Prince Rupert Daily to evj ........uv, iv.iirc.ii .1 Black " : t (J3ritlge wood on House Talks Of Controls Battery Men Flying South By Easley Blackwood Vanderhoofto I Sweeostril PHONE 909 For Efficient Building and Remodelling YOUR BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS OTTAWA Parliament spent much of the time yesterday con Nechako Road I Advocated ' Mr. Dale likes to push the bidding a little. If there is even an outside chance of making a game, he likes to be in it. Of course, this practice is qualified by Humanics. He doesn't stretch too much sidering clause by clause the bill , giving the government authority ; to impose contro's on prices, j wages and rents. Rt. Hon. C. D. Fourteen soldiers from the 120th H.A.A. Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery at Prince Rupert, will leave by plane tomorrow for cuursea in Victoria. Listed to leave on a RCAF PRINCE OEORGE (CP) R0!ld; VICTORia-To,, , rnn ; i GREER and BRIDDEN wiyisinifiiMri phi nnmnt u i.nt i. f.n , ......v nuuu nun i Lahnr .k.. like Mr. Masters and -Mr. playing against a pair Howe, minister ot oeience pro- 500,000 has duction, said the controls could Vunderhoof been unloaded ut speaking in th. i 80 miles west of terrlav u';!- Prince Rupert, B.C. P.O. Mr. MllZZV he pushes his Canso transport, here from Pa- " 1 , ...I..I,. Ts,,., tr. .... ...... K n,.., . n hp c( to i hose which were n... i ik. i ,n "Jlea nu.....: " ' ' in. i i., v in in. : iimii vw inc flllllll- Llip LI llTlil our t-vi tui i T nir ill' lli etc cxerciseclMn wailime. i inum Comuanv of Canada dam Set. R. Marshall, in charge of ol,M'r ml Hockey Team Broadway Cafe the party; LBdr. A. Pihera andj H. W. Herrtdge, CCF member Oanners O. Benson. A. F. Eve-j for West Koolenay, sid the leigh, D. Oaron, O. W. McAfee, J. principal objection of his party! f. Karr, R. W. Montgomery, J.twn.-i uf the wide jmwers which Sherbln, R. A. Taylor. A. UjWill,, be conferred niton one liinms. A. N. Van Meer, M. lmm m Uu, m ()f M(. ,I()wt, Rawka, J. E. BrnMhtim. .... . i site on Nechako river is to be built. j Officials of Mannlx Construction Company said no contract yet has tieen signed Willi Alcan for road construction but Hie presence of construction men and equipment is considered indicative of un agreement. Equipment includes eight, three-room hiiiikhonses, each as big as a flat-car. In Far North j TORONTO - Tin- Eskimo children of Port Harrison located un I he Arctic Khores of Hudson Bay, Food '1 Best O The men will attend a lvavy nnli-nlrcrnft. school uf Fort Mc- Aulav, in Victoria, taking general Would Remove Finest Cooking Mr R r-.... f . ' '. m-y. ''"'la!).. ,f Champion. But against cards to the limit. None vulnerable South dealer Virlll (Mii. Kiwi) S-UUi II 7 I! 6 U -A K 10 3 C 7 2 Wi'l l:al (Mr. Viel) (Mr. MllTry) .S - HI 7 1 H Q 11 .1 id :. n K 0 11 U . II II 1)7542 1 A Q ft rJ 1(1 W ti 4 hunt ll ( lr. Iliilr) K A K .1 fl li- a ii 4 ;i l C KS3 The hlililliiit: South Mest Sin III last 1 ,H Pass 2 H l'uss 4 S All pass When ho won the opening lead of the jack of hearts with the ace In today's Iiiiml, Mr. Dale immediately led his single-lon diamond. Mr. Abel had expected a trump lead at this point and he was taken a bit off want a hockey team. They have jimmi-iy instruct ion. Some of j the Ice, the climate and the thrm will study courses for non- players but no skates. Such commissioned officers, staying' i'ems are hard to come by In n,,. fn W() weeks, while others; Milk Control ''"W, II. IIIMI;,,,,, I . c ;i .... .. ... m . I lours: 7 it m. lo 1 h til. Phono 200 Tor lake homo orders- ' . .. . . . i . .. in me p:u y wmi nium um-i week's lime. VICTORIA (CP) - A. .1. McDon-; ncl.l Coalition, Vancouver Centre, conliiniiii!; the Throne Speech deflate in the Legislature yesterday, asked for removal of milk . coi.frols. "The government lias Just restored competitive market lug in Nine Fires in Recent Month To