Ceai.ru nilu nbnuncu lading Luc clLj bvuuj prince Rupert Uony News Wednesday, December iL iaal MALL talk (Continued from page 1) by SVrni , fact, that was one of the princi- ! ing. ("How about gravel sllne-' pal reasons he was running for' lng?" from the audience.l 'If (Hi MKil '.Jr VHt MONTH Vd-Mt. Las Angalu also favored Improvement o en replied that he did not think Aid. Whalen said, "but I don mayor. An adequate water sup- I am elected, Aid. Casey is go-ply with more pressure was of ing bacK as chairman of the 1 . . ,j lie. Ifnn.1. n-hothor hp H (MVP an a IT telephone service by a new system, extension of water maim, n rAren(jm fur hfttur t.rppt,s atlil utmo-t importance. There should , board of works." the mayor , ace snoma , 7 - bckC. U cltj be a "yes" vote on the water ; promised. anairs. lne,l' "'" ," (. ( y ; ' "i was it iiui. ujv.cih ui .j.......-. . . 1 . . ; sidewalks, an Improved motor W!? i Aid. H. S. Whalen told why he i 1 up, " . r0mnanv to have said be- I I P I fit'IJl llllltf I r 1 trl trltlllJIII. 1 MrTI t ... t . .. I" trffi. hlTf ,uit.h full ronsici was, voting "No" on the power , fore tne pubiic Utilities Com- j eration to safety of the citizens, e uenimeiy a no vo and the extermination of rats. 2," ln Pwer referendum. Mr. He read at length reasons lor Fnzzell believed the city was in referendum the roes of tremendous ex-but opposing the power favored the water, cemetery Pansion .and everything passible ;C J fry 7 reierenaum, principally Decause mjion that it was not inter-he felt it was being put at the , ested ln an extension of the'' wrong time. He denied sitting on ! franchise here? the fence and said he had tried j Tne question arose as to the to tell the truth all the time j efec 0f a "yes" or "no" vote which could not be said of all.on tne p0Wer referndum would fi and .telephone bylaws. should be done to protect its interests. There were more people. "I dont care wnetner , haVe 0n the city's future bar- James Prusky saw city admin- rpMiri a,t.Pntinn I viii vrtt.e fnr tne nr nnt. " he rip- ii A., e.n.cnnn iRtratirm as bie business. He ' iilthniiah ... . . " o wonrtnrfiil """'"'"u . Job had , 'r. . ."" gaming- ijummuu. s.r.rrm0lv iirErerl a "Yes" vote in """""p" clared. As for the power refer-, nmf.Ppflpri anrt various interore been done a""e on " some in It's about time you learned I (!uii't own the Mint, Norma . . ." 'What if I did buy o new coat . . . didn't I get you name new sox?" the power reierendum. By vol- h.f,l endum' he felt 11 was a bllnd' ' tations were offered, the answer ing "yes," he did not believe the Jf ; ?n l" e tr' tmpnrin,., e. enfn. W " the most important ; seemed be more confused. "No kidding Alice . . . How many pairs of nylons do you wear each day?" city would be committing itsell. " :" " Jhn wn, .ld!ques. ?" ml"Te lne 01 y' ' i Finally, Aid. Whalen observed .. . l.J ..!.. .1,. ,.nU he felt, was more important . ..Tne referendum at this time is i. woum k.vc u,c wk, . - be ble t co.0perate. Mr. Friz guide in uealtng with a p oblern hmted thatPwithin tne com. and $100,000 was a mere tlrop ; ridiculous. It should never have ln the bucket, even though tnat been nere. Loca ing year he would, be able to sum of money might be beyond i what the city solicitor thought vhe luture of the cuy. A "no vote, he feit, would put the n""""ce) P, tithP"me the mental caPaclty of sof"e about the referendum aroused L dictators ,,...,,, ,,.,t provide tne city with some-, people. ., ,-,,,. City affairs f fairs were were bi2 Dig ui,.. .1 . who ,kn Communicable Diseases Few i 1 Incidence of communicable I diseases in Prince Rupert has 