As I See it Prince Rupert Daily News ray . . B EATTY'S CLEAN EH Saturday, November 3. 1951 L " -MVE Reflects' and Reminisces they arc uniimbcrlnp the frur.o which before long will go inio action. But already I notice one slg-jnlllcant thing. All three parties i in Ontario are competing on the basis of who can promise the i best hospital insurance system. I see in the payers here in Ontario a lot of talk of Saskatchewan's hospital insurance j plan, but so far not even a men-: lion of B.C.'s somewhat similar i plan. 1 IT IS no secret that the Liberal rs Wat Cleaning Press-while-you-wait 3f,'::iaur- "t 5 t5le 7or:r'5 a Liberals who use the tag "socialists" on every possible occasion to describe their antagonists, because they know there is a hangover of distaste for the term. Yet all the time the Conservatives are using the term socialism as a bogeyman they themselves are adopting more and more socialism in practice. OVER AND over again I heard Mr. Churchill argue that his government and not Labor i was the one which adopted the i principle of the welfare state. An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Cential British Columbia. Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. G. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - "lethal Oil gives British Columbia' a resounding wallop end how it. u-ill nil nrk nm nr what it. will Hats Blocked CO.D. Mail Order Delivery y a '"-LJay n - - Ser, By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year. $3 00; bv mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8 00. lead to, time and work alone will ' W-'iiViii- Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. disclose. It s the first time B.C. j IViinin'.! has felt the magic touch. and;JI1 rn h JHeps its introduction looks substan-j TORONTO. It is a WQT1- He declared that tne wnoir t ,m ),nrl m cented the principle ""'' rWfnl til no- trii'a m,l J of planned full employment, and j government at Ottawa ls In . j the first stages of considering , j a national health insurance plan . I lor all Canada. j I say "considering" for that is j ; as far as the project has got, j j to date. It will take several years : i before it becomes practical lm- ! mediate politics. i SINGER PORTABLE SEWING that never again unoer un government would there be great numbers of jobless people. All of which is proof that the world does move" in a certain direction. It may not be towards socialism" In the strict text book definition of that term. But it is certainly toward social welfare and a planned economy. I was mildly surprised to get back to Canada and find that Percy BeiiRouph, only recently, em Way of travel. You was heard to say he fancivd a lea Scotland after dark vl" lower wane scale so long as the , , c?s, of living was aisa easier on and you are in Canada the eyes. Where's the difference, ' , d u a J V 1 1 i 1 C h 11 t 1 ne nevt 1 anyway? Yet. we all like big.UUUIf or what appears to b; big money, morning. If we're paying $20 for just an' But there Ls a time lag in your ordinary pair of shoes see mental and .spiritual adjustment, what the buyer of the baots is,u take3 a mtlp while to rc being Paul. : adjust yourself to the mental Junior anal Smior Hijh School Sludtnti ol Briliih Columbia If von un wiilt S50 word uav The point is that the social ) welfare schemes which Britain . pioneered are being taken up one by one by us here. It doesn't matter what you call , it socialism, social welfare or i what not. The fact is the whole world is moving toward more of i it. ! may wi Win fund Portable UvLuu V.... choice -1.-: I I othtr lint prittfl if you ou Four of f Y - don't want IF e. Full detaiU L, ! i 4 iht Mwtng anachi wave length of whatever country i:ie:e was an election in tne offing here in Ontario. Just now cbout tht cont-.t, I hti I:. litnature ..... uiie you happen to land In. to help you ?t started anc and cc-p!ttt prlie lilt . . . unl on t receipt ol your name and (., i-' " ..." -jr. '-SB i. Put forcefully and with ob-vinu' truth, the Juneau Empire offers the following comment concerning the British election: Probably ttw greatest encouragement that, troubled 1951 brought to the non-Russian J addrus printed on the form '. Lelcw. Mall H now before you foro,tl Ketchikan Mail Delivery THE Ketchikan Chronicle hopes that the committee of three due there next week to survey the possibilities of mail delivery in the town "will do a scientific and objective job of their assignment instead of stool-sitting', political study as was done by the Ken-tuckian (who claimed to be a postal inspector) here two years ago." The Kentuckian hit town says the Chronicle in an optimistic mood, saying there was no reason why there couldn't and shouldn't he free delivery in town once a day as there is in the states. But after he left he was satisfied to recommend some drop boxes here and there around town and possibly a sub-post office. He apparetnly encounttered some opposition from within the local post office and perhaps from adjoining business houses that like to see the foot traf ic past their door to the post office. This time, it appears, conditions will be changed. There is no money to build a bigger post office at Ketchikan or even to buy the 1,500 to 2,000 more boxes that will be needed in a couple or three years. Nor would there be a place to put them if the boxes could be purchased. HERE IN Toronto I pick up the newspaper and read, in comment on the British election that "socialism is everywhere on the wane." That is a remarkable statement in view of tiie fact more votes have been for socialism than ever befoie; also that the victorious Conservative party only emerged victorious IN VANCOUVEK use an AosTin u mm k CONTEST CLOSES NOV. 30th ?r . . .world was the defeat in Britain of the Socialist regime. After six . unhappy years, during which the British Empire was reduced to i national bankruptcy, her people i to socialistic serfdom, her indus try to its lowest output and her i in seats, not vote-:i be:ause national prestige to the vanish- convlnced a sufficient numb: IN BRITISH C0lUM8U ing point, tne emoiueroa unions I were forced to admit that So-' cialism had flopped." of voters that it would "leave well enough alone" in regard to such things as the nationalized mines, and the state health scheme. ftr I.ow'tl ('l jmt llur, per Day, per .Mile BROADWAY 0 DRIVE LTD. BAyview 6161 Broadway at Oak VANCOUVER 9, B.C. Twentv years ago. or thereabouts, prince Rupert peoph? would argue for hours about the JX IS true that talk of socialism t:siu ei if eeKRAys S lh.mlnb Hkl.. . t.. n, Ht nu CtMitrat Inlt.rni4lt(in and LJUraiur in, Ksr,; Addr t Prace River outlet. This was the is on the wane m Britain. The logical the natural, port for that Labur party people, by the way, ! nnrnnsp. .. tv.,o,r,!w. .-..n- ii IX. was was a a i:vir iavoriie p - dp- ae- - utrvti iuii in-iiniJvi) ovmiiii , l . , . i Anotner iactor nas entered in, too. he business ; bating point. And perhaps we're right, only then, not a single soul said a word about oil. It might be a good idea, if you want to nd your financial prob- lems not to purchase anything you can't buy for cash. houses that once opposed the delivery now realize that newcomers will want it and, if it is not available in Ketchikan, perhaps it will be available in Wacker, and some of them will move out there instead of into the First city. So everyone is pitching in to make an attractive community, with better schools and streets .and housing, and free mail delivery may be one of the improvements without j Officially. Montreal"s popula- , j tion is slightly in excess of a mil- j j l'on. There's one thing noticed t about that city. It is what the ' people do with winter. They have always had the knack of playing : with it or finding some sort of i jntertainmcnt just because it is ' winter, instead of lamenting the ; fcason until waiting for summer. ' Let's see now! Why all this writing and talking about about gentlemanly small boys? i Who ?n earth ever saw one? If, in his early teeht h.Vs notfcuiijh, j something must be explained, i He is tough. He likes to thtnk j himself that way. He