S snd there Is a yet deep in one's conditions as a preliminary to' FOXY ' thoughts can be the feeling that, reporting to the president. And LAUDERDALE, B,rto have noticed something? The Scotland . fx . Improbable, you . alter all it's no so Ustd It is quit; poble that last Men- sight of the man urr whose ning t e a p , Prince Rupert Daily News Ray . Ieftccfs ami Thursday. January 11, 1951 day was a spell of anxiety plenty -. ... "i-u mi:, a 6t felt and who betrayed ves by trying not to show it. ope. Even in less than a week only his nose showing L, ti there is less of "oh, what's the, d there un 19 fr As I M i urn .? nuut pa. V J I ' i 1 ',. I .av j emmitces use? spirit, ana more or ;; "let's get going" philosophy. ..fimiiden-ndpnt daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia '...Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations , J- . Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director I - A year or so after 1918, us memory ol the war dead kept so KNIGHTED AMEHlcj U Hlrum Maxim Inventoi ol the auutmai became a naturalized b citizen befoi-e his knighihi SUBSCRIPTION RATES For Action. Auvertl.se! News Classifieds Make Sales. ..i-iii MCaFFlor Per Week, 20c: Per Month, 75c: Per Year. r - .,$9.00; Bv Mail. Per Month. 50o: Per Yfnr $5 00 nftV.&IiW ' PublLshed every afternoon except Sunday by ..: Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, SAVINGS MEN'S WORK (iLOVEK ijA, Big variety from, nuir if.y MEN'S ALt-WOUI. W,KK Cy ELMORE PHILPOTT ON FOREIGN TRAVEL IN A FEW days I expect to take off for a newspaper trip to Europe, che Middle East and India. Some of my old Robert Burns' birthday anni- closely enfthrUied, the lure of versary is near and haggis is spiritualism grew. There were coming to Prince Rupert all the no suggestions of a fading unl-way from Scotland. The day verse. Bet interest in the future after the dinner the haggis wiU state and in those who had but be harder to find than the Stone recently diod was becoming more of Scone itself. and more mark-ad. Scores of j Prince Rujiert people were par- to" attend meetings in The British Bookmakers' Awo- j teulr It was just another Vancouver. ciation is quoting a thousand to one odds against war in 1951. It's!Pie Phase the year the King and Queen will visit Austra"a and New Zealand. ; Some Canadian soldiers who Is it a good time to make wagers? 1 spent a few W.-eks in Pusan are back home. They dislike Korea and What lan ddld the King Queen Journey to a short time -especially Pusan. They have v..,f,... ,v,o .KrDir nf ihB last, difficulty finding words suitably i .Pl PANTS fj ft. GoorV for fishlnfs .. . . f ! BOYK SCHOOL n , TKOIISLKS M UOVr AH -WOO!, WIND- lUttAKIilU ffA descriptive. One 4 ! reminded of Prince Rupert struggle? some visitors to about half a century ago. Mrs. Carlson of Keremeos al most started something, A . . . , . . of us nrofesse to scot! at the hi- General Eisenhowers arrival dividual who predicts the ap- in France was quiet and matter proach of the world's end. Yet- of fact. He is sizing up general ROYAL BA: DIRECTOR Lionel A Forsyth K-C, pro-minen; Montrea' lawyei and lndust -ialist, whose appointment as a Director, ot The Roya' Bank of Canada is announced. Mi . Forsvth if President of the Dominion Stse! ar.d Coal Corporation, Limited; Dominion Coal Company Limited; Nova Scuia S.jel and Coal Company Limited and their subsidiary companies. He is a director of Ciwby Distilleries Limited; Eddy Mutch Company, Limited; the Nova Scotia Trus. Company; ant' Rosi-maric dc Paris Inc. hop and ItPave at menus, iiib puiiMid oai;-ibs," are letting m know that they think this is a prnnd idta i They always figured that I would come around to thrtr way of thinking if only I could go out ' east ol Sue" ar.d see things for myself. , j This seems like a good time for a few words about the whole question of commentaries by-stay -at-homes and eye-witnesstw. oUo j IT SEEMS to me that there is no fallacy quite so dangerous as that no one should write url speak concerning relations with foreign countries unless that writer or speaker has been to fit fe.H Prince Rupert And Japan THE FACT that a seven-million-bushel deal has .,. I been made with Japan for the shipment of Peace River wheat to that country causes Page Rideout, : ' who still campaigns wherever and whenever possible for Prince Rupeit as the logical outlet for the Peace River country, to deplore with considerable effect the fact that that grain should have to be moved bv circuitous routes via Edmonton to the X-JlAlt of Vancouver. Mr. Rideout's article in the rfTii33y News yesterday may have been a lengthy af- wltti but it made out an effective case, .with some logical deductions ant' ;nany facts and figures, in the campaign for Pr'nce Rupert as the outlet for thej Peace River. I also brings up the question again as to vvhy Prince Rupert, 500 miles closer to the Orient than Vsircouver and possessing a large - grain elevator with all port