Krvd Gardner has returned from a trip to Edmonton. Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, November U, 1951 Central Interior g RAVELS FRANCOIS LAKE Northern Priest, Veteran of Trail, Now Pilots Plane Xliere was a good attendance at cliurch on Sunday morning as it was Harvest Thankrgtving service and the church was lovely with flowers and fruit and vegetables decorating the windows ana altar. After the morning h'uii fit fine Jtuin'i RUPERT PEOPLES STORE urn Evangeline Vann of the Prince Rupert News, was visiting at the Landing on Friday. SUDBURY, Out. (CP) After lli years of plodding through Northern Ontario's vast hinterland on .snowshoes in winter, braving swift waters by canoe in summer or hitching rides on trains. Rev. Gustave Lampron, service Rev. Atkinson baptized Wynone Hanke, Dinane Hanke, i RuJph Har.KC and Dennis Love- setli. I English as tbe is spoke. Am ,01 packing' his young boy with coming to realize more and more, him, on a trip, two sides to every question On f to icntly asked by school phone, acquaintances of a few cn;idiTn why haven't out in cays: 'Oh. its you, could recog- diary about talking to IIS stu-nie your accent anywhere." Idea 6ni abtut "down under " t,. I i U Mr. and Mrs Fred Donkin are staying with the Neave family at the Landing. Mrs. Donkin Is Harold Neave's cousin. Mr. Don- s T W O R D E E nas ""! having accent new to me, plalnecl one doesnt te stortM ! parish priest at Foleyet, alwajs thought spoke Kings aboul oneself, unless noain.. inkpn to the air. kin has been with the Mannlx Engh.-h. Talking to Dane who onese'f. so here bom. RtvmioH kJ From his base at joieyci, company at Halkirk, Alta. Tliere was a very successful dance in the hall on Friday evening for the funds for the child-ten's party. The orchestra donated their music and all who were tharc had a good time. had learned English in Canada same questioner who asked me about lsu m"es noruiwcai "I speak Canadian, but if I were orjKn of word "kangaroo" and Sudbury, raimr i.aiiipiuii Parts of the old ferry are going VALUES - BARGAINS - VALUES - BARGAINS RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ! m "Australia." fully instructed byranSes out nearlv 300 mlles ,0 same questioner in correct ans-' visit his far-flung missions, ad-u't, for use on future occasions ! ministering to some 3000 lum-Met mere New Canadians ermen. railway employees and Waiter Wiedman, Oswald Kien-1 trappers obtamefl hi- private pi- apfel. and Alois Faulandwho! HS , iold me in Germany had to work Iot' hcente, ' f" A fj . month for suit, two houfor "V ! "hS 2 ARMY SPECIALISTS Natives of the Balearic Isles off the Spanish, who joined the Roman legioiu in old times, were famed shot-Hungers. m Engmid iong, ia soon learn to 5p?ak English like you." Reminds me of Australian friend brought up in Sydney (Syd-nighi as m -high," Aus-try-Ua. She c.iuld net, make herself understood in store in Vancouver and dc-'perate clerk accompanied her to deputtnient manager, with: past on trucks on their way out to Chase, near Kamloops. The men working on the dismantling of the old ferry are staying at the Keefe ranch. The ferry schedule has been disrupted fur more than a week as the Southbank wharf was being repaired. Work is to be done to the north bank wharf this week so it will be some time before the ferry will be on schedule again. tvvmfv euro ret. tes two u.oir. f. : r ""'i'i" - . I' ":ieres a a woman woman who "u uncter- - - u..ur.-. . .... AIM I ;5timjwj. sen, I stands English, but doesn't speak " 6" f 11 J Kveninr Show. SaluiUny Malinf. I I FINEST OF COO NG best J3 J2 FOO iMmw ) CAPlfo The snow has all gone here and it is mild again. playing a new four-seater plane equipped with both pontoons and skis for year-round travel. The plane was a gift from sportsmen friends in Buffalo, N Y. They started a campaign and in four months collected S12.000. Some of the funds were uiised through the sales of a booklet, "From Snowshoes to Wings," outlining Father Lampion's stay in the north. The trim red and silver piano will take him to his 32 missions the farthest one at Minnipuka, 300 miles northwest of Foleyet on the CNR transcontinental