V:ini'onvit ii,. Cartel, p v,',,,, j,' Pf"r. P. toil:,,,,,,,.!, bone, Mrs. M. A j Wong. Miss s,m H.irvil, (Ifuri.c ), To Mas el im,, r.'rlslrriin. Mrs. i An fivi-i he.iU-d g burst In',, Huniujl A veil lie East. rallH flic liriiMrie al j (Ins missionary outpost. So the kids took their problem lo the Rev. Dili Whilebread, the Anglican minister. Whitebrrad, a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, wrote Joe Griffiths, the athletic director, and asked liim lo locale twelve pairs of skates for free. By dint of hard pleading, Griffiths obtained the skates. From Saskatoon to Port Harrl- Premiums to Be Increased VANCOUVER There will he no increase in the sales lax In British Columbia but, to finance Increased hospital insurance deficits, premiums will lie Increased from $33 lo $50 or $12.50 and $21 lo 30 and patients will have to pay the first $25 on admission to hospital the Vancouver Sun forecast:!. (he city Oil and petroleum products. Why Nine fires were listed In monthly lire report of the liu brigade f'.T February. Two boats were among not do the same with milk?" Ire asked. I the mornih!?. Salt ilu,,, flames had the b!i before damage was Tonight's train, due' from the East at JO: 15, was reported this afternoon to be one hour late. giiurcl. He hesitated a second oriS(m js a distance of approximat-two, deciding whether or not to py 2200 miles but the cost of split his diamond honors. This shipping the skates would be slight delay was fatal. Mr. quite prohibitive for a mission-Mui:zy had little interest in the ary.s pay envt.iope. The public diamond suit and assuming relations offi(,e o the Canadian (certainly without justification) , Nutional Railways at Winnipeg Fur Arlli Jlie pioneer jbruqnhl in A( nine ,one of them on the Great Northern 7, resulted in $500 damage. February 12. Personal goods aboard the Doxsee comprised loss resulting in the second boat fire for the month. The owner of the boat, Mr. Stubbert. lost bedding, clothes, radio and tools before firemen controlled the flames. mat uie ace was ruine lu k DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 CLASS F ED was contacted by the university. j Would they ship the skates with- cut charge as far as North Bay? The CNR willingly assented and their public relations office at Toronto telephoned the Ontario Northland Railway to see if they would carry the skates from North Bay to Moosonee. Again the answer was "yes." WJ.I CM Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Phase refrain from tclvplmning. cias.: IN TUB DAILY NEWS BHINGS UESULTS. if word per lnseifion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, fir. Jl 111. Funeral Nofices, Marriage and Engagement An imuiirenaiils $200. "SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE 4H.SP But the chain of events went still played from dummy, he threw the deuce out on the table. Mr. Judge, the demon kibitzer and .self-appointed arbiter of the game, had hit little rule-book out practically before the deuce of diamonds 'had hit the table. He tinned to law 54 and stated that, because of Mr. Muzzy's play out of rotation, Mr. Dale could require Mr. Abel (offender's partner i to play his highest card of the suit led, or his lowest card of the suit led, or a card of another specified suit., if he can legally do so. Naturally Mr. Dale asked Mr. Abel to play his lowest diamond Which happened lo lie the eight spot. The ten was put in fi'oin dummy and of course won the trick. This gave Mr. Dale three further. Austin Airways, on one i:n;a.i:mi:nt ai rot Mil i ou s'.ti: Mrs. Harold Muncey won first of their four yearly flights to PtlllLIC ACCOUNT Mr. and Mrs. John Kmilson wi'.li to announce the engage prine in eribhage al live regular weekly eribhage party held in Tux siiec'lalnt. roi l, Harrison, were asked if Ihey would fly the skates from Moose Factory. They gladly ftcceplvd. Stone lluiluiiii t i FOR SALE Complete trolling gear for .small bi,.if. 4 spools new Lemeo gurdies poles, blocks, leads, etc. $1;(I0(I. 4 h p. clutch and reverse gear, the Moose Hall Thursday nignt. Five fables, playing four-handed ment ol their vounuer tlau'diti'i'. Lillian Agnes, lo Hov Kugene,' onlv son of Mr. and Mi s. An-j lliiiuv Hurlig of I'at lerson, Call-I fornia. 