1 Prince Rupert Daily News Mrs. Robert Whitmore, with Saturday, March 3, 19S1 Maureen, Beatrice and Andrew, arrived here from Vancouver yesterday aboard the Union ' -steamer Clr:i.lin. .Mv. Whit Fl4'-l loca more has h?cn hm since Janu-aiy employed will) the Columbia Col' ulq.se Company. and PERSONAL I For action use Nrvs classified': 9y Jkdll :,XS,- Cajh tor olrt (old. UW LC LLr3 ! I 4- I f I the lne city city on on Thursday Thursday afternoon's afternoon's Dance at Valhalla Hall 1 Tonight Music by Mike Colusi. Everett Pierce, v. lw has been fishing out of Bulcdalc, arrived hers on the Chilcotin yc.slrrdiy to spend the week-end with his parents, M ,. and Mr.?. Sinclair' Pierce. Shiffer-Hillman FEATURING: WEDGE FORM J WE CARRY A J ! 'O LpLETE SUPPLY OF HIGH QUALITY I w fJ l I ! I- in .A'.y is V - A NOT QUITE SUKfi what was expectvd of them, this quintet was a little shv, their play temporary interrupted. From left to right are Valerie Manson, Ronnie Tough, Theresa Rogerson, Robert togunson, and "Baby," who is just a year old J III , 1 lvl1- -t""c 1 ; Dr. R. O. La ibp relumed to plane from a brief trip i.o Vancouver. Aftei beliiK called to Vancouv er on the Ulness of his fatb"-, John MacLeod, R. M. MacLctd, local barrie.e:, returned ti Prince Rupcvt yesterday on the-, Chilcotin. Make your own records. 75c Street. Utcl Mis;, go.vci? Mork, altera holiday visit h.5ie with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mo.k, lef; by today's plane on her return to her nurses' training duties at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. , Attention: Sonja Ladies" Aid meeting Monday, March 5, at Mrs. Slatta's. (53C C. 0. K Ralcy. who has been here for the past three months as an expediter in connection with the Cellulose pulp mill construction work, sails bv ths Chilcotin tomorrow night o. nis return to his home in Van couver. Mr. Ralcv is the son of Kev- ur- H- a'ey. pioneer JSTSSh "hved" i"y lv"ai a"a later a Port Simpson. Rent a sandcr OR have your floor ' sanded by experts. Phone 909 for Greer & Brldden Ltd. , (65c "government liquoITact""" i Section 25) notice op application Port LICENSE TO OTHER PREM- ISES. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the expiration of this advertisement. the imriersltnori tntnrit tn annlv , 116 - 117 or 58 L IHONE ert & McCaffery if V M Toddlers Learn Public Relations How to Play Benefit dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Saturday. March 3, .sponsored bv Icelandic: Cnmmii.t.ix ' Dancing 0 - 12. Refreshments. Music uy Barney Kristnianson. (53pp Prince Rupert K,)t:.ry Club en-joyed a sta pary Tuesday night in the Prince Rupert Cluo. Organizer of the alfair was P es-ident Bruce Brown and aboul twenty-five members were p e-ent. '.Sons of Norway And Polio Fund SIV'ttnH ffln m .. ... .calls for charitable' fundi ' wL, held by the Sons of Norway at their regular whist and dance last night in the SON hall. Ten dollars was realized in tin-raffle for t.h Kinsmen's Pilic fund, wM'i first prize of, bam .towels going to S. Hamlin, and 'scjond r;isw of chocolates, won by Geo -ge Dupli.sse. ' , I Twelve tabl.s oi waist were in i 'play with winners: Mrs. J. Jch.s- j j Krst ' Mrs- c- Chesney, sec- j Jond; O. K. Nelson, first; Mr.; Far.fo d, scond. d -awing with j . ' m-io tiuiiv.vi-ifii whs master tr. ceremonies, with music by Mike Colussi's accordion. The ch-ck No, it's not a nursery. and squealing children in Those 30 or more laughing the Civic Centre teen-age games room every Wednesday alternoon are the! - I - . Daughters ! LETTERBOX j .,r , , (, ' 1 'Tooddlers Class." They i a stepping series Rup-Rec classes. AH under three years (some of them babies, really) these tots are getting their first lessons in public relations how to play with ojre another. Under the watchful eye of Mrs. Muriel Boas, The personalized styling of o suit to the proportion of yor body . . . . spells distinction. The newly designed WEDGE LOUNGE achieves added height, trimmer lines., in a garment suited to no one but you- We invite you to look' over the new spring samples. m Watts &Nickerson iLadwte tB ...i! they make new friends, some- Women of the Moose were in t:nies earnestly discussing the session Wednesday night at the rights and ownership of certain home of Mrs. C. H. Collins, Am-toys; at other times squealing brose Avenue, to make final with delight at just being alive, arrangements for the spring tea are the most elementary j wnicn leads to the senior Moose Women Plan Bazaar and bazaar. In addition to the usual fancy work, home cooking and candy stalls, plans were made for a special novelty .stall to be convened by Mrs. C. Mclntyre, and a delicatessen, convened by Mrs. Jack Hoskins. . ' ommiuee cnairmen present , were Mrs. R. B. Skinner, Mrs. : Betty Blair, Mrs. C. Mclntyre J Mrs. 3. McLeod, Mrs. Percy Bond,1 Mrs. H. Tweed, Mrs. Sam Haug-an, Mrs. J. Hoskins. Mrs. T. Glenn and Mrs. G. Robinson. Also present as guests were Mrs. F. Parlette, senior regent, Mrs. O. Stegavig, Mrs. R. Giske and Miss Sylvia Johnson. I Wanted the Liquor Control Board for consent r00m WS in charge of M -s. Juli" to transfer Club Licence No. 8198. Slatta. Issued In respect of certain premises! TTnn-- Unde' .. i . thf L general Mrs. situate at corner of 2nd Avenue convenor, West and 3rd Street. In the City of c- Strand, Mrs. J. Johnn-m, 111. Prince Rupert, In the Province of J. Pederscn, Mrs. O. Giske, John "ZnTl2l, re:.6- J5 MeNaughton, P. tlon 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land , Bakken ancl Ncls Waseng were Registration District. to certaiu on the Committee. nrPtniM oitllatn a H1 Thirri At.amia t . tr ,1 "They give hardly a n v trouble," said Mrs. Boas. "Oh. once in a while a newcomer will get a little lonely for Its mother, maybe cry a little even but we usually manage to settle that pretty ouick.'' Mothers sometimes leave their young ones at "toddlers" to take lime out for an hour to shop. "It gives them a break," Mrs. Bcas smiled, "and we like the little ones here." But more often mothers coii- Kegar.e in me general lounge of the Centre to socialize with others. Including parents of the Tiny Tot classes, which fall on the same afternoon, as many as 20 or more ladies can be found in amiable conversation. "We are a one disadvantage j here," Mrs. Boas said. "We need J volunteers to help look after these voungsters." And especially if the group grows any larger, she emphasized. Toddlers was started when It was found many four-vear-olds west, in the city of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lot. No. 1, Block No. 20. 8ectllon 1, Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Realstration District. In the Province of British Columbia. DATED at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 1st day of March, 1951. THE PRINCE RUPERT CLUB LIMITED. (By Arthur Bruce Brown. Secretary t . To Rent ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to advise that effective February 27th, we will be looking after the contracting of coal for Messrs. Albert & McCaffery, Limited. The two companies will continue to operate independently of each other, the present arrangement having been made for the sole purpose of keeping our "respective . handjing costs to a minimum. We are., of course, remaining in the coal, wood nrd transfer business, and look for the new arrangement to enable us to give our customers even better service than we have in the past. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 BEFORE qualifying for entry in this sport, youngsters spend several years first in "Toddlers," then in "Tiny Tots I." Carol Wick, 6, does an adagio number, Forward Swan, supported by instructress Gloria Sather. imntiitccnw ii li I Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band concert, March 2. ! , Presbyterian home cooking 'sale, Mclt-ac's Store, March 3. ! Card parly, Catholic II'iU ' ' March 8. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, March 10. I Canadian Legion card party, j March 14. The King Edward School P-TA White Elephant sale and tea. ' j viarch 15, at 2 p.m. Legion Auxiliary St. Patricks Dance. March 10. Conrad School P.T.A. card party, Friday March 16, 8 p.m. j St. Patrick's Tea and ca-.rt party, Catholic Hall, March 17. Orange Ladle tea and sale.1 March 21. Job's Daughter Burner tea and sale, Masonic Temple, March 22. Queen Mary I.O.U.E. Daffodil ' tea, March 20. i Cathedral .mipiiut sale. Miirrh I 29. Legion Auxiliary Spring April 4. Presbyterian sprihj; sa,e, A'" 12. W.O.T.M. Spiini; bazaar 20. St. Peters Spring Sale. April 2U. United VV.A. Spring sale, May 3. Gonja lea. May 12. SPANISH INVENTOR The autogiro was invented by the Spaniard, De la Cierva, in 1920. The Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. require immediately for their permanent operating staff, HOUSES FOR RENTAL. Please address replies to: Supervisor, Operating Dept. Personnel, Box 1000, Prince Rupert, B.C., or call Supervisor at Watson Island. e'uUblc for Tinty Tots, were un-, accustomed to mix with oth prs l i Socia and social were Daughters in the pic last night, iver by Honored )iane Kennedy, four fc-the Misses Susan Ida Martin. Gwen- and Beverley Par- .iiated. k their majority were the Misses kliin, Edith Jordan, y, Kathlee Hills, :. Yvonne Morin, m. Peggy Cowan, and Donna Mac- . soon to be mar- icspnted with sou- Thcy were Edith Husoy and Kath- fors won first prlza 1 me Vii'irm a Travpl mixed social held Imony. ining i pmilies f-British Columbia fne hundred famil-firuary. In the per-I w British Colum- for other Darts I'M, i R VICTORIA ;l"n-, Chilcotin y. 12 Noon mosun STEWAUT ANI SIMPSON ininsnn 11 i " pill. "rn ji KliN I TE ISLANDS fliilcotin 16 and 30 I P.m. lr- ISLANDS March 9 and 23 ' p m J. SKlNMl'ii Rupert Air,i y ' Phone 5R Fishermen! J-'" a'luwance on f marine engine. a'Wl Ret the vour next engine 1,py math fr Polders ,;dMARINE Cliow Mein "'cr5 Phone 133 DEFENDS HOSPITAL Editor, Daily News: In reply to "Good Citizen's" letter regarding local hospi'al service, I would like to point ou', a few things the writ.r overlooKi in the criticism. We pay for adequate hospital service and that Is what we receive. A hospital is not a hotel. The service is intended to speed the recovery of ths patients, not to provide them with Individual service in non-essentials. The food provided is nutritiojs but meals in hospitals are planned to suit the tastes of a lam,! number of people simultaneously and obviously "You cannct please cv.oryone all the time." Does "Good Citizen'- chans-i bed linen every day at home? It , is not necessary. For patients requiring it, t eA linen is available at all times, several changes per day if neer"d. For ether , patients less frequent chanres jare adequate. The staff Is kept busy with mot important duti-i ti'ian that of providing frein linen for fus:y patients, j Having been a patient in th ; local hospital several times, I have observed "hat the patients In e'8'tcft, need of attention get all they need. Those who arc able to take ca 'c of themselves , in any degree and do so do I not lack service, but the staff simply cannot and will not cat".- to those persons who expect to be 'treated as honored hotel guests while enjoving th benefits of the B.C. Hospital Insurance service. Personally. I have onlv nraiFO for the administration and staff of the Pdnce Rupert HosnH.al for o stood ten done undr frequently difficult an'i trying cir-cumstancs. KENNETH F. WIl.MOT. ONE MAN I NAI HMD i Editor. Daily News: I was about to congratulate M . Marock on his very realistic letter but instead I'm going ti congratulate the city of Prinr j Rupert for at last having CN1' man in Its midst who is not afraid to put C? truth on pane -. iM. Marock is offering our fair ; city a challenge wliich if we j choose to accept will one dav (make Prince Rupe-t "the gem or ! the Pacific" he so adeptly de jcribes in his letter to the press. I One does not tiav to have n jB.A. to understand the contents I of his letter nor does one ha v to have telescope to observe tlvt all he says Is the tmth. He makes us fully aware that th" time Is ripe for .someone to t'o something in the direction n1' cleaning up this city It wonl-1 j be well to do it now before Uv Canadian sovernment lakes ?U ,ihc available nianrower and tbi i sho'lnce of skilled labor and : materials become too acute, j I have only one suggestion to make as to makint a start- new brains, new umbltions an'i ! 