Inded Him, but It Had to Haul Him Back AS I SEE IT (Continucu from page 2) Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, April 1U, 1301 all North Aff ica, for self-government for her imperial holdings in Arab lands. LETTERBOX Cuiitiiiued frciiu paue 2) bylaw, the consequences of such facr th the ! . Here in this new capital -which is farthest away from Morocco they had a parade the other day to demand the saitie great subterranean rumbling all across the Arab and Modem bcl .. The nationalism lhat is now rumbling beneath the surfa;3 all the way from Persia to Moscow Is a mighty natural force. It. C. Purdic, provincial lory Inspector, arrived in (ily from Vancouver on Prince Rupert, this morning ing here on official duties. Christians Not Bound by 'Prison action will test directly cn tlio'.-shoulders. And if Aid. Casey ca.i suggest specific cases where wi are either spending money ioo freely or using other than gooo business management we shah oe- Kind or nome-rulc government in Morocco as they have here. It has greater explosive j hilities herausp thprp havp bppn be very glad to correct them. At there were no less t They tell m nn nrwn nprmlllal channnle !- the recent annual meeting of th? !- .i -.. '"r, . i. . . . j f awi f ,.... ... yawlKji i iiTIMih --1 ncspital Society Aid. Casey There are fetters In life other, D'ave Ab(1, re,urilcd nome on than prison waits and true the Prince Rupert today from Christians can forget their: Vancouver whee he had try-' prisons," as Paul had done when ' outs with the Vancouver Capii-he wrote his epistles, and rise to anos baseball team. He decided, lofty achievements despite thf. "cwever. that he would Tathei- i wruld hav3 been very weicome. The books were opened to ih which it could flew. The:e tvu-e jthm 80.C00 people in that no.r-been few, or none, of the demo- ade. cratic safety valves, for there isj Old-time Europeans, long on' very little real democracy In the here, are inclined to poah-iKiii whole area. ; this sort of thing. But I thins Hence, the natii naUsm ftt" they are as'wrong as they were l-UDi:c and alter a free discussion cf- hospital affairs the meeting circumstances of life which rLI-urn w prince ituperi. tne lorm. of student aemonstra- aoout India Uself, before an cn- tions, vast parades ani fw -1 conspiracies to assassinate per sons responsible for unpcpulm might appear to bind them, said Capt. W. C. Poulton as he spoke to the morning congregation at First Presbyterian Church in th! i absence of the regular pastor,! Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright. Capt.j Poulton paid tribute to the re-' newal of enthusiasm and achievement in Fir.-.t rrcbytcr- j Ian Church which had resulted policies or acts. oOo THIS KIND OP" CRUDE. DEM- xracy-m-waiting has a na nr.-.l target at which ti "shoot" who" in any country there is a':tuil lightened British government and Parliament faced the fa-'s of life In time. ! oOo i FRANCE'S CHOICE SEFMS to me the same as the British had In 1947 in India to eet .wt i wth good grace and on a basi.i ! of friendship, or to resist hy force, and in the end to lose ;cverythins, including the friend. I Anyway, for what It Is worth, m" ''vr th's vr-,"' ! A" IhPSo firrtH aM M""'Inm peoples are either going to be jflvcn Acmntr p'uali'v or thev ar eolr. to take it th'-ir r vt' ! K'W I 'J roon. brother, senn. foreign control. Hereabouts thev t"ll yon thn', irom me new ministry oi Dr.j VANi'Ol't KR VICTORIA WL''!llt" ... . j Huiulay.'B p in.. Chilcotin MasterJohn Lambie. I j u ( K A AN I'OItT SIMPSON unanimously passed a vote of thanks "to the Board of Directors and the Admiri tator fo the capable inanner in Which the affairi ol t-'.e hosp.tal had bee.