: oto ramber 23, 191 ; Ser das ; . THE DAILY NEWS 54 PRODUCTS URE A SITE FOR BUSINESS wre Near Lowrle Property Lense tT ove with Option to Purchase. APPL COUNCIL LAST NIGHT seq Products have owrie property near used for fish buy- and possibly later of a cold storage » have an option to the City Couneil oT shase th property. application was ( ch water main to the necessary water for TC aah pack pusiness, It was cP staed that it would take ap- ae stely 1,000 feet of four- . nipe b t that the diteh for it inc! ade des layor Met lymont explained that it was customary to lay on when it was found that the 1 » from the sale would be i jent to pay for the extension. e he thought it would rhe Pacifi eed the I cove to bi ng purposes ne } was water rhe proposal seemed to meet vith the favor of the aldermen + it was decided to refer it to » Board of Works for report. There is already a good wharf vd the property and wisiness can be commenced im- nediately a siding has been con- OPLE MAY STILL BUY A UTTLE FRUIT Classification Bylaw Will Allow the Selling of '10-ib. Lots During Evening. ONG DISCUSSION BEFORE SETTLEmenT The classification bylaw drawn ) purpose of regulating the f fruits and other articles rehandise after 6:30 p.m. | its third reading last ver two hours of de- nuch of which was of a 7 humorous nature and some which was extremely personal. erman McRae, who fathered ¢ dill was the subject of attack y Alderman Casey and Alderman ‘Nae charged Alderman Casey th ineonsiste ney. Instead of discussing the bylaw wise DY clause as usual the neil discussed the general ineiple and its application and pecially that clause which had bdo with the fruit stores. After fengthy discussion Alderman eMeekin said that groters Muld be satisfied if the bylaw “Yeniled the selling of erates of a after 6:30 so it was finally — that the classifieation a read such a way thal “Sing in less than ten- mae rol not considered and would not be lose That would al- bie an opportunity to small quantities of fruit § the evening. This came A the way of reed to e W the pe Chase rir as a compromise as : Ong time those favoring the laW insist, ; : sisted that fruit should Cons, . ‘Sumed on the premises a{ r hours Alderman Casey ® city 80licito t claimed that — r had misled hirn aim of the bylaw. inconsistent. ‘an McRae charged that oan Casey first wanted to Steetings to the enemy and = ae to the returned sol. corn anted shorter hours . threes dn but did not care Annhe “a uit sellers worked, i. ; “sey: “I'm a prole a hea Bourgeoise. cone ns Terence between A}l- ifr... Rae and me. Its a Mayo = Psychology.” ' McClymont said he was PDosed | “ to the oa ; Lor, § afte; ! Closing of fruit Aldery Weriy ht he’s a USiness of 30. It was the hat tho the UbIonNsS to see © lone Povees did not work Ong. He work hort han, Was in favor of 8 As Drevent “ rule but that did hit ~ Working @ double n rman MoRae said that 8Man wo, hat ; day and } *d sixteen hours elf a i } Showed Destin. “it, The a a Ling by ‘inessman — Awes , 'Y from that. China. OVER 1000 INDUSTRIALS USE GOODS YEAR MADE i : = a Es SAANHAEINAAH O* RECORD in our offices Think of the great power-saving be- alone are the names of over cause Extra Power Belting is flexible. 1000 Canadian industrials who —*t &"!?8_the pulleys and combats slip- mane ; ping. Greater production has almost are satisfied users of Goodyear invariably followed the use of Good- Extra Power Belting. year Extra Power. A vast hive of industry, giving Over a thousand trained engineers and employment to thousands upon superintendents cannot be misled. You cannot blind over a thous and thousands of men. Engaged purchasing agents. There must be— in every form of industrial _ there is—something vital in the Good- activity known in the Domin- year Extra Power Belting story. Let ion. Turning out millions of us send a man trained by Goodyear in ; belting problems to talk it over with dollars worth of Canadian you. He will tell you about Extra products every year. Power as it applies to your plant. Should Extra Power not be suited to What an overwhelming en- your needs, we would rather have your dorsement of Goodyear Evtra friendship than your order. Phone Power