1 been light during the past a n d tne curiosity of some press power company in a business and it was time some , ed for a statement from him. thing" it had needed for a long time. PERSONAL npnulo mprp nnminT to realize it. It wouldn't hurt to ask him," ri'- 0 - 2 Mayor II. F. Glassey engaged xhe.e should be more civic Just look position. A "yes" vote would ensure an alternative. He oelieved the city's sewerage system was inadequate and should be Improved and extended ln the interests of the health of the com J n. Robert.son returned to the ' Don McKirricher, Shell OH Co. month, according to the report i;'im'i!iHiiriii!i!'iini!i!H;i!i'!!i! in a fighting defence against ' progresslveness. !i(il!'''l!!l!i!!!"!!t!!'1l!: l;;i,4l,,Jli,.;!:iiiKlii l!Uii.li!l!i!!!illli:ili:::!!ulliiiilllliillill)!)i!li!uil city on tne i mire Ueorge this manager, returned to the citv i of the director of the public nealtn unit, Dr. Duncan McC, Black. around and see what you've got," he suggested. "I promise, if elected, to conduct myself at all times as a mayor should. If you want to elect me, it's fine and "critical innuendoes" from Aid. Wha'en who he challenged to back up certain statements he had made. Declaring that he Pre-Holiday Coat Savings munity. He was also interested in improvement of streets and sidewalks. Mr. Prusky empha muniniK i""u a n iu iu vancou-. mis morning on the Prince v' r , I George from a business trip to , ,, ! Vancouver. Mis. Ted Smith returned to !),! city on Die Prince Oeorge J. c. Ollker, who has been on ins morning trom a trip to Van- a month's business trip to Van-rouvi-r. icouver and, Seattle, returned to Nine cass of measles were reported, six cases of chickenpox and three cases each of. influenza, mumps and rubella. sized the importance of the or nau given dandy," he challenged. "If not, good administration prov.ide it suits me fin. fine.' ganization or a stiong raiepay- i durin. the lhre. monthj he had Terrace reported no communi ce nt r e d Questions finally ers' association been in office, the mayor took 'the citv on the Prince Oeorue cable diseases durinc the month H p. Iimrirpit.. ranriirlate fnr! r.noi nHit'i i-r .n.in fnr upon Mayor Glassey and his Victor Dell returned to the thLs morninif ' ! while Kmithprs hart inp .pmstp nf ,.i'.v on the Prince George this j scat let fi vt- and one of measles, morning from a brief trip to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sedgewick' , mayor, urged a "yes" vote on all; a stockpile of gravel. He re-' 5tand on the power referndum. referenda. He charged Northern ! sented Aid. Whalen saying that An-er Hls Worship had parried B.C. Power Co. with failure to he (Whaleni had got the gravel, the question from other inter-keen its nromLses Includine that' tip hart h awn.scrt of sit.iinu regators, he finally revealed to of providing 5000 hp. from Falls on the fence but felt that. It Aid. Kfueger that, had it come! Apology by Vancouver. of Port Edward, who have been . . : on a holiday trip to Honolulu, Sut L. A. N. Potterton, RCMP, returned to the city on the returned to the city on the prince George this morning Prince Oeorge this morning fronv Kiver, the maximum output oi '. the--e had been fence-sitting, to a tie vote in the city council which had been 4200. Now the . whalen was the man. The mayor as to whether the .referendum company was applying for a I said he had always been straight should be placed, he would have 43-per-cent increase in rates. Aland aboveboard. "I was here voted "yes." Franclwt Tone iju.iness trip to Vancouver. George Anderson, secretary of tne Deep sea Fishermen s Un BEVERLEY