-, hpndlid." i-"ur!rier. tne meei:'.ii unanimously endorsed th Eoard's request that the elf cruncil be asked to su.opb toO.OUU. Tt sncms to me that an outla of $50,0C0 by the City to acr.uir -for Us citizens a now steam plar and 32 additional beds is verv mu'h of a harpain. I would mini the city council that th Hospital Board served withe'" rennmP atluix workiner Ion? an. hprri aUTTT-'in" to mana:ri th' affairs cf the hoscital In wh"' all will 8"i"e are vrv dirf'?ii1-davi for h-''t.als. The altit'irir nf the City Co'incll dors ver" to on'rurac us to carry on. I . M r.PFFVR rmmillr- the people of P"-sis arH rr" the parliament of Persia had na way of knowing even h r"M"'-. oil was bolns produced and ev-ported, undr thf trcal" whi'I ave the Anlo-Prsian Oil Con-nanv Its right. t , , J 4ay . Ws 'XS4 wf . : -: j niiiidiiy. Csiiiuisim,' 1 1 p m. ' Re. NOKTII (Jl KKN ( IIMtl.OTTK ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin Spend One Cent Save Dorrtrr Why should anybody exect Persian nationalism to react anv lirfe'entl" than anv other k'n.1 f nationalism? Are Persians dif USE ferent from Mexicans? oOo FT? A NfF M"PT RF nOTfl April 13 and 27 !( p 111 roll Til UTEKN riiAHiu'rrr isi.nis ss. Chilcotin, April 6 and 20 0 p in m vk j skinnkk. I'i hut I?m'rl Aei'MI nnni Avcinii- Phone 56it Having sufferod nnn'h'--Fred Olsen, who returned I n I lie ritt rneertlv frnn 'ho n'sll O'd Perplc's Horn-.' at. Vancouver ms removed a few dav nii frrn th" General Hospital. His conditl' n is reported serious. FOR ALL WOOLLLN5 THE STOX SHorrE -leaf and blinH If she f.iils lo har and read the leesins Ki mightv demmd tat 1 hnlMlr, ri!A( TICAI, iti:sri ( TS " - Un rll. T nyr nd 4( 4 V4 Dallv New": . Wllh 'he flr'vp f'ir 'nnd " for 'hi Cnn"pr Roclotv b"fn-- " Utr- which I've gi,,"n tbouht 1" tin past, few riTi'hs and prhap others wnulrl Pk" t" rlo o Iihi. In Hie past lun moiiihs vi have had several lartre finivial In Prince Runert. The este-m t k is the space on the lorocastlc of the ISritish haltlcship II.M.K. Vanturd lhat an oflirrr to iled nil by rope alti-r lie hail hern laniled by a heliioplrr lo deliver despatches. Pio ijlic oHiii-r (l lelt) hidhins himself (o the hovering 'copter and being hauled up (top I flio 'copter (bottom) landing between the ship' anchor rabies as a receiving ohicer ducks 4 to uukc it last. Anglu-Amcruau Heels recently finished exercises in the Mediterranean. D -.FX. Xa ' --S -n"twt i,i nMiif'Ii thes" ellix.ens were held was rlio n hv I ho vas' number of floral offerings. It is two months siii"c mv it. Mrs. Kingston Is Married cr Kcliy of Na-'i'tli mi I he Prince u (icin Falls, iiiiimriy with the ; " ii.l 'Hi boat. (V, :ii Kills A.t-. :i niiiijiaiiied Dr. Angus McDonald, for mal; of the I'nui-c Hup-rt F..shcimr n's Co-opera live Cold Storage, and Mrs. McD'mald returned to the i : i t y in the Prince Ruuert this morning. T!n-v have tn.'n holidaying lor the past month in New York, Kan Franci co and Vancouver. , .1 turn from the prahier,. where I attended three funeral;;. At each one nly a i .w flowers were given, niost'v by the families concerned. However I was iniprssed by 1h method in which tiny paid tribute to Hie memory of tin-friend, neighbor and lovd one. Monies were contributed in amount each one felt nb'e to giv". They were nut in envelopes 'with cards sr-cifying where the render wished the donation to e , Mrs. Harriet Amelia Klngnuin of Port Colborne. Ontario, formerly of Prince Rupert, and William Frederick Johnson of Winnipeg were united in marriage recently at a quiet wedding cere- 1 mony in Chalmers United Church vestry in Vancouver. Rev. H. W. Watts officiated. The bride, daughter of the late Mi. and Mrs. John Recb, wore a silver grey gabardine suit with navy accessories and had a corsage of pink rosebuds. Her al-endant. Mrs. Dorot,hy Phillips, i t trust your eyes f v-'fc These were Riven to the atl end-on', at the door. Later. th"y weir given t" a commit! p and i on to the various organi.ati ns ( and In I'm" each fcrson rf-ei'' "I ; a rc-e!pt from the organliatioii ! belief Hcd. I At each funeral the Ca m r I Fund. Red Cross Chiirrh funds,) Cemetery funds. Children's Iios-i pilal. Youth