V Prince Rupert Dcniy Hews Wednesday, November H, lMci Hockey Scores Duck Hunting Good in Spots OL DAILY NEWS jtral Interior RAVELS the shots of the hunters, who The Canadian banking system v-.ii.u. tho Ink is one of the consists of the Bank of Canada, Many duck hunters returned , best duck hunting ponds m the a go 3' Monday, glad to have had an j area as it is bordered by wild bant and Jfth ,w 3Tm ouung. but a litUe dejected over eats fT". agencies NATIONAL Chicago 3, Boston 1 PACIFIC COAST Victoria 2, Edmonton 6 Tacoma 0, New Westminster 6 PACIFIC COAST-OKA NAG AN Vernon 4, Kerrisdale 7 have nuic bin um i name mime tne attitude J UlC uuud, a.i mrj jyitajivruiie, j-u ovruawi. ( winged high and -scattered after (turned Monday from near the across tfre country. it--. i-c.t t-Vnto Imu TJiu&r mnnt H Hi nartV i " ifn -natns 1 liiiuuib nere. -mere are - .... Q,.V. a I Tm,. XTi-.Ul:..l-..l. . :S P OR T S ' i mgiw,wmmm.wm9.' . vijmwm-w ,., Tv'( V l -' - - ' m-mm - -i--.ru .In, n . ij writf' viilua ' j ' k.i-iiur gcuing man lllC ilia oihj io. iiiMA " i -j t ti.Unt rtip fiurk. "Thev were few 'i - 11111 ik ' b;llh at Hotel An- une, sum Mrs. jonn mcholl-chiik. "My husband John, falher-in-law John, my son John, but rUL iuciv was a vj U1 1 " - j ... ... . iled by P E York who brought end far between and , wild. It Just j back a two-day limit each from (doesn't seem liie right season for. twpntv vPArv Ann i-v,, lust summei, wncu ,Vavel!lng and living 1 .. .., ,mmiT. there will I we can mm jacKie, ne s doing t school by corre.snondcnco now. v. 7 ' . m mm ft If south of here. - T'ari 'eoltl wator 1,1 a11 be(j":and my husband's cousin John in SPO&VUiilciren May Mate on New i "The sky was black with ducks, I jrs. R. S. Collinson returned mallards and golden eyes most- on the prince George today 'rom ily," said Ferry York who accom-j , h lh She spent ineol-eJ weeks In the Eastern Curling Rink in rr. Rupert Caic opens snorny, unu mat jonn spells his name Nik-w )H,.r parlor, has been j claychuk " Found this Mrs. John ,'rtt weeks, j N- i busy doing a silhouette pic- ''.i'-:c Mrs. Clarence Hlc- ture. Sim Is handicraft minded, jit; ' Mrs. Hickenbotham I and makes most of the clothes ; (iull mumrnt. Keeps j toi her four girls too. Baby, now ,l's af'er two children,1; three, was born wilh a bottom makes baby clothes : iront tooth, which Is still there. j the trip. One goose, also fell to States off their membership Betore curlers go Into action work ' November 1J, 1931 Senior League basketball saw CIJRA down 32 Taxi 20 -17 in an all-out s;ramble iu the near-tie game last night. said Mr. Moore fnllnu.-lrir mmn ct nn of tne new uues Fosltion Is also ooen for a club I r liairau'ssi-i hairdresser at ai van- ....-j H;ld jnterestliig talk with i:.,,. hump s rii.-.i mu Frank rraiiK Leska. Lesiui, was was In in newspaper newspaper '".'r N R rink at Seal Cove, Prince Rupert children will have the opportunity of skating for about a week. At least, that is the intention of the Curling Club executive which met last night. ii'"'" " - ---- j urni - duuui v juiin;un i, . and and now now f fhe he la U j wory. M,me time, now selling. "By Styles, Matheson, Stalker 1, Mur-idicrall club, where ! hpl. her walk walk nn . t of h(,r tl-.-is.