'I'he wedding will take. I'.I'll.llKKS & vmi But how to gel the skalt-s from also converted auto fransinii- table, were in play. Under the mil inanship of Magnus Hal- Moosonee to Moose Factory, a Kion. nine ii.ii, evenui!;s. i.i.i' puiMillNd and II I place on ll lli ul. St. Paul's vorsen, on fh" relic.shiiicnt com -'3D Plymouth sedan. Sheet irHal ' I' I a vet Millns i.inoriLdi v , 1 1 1 1 1 in. in,' 'i m riri.r mittee consisted of lleb Willi fin $!ill(l. Aoplv James Hilelite West. Hluue il; I ind Mike Budlnich. , and Sua. Kilt S l E " j Empire Barber Slioo. (5ap i - ,FOR SALE McClarv coal and! diamond tricks instead of two. W AM IT I HOME OWNERS Carry out those needed repairs or alterations HOW! This may be done under our EASY PAYMENT FINANCE PLAN Tnkb six, twelve, eighteen or twenty-four months to pay. You may finance any amount from $100.00 to $2000.00 PHILP0TT, EVITT & Co. Ltd. t own r'ATlP31f wdikI ranee in A-l coninlinu.i l'houe Black 4011 alter (1 p m. ttf-iiel ! .,'r tanKi!1''"1 SALE Oil pot burner n One il t ii, he , woi,i'ii Id s longest. , klll.h(.M r)niK(1 ;,.,., ,,,, W ANTKI) - Ti After taking out frumps, he discarded two little hearts on the ace and kind of diamonds. He PRICKS PA1U 1 rivers, ine i;ongo in niiica inns (lie I couililion. 1'lionc 340 distance of only four miles? This time the Hudson's' Bay Company came forward with an offer to carry the skates by dog team across flit" frozen Moosonee River. Shipping arrangements completed, the skates left on their northward journey Thursday night. Who knows but what ten years from now, the Maple Leafs may send a hockey scout to Port Harrison to bring back an Eskimo steel, brass i''iiH 2718 iiiiles-Ui the Atlantic Ocean. FOR SALE 1040 Dodge 4-door i.ri3i) Holiest Kiailinf i Phone Red 113. WK HAVE a lew select pieces ol .'sedan im-iit mailt- 111 It I II NOTICE Metals 1,1.1 2' H ru.Moin iiiiiM mi inl ine uar-i cam prices such as Cedar ;!' OR SALE Baby , , fom-gv. as ;iiesl,s individual Clothes new pearl uri'v and chrome. Cupboards, Chairs. End Phone Red 217. (Met ruiivcr. Ii. C. I Tables. Record Cabinets, Oak 1 1 vi wtiTi t (r iliwlr li. nr. iiiwi I rl'lt had to two club tricks (Muzzy experienced a shortlived joy at this) but was able to trump his third club with dummy's last trump. Thus he lost only one heart and two clubs, making what would have been, except for Mr. Muzzy's iinpetuousness, an impossible contract. HARMON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Harmon in the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Wednesday. February 28th. a son, Charles Hcuv William. K SALE New and used fur ji:ia7: W ANTKI) -4 In Ik bv Ci'l.iin'si' n preli-i n-'l. i'ln niture, hardware and clothing at, the lowest posMble prices. forward who obtained his start see t'HKIS'IlE WtlODHUILTi PRODUCTS before buying. I 1st. and Mrllride. Phone (ltd lbs. 5 oz. , on iiiw of their pairs of skates? .'. C. Furniture. 3rd Ave. W. MAIL' lll'IP tm- I fXlLRTIAN prease - Best quality. i For .sale at, B.C. Furniture, till ,SAI.f:.sMAN waul allv iinv.-niv'J . TYPEWRITER CLEARANCE Phone fi.'il COAI. 0 !ml Ave. W. i.i Mi:i:if iivii.niNG llAlt IT work rr Jets Win I'KKSONAl. t I'l l ll i ll v Ol N1! Want, Ads. Sure Results! ('ii!iiinhi.l I'11" Siiri I RfERT 1 J itiw-1 inn In rathe (,'NR IK' Prince (iinr'T i in D All Standard models, regular price to $225.00, To Clear $3!) :0. Lat er models with all ; feat ures $4!). 50 each. Excellent I condition guaranteed. Also Portables and Adding Ma-' chines. Write Capitol Equip- i menf Co.. 20!I8 Rt Catherine St . W.. Mont real 25, Quebec. (55) j FOR SALE - l'Jiil Oliev. Terms mav be arcuiced. Phone 53; Lake Mti.