'oiinttpr men In t'ie r't v eounc'l ! New peonle alwavs have ns' ideas and som of Ihem nre ns-tial'v rre'" coort. After i1l whn vou've reaebe'l 'ho nie of we i-1v-f'v". pvn If V'Mi rV) feel Vs snrv ps a lomb and ns fit i a fiddle, '-""r Ideas are bound be rret,tv stale. Nr"' Is tho honr ti -hove ovor io make room fo some younr i blood sni brains. I.AITRATNK r. MHFDOCK LAND OF ICE Area of the Antarctic continent is estimated at about 5,000,000 square miles. Here's Why You Need Aspirin When You Have A Cold 7b Feel Better, Fast! At the first sign of a cold beform you do anything es tnke two Aspirin tablets with a full glass of water. Here' why; When you have a cold, it's almost invariably accompanied by a headachy. TO OUR CUSTOMERS: We are pleased to announce that a working agreement has been made with Hyde Transfer, whereby they will handle the unloading, sacking and del i very of our coal. This arrangement, made to offset rising costs of handling and overhead, will in no way affect the Hyde Transfer coa! operation. They will continue their own coal, wood and transfer business as heretofore. As usual, all coal orders for Albert & McCaffery, Lmited should be phoned to our office at 1 16, 1 17 or 58. ALBERT 6c McCAFFERY, LTD. 111 vheir own age group. It has becn under way about six weeks. "At this aKe they soon learn to rrsPect the rights of otters, and "mRe easily," Mrs. Boas said. JoJ "JlrrivaL (Prince Rupert) K. A. Bradfleld, H. Brodie, Mrs. R. Whitmore and family and H. W. Jefferson, Vancouver; 3. T. Wilson, Watson Island; Mrs. W. Malcolm, Butedale; R C. Telford, Victoria. For Action Advertise! Experience Versatility PHONE 231 ievensh teelmg and muscular aches and pains. And it's very important to your well being that you treat these distressing symptoms with a medication that will relieve them . . , relava them quickly. By taking Aspirin at the first sign of a cold, you'll get this important relief. No matter how you try to stop or shorten a cold, authorities will tell you that this is sound advice. FEEL SITTIR FAST 4 r I PRINTING Highcsr Quolity ' And when you take Aspirin, you'll discover why millioni have followed this advice with remarkable results. For Aspirin works fast. It actually goes to work in two seconds. And this is one reason why it brings you amazingly quick relief from these painful cold symptoms. This two-second speed is something you can see with your own eyes by dropping an Aspirin tablet in a glass of water and "clocking" its Dibb Printing Co. disintegration. BKHNKIt m.OCK WHAT TO DO FOR SORI THROAT When your cold causes a sore throat, gargle with three Aspirin tablets dissolved in one-third of a glass of water. This makes a Announcement potent medicinal gargle that almost instantly soothes tender throut membranes, relieves pain and irritation. Besides being effective. Aspirin is also gentle. Its single active ingredient is so gentle to the system that it is regularly prescribed, even for small children. Keep Aspirin handy. When you buy, get the 100-tablet bottle which gives you Aspirin for less than a penny a tablet. (Overijoiie A FASHION FIRST! The shapes . . . leathers, fabrics 1 and fnlors rivpmpri most, fashion-wise for tpiing '51 are here now in our wide selection of value priced handbags. iacousa no other pain raliovor can match Its racoral of via by millioni of paople, without HI affact, ana thlnf you coa take with complat confidant it R. G. Van dcr sluys announces the sale ot his VAN'S BAKERY business to Vernon Scherk of Prince Rupert. 'In expressing appreciation of the many years of patronage from customers and friends, Mr. Van der sluys bespeaks a continuation of that support for his successor in business who he is sure will continue a high measure of quality and service.' 53 LVijr.0 ASPIRIN Lowetl Prices Everl hcMtk 12 !lr Ecwmi Willi 24. Film turn in SEE THEM TODAY! -.rtV.. (I footwear ;5sa ashion