HILLS (CP) Fran- long before Aid. Whalen ever) Aid. Hills wanted to know If came and I expect to be here Aid. Whalen considered deceit after he leaves." The mayor de- worse than sarcasm. Aid. Whal- chot Tone Tuesday pleaded guilty to the charge of battery upon columnist Florabel Muir. ion, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after having been in Vancouver receiving medical treatment. Mrs. C. Collins of Ketchikan,1 utio lias been on a trip to Cali-, i.irnia, is a passenger returning north aboard the Prince George iidav. I She said he spat upon her. Tone "yes ' vote on the referendum would not finally commit the City to the B. C. Poer Commission. He felt. Aid. T. B. Black had unduly opposed the referendum. He (Daggett had opposed his iBlack s) election as an alderman for the simple reason that he was an executive of the power company. His only criticism of Mr. Black was that alK,i"gld VMim. before a Miss Carol Grav who has ! beer XianSarTum in Vancouver containing about 70 w ..mp !. r,ni homo ! persons a ii d was given a sus- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sllver-iili s. who have been away for hi. tril VP!ir III! a tfr ornnnl on the Prince George this morn world, returned ,h,. to the clty on the rrmce George-this morn- ANNUAL XMAS TREE Auspices of the Women's Auxiliary U.F.A.W.U. ODD FELLOWS HALL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1:30 P.M. PLEASE NOTE: Presents have now been wrapped for children already registered. We regret that time will not permit further registration. " H. N. McTler and the grand- j daughter of Mrs. E. T. Apple-' II I I ) A F. Luxurious fur is the by-word for Christmas. Have your new coat in time for the many gala season activities BILL SCUBY FURS Phone 914 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PO Box 1362 J. E. Taylor, who is to take : . . reaQGrs he had been actuated more from I the standpoint of ' an employee ; of the power company than an j alderman. Otherwise Aid. Black was "one of the best aldermen the city had ever had." , G. I). Frizzell felt that water-was the most important prob- ; over the management of the 1 I local branch oi the Royal Bank J- Crawford, Stewart; S. Peve- VOTE '"!IAI.T-:V fr r.ayor. : of Canada in succession to Grant llu"'. "lcivianon ana k. mc- Mothers are asked to have Their Children at the Hall on time i I290cl Stewart, transferred to Vancou- Donald, Vancouver; Dr. and Mrs. y iwmmmammmmmmBmmmmm ver, arrived today on the Prince eveianu. Vancouver. A v.l for riie. i. i ' A vole ior uiaviey is a Vote . .., - , m ' H f M-veiy, iu-Vpiv iviu tciti George from Remna. Mrs. Tav- - . r, ,nnn i utuic iiuiu icuia. wis. iay- tlmat, Wil- tor Progress. liam Gair, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac- I 1 .1 Ml L , - !.. ior unu luiiuiy win iieie lutei. 4r Vole Glassey for Mavor. Call' "" "u "a- ""' Green 17 for 'transportation I Fred Brentzen, having been j Terrace; T. H. Stevens, W. H. (290) Called to the city a few days ago i Wor and W. I. Greer, Van;ou-on account of the serious Illness ver; R. M. O'Grady, Edmonton; Whether you are a SUPER- f his mother Mrs Fritz (Jennie) 'A. Lovick, Juskatla; J. H. Flnd- I'M' Christmas r-.a Flpctrical Gifts thi VALU customer or not, you will Bientzen, pioneer Port Simpson 1?y. Kemano. (:nd prices on foods coming down .woman In the' local hospital, Isj :n Rupert. For this you can returning to Vancouver by air j IT ALL HELPS hank SUPER -VALU (tfel todav. Mr. Brentzen. who at- PRINCE ALBERT Sask. A tniiH Cry, -! I hura in t)lA OQrlv 1 n'i 1 fit m Vine ennnivarl n Amfcrinf Oiawey Is out for the OOoH . ... V