-m 4. Lambie.10. steward and ice maker. During the conversion program, the man would act as foreman of reconstruction. : Meantime, a constitution has I .,' iiiii LOOK what you get with an t-t she Is an Englishwoman j(.;lc:l leatnerciaiL, put ,mi 'ie pictures, wood 32 Tan D. Ourvlch 4, Katcn-ford 2, S. Gurvish 2, D. Stalker, Ross 7, Kenny 2. Was told by Miss Tester, this Another nnoiiier period priiuu u ot skating ona.'i, been ucca drawn uiawn up up and aim will wiu be pre- .,eork. shcllwork, tat-, war what she said to Mr. Wilson, ( pit:-; would be allowed following the ( sented at a general nwetine next ; nvn V n 17 Til I1T . . ..dieting. when I was noticed crossing to jj, eyn.-rt paper flower llCant.i uwaui.iv Uj AJ eilL cut. c ( uuuu Miss Hlin.1 Tes- . c.-j- have been entered " , nnpn Npw Year-S or-anl7.ri hv Mra w r ,rinp! Five ric teams v:uiiio . ter busy cutting papers together ; in the Prince Rupert Billiard p,jt I wisn i uiuii t HHV17 :i(1 lock after," sho told iweanwiniB, wun is i,u..i."...o j Thev a e 10 sena to aunt in rwiKiumi. i jueaue ior tins sraun ;i "fu blaav at conversion ui n.n i H-.1,. ri,i atr. ' sir-wing how the west welcomed everybody on the ec-jroyai couple. Aunt, Mrs. Fiibille- CharlS afS ag.io is p President. Moore. says cub piilsld,nt NceJy , Aiile " 'Kl JacoD Kog. , Wri htt;an has Dartlcular In NEW YORK A title bout be-! Last week-end 17 club mem- 4 4 .1,. Hi.' odd moose occa-, lPrest as )lu.sband was personal f-hich makes up '"' Ul( i attendant to King Edward VII. he lidded, when I j gpenj. fascinating time explor- 7 , in '-lil --SV ' , , .- . . . , tween world heavvweis'ht chain- bers turned out in a working Dee j r-iup duimg .ni-ra.-... fester's scrao-book pion Max Shmeling and former and removed the flooring from heavyweight champion Jack the building. Other work Is be- .Millan H-n . F(mnd hoto of HaU We're great on ! Uwnpsey Is mooted here byjngdonetobrir.gtheclubhou.se row burnt down fire-! at Endako ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR! SW -ICS F0(H KSPT CHEM " said Miss Tes- " "r' ":.,.. . i" . ., , ,i,.i h ter. Jncobson's .store is on that ,Hiip-rt since 1!)1!). and customs' officer u is a ma, said: "You never li,re you'll be on the oi iviutiiHuu oquaie uuiucu. n. t r uuiiipic-i.v n..w w.in,6 nrnnrueri h.iut. in Los Ari2f lex bp- : ta be done and the club Is offer- Kite. Tlu-r.! was 'me of Mulligan Hotel therp in 11)23. Particularly tween Scheling and Mickey Wal- j ing mtmbersmps to SKinea ker was thrown out by the - tradesmen "who would like to champion's manager, Joe Jacobs, i : "1 intpresl in wfire photos of i M s. Jacobson T'lrnhsnn at at dough." "Slim" wmiams. Williams, and and p ().. Mrs. Iiimb tao, Jit, P, aSAcnqeri dogs, who came from Copper Centre, Alaska, to see If Alaska H.phwav could be brought down Remember when? 4 uld-timer. Mrs. Schaler ,ie said they minht have when her girls go to t;.iol Mrs. Braman has Warren Wriuht's irreat colli To Vancouver i today I F. Into B.C. When he got to Hazel-ton, he ran out of snow, and had Uhirlaunw fllmivort Viis turn- Hvrni- Ml Pnmell On V id Wood. BASKETBALL SHOES t ; put auto wlv.