-t l"M lisheil reiMWi" jln Opener UNWANTED HAIR - Permanent-1 lv eradicated with Saca-Pelo. The most, reiuarkliale discovery of the iige. Saca-Pelo Is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no drugs or chemicals. I.oiBeer Lab. 079 Granville, Vancouver, DC. (ID SAILINGS to New Zealand and nu ll's wear eAMonci SineM cine iic i:iri niil.irsi lo llaniill"" 1 j-i.-l, mi,,, l.iiiii- SI reel. East, or call at 324 5th .SI. (53c) KETCHIKAN (Special) Prince Rupert Jets won their first game here by downing Ketchikan f!8-58, never losing their lead from the start. i-or m HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE FOR SALE Wick oil burners complete with coil. One (1x8 wall lent. Phone Red 198. (Mpl MATTKON'S VJPllOhSTERINO Phone Bine 818. P.O. Box 521) Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, n.C. maihiahkt McLFXm OPTOMETRIST Room 10 3TOHK TllilI.DINO FOR l-'l '' T -? .private bal-h ' WM-linia ni'l( clean lllli''' i" Ilux 47 l-"'v I The winners played hard, Don Scherk scoring tops with 18. Fisher was outstanding score-man for Ketchikan, totalling 14. Individual scores: - ' .lets Holkestad 11, Olsen, Flat-en 15, D. Scherk 18. Team 2, Beynon, Gill. Total fifl. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS FOR SALE Chrome dim-tie .suite, china cabinet, to match; Hammond w a I n u l bedroom suite Airspring mattress and pillows; Champion vacuum cleaner. All new condition. Also Weaievcr set. 101 5lh Ave. Ea.sf. Given 955 evenings tiller (i. (Mix Australia by "Aorant'.i" lo be resumed applications filed Willi us now will re .'cive preference. DVBHAVN & HANSON LTD. (55,) DID YOU KNOW that. McRae i Bros, sell all appliances al the ; same price as Vancouver:' No freight is added. Did vou also know that vou can bnv name brand unnlbnces on the budget plan? (54i'i CASH for scran east, brass, copper butteries and radiators Plume 543 -call (129 lith W , City. (If) NORTHLAND Dalrv milk delivered 24c per quart. W'hv pay more? Phone 18 fur dailv delivery service. (M-29) 8!MI. FDR IfENT ;-S'' close ill. I'""111 PHONE BLUE m P.O. BOX 11R4 Ihif advertisement It not published displayed by the Liquet Control Board o W tx Covctmmm ol biush Coiuatua. PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1070 HELEN'S P.EAUTY SHOr Permanent, Waving Beauty Culture in all it.'i branches 204 -4th Street. Phone fif. and uu'" SI. .., Spring 11, Marshall, S. Scherk 11, Ketchikan Fisher 14. B. Christopher 1, Ericksen 8, Biewer 9, Olsen 4, Manzonl 2, Johansen 12, J. Christopher 1, Lewis 7. Total 58. f'O" HKN I ;-V FOR SALE -1940 Ohev: right-hand . drive. $395 Room II, Kinu George Hotel. (54p) FOR SALE -1 E L. chain saw, 3' blade, 5 h p. Perfect condition. Suitable for falling or bucking. 555 Taxi. t.Mpl sciui-i"1 FOR KENT 11 SIDNEY (J0N1C.K OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 suite f''JZ 48, Da ilv TASTY TEA ROLLS can be obtained todav and every day al the Rupert, Bakery Ltd. Phone (143 for orders. (tf PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS II. 0. IILLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Thone 0(1 Evenings Black 899 ' w" ' ii.: i: : ELECTROLUX Sales and Service , R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1028 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. NATION ALI .Y KNOWN NAMES - Llmt-belt Soeeder Shovels; Cranes: Draylliies: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Too Road Maintenance Eciiilnment: Owen CMumshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson RKAI. KSTATK FOR SALE House for removal lor Ririi' room ry, r,1"' Black 1115- . - or demolition. Phone Black ..r CAP" (til 801. . . ti nw v r, . ll .V-''"-.,.ivl 711 uri'io"-.. NOTICE OK CAM I I I. VI ION Ol KI SI IIVK NOTICE Is hfi'i-liy hIvch tht the reserve eslulillslii'd fur tlie IJepart-lli.l. nf Niiliiinnl