i Prince Rupert Doily New! Friday, November 9, 1951 in AW.., Ail Eddie's Beauty Salon Petmanents and Razor Cuts 739 2nd Avenue PHONE RED 4!MJ GF.OKtiE DAWES AUCTIONEER l'hmie C.reen 810 and Red 1?7 CARPENTERS (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please retrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per VVuiil per iii. ertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c Cards uf Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notlcfcs, Marriage cud Engagement. Announwmenta $2.U0. SPEC1AX, DISPLAY. DOUBLE l'RICK Hv U of yuur iw A 14 un tur pr"futn iiiUv'iittt, Ulli, lllu.n ft II ll Ihik. Vt Thiy'U cut tltner, lrur. future. H FOR RENT PRECISION SAW FILING 1315 VUMVn' 1'I.ACK HuX Mill Hlution H (Ai;ciit; Bus Terminal) 1err.li Huiidrnt Supply CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Court of Revision Re Municipal Voters' List NoTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision to correct rind revise the Municipal, Voters' List will be. held in the Council Chamber. City Hall Prince Rupert, B.C., on Thursday, Novem- bcr 15th, ,1951, at 10:00 a.m. R. W. LONG, City Clerk ANNOUNCEMENTS I- Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 9 at i Mn.sonie Temple. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. Catholic card parly, Novem- ! bcr 15. : Conrad P-TA card party, No vember 1, 8 pm. BTOKlsp,. BLUE 55; P.0.BCS;;, HW.COt itie women ol the, Mouse a.lfOR RENT General Eleetrle Phone BIW J FOR RENT Sleeping room. Green 6U8. 613 6th West. i263ci FOR RENT Sleeping room for a man. 628 8th Ave. West. I ltci FOR RENT Two-room .suite, furnished, close in. Blue 403. i FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive p 1,3 and 2nd. , ,,, t283pl .! i floor nnlLshers. SI ner tlav. Phone Blue 992. Pacific Electric, (tf) 41 -RIVE.CA,?S' Phone 711 Gronville Court. (tf) "WANTED TO RENT URGENTLY REQUIRED Two 1 or tnree room nouse or sum', respectaoie coupie, two cum- ren. Aage Hansen, co Dom-(264 inion Construction. pi WANTED TO RENT Light housekeeping room for 2 girls. Clo--e in. Phone 200. (238pi WANTED TO RENT One or two rooms for light housekeeping. Green 816. Utpi WANTED TO RENT Reward $25 00 for suitable 3 or 4 room siii'p or r.ouse. Counle. one child. Can give references. Red 505. (2(.4p REAL ESTAi'F, TERMIN,: MESSED Phone All deliveries ! t. WcTTA, FOR YOUR... Brick, StuM and s Tile Sniu.j ut :-1 Phoi.t K SO-Blue Alt', HANDYV HOME 5E? L Jf OEN'ERAl COST Building and & ku.ji ' f VI Gordon & Phone ROOFS - CE OIL BUR! phose FOR SALE Pronertv situated on It represented a registration of 203 3rd Ave. W.. consistinj of pioneers who came to the dis- a eood dwelling of 4 lane trict, up to 1912-who they were ro'jms and a bathroom. One anci llow. Some (iat0s. wt,n"t h;u.k of the best business location's tp 1901. They came on loot. They m the citv brnius in uood v(iyard b bo,lt am, canoe allu revenue. Anplv at B. C. Cloth-1 ,..,,, ,, , , ... , i""' f' '""T d ttU! ,0"8 iers in person. ,256c V ;and loneiy, trails, for there was SEE THIS! no railway and there was many The last ood view lot on Fourth a region not fully explored. Fast. f5 feet wide and 150 feet Couij a newspaper of today deen. -"weeping view of entire know what ,hey could have loW ha,urVnrrtnr"!irr,f about, what an mcomjiarabia 7l!f te dories it' could ices. If you are thinking of P'mt. building 'vou could find no j Vpifer property or local ion. Andrei Vishinsky says that Price reduced "for immrdiat1 after hearing President Tui-sile. See Frank Wilson or man's address on the peace Ai'-m Armstrong nt ; question, he laughed so long he ARMSTRONG ACFCTF.S could not .leep lor much of the PO. Boi 1679 John F. L'. Hucjhes, D.C. CHI ROPR AC'i'OR His.: 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment, only 21-23 Iksiier niotds I'lione Bine 442 sco i t McLaren CIIAUTERED ACCOUNTANT farm i Block COS- 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. "hour 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A, L. Bell. C.A, 325 4!h Avenue East P.O. Hox 1217 Phone Red B78 Colussi's Music Store Agents for Urn finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND WSC-ONUmoNED 210-tin Ht Ph. Black 389 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS Ite.ner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all lta branches 204 -41 h .Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone D!ue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and VV.i.'j Soles Dox 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Servlee Phone, 678 214 4th Street, Proprietors: Ed. Dnv.es, Sid Alexander PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE (HANDLER'S STUDIO 218- 4'h Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert SIDNEY Gv OPTOVrt;. Complete Vtii OFFICE 1 9 a a. to ; Geo. Cook't Jw-.' rnunu am tvis. our .i lll TWO SPECIALS niier Stalin. Possibly lie is un-Four room wartime with two able to stop, extr rooms in attic, rwtlv , , MATTX uPHoism. Phone Blue 1 F 234 3rd V prince Rupr Fine of $50 was Imposed upon Gerald Robertson by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court this week for driving while impaired by alcohol. Robertson broke through a stop sign last' week-end. Moving, Parking, CraliiiK, Shipping and (ieneral Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cnr 2ml and Park Avenue Est. 1910 Phones GO and 68 wm Bob Parker Ltd. I'ORD - MONARCH D1AI I RS J'rince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 'PERSONALIZED K L X " See our large selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. besm:r block Call 363 FOIl Bl.TTI U . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE 1.I.MIT1D Builders & Contractors VANCOUVER VICTOKIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun L1CE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Nov. 9 and 23 ss. Chilcotin FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS as. Chilcotin, Nov. 2, 16 and 30 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER , Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 AS I SEE IT (Continued from Page 2 nancial Post for November 3 says, on page 3: "Dozens of Canadian clothing firms are clinging to the solvent side of the ledger by narrowing threads. Unless something hap pens, and quicKly, there could be a few shutters going up aloug Canada's textile row." . . f ,, ,,..,, is how pnees can stay up in Canada when stocks of unsold goods have reached an all-time high. The Bureau of Statistics reports, November 3, that "inventories in August reflected a $56,000,000 increase from July and a total advance of $819,- 000.000 from August last year." Old-fashioned economists WOuld sav that one of these davs the dam was clue to burst, ami prices would fall, with a bh; bang. REMINISCENCES (Continued from pae '. em oil shares. Shares in lots of other things could be a whtK: lot worse A list of early newcomers to Skeena, printed in The New.;, Thursday, aroused wide interest here as well as along the liver. night. Up to this morniiij noili-, ing hud been heard from Pre- BIO FAMILY Theodore Dreiser, the great American novelist and playwright, was the 12th child of poor parents of German descent. HEALTH BATHS The famed brine springs at Droitwich in Worcestershire, England, arc mentioned in the ancient Doomsday Book. Tlmhrr Nile X-.144HI There will be altered fur sale hv Public Auction at the office of the. District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C.. 11 am. on the 2nd day of No-1 vember. 1U51. the Llcrmce X-544B4, luatcd on the North Arm of WorH Cl'annel, to cut 1 .042.000 f b m. of Hemlock. Spruce. Balsam. Cedar ftnd Other Species of Sawlos. Provided anyune unable to be ut the Auctioii iix person he may submit a waled tender to be oeiied at the hour of Auetion and treated as one but. Three yeare will be allowed for removal ol timber. Particulars trom Chief Forester. Victoria. B C , District Forester. Prince Rupert. B C., or Raiiccr b. T. Strimbold, Prince Kupcrt, B.C. dtc) GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT (Section 27) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE Is hereby given thnt on the 3rd day of December next, the nn-dersiKlied Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer of Beer Licence number 9270. Issued in resnect of nremlses hrln8 l)!,rt " building known bs "'"''. situate at oib rraser str1- " tne t;"y of Prince Rupert. m the Province of British Columbia. upon the lands described as Lots 11. t. 14 and 15, Block 3H. Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. Map number 923. Prince Rupert Lund Renls-trution District, In the Province of British Columbia, from Willis I.. Woods to Hart Investments Ltd.. of 428 Standard Buildinn. 510 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 6th day of November, AD. 1951 HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant and Transferee. By: Max Osten. Esq.. 420 Standard Building, Vancouver, B.C. lis Solicitor. ' ' (279c) IN RE FSTATE OP EDWARD ed- WARDSON. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Admints-1 trator duly appointed by the Court, of the estate of Edward Edwardson. who died at Stewart. British Columbia, on the 5th day of July, 1951. 1 require all creditors and others having claims afialnst the said estate to send the same to me, properly verified, at the addresH mentioned below on or before the 16th day of December. 1951. after which date 1 Khali proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. H. G. helg:: LIMIX 1 1950 Austin Panel 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 1 1930 Prefect Sedan 1 1947 Crosley Coach IS gal. Anderson 46 1947 Austin 8 Sedan Service Ltd. Phone Green 217 Jl to W"., REAL ESTATE 4 Phone 96 Evenii. Bazaar, November li. Ualhedral Bazaar. Nov. 17. i.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar Novembex I 22. Ite;:i.stered Nurses '.s AssncKi-' tinn i!'iifn TiVirl i w Mm 91 ! ; St. Peier s Fa;; Bazaar, No- vember 29. Job's Daughters Scotch dance, Friday, Novmber 30. Armories. Salvation Army Home Lea;ue sale and tea. Dec. 5, Salvation ' Army Hall. United Cliur h W. A. Full Da- zaar, Dec. G. i ! PERSONAL -I ! ATTEND the dance of the vear. Monday, November 12. Canadian Legion Bail, Legion auditorium. Everybody welcom?. $1.50 prr couple. (2tt4c ' FREE BOARD and room to kindly, decent elderly woman who ' will mind four-year-old for , working mother. Phone Red 723. (ltd SALESMEN WANTED CALENDAR SALESMEN Or experienced specially sales- men required. Must have good ... connections and be accustomed to travelling. Well-known and very popular line results in top earnings on high commission basis. Full range of advertising specialties also earned. 19i2 seison just starting. No obiecUcn to other non- I comoetinii line. Car necessary. , Write Box 234. Daily News, today. (2031 FOR S'.I.h FOR SALE-Ouk buffet $25.00, china cabinet $20.00. coal and weod heater $15.00. Phone Red 928. (204p) FOR SALE Two kitchen chairs, baby crib complete with mat-tre-s, aa'oy stroller, pr. ice .skates, .shiRle hot plate, combination radio and records, buffet. Black 622. (2G3pi FOR SALE 1 torchiere lamp, 1 . table lamp, 1 reading lamp. 2 - dressers, 1 bookcase 1 radio. 1 china cabinet, 1 fride, 1 washing machine, mirror. .. The-e are all in first class condition, selling vry chean. Phone Black 243. (tfi FOR SALE Rifles: The accurate high powered Canadian Ross .303 British calibre (i shot repealer. Three models to choose from at our amazingly low P'-ice of $30.50. Write for free illustrated folder. Dealers' en-nuiries invi'ed. Target Sales Companv. 261 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario. (TF.S-H) FURNITURE for Sale- Bedroom rugs, radios, chest ot drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, SawMill. Logging and Con tractors' Equipment. Enquir ies invited. Granville Island. Vancouver 1, B.C. FOR SALE Bovs' Tind RirLs' all wool lined jackets, coats and ski pants, verv attractively tailored. I -ess than factory cost. B. C. Clothiers. Third Ave. (tf) FOR SALE Fawcett oil burner. Phone Red 232. (2('5p) FOR SALE 12 RauTe Parker shotgun. $110.00. First cla.ss condition. Phone Blue 403. (2S8p) FOR SALE 12 gauge double barrel shotctun. good condition. Phone Red 62. dtp) FOR SALE 50 Morris Minor', 7000 miles. Also garage. Owner forced to sacrifice. Phone Dave Jones, Green 328, or can be seen at 1233 Water St. (260p) FOR SALE 52 horsepower Vivian diesel enrtine. Can be seen in running condition. Phone Black 935. (264p) FOR SALE Cream enamel oil burner range, coal grates included. Phone Black 952 (265p) FOR SALE 1950 Flvlng Rtand-ard two-door sedan. Highest bidder. 