-els on his sleign, jinr! ennin his wolf strain hus- year-o!d career by winning lh-. ; J. L. Hamilton, Rae Lewis, John Walden Stakes at Pimlico, 11 1 Johannsor, W. Lundrigan, R. years ago, boosting his first- i Lundrigan, George Robinson, J. ku, with leather moccasins. He finally made Chicago. Photo of i year earnings to n,275. Whirl-1 Webster, w. S. Jones, ueorge leading dog, only one who could j away went on- to take the triple ! Dibb, D. Hardy, D. C. Coen, W. ho aiinniurhnl hv stranerrs. crown the followlne season the ', Witman. Mr. Foreman! D. Boyd. ,,iui: '. otic which sings all fi.. other is a dud," she 'Vs a pretty color, but istiiii " Mrs. Ilaroldson has teaching. Called at. t!.i re Mrs Aulin. up ffom , frri small son, Is teaching a-lit children. Often i jp.,it diflerenot;s between ie- so stressed In teaching, Am talk to little Cana- For shows big colored pom-pom on (Kentucky Derby, the P,-eaknessj To Sandspit ( today i A. Quan, back Of neck, to prevent "Slim,"; and the Belmont Stakes. 'A. Pypvi. ' from beomiiiR snow-blind, i ew i -" " " MEN years later, carrying Diue-eyen i ;r')ut little Australians, Siberian dog. "Bandy" Annan is In photo, taken outside Annan Hotel. ai t-xpi'i't tliem to look p.lli rent from ourselves. ii!Mrs Belt, her son and and BOYS i-lciintins arrival that Mansons, Rainmakers Score In Double Bill .Mansons 61, Gordon & Anderson IS Rainmakers 59, CCC 300 43 Frascr & Payne 52, Merchants 31 Maple Leafs 27, Annunciation-12 it ui Matthew Brings An electric refrigerator gives you so much of the things that make for happy housekeeping. Foods always so fresh and tasty and never a bit of waste or spoilage. Tor economy, for convenience, for all 'round 'round satisfaction, satisfaction, you you can't can't beat beat an an dtttr electric refrigerator. refrigerator. Make Make it it a a point point to to see see the the new new models models soon. soon. 4 Mrs. Belt's brother, "Jumping Jupiter . . . did I forget, to pay the phone bill?" "I know darn well I paid that bill. What kind of bookkeepers you got around here?" "Aw, that's only the first notice. . . . let 'em sweat awhile." from Good auld OlaS' Featuring '.'.hut made you come a askrd. and immediate I pi; "I've cnme out to seek living than I got at J can" ha a glimpse next ifMa".htv, looking like true i:;jd an ulit-adv. . ;i' bf rertaln amount of Floral emblems of the prairte piovincen are the crocus iMan.), the prairie lily 'Sask.i, and the wild rose 'Alta.) A twin bill last night gave spectators a thrilling senior basketball show as CCC 300 the cellar team so fargave Rainmakers a good run for their money. ended 59-4o for Hieh School, when Cel 1 fiK nll I ' OS .L " FASHION ISHH .. )VE RS EAS MAILING lulose mainstays Marshall and Dumas left the floor. Rainmakers started off at a j ' fast pace with a good lead, but etball referee from Vancouver CCC 300 tied with scores see- j here on a business trip, sawing until 10 minutes after; Green called them close and half time. Peterson for Cellulose ! just, giving 29 fouls to High ' was high scorer with 13 points, j School, 25 to Cellulose, 21 to It's NOT too eorlv to think ootwear ! ilUMlM Mil irtllLUai obout overseas moiling Best game of tne two, however, ;uoia ana ii 10 muiuuiu. in i'WhiTJ: HV xHuKTv! ...... I pers of players soared several times at the calls. - - in. r. ,-, I 1 1 illllll 1 . was Mansons vs. Gordon & Anderson. Jewellers, in their new uniforms, seemed to have added