organizations and vore a. dusty pinK cnscnioie wan vhii." accessories and matr-hlng corsage. Ross M. King, ton was grooms man followinc a wedding recast at Hotel Vancouver, the coup'c left so forth were benefitted. It seems , tor a motor trio to Mount Rain- a verv worthy way of paying mi'-j icr National Park and the South-! respect and love. I am pure many i ein States after which they will 1 of us would nrefcr that re.;vH.j eturn to Vancouver - to make ; lor us should do in the way of a their home. f Hold ihi, picfure on a lovcf wifh 'Vain. Ads.. Surra Results! eyoi anri bring it ilowly lowatd you until your noje fovchos (he sfor. Hofd if there and the peanut helping hand to these many very worthy causes. A few flowers are a comfort to the mourners, I think, but n wreath, or a spray serves this purpose. They are lo"etv In j but they are left to die and th" vision dies in the memory of I he mourners. Personally : peaking. i "L . tut . wif appear to move info Jumbo'x mouth. I feel comforted that the cfrer-"WTS "f ''londs and ti"ie.hh',rs arc benefitting many now and per-laps for a long time to cmic A.M.P. 'j""'"" irnc yini can't always Irusl your eyes. ""'" s '" I'"'"1! otir rjrs can fool you liuilly. (wiiii ,, j,1P1M l,,,,, y flr!,( apply it. But how 'j'1, 111 eam . ves, ctcu one year.' i i 1 T. M. Ch istie Is tailing t mvr-)w night on the Prince Rupert' r a business trip to Vancouver. ; si.pvo-a U I S T I fV G U I S II E I) FLYING CROS S por "an act or acts of valour, cotir.t&e, or devotion to duty f pcrfomed whilst jljing in active operations against tb '. tnemy" ... , -dtfjf ' During the Second World War, the Distinguished Hying Cross was awarded to 4,028 members of the Royal Canadian Air Forcc "... txctptional fearlessness in the face of the tnemy" xsri "outstanding courage and determination" ... 4,028 citations cfach one attribute to service in the defence of j ' M have not only ?"".iti we, I 1 1 1 ipiality "Wti'i-I V(H , ;, depi-nil fr llie lil,;!, hi,U "7 eniliiriiig u-fist-'I'tiiiiiI weal her OPPORTUNITY for a nerson now em ployed part time, a ocn-fioner, a young man or woman finishing schoo' or an unencumberert young housewife who has same , interost in business and saleswork. A car wou'd be most h.ipful. but may not be essential. You will represent a large Vancouver firm in an already establi hcd agency and have a good opportunity to increase ycur part-uma earnings. Write to ilox 83 Daily News immediately. Our representative will be in town duriiiR the next few days to interview applicants. i arGECSB !r n. oollars go dr., ""'"i ii nni'nl. it onrii to nee your ,'-. f'ninl Driller first. Ti rx' iimsii VERSSDES BROS. freedom, by men of the R.C.A.F. Today, in Canada's rapidly expanding Air Force, more young men are needed to train as Air Crew Officers Navigation Officers, Radio Officers and Pilots. To be eligible, you must be between 18 and 24 be a Canadian citizen or other brilish subject be physically fit and have Junior Matriculation or better., Rub 1 teaspoonful of Colman'i mustard in powder form into your roast before placing it in oven and taste the difference! For free recipe book, "Culinary Art", write to Reckitt 8c Col-man (Canada) Ltd., Station T, Montreal. 'ifc'WiH IMIIllli 1 I. is x s J 1 s I I E C A F. RECRUITING UNIT, a-At.I.ACE BLDO.. 9931 - 101A AVENUE. PHONE: EDMONTON, ALBERTA. Seagrams 5urc cao,vams "V.O." Sca&raitfs ."83" Scagvttms Crown Royal NiMt ..... (FLEAS! PRINT) mail me, without Pleas STREET ADDRESS . Consult the Career Counsellor at your nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting -tare or-MAIL THIS COUPON obligation, lull particular! regarding uppoii tmnl ie-quiremenlt flil pnng Hcwcoiiab'.eh the R.C.A.F. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. W. CITY PROVINCE I ' EDUCATION : (BY ORAOI AND PHOVINCI) ' AGE I " ...VifflJ catjvanvs King's Plate Scavam's Special Olc is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbi