off by a second request of a city businessman- for permission to move a ft Black following com- ! it was a day of mourning for the meeting by the executive. This would be a day when new citizens will b introduced to the public at a ceremony. At the inaugural meeting of the council several weeks ago, some 25 representatives of city organizations were present. "We are looking for a much larger attendance than that tonight," said Mr. Churchill. "For there are more than 100 organizations here and all of them should be, interested In the future of Canada and Its citizens, of whom a lot will be people from other countries." Haugland Sc- Kerr operations voted in favor of strike action. Thirteen voted against. ' The issue is whether the interior or coast wage scale shall prevail in the local operations of the company Including mill, class D temporary building from m collectors regarding twenty Egyptians killed last i receptacles. j month In clashes with the British 's have Infested tho durinir Suez Canal dispute. fi .nig no Utile U'jublo ' The newspaper Al Zam'an esti- Mrs. Moses Parnell and Mrs. Ru- i vcnien :e to collectors, ' mated that 2.500.000 persons Hiacn in ills monthly marched and termed the parade yard and woods workers. Harry King supervised the strike poll In town and George McAdams deputized for him in the bush. fus White, both of Masset. Funeral service will be held by Rev. M. S. Young. Body leaves tonight on the Adelaide Marie. P" !xrt. I the biRRPst demonstration in E'lle, his r?port on rat Egypt's history, it the - city dumo says - M " .iff) C X :f.Z frceni ,)i oau, put down'j one site to another. At a previous meeting, T. Norton idlings, re.aii,r, aau b:cn refused permission to mov m: Cuiidir.j on the (.rounds it tml not conform with building requirements. Request wai granted last night ty a 6-i vcte, f,. jvidea a are wall is added to the building and It is set on a concrete foundation. A special committee of standing committee chairmen, headed by Aid. H. M. Daggett, was appointed by Mayor H. F. Gias;ey taicn by rats. Mass f ca ca.,e loads, how- TODAY'S STOCKS found to be lmprac- "f burial of the1 City Council Considers New Telephone System (Courtesy s. I. JuliiiMoii Co. Ltd.) '"'ii and wind effects. 23 BeBttie BUTTON UP YOUR OVERCOAT With snow falling the Duke of Edinburgh buttons his topcoat as he and Princess Elizabeth leave Trinity Church at Ste. Agathe des Monts recently during their Laurentian holiday. The Duke read the lesson during the service. (CP PHOTO 1 vement of I to special council meeting nextj l draw "P a new. building bylaw. Leading Engineers Now Here and Will Report on Friday Friday. That Is all I can say at this timp " KfliH Mavor Glasspv Committee members are Aid. George Casev, Aid. Don Fitch, Aid. T. B. Black, Aid. Harold Whalen. Prince Rupert may have ani Ald H M Daggett, utilities up-to-date, mortem, automatic I mml,tee chalrman. said these Keep Canadians at Home eat Slow I is nuw about hull jiicat in the Prince Ru-f to provide a full telephone system. A special Committee will investigate the men were here as a result of building codes of other cities anl will ask for the new, revised copy of the National Building Code. 26-man committee to investigate meeting of city council will be held next Friday to hear a report of three top telephone engineering men now making a defence expenditures. .'". over ioo carloads negotiations by the city for possibility of financing a new telephone system. "I hope this council will accept the report of the. experts and not do as In the past when expeit advice was turned down," cau complete Investigation of the f' .ii uikcii n, witu an f Ive alongside this mor Bcvcourt 56 Buffalo Canadian 20'2 Consol. Smelters 174.00 Conwest 3.65 Donalda - 38 Eldona 17 East Sullivan 9.40 Giant Yellowknlfe 10.70 God's Lake 35 Hardrock 14 Harricana 07 Vi Heva 11 Jacknlfe 07'i Jollet Quebec 44 Little Long Lac 76 Lvnx 12 Madsen Red Lake 2.12 McKenzie Red Lake 50 McLeod Cockshutt 2.73 Moneta .32 V4 Negus .v 69 Noranda 81.70 Louvicourt 38 Fickle Crow 1-70 San Antonio 2.60 . itv's telephones. Mayor H. f . Giassey made this nay sixty-one car-reported on the line report to city council last night. tioned Aid. T. B. Black. "A new Jaslr buund for Prince VANCOUVER Anfcrican Standard 30 Bralorne 6.15 B. R. X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1 27 Congress 08 Giant Mascot 95 Indian Mines 25 lend Oreille D25 Pioneer 2-00 Premier Border 34 Privateer 08'i Sheep Creek '. 165 KHbak Premier 56 Taku River 07Vj Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 02 Vi Spud Valley -21 Silver Standard 2.70 Western Uranium 4.10 Cronin Bablne -51 Oils-Anglo Canadian 7.90 A. P. Con 7 Calmont 174 Central Leduc .- 2-50 Mercury 23 Okalta 2.70 ' Pacific Pete 12-50 Royal Canadian 17 TORONTO , Athona 09 Aumaque -2 Leading the engineering party ystem now Is going to cost a lot George Drew Urges Different Defence Policy OTTAWA Oi George Drew, Progressive-Conservative leader, said Tuesday that Canada, instead of sending forces to Europe at this time, should concentrate on training at home of fast, hard-hitting mobile mechanized units. Drew told Commons that Canada and the United States here Is H. P. Mahoney, chief more than it did in 1948." ' s from 175 i0 200 car -rain im nn a cva.. The resolution was welcomed by members of all parties. Prime Minister St. Laurent said the committee would not be asked to decide on matters of policy. Its duty would be to see that value Is being obtained for money spent on defence. - TIDES - Thursday, November 15. 1951 High 2:18 19.2 feet 13:56 21.7 feet I"S' e-.ain VAUEDl lo tT,,- Mayor Glassey asked aldermen to take note of Aid. Black's remarks. Present telephone system was Installed In -1910, and . .twn w OUp- Dc here during Novem-no definllR wnrH had P.G. Loggers Favor Strike PRINCE GEORGE Fourteen sawmill operations in this area today announced the results of a strike vote on a -wage increase. Nine of the fourteen IWA locals voted in favor of strike action and five against. In all, about twenty-two locals voted but the rest have not yet reported. A strike could be called after a month's time. vo more posltioinis added in consulting engineer of Automatic Electric Co. Ltd., of Chicago. Assisting him is Luke Kelly, engineer of Automatic Electric Co. of Canada, Ltd., Brockville, Ont., and George Knowles, sales engineer, B.C. representative, of Vancouver. "Mr. Muhoney, one of the outstanding telephone engineers In 1927. Since then no moderniz P ,V,(1 at the elevator up pnrning. Pain concern uf th io. ation cf the system has been at should supply equipment needed to arm men available in Europe. Canada should concentrate on tempted. have enough grain l"e time the ship ar- Senator Rouyn 17Vi Low 7:54 8.1 feet 2B:37 3.0 feet 'the world, will examine our There are more white-tall f to the late harvest, due training units that could be moved quickly to troubled spots. The Progressive-Conservative leader spoke before the adoption of a resolution establishing a Sherrit Gordon 3.80 Steep Rock 7.00 Silver Miller 1.36 Upper Canada 1-59 Golden Manitou 7.15 J;f ab'e weather condi- whole telephone system and aeer per square mile in Nova alonn with Mr. Kelly and Mr. Scotia than anywhere else in nas been slow The Laurentlans are the oldest mountain range in the world. Knowles will make their report 1 North America, n. J