imnotiia Inst 1U.M, iiifcin- nisrht which led We have n wonderfu! stock of Gift Wrappings and Christmas Cards I ntor Rpferep fireen said he I liked iiKeu the wit; brand uiawu ui of ball utxn played uju l imprius I them to a high score of 61 over jast niht and thought it was r- B A 'a AQ I - - .. .... ,J nr. .111.1 Coninf "R" witnessed. Once the hardware men pass- j basketball he has How did it compare to Senior A ed the consistent lead of Man- energetic mm nromnted Dv ball? "Well, I don't know," answered Green. "But seems it's not quite up to the top ball playing Flaten who was high scorer with 17 points. A feature of both senior games was Stan Green, senior A bask- down south." lV-rrnviFniATE fraser : Pnvne whloDed Mer chants in the Intermediate i.fiTim tussle 52-31 as Wesch turned in seven baskets to top scoring of the game. High man for Merchants was Erikson, with - mJf H - w eiuht Doints. In the tunlor bill. Maple Leafs more than doubled scoring oi v! tf The British Columbia Distillery Co.Ltd. Ji Annunciation which ended n- 19 Forbes was strone man for the winners with seven points, Morrison nexi wun six ana mc fiJP'T proudly presents a distinguished lfeC - - selection of B.C. fine ) rest fairly evenly divioea. uur-, cotte of Annunciation scored four, along with Presty. SCORING JjiTX ISM Canadian Whiskies and m T . Senior YXH fcTl II C London Drv Gin. fZlli f Mansons Arney 15. Spring ! 11, Webster 11, Olson 14, Bill 9, Walsh 1, Youngman. nnrriiin Kj. Anderson Holke- stad 4, Flaten 17, Ciccone 8. Hebb fflW H' LiW.il . Announcement MEMBERSHIP MEETING and DAHCE FOR Co-Op and Credit Union Members CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Thursday, Mov. IS, 1951, at 8:00 p.m. Quest "Peakera will be B. A. Monrufet, Managing Director Bob Donaldson of the of the B.C. Credit Union League and U B.C. Extension Department. will be served. Films will be shown and refreshments Tickets can be obtained at all Co-op stores. Admission free. Boulter, Moore 4, inompson ! io, KrLstmanson. Pierce 2, Cur- i, I rie 2. CCC 300 Dumas 2, Marshall 8, ! Hill 5, Brew 7, Brown, Hopkins, Peterson 13, Little 5, Anderson 3. Rainmakers Morrison 2. Si- monson 2, Nickerson 9, Watson 9, Young 12, tail a, ciccone o, Sather 7, Letourneau 4, McKay 2. Intermediate Fraser & Payne Wesch 14, Christoff G, Pederson 1, Parnell CAN. iASrj: J lo';'.".'.o".'"'.V" " -i but m iszi- tMtlZmMjul ZiuJZi. ' :tirr2'.' Smith 6, Parnell 4, Smith 8. Merchants Sedgwick, Erikson Mcintosh 6. McFarlane 4, Water, Phipps 2, Brown, Wing, Leighton 6, Jetirey a. -funinr Sponsored by: Fishermen's Credit Union. The Prince Rupert I "I I ' 1 ' I Maple Leafs Strand 2, Forbes 2C.6 : i i r i.,., urt.u . l, m onA :n tl. rl.nnKia DUtillerv Comoanv ny Limiied LlmlKu has nas 7, McKay, Shenton 5, Federsen, Forward. Parnell 2. Morrison 8, greatly increased its facilities over the past past few few years years growing uciiiaiiu iui in iiuuuu I'otii ai iiv4 iu world markets an expansion program that keeps pace ith the rapidly with British Columbia growth and prosperity. Stewart 3, Donaldson 2. and has builc up its stoats io Keep r Annunciation Desormeux, Toth 2. Bury, Fitzgerald 2, Tur-cotte 4, Smith, Dumas, Presty 4, Letourneau. imbio. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Colu, i j