Prince RuDert Daily News Friday, November 9, 1951 Hockey DAILY NEWS Badminton At Telkwa iilii bfiuw ciriM hVrKt aiil give a sense of complacency to those above class average. 3. The new system treats each pupil as an individual, instead of comparing him with everyone else. Teachers will continue to ' scores t VFS Wi ir .- TELKWA Badminton is In full n mark examinations and tests swing here among the younger National League Montreal 4, Boston 2 Toronto 3, Chicago 1 Parilic Coast Taeoma 2, Calgary 4 set as well as the oldrer people of - . ,.a the town. Theia is some talk of a tournament between Smithers players and Telkwa. This should prove very interesting and should draw a large crowd of spectators. Pupils' Progress Rated by Ability TORONTO (CP) A revolution is due here this month. No more will school report cards itemize students' standings in subjects. Starting Nov. 15, report cords will gauge pupils' class progress by the use of three letters O for outstanding, 8 for satisfactory, and U for unsatisfactory. They will be used in all Toronto public schools up to Grade 8. At the same time it will show by the same letters how a student Is developing his personality, attitudes ana sense of responsibility. And, like the old style-, report cards will retain the space lor parents' comments. The letters mean exactl what they say. One pupil who gets 05 per cent may be marked U because he can do much better. Another pupil who gets 65 may and will note the results in their class files. The new report cards were developed by a committee of principals and teachers and received the sanction of the city's top educators. They regard the O-S-U type ol marking as one of the biggest steps in an educational movement that has been going on in Toronto for several years. ill III L I Bison Hunt In Alaska uners Keadv to COMES TO CANADA : iv it .1 t?i JUNEAU Alaska has Its an Calgary Builds Incinerator CALGARY. According to J. Ivor Strong, the city engineer, construction of Calgary's new $700,000 garbage incinerator may start this winter. York on Building nual buffalo hunt as well as Canada. This fall, some of the non- I breeding bulls were eliminated. rimi'd for Equipment, Challenge Trophies The herd had flourished in the Now, for the 6r$t time, you can1 enjoy the wonderful washing resultj of the exclusive Easy ."Spiralator." Three-way wash, injc action cleans every article in the tub evenly and thoroughly . . . washes more clothes in lesf time . . and riot damage delicate fahrics. Because it'i more efficient, Easy "Spirala- BIG IMPROVEMENT FUN FLON, Man. t The most ambitious project yet carried out in this northern mining town, a sewer and water system costing $1,600,000 was put in operation-when Mayor Cyril Stevenson preyed, the main pump, switch. The town now has 48 miles of sewage lines. Model 59 I ii,-t work bee on the former RCAF mess halijthe 24 bulls were shot. ( Id OOrwPVT IT into o ri.H m ....,7, ...ill " umo weie uuuuir limners It was the second Alaska NOTABLE LIBRARY The Harvard University nt Cambridge, Mass., founded lu 1638 is the oldest library in the United States. be raHd O because hc'3 vrcrl:- bison hunt and it took place In , level. lng above. his au.lity - .uui(i lllltY Will i this woek-enr. Prince Rupert Curling Club tivf decided at its meeting last night. Arrange a wild and difficult country. ing 196-50 tor" uses less current and has less wear on mo. Toroni.0 educators believe the parts . . . ias longer and saves you money. Only Fasy Said or.j old Juneauite to a! hunter: j new system will do a better job of reporting progress for both rs for purchase ol the building from D. G. Frizzell 12 uas me spiraiator. Come in and see it for yourself, ONE-THIRD DOWN BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS Olllpleted, 1 ' subject to ratification ' at aL the! "Now a11 you have 10 d0 ls take atudents and parents. Each card r. Lnticare of it and lug that 2.000 1 will have attached a note of ex f lU'iicral , meeting pounds pounds of of bison bison bull bull away away from from plantation: plantation: "On "On this this card card . . . . . .'I : here iS you iiave to use a der- vour child is not comnared witn -m MMiiciiis rail for a total I rick." other children. This report shows McRAE BROS. LTD. :$u vuUi three yearly equul '.a. Woman Bothers Rocket Richard a constitution, 4jh',u-ii:e Infant's Wear Baby Panties Bibs Sleepers Sweaters