Vu. .. ., ,Vr.V. T 'lid Advancement of the ri,v : uays, nu urt-n nuuui ui uci i in jio.iwu uinuiig umny ou-'. ', ten years In San Francisco and fence construction contracts. It mr vr.TK u.ni i h n, piitky. mere recently in Vancouver. , will manufac'ure 1.000 tool boxes. n ("arrylng out tlUs VOTE GI.Ai.SEY FOR MAYOR. (290) I day they bring remn-.u... the giver and every .Semi-annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association In the Oddli'llows' Hall on Friday and Saturday, December 14 and 15, u: 10 a.m. (291c) i I V w i ft 1 is t "ft, v..: i , ' ' i . ' ' D t K " , - . !- S ." H i M H & ti S S H Ii Ii Ii it A Ii a NOTICE Due to telegraph, ti'li phone and disrupted train iervice. also uncertainty of future air flights. Prince Rupert JUST ARRIVED New .selection of ladies' fall handbags , . . SUEDES . CORDE CALF SNAKE f.on.-ts advi.,o and request that 1 .1...... ..r r-l,i.. I If mas orrurs now to prevent disappointment to folks at home. (292c I i "my if' ' I , . . .. c..'.', :' '.' J J : 1 V - i ' : ; ! t't ff V f ... . h ii1' ' : ; Ii I will A lovely and useful Christmas Rift I v j yy.-'y ' " GEORGE COOK ) .,- ewe ti A ti a, PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE ,.t''i','i',' AN ELECTRIC KETTLE The fattest way of Imil-ing water! Jul plug it in enough boiling water for four cups of tea or coffee in 2'j minutes . . . It's fasl because the element is right in the miter all the beat goes into the water no current i wasted. !an'l over-heal turns itself off ttiitoituitirully if it should boil dry. ( A "PERSONALITY" RADIO -Just the thing fur individual use in kttrhen, icn, bedroom, laundry, feludy, ruiiipus room nr verandah. Sparkling tone with twite the usual umlistortcd volume. Neat, colourful, pet off with gold finish dial. Ilolour won't scratch off goes right through the plastic. IMuys in any position -upright, on its hark, on cither hide, Hanga on the wall. (Jioicc of toUur. AN ELECTRIC BLANKET Tlie heel-to-toe Hurmth of many dlunkets willi the lightweight romfort of only one. The thermututic control automatically adjusts tlie hc.it to chaninft room temperatures. You're never loo warm or tm coltl. ahes like any other tituitket. Availuhle with iloiihle control. &i vitifc either sleeper the temperatun; ileireil ... A (tift pix e lasiing sali-furliufi. DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe 7-ir't'.V ft T1-, A t r i v t-r 'v t ? if -..ov. -UP' AN ELECTRIC HEATING PAD - Ouirk, com- s! Fx Ira long. fort in ( heat Hiich a boon on chillv night: . ln attractive AN ELECTRIC TOASTER - Tonst. ma.lr rinl.t m lh dimnp tallt ur in dir kitchen, jnsl lu every body's tVe lialidy dune, giilden lirun, erll and piping hut. Suves time . . . prevents waste, fur you only make . jinl eiiounh. A luin.l.oine piere to ftraiis your table, ton! Toasts both hides at onee. 11 -foot flat cord . . . Ihree-heat owitcii pastel shades of rotte, blue and green. AN ELECTRIC IRON Drop in and lift tlti auto-uuilic electric iron. hy,v you'll av, "it's so ii.'" Yes, only three pounds . . . and, because of its big plate, you can cut your ironing time by h much a a third. Finger-tip I'abrii' Ihal give correct temperature for every fabric. 1.1 -v , - ml YmfaH0'' urn i ttt rva iMIuliJiiiju isj; Elwtricttl applitmcrt mal-f the most acceptable Christmas Gifts. They ar Hilrome evoryithcrr because they are liolh awful and beautiful lasling reminders of your thounhlfulnest. Drop in and select from our fide assortment. 1 M I I m iiiiiii l-Mi.lJd.V; . Thii idvertuement it not published or displayed by the Liquor Control " Bord or by th Covernineut of UritUh Columbia. m (i