can use ! costing anything except a penny more on the mail ! ' we send out to local persons. Even so, most of that ! ' money would stay in town to pay the salaries of the mail carriers. The Chronicle hopes that, in the interests of progress, everyone will give mail delivery a fair hearing and that any straw vote will be thorough and representative. "Alaskans are paying our share and move of U. S. taxes and it would save some shoe leather and some travelling expense, as well as a lot of time, to have mail delivered once a day, at least in the residential district. "To say that this would make it easier to order goods by mail is rater fatuous, especially when another mail order house could come here if the town became large enough. Safeway stores already, has tried to buy a downtown location, we are reliably informed. Gradually the town will see .new-ways of doing business. The new people want it that way, and their progressive demands may help to make the city more livable for us so-called soap and water when he wants to or in the event of having to. And from May to Aufiust, he doesn't fancy boots and LETTERBOX DEFENDS Rl PERT Editor. Dailv News, I just had to write an answer to Rupertite's letter. It boils me j ud when snmeone lik von m'tkoi,! ' such statements as she did. Whv some of our best nurses in B.C. I were born, went to school, and ' trained in Prince Rupert. A lot j of them married here and are ! ammmxm " I O PAKE tmf t- ( OO-.T t;iCPy f, r-f- sut rtses S x xt doc ililil iifWlf 1 II riaPvfe In ii W&m ( HHPS. VAV 2 I ! ( Vk.MOOO-- ) ' I I 4 J MV WIFE 16 A Fut'NiTutfe- ' tjSjl 7 i bospow T-ir (Afpi voupe just v' r"-if-r 1 mcvimg speenoi tr Tri-fil V AN-" p'xaVV) Aa. TV-' 7 THE MAN 1 A I V-1 eED HtP ' I , j , IT J - MM Mnbimf lr I AFTtl? VCHJ bMNS -. V S THE SOFA PCTWNSTAO& j vy )V" 4 19, Vj-V ' t T Tj MOUR A RftL- J ( ou can move C- (iliZlSJ1J'f&? MXIPESS" ) "mU ,f THE EGG MAN '"N rS Xti. M A ( I'LL K'ETljCN HIS ") I I j IMAWi, l ,rAt" J t" i:.t; '.;' Came snhile vou v tfa;3iF& EGG--1 DON'T wERES I j. CO"E in - 1 lj j weee next poor fc 3 . Jl' a 7 want to be ) ( vous (it k'eeo Y0 if j ' 'iVUi. Af4D 1 MAV ALL r' iT f OBLIGATED TO V EGG STCSC' XlairVjL'lt- AGAIN ' J it "PHI ' R? nffr ' "F" 2Zi3L look.' you rff$a I t If ili- II I NIH ""1 I I L$t9 how can vou be glg(j I T- CKljAy now bringing up their families j here. I am quite sure they are j equally as good at their profession as Rupertite is and none the worse for being brought up ' here. Born on the prairies myself and going to school there, I have i been living in Rupert for 28 j years now. married and have j three children attending school : here. I have been all through I For Your Protection The Law Requires That Every Real Estate Airent anil Salesman be Licensed and Bonded. Each prcperly licensed person is given an identification card by this Board. PLAY SAFE E.:al only with a Licensed Agent orSalesman, who will be glad to show you his credentials REAL ESTATE AGENTS LICENSING BOARD Established under section 42 "Real-Estate Agents' Licensing Act" CH 189 P.SBC 19481 B.C., Eastern Canada and elsewhere on trips and I may say truthfully there is no other place I would rather be than right here in good old Rupert. Some folks come intT on' n"c"fitl town to try and make all the money they can and at the same time try to make it over and the people, to suit themselves. But Rupertite, after living here as long as I have, you will learn to like our people very much and find them equally as clean and good living folks as anywhere else. Maybe, when you get older and wiser, you will say, maybe that lady in Rupert NATIONAL was right, that does not pay to run down any town or its rest dents. RADIO Thank you, Mr. Editor, for your space. j ANOTHER RUPERT BOOSTER. WEEK Britain Denies Rupert Radio & Electric Oil Shortage LONDON The British govern ment denied Friday there ha 1 betn any stoppage of oil pipeline to Cairo although some ships had been held up lue to security reasons. The Cairo government has warned that any stoppage of oil supply would rosult in