llel'i'iici., .', pursuant to Orric r-ln-Cnunrll No. 40. notice of which wuh published in the British Columbia Gazette of January 21, IMS. covering Marble Island, together with the Island which lies immediately to the south, Queen Charlotte Land District, situated' olf the westerly entrance of Kkldegate Channel, is cancelled. Geo. P. Melrose, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria, U. C. February 13, 11161. (It) Iron and Brass Castings Electric, and Acetylene Welding A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. and ROY SHAND, C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 Bucket 'aaaders for Stockpile i FOR SALE Wartime four, fnr-and Snow Removal: Rice Port- pished or unfurnished. $2000 able Cetilrifuca! Pnmos; N- down balance as rent Phone lional Dracline Scraoers and Black f.08 after 5 p.m. 5:ci Buckets; National All Steel I Gasoline Hoists: National' FOR SALE Wartime four good QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE IIOSriTAL Itm Portable Sawmills: National condition. S35O0 00 cash or win RKNT SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL nnd MINING MACHINERY M. J. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Koiarv ncreens -anu conveyors Full inlormalion from Na fr w"''kill!r $31100.00 terms. Principals only. Apply 724 Alfred SI., evenings. CjfiP. FOR SALE 4 room wartime tlonal Machinerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. ' in BOYS NEW LUMBER PLANERS. 4" X house, full cement basement East 144i! Ilfll and garage. 13" four .side, round heads A pood nnn;' (53X Phone Green 008. FOR SALE -Complete home fur Rock and Concrete Work Phone Blue 039 P.O. Box 711 Trince Rupert nish ncs Livinir room suite. coLUssrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 41 i St. Ph. Blark 38!) nnoiiiiccmcni HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR, FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D..RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 -nth Ave. W. Black 503 bedroom suite, ktichcnetie suite, oil stove, refrigerator, "i ,wn"" ami i'" radio, v;i"iiu:n cleaner, dislu and lierlflinpr M n n v ot In ball bearings, all cast frame, last feeds, verv reasonable. Marathon Machinerv Co., 3842 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C. (55pi FOR SALE Late 1049 Austin van, good condition, onlv 7000 miles. Selling account, need lareer ear. Full liliee $1295 0!) cash. Apply 724 Alfred St, cvenhvis (5rpi FOR SALE 2 While trucks, tan -' RirllF household ari'lcle.s Phone Red -K.i " V ent sri;'I ; 1 . .ii..r ta- I 217. (57d FOR RALE Seven room lint!". 8-13 nth West. Call after 5. (!i80 FOR SALE Wm-tlillo four in- ..... I dem dual drive 900 rubber, 214' - wheelbase. Worked 3 months. OH- Bll"' ,,f Wc are expecting another shipment of Austin Sedans and Station Vaoons mJ soon. A few are still unsold. ' Superior Auto Service Ltd. STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue at Park Green 217 snlnted. Good condition Pi'- Fire and Frost Proof Storage for Rent Central Local Ion Phone 422 SI uve ! R0R1E & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS Si AUDITORS Ber.ner Block Thone 327 P.O. Box 130 I) B." AND 'j IKMII.S Terms. Aoplv Albert Houston, l.iwson Creek, B.C. (G3p) FOR SALE-3 piece chesterfield suite. Excellent, condition. Apply 1348 Piggolt Ave. (54c) S( SCOTT MLAREN CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 - 3rd Ave. W. Prince RuprrJ...B.C. rivn, foil, Ave Apply Prince Rimel't Really Co. (55cl FIVE-ROOM hnnenlow. also 2 room cabin lull price 300U Terms. This pronertv Is a' 1153-llth ave. Inspect and submit offers to Geove Wallace 820 Svmnur St. Vancouver, BC This property must be sold at once. l&5c) ..i' ii ami"".1"',.! l ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. P.O. Box 374 Phone 347 FOR, SALE '41 Plvmonth, radio, heater. $075 or best offer. Apply float house. Sourdough Bay (Seal Cove). (55p) VViiuuPep"