Belting this is. Belts ° the nearest branch. bought to fill every transmis- The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ” pm sion requirement. Working of Canada, Limited under varied conditions. All — Aalifaz, st. John, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, required to deliver satisfaction. Memilion, Landon, Winnipeg, Regina, Colgary, Edmonton, V ancouver AS - eee a ~ ae ——_—————— — — — EE — SS Prince Rupert and the Duke of| Albermarle to the Commission®rs men and Greeks were ihe ones that worked that long. They were driving others out of business. If|of the Navy written four years | the country went on that way the| before the granting of the prince) Ww ll others might as well go out of|of the famous charter on this| © se q business. They had passed al/continent which led up to the! - : ° ; bylaw to prevent people makin; | naming of this city. The matte: hs le f] Nes Chinamen of themselves. If cer-| was referred to the Finance Com- | tain merchants kept open until ie inittee for report. Complete and ready to others might as well get out of . business. : | IN PROBATE. install. t h ri d l t Manipulate Trade. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH e€ en Yy mo or Alderman Casey charged that| COLUMBIA. Alderman McRae wanted to man | iN Ba, MATTBR OF THE ADMINISTRA ; 1ON ACT ipulate trade and put the money) and |IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE I Frisbie Motors give long, uninterrupted service with practically no repaire except occasional grinding of valves. Valves in cages; : S hes ; accessible in a few seconds. An “all muscle” construction into his own pocket. Everything MARGARET AUGUSTA LITTLE, DE throughout, every part designed for hard work. Overhead valves, 5 Horse Power $450 he did was for the benefit of Mc-| CEASED, INTESTATE, opening directly into combustion chambers. No pockets or ’ Rae. | TAKE NOTICE me I have boon appointed | a 2 ow ay Pag waste fuel. This type of con- 7 $600 ; ot |administrator of the estate o argaret struction ects a o' Alderman Rochester said that | igusta Little, deceased, and all parties o 9” 99 his guests went for fruit in the | having cleims egeinet the said estate ar 15 to 20 per cent. re power reni j . |hereby required to furnish same, proper!) mo! evening and took it to their rooms | Verinea, “to ine, on oF before. the. 1st of than is possible with L or T-Head designs. intake and exhaust 10 ” ” $700 manifolds are cast integral with the cylinder; miles ahead of the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. Large valves insure full 16 charge on the intake and a complete, clean exhaust. | October, A. 1D. 1919, and all parties tn-| we opposed passing the bylaw. | debted to the estate are required to pay) Alderman Perry favored passing | the amount of their indebtedness to m ” ” $900 the bylaw and giving the dealers | ‘r'™w'™ 9. M. McMULLIN, ~ an opportunity to repeal it if they OMeial Administrator | | 1 to 6 CYLINDERS-—-5 to HORSEPOWER 5 wished, r . Dated this 15th day of September, 1919 | Frisble Motors are made in following sizes: t-cyl., 6 and 7 H. P.; 2 ” ” 1400 2-oyl., 10 and 16 H.P.; 3 cyl, 18 and 25 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-cyl., 50 and 75 H. P.—-Bore and Stroke, 4%" « 6” and 6” « 6". For work or play, the Frisbie will measure up to your hardest teste. Ask the Man who has used one Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd. The compromise was then ar-! TIMBER SALE X 1805. range ° ittee rose Ls anged and the committec — Sealed tenders will be received by the and reported and the bylaw was! minister of Lands not Later than noon on » j the 18th day of October, 1919, for the ss third time, purchase of Licence 41 1806, tw cut 10, i a aae 206,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar T ’ ; nm an area situated on Shannon Bay, Mas The City Couneil last night re-| ser Iniet, Queen Charlotte Island fistrict ceived an offer from Litehfleld's — 49) seers will be allowed for re ’ moval of timber Book Store at Victoria to sell for Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester $250 an interesting letter of | Mineo Rupert, B, C. tie he if =. cone ¥ eas ee y's *