817 9th West. (206p) FOR SALE Kitchen tables, chairs pnrl two electric ranges. Phone 437. (263c) LOST ' LOST Brown handmade leather wallet with initials J.D. Re Oil Heatira LAV. RIE MAiT. Biue 18 Compl'-te sprrict burners Mi Stoves, Superior Auto Third Ave. W. i'jitl lit t ut Seagram's "83" FLOOR SANDiN Rcnr o Sander ... or hove your I sanded by experts furnished. Close to schoo.s anrl bus. Price $3300.00, eas term; arranged. Bfutif'd seven room honsp. Fireplace in livingroom, four bedrooms, full cement hase-ment Hot air furnace. Price $lorinno."i. pjisv terms. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phono 342 Black 197 "ves. (204c I CARS FOR SAI,F, FOR SALE 1951 Studebaker Regal deluxe five passenger coupe, verv low mileage. Can be financed. Contact R. Davis, No. 1, Summit Apt.0. Black 277. (2G5p) FOR SALE 1950 Pontiac four door sedan, 2 tone. Can be financed. ' Apply 415 7th East. (264pl ' WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICFS PAID for scrao iron steel, brass, corjoer. lead, etc Honest erndine Promnt tv-ment made. Atlas Iron it, Mei.nl I 'd.. 250 Prior St Vancouver. B. C. Phone PAcif'r 6357. (tf) CASH for scrao cast, brass. Conner, batteries and radiators Phone 543. call 629 6th Avenue West. City. t,n FIR REPAIRS EXPERT fur repairs and remodelling. Fast service and low cost. Fowlle & Ruttle Ltd. Phone 522. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PTmi.IC ACCOUNTANT Income ! Tax sneciallst. S. O. Pnrk. i Stone Buildine. Red 593. (20m) 1 NOTICE THE Morrisnn-Knudsen Com pany of Canada, Ltd., has no, authorized personnel representative or agent in the Prince Rupert area, and any person claiming to represent this company for any purpose whatsoever shall be prosecuted unless in possession of a letter of authority signed either by the Project Manager or the undersigned. Signed: R. (J. B. Holland, Personnel Director. (233c) IMPORTANT NOTICE DUE to line difficulties many of our customers have found it impossible to obtain an answer when calling our office during the past few days. You have our assurance that this matter will be rectified as soon as possible. In the meantime, it is reouested that our eus tomers, bear with us in this regard, 99 Taxi Co. Ltd. (264c ENTERTAINS MINERS . OSLO P A spacious and well- equipped community centre for entertainment of coal miners will be completed at Longyear City in .the Arctic province of Spitsbergen. The sturdy concrete building boasts a meeting hall with 600 S'eats and many other GREER & BRIDDEN II 215 1st Avpnue Phone 909 RADIO &APF; SALES & J' KI.F.CTKlt R J PACIFIC EU' Phoiw B West By CHIC1 1 . Baptone Basic Ton the water test. Water, V?5! plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagram's "83" 0f Seagram's Sure In 10 deep base colors thot, modern decorative color sen . easy to obtain. Thompson Hardware ' Thii advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BLONDIF He Will Mollycoddle Molly, Too! r iIIPjTyOUI? TACTICS APE I BF urm ! tXXT GIVE IN TO A WOMAS IM SO rih't-L! I I DO VOL) Ml: an (S f WfOUG.SON- TOO EASILY- DON'T LET HFR KNOW TONIGHT" f' ( WASH TH6 " f '' '"' THAT SHE'S 'SPJCTANT TO XXI IF VOL) ) . 7 P'SMF b - v- elK) T . v.. -J. r CARED d ( PtAR v mM -'LMtdi (AXt I I'f " TA JuM." f I L VK. fe-a-f 1 1 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to said estate are required to pav their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. -B.C.. this 31st dity of Ootober, 1051. Oordon Fraser Forbes, Official Administrator, Prince R!ipr"rt, B C. (N2,3,9,10) ward, (2fl5p) facilities.