Visifed repeater staliitn. Only bright spot in outmoded Dominion Government Telegraph at!rf Tel"i:ho:ic Service, built in IS011 tn connect isolated communities at time of gold rush, and todav incapable of meet-ini; fully, demands, result rapid development in commerce. Ke-peater stations built durini; war by RC'AF and CN from Van-, couver to Prince Rupert, one hundrrd and fifty miles apart, al Lvtton, ICO-Mile House, Piince fieoree, Burns Lake, Woodcock and Prince Rupert, and now being used for civilian purposes. r'dli TAKK Ol'T OKDCliS PHOVK 2(N BROADWAY CAFE Mr. and Mrs. John Reed and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and family have moved lo the Landing. It." Changing scene at back of hotel. tew months have seen most of trees removed. More rl:;rs cf tliv.ts. .turai windo put lip in hotel. Difficult time lor plane.,, too icy for floats, too thin for skids. Just heard delightful spoonerism during Citizens' Forum of Aii. "No savour in labing." find myself, mentally tired, out-rivalling Dr. Spoonor. Once, when instructing class in painting, told them to ob-crve "peli-cate detal," of sweet pea. Still intrigued with use oi v.o d. "pack." Discussing Royal lour, talk got round to Philip's c'.islike of wearing hat. "Yes, he always packs it," said acquaintance, who had previously talked TOTEM !0i Famous Flayers Theatre "Aft? DUIGHTI 11 ADVBKTIS1NU IN THK PAU.V IfKWS HiiiMih kkmii is Mr. and Mrs. I. Harder and daughter Anne are staying at the Landing for two weeks before moving to Burns Lake. s in tuj line. TAX CONCESSION The "flying priest" said he was oennitted to bring the plane f- ft General Electric 5 PAUL DOUGLAS - JANET LEIGH JA ,'. KEENAN WTNN UWIS STONE Co lift to Francois Lake with into Canada free of duty, M". and Mrs. H. Taylor. Mr. Tay- through the efforts of L. J. lor has been supervising work at Gautliier, Liberal member of i repeater station for four years, parliament for Sudbury, and ! ' Wonderful day, squirrel fearlessly External Affair.3 Minister Pear- eating rose hips by side of road. son. 'Met Mr. and Mrs. Neave. Mrs.1 The plane, with 145 horse-Neave must be one of busiest power. Is equipped with radio mSPIIN6 IYIKGT0N .'v.v,a: a IIUCE BENNETT XrA PLUS "Cat Napii..ig" , "Curious C 'outfits r jik. I women m Canada. They have permitting him to follow a radio ; store, J. o., cabins, and Mmsmerc beam in poor weather. Corker Kenr.vls. and Mrs. Neave1 The tall. 'red-haired native of it HmCs TODAY & SATURDAY Kvrnlnij ShoOTl-S tii Katuidajr Matin;f h correspondent for several Drummondville, Que., outlined ipape-s. "The water in the lake plans he had made for a 20 by is ninety-eight percent pure, you 40-foot winter hangar at Cherry jean fill car batteries with it." Lake, near Foleyet. , S in, Peter, took me out to .v.-e old He did the wiring, carpentry. ADVEPTIS1NU IN THE DAILY NKWri HKlNCiH Kf.Mll WITH PUMP oek t;;lvm today at oWS cant ( i ferry belns; cut up for transport plumbing and finishing on his I to Shuswap Lake. , church, he said, so there i M approachrd Mrs. Jacob shouldn't be tuo much trouble IIfnkc! s house, noticed wild cle- in erecting a hangar. j rial's at o'd mans beard stagej He decided to take flying lcs- I I ound Mrs. Henkel, with daugh-' sons last winter and qualified ' U'i Mrs. John Keefe. sitting in for a pilot's licence al ter four ik'tchen, which is original cabin monUis of instructions. PAMI. NORTHERN B.C. POWER Co.,Ltd. J COLLAPSIBLE WARDROBES You always experience a nice iSisncr Mock I'lione 21(1 f Fnn.p kiivrt. IS f. Sliwarl, K.C. J warm feeling when you know friends mil t by husband Jacob Henkel; The new ferry at Francois Lake (rom Bella Coola, in 1904, and ii r.amed after your husband, bmlt tne ,irst oR cabin nerc. He I asked. "Yes." it is. but was tne first whit-e man who win- wfh Shelf like to come wj H lit, lots of space r 'ii u 1 ?. '. nut r '"- ran- tp.i-ri- terea" over over In in ihis this district district, The Fibre construction ! ' . c s. There is a Francis Lake oij fl)llowlnK year nt. n(, I the border ol Yukon and B.C. the railway coming in and UUUUl to your home. For times like JTj f quiet evenings 1 he cut iMy husband came in to Ootsa y v beside the fire. 'l'StIji bridge game usz ctutches We've hr;ird from I iinwtk (iMt 4 enw over ilu-rr h.ul lo have its icg ;tmjMii.H( d. hut get along quite ntitiy now mi a ticw fiiir ntittlr of aluminum. WIkmIht or uoi this arulu m! h'K v.;is iiuilr ol ( .uimiI i jo .ilu mitttmi. we wouldn't know, IV-rh;i il was, lr au wr do 1(ih1ih our iU,tttfr of (fie worfd'jt M.pnlv. 1 )tt iunr a hiK 'Imhk ("( (lanad i. Il tor, on johs tor Cm iilians. utu inont y from! tit pay for (.jim-dian intorK K;,;ht now hc arc hard at work on cxKUMon projei ts in QuoIk l and 111 ii Mi (olM'nliia; fur v.v jim iui ii go o:i it nur pari tn Ik Ip-inp Canada jrow. Muiiit': 11 Company of CaiiaJa, (Aluin). 'til t:U and small un 5 feet hicjh These wardrobes are inexpensive, easily assembled and can be stored in a small soace when not in use. Priced of $9.75 each a trail from Cheslatta to Francois Lake. He died In 1945, and had only been away from the district between thiue and six months." Went outside to look at barn, still standing, built in 1914, and cache of Hour and sugar, standing on posts to keep vermin out, and was shown original "shakes" on roof of house. expected parties, serve a delightful j'.-"- wine . . . Paarl c South African V7 Muscatel. Your family and friends will delight in its superbly sweet taste, its pleasant bouquet. Muscatel is the perfect wine to serve at all times. Insist on the finest . . . ask for PaaI. A. MacKenzie Furniture It A Good Host is a Hind Reader like dry drinks, Tastes differ. Some others the opposite, sweet drinksL Burnett's ts an EX1KA Only because DRY (unsweetened) Gin can you add or leave out . the sweetness and meet every individual preference. BURNETTS - - f - Teachers' Meet At Prince George l 1RINCE GEORGE (Special to ''y Newsi - Sume 250 school , tc-a-ue-s at" here for a conven-' ti- n of the North Central Dis-; trkt Tvachers' Councl being held Friday and Saturday. I Mieng th; features of the rr itinc i; a talk by Harold L. i Campbell, deputy superintendent n; edticatiin fur British Colum- oip on the :econdary school cur- r Cm 'iiiti. ! Another speaker is George O. 'i" nt. public relations director lo- Aluminum Co of Caruda. o.i . conies to B.C." J. A. Spragge is giving an addre-.- on the subject of teach- cr. ' pensions. -over a quarter of a cenUrj Phwit "A good place to buy Til 3rd Avenue Luxury At Low Cost CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION Co-Operative Win Growers Association of Sooth Africa, Limited Poor I, South Africa iMBERSHIP DRIVE LONDON DRY TiU3 at!' prti-.cmrtu i- nut pubU.s? or dispypfi ijy !he Li-juur uu-.a Boiirtt or by tUa ' (.irivminu nt .Hriti.-.h (;iii'Miibin The Missouri-Mississippi River f.:te:r. Lowing 4 502 miles i.s 500 l 'i''.., '-r.srrr than tha Amazon. '3 V ZX Ht'5 Drive Friday, Saturday and Monday. Canvass by High School students on an Inter House competition. Buy n family membership. Pay over a year's period if necesscry Last year's membership 1800. This year's membership 2500' Do not oay the canvasser. The Civic Centre will bill you. Just f 1 1,1 in and sign thecard. The new cutomofe Clolsraan Oil Heats Worlds cfksstBesuty'm the bargain! 4J ' irwyMom fkp t nn unu net crt Closed for Alterations much heat for home comfort at so little cost! This Coleman automutic oil heater produces 32.000 BTUs of heat per hour' Dollar value in comfort hus made it the fastest soiling oil heater of its kind. Setting an entirely new high ip beauty and styling this hondsorro Master Circulator model is in a class by itself! ' " - - - . f " ; i i - . , , j . ' , ' -- ,! I V 2. J m til. r ; ! R - ONLY EASY TERMS The Commodore Cafe Is Closed For Alterations Watch For The Re-opening Date Commodore Cafe Ccn tn ond ice il todgy Ihol t th best woy lo prov "0MF08T COIU SO LITTLE WITH I 'I he best- buy of the year! A fash ton -first, fur favorite . . . deep brown, light -weight moulon . . . swagger with deep opera cuffs and new rma'l collar. Priced at only $185.go Itudget Terms Arranged fOVLIE-RUTTLE LIMITED I Next time r?; HkrM El Davey 628 3rd Ave. W. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Proprietor, Mcllride St. Phone 311 - .if'