Corduroy Overalls his orogress in relation to his ability. Ohe ooard of education official gave his reasons why cards without marks are an improvement: 1. Marks by themselves don't Bull Moose In Battle Man of IXlany Moods ls Star of C'anadiens ( up iiif.i niiuiv. win oe 4 'ii each dI the 130 mem- tne riub, who will have j;,urt jmty io read and l:ie nv.i beiore the next gj nn ( inn is called for Sometime this wason Maurice (The Rocket i Richard will slam 1 give an accurate picture of a I FAIRBANKS Ray Woolford pupil's progress, either to him and Frank Glaser, government or his parents in the three hundred and dene Saturday fourth goal of his NHL career wild ni agents, " witnessed the to constant d VVMBlldiriVMi OH ,!. K, numy una Monday aim dithk weis nelson s all-time , . 1 . io .closing stages of a long drawn i m to tear uu the floor, scoring record. comparisons apt to discourage 1 lout oul battle DatUe built .1 ... u..., win heoin mi' ... ... ..... between two moose. ' " .-ui.cni, inane Ul m; reio.r of the biiilditc: lean's Magazine, Tunt Frayne Mti-lMUU I'i 14 leei. f.Ynlftinu nr. Iitm'.i-,,M (.. It might have lasted two weeks itfT the Curlin his armor: he never nlnv, ,s ! They had locked horns, sjuth of rtrr. irrni ris aiienqeri here near the Tanana River. The neck of one had been broken. The oilier was rapidly weaken-i CPA iti. To Vancouver i today i W. A 4- been coiiaHy success- best hockey on the Toronto Leaf's home ice. This has Kome-a'l.iii liipe has been times been attributed to a well-id ia mi its way from 1 drrssed female fan of thcLeaf.s '. who always sits In the front rows p.iii -: ( matched curl-' mid is said to enrage him with have ot'eii ordered nnd "' peulstent heckling. At limes Dozens of wolves were noted Boyd, Lt. Cdr. Adamic, Lt. Cdr. in adjoining woods. I Tye, J. Tustin. W. Jorgenson, Mr A huge bear was also sighted ! Salahve, W. A. Padghon, E. E. and hundreds of birds. j Wallace, R. W". Kiddle, W. C. II WILL DO 7Lfcx It Is assumed the creatures , "'"u'e. ".""' To Sandsplt i today I L. E. for both of the W're waiting moose to die. 4 en roii:e Scotland. K .chard h:m.self has blamed the 4 viiii'ljuard., have been fcfal In the Maple Leaf Gardens tf. one bv Imperial To- ad the vastness of lh: placa. i Co. Ltd. the other by But, his boss thinks his failure to t,.a. , thine In the Queen City is be- fi.r.u.d ca-.illeiij'e run has he's too' trying to Smith, H. Wlndt. QCA To Stewart iThursday i Mrs. J. McKay, J. Barber (Khutze-mateeni. From Stewart J. Barber, R. Sylvester, B. Sylvvster. From Anyox Mr. Lorren and Mr. Deridiger. red ov A J. Uommato. iuuks kooci in a ciiy lor wnieli lie' Gtiriinn and Mr, Friz.eil ;ias little affection as a hockey I V - I si nen ct utiier tropiili's. town. YOILXG MMi Dorreen Mine Settling to Winter Work ar Tsquird fur trinin9 NAVIGATORS - RADIO OFFICERS PILOTS IrMIii r will donate a club But the Hab's Number 9 ls so 4(lu'k- U'O'id rival managers would ilka t itive decided a bonspicl, tc buy him are said to have of-:i, a.: eii.ries, would be fired as much as a hundred and' vny March, first one next tliii ly-live thousand dollars ! TMemhi-rshin tlie iriM'tln; tii., i ,1 and j To Kitimat (today I Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton. j To Kildala H. Erickson. I From Kitimat (today Mr. , Uchacltz,- Mr. small, Mr. Ton- r.ikki, Schellenberg. I From Kildala G. Welland, C. Morrin. ,p ' ' ---n nny i,u Uf. iiiuiity UUUKUI l .. should be extended to bliy him. Miglit as well give up I With a crew of 32 men -now $ad ol Lit), for it had half the Forum as contemplate I employed, Dorreen Mines Ltd. uven.-d not all mem- trade involving Richard." savs property the former Fiddler ii -lid be active curlers. The his boss Frank fielkc The RnrlcUt Creek mine is sttllinz down to RADIO & AERONAUTICAL TECHNICIANS If you can qualify HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: 0 ?K bttf training in Canada 6 A vfl-pa!d career in th Royal Canadian Air Forea with good opporv tunity for promotion and ai'urtd progriv pay. Full medical, dantal and hotpHaJiiation car, and awellant paiuion provisions 0 gratuitief. Continuous mploymnt with 30 days annual vacation with pay. ft Centrout cnarriaga and subiistanc allowane. 4) Wall-plannad sports ad recreallon. l.-, rink would is iM liiehst-naid. best-loved winter operation. The 50-ton active curlers and most-hated man in the water flotation mill has been Unro ihan nnti hirri nf n tl arai meeting will be League. aurnea up ana nas stanea run-igwedjsh railways are electrified During the war some of his goiu silver ana meuu;and most are government. i. a );,i hi uays to ap-i"'i.nris ol the execu-: in el- i t a new slate of di tractors said he onlv looked , i""1"'""?'' w'1" "Jf'u" '"lowned. $500 per ton. P. E. Peterson Opportunity for travel, education, adventure and etpenence Canada and Overseas. ' gocd because of the absence of opposition. But In thj last two years opposition was back in droves and lie was good enough to score eiphty-five goals and ' now those fame critics agree he's jgood. He has a few records to ( prove it. including the one total i coals In a single season i fifty, in :lj44-40i, ihe playoff record of ! five poals in a sincie (jame, the I . . ttt -v veteran district mining engineer and managing director, has left for Vancouver to spend the winter and Jack Boulding has taken charge during his absence. Mr. Peterson sailed from here on the Prince George last night for Vancouver, accompanied by John Sloan of Duncan, Vancouver Island, one of the directors of Dorreen Mines Ltd. Contractors are now complet :e Wee Hoop Sm Opened 4 Mure ftecruits Could Be Says I red Calderone QUALIFICATIONS: R CREW: Between 18 and 24 years cf age with grade eleven ejcation or better. O-QUND CREW: Between (7 and ';9 years of age with grade eight dj cat ion or better. Apr-'v ir: record of twelve goals in nine ;.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT i3. 9121 ICIA A., EJ.-rio-ton ' re are any youngsters P'ayi.ff gi.mes. live goals and 1 iio' DlaviiiB basketball - lb; ee insists in a single regular- This advortiseiueut is net published or displayed by the Liquor Control board or by tba tioveriuneat of ltrituu Columbia. hji-i ing buildings at the property lbs mJa MM tmB OHM 829 wBH BD OK f t woul.-l like to play, the season game, at the t orum, nat- anu me crew is geuing wen sei-1 it.. i ij Hitv is there. announces """'J. L,tu- - ('aloeione, Civic Centre' Frayne tells the story of Rich-j Dorreen mine is situated five ni'i tiir I nrH ih urnriniT mnptiine Rirh-lmiles from the railwav to which 1 iv-Wi.' League is open ord t lie hot-tt mpeml nan who;,lt to. handily accessible - The ore is about half gold and silver and half base metals. f ;' iii-r ti-iim at least and ! picks a fight in the middle of a P.'H -s Playing times are jjew York hotel lobby, and Rich- .iwiiiin). ana inursoay -ard the family man who grew nr. erone wi 1 trv Hanoi her team tomorrow 'despondent during a-west coast ANCIENT INDUSTRY Silk culture, oni of the country's most important industries, has flourished for 4,000 years in China. ; g then; are enough I tour because he was separated f ! rs "'''vween the ages of ! from his wife anu thrwe child- H available at the Centre I .., m Hie morning. j - of its fine climate 9'r in Morocco has long 'o-;ni..d as a health re- elBMMWMIeMfceeMM Vlits lilies tojmnt ji pete's a jfainta'too... BASKETBALL SHOES YOU CAN 4M OS ever the Interior' BANK ON IT... For MEN this label Is gilt-edged security for fine whisky! Cf) Terrace daily Prince George and BOYS Featuring Ci' Ft1 A course at art school, a paint job on the house both must be paid for, sut ed for. Have you "something special" you've set your heart on? . . . And are you building up your savings to make it come true? Thousands of ee Dovs Wecklw Roya! Bank customers are doing just that. Here's hov. m-ais J Kitimat 2nd Kemano ' Except Fridavs SHOES i 0 n MEN- THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA First, decide what you want most, how much it will cost, and open a special savings account at The. Royal Bank of Canada for that one particular purpose . . . then save for it. Sarond, use the Royal Bank Budget Book to keep yourself on your course, and to avoid careless spending, The budget book does not suggest how you should spend your jnortey. It does provide you with a simple pattern to help you PLAN YOUR BUDCET TO SUIT YOURSELF. You can get a copy at any branch. Ask for one. cV" . "a" from TERRACE j LTD. I ord Moore, Agent WISER'S DISTILLERY LIMITED- FASHION footwear D. W. G. STEWART. Manager ' PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH r( Rupert This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Terrace Phone 133 Black nni Ooiitrol Bimrd or hv the (.overnment l hritih ( oltimbia. ijiiin