facilities, should not be '"-ygjl for the shipping of this northern British Co-himbia wheat. ,7";i. Prince Rupert, Itself, content with its new pros . ' jiejjity, seems to have been pretty indifferent of late '' tuch things as the Peace River outlet, idle eleva-toiy. inactive 'shipbuilding plant and such things. It 'dofH nt speak too well for our own initiative and energy when people from the outside like Page Rideout are the only ones to raise their voices and keep such questions alive. " CELANESE PUBLICITY Golden it REAM V. that country. If that were binding rule we would have to beek Industries 5 .i. ' ' STYLE & i 1 1 .11: Cor? cut out most of tne eunuiiai pages in our newspapers. We would also, incidentally, have to close down millions of churches and similar religious institutions, all of which are staffed by people who tell us a great deal about tk.m linim nuiiap CMin 1 II Lakehead Cities Burying Hatchet PORT ARTHUR (P Fort Av- """ V. civic finanoe committee pciftw.a liicj' uuve v... tlUDS sera nearu ana places ue has decided jt should bury' the and hell, where they have never hatchet und try ,0 ww.,j wita been. next-dorir Fort W'llam in entlt.- mm t N4 tfxarUy a illu-.iiati.iJ. HAMMOHH 2-Piece oOo WE HUMAN beings ing new industriLs to the Lak our head. knowledee in onlv one of two the ccmmittse nas avreea to or three ways: By what we see, hear, smell, the principle cf a Joint indu ;ti"al , eommittee w kh would advertise the benefit i ta indust'-y uf Bed Chesterfield tou:h, taste. By what psychologists call est ablishins LakehaJ pl.in's i what whether :u Pert A- tlmr w f'JVt NOW ON DISPLAY extra sensory perception women miifht call "intuition' or Wul:ani. eAHHED FOODS 1 "BIG advertisement which appears in important GORDON & ANDERSON newsnaoers throughout the United States (two, LiMITFQ what preachers might call "vi- ' iu w l-i'-usirv Ua'-U-hed l'i fsions" either city is of benefit to. boil. f If we based our attitudes and cities," said Alderman Eat'. Rid-, actions only on what we our- t'e'l. j ; selves had learned at first hand The joint - commute phi. we would be a pretty ignorant earn to the finance bod tiom oi . ft Arthur ciambef u Com- I w oai nitt,t.'(1f our knowl- mere. It tied iiv with a sitfges- Hollywood Cafe Chicago Tribune and Wall Street Journal of New tw York, have 4ieen received by the editor) is centred with K map of North America. On the map are V xhCTOvn two cities Prince Rupert, British Columbia, TimT Bishop, Texas. Background of the advertisement is a panorama of Port Edward's Porpoise Harbor showing the Columbia Cellulose high alpha cellulose mill. Anothei panorama shows the new ' ""n bv Alderman Mrs. Eunice weighing edge of the universe by , the evidence as1 to what other Wishart that a special effort made to biin? new war Indus Wc Specialize in ..DISHES . , people say they have seen or heard, or learned by means we ' consider reliable. ', oOo t ii's to Port Arthur. M 's. Wishart's civic tourist j eommitte wcrked with a siinlln.- Fort Wllli'am committee uiUil tl.T T A KPIfll .. Iraunl In o f -0 m ft """I ,..,; ...ltV.J f 1V,D doei del iS to rul6 wiumm wuiiuirw tivm nic foreign country CHOP SUEY CHOW MM FOOTHILLS "HARD" iti rangeiiieii'j. "We must be above cut-throat business," she said. enable you to get the feeling or moou of the country, in a way that vou iust can't get it sec Eur OuUiiln OiUers I'llU.VtC 131 1 Letters will be sent to the On- tario Department of Develop- I HPEN I'KOM 1:30 p.M. t., S:J0 A.M. ond-hand. ! In 1949, for instance, I travelled throughout western Ger- ALBERTA TELKWA COAl IN ALL SIZES ment at Toronto and to the re- j I manv and most of the countries sources department at utiawa. organic chemical plant of Celanese Corporation of : Ulrica-at Bishop, Texas. The advertisement is "published by the Celanese Corporation to illustrate graphically the two geographic extreme of its great " ."bain of. plant. It is impressive publicity for Prince , Rupert. . '"Text of the advertisement is as follows: '-" The distance from Bishop Texas to Prince Runert Rritish '""fohimbia. via Cumberlr-.nd. Marvland. and other Celanese ' '"' plants, is anproxima'eW 4800 miles. This span represants a .,n rimned nnri inteifK'od s'MM-ee of rw materials and produe- - tion iv olanese Conjuration of America. Early in the company's history, the Celanese management ,..?.' ....look steps to assure suoplies of major raw materials to protect FISHERMEN.. Egg Lump Cobble . . . and Stoker in the North Atlantic Pact. I describing advantages ior war came home convinced that west- industries here, em Europe was simply incapable Mrs. Wishart said that when of fighting another war, such as she was in Duluth, Minn., re-thwp nf i!iu and 1938: and that cently she found plants be!r- Nut PHONE 651 it the English-speaking powers geared for a possibility of 15 expected to build a continental years of war. Port Arthur's pop- I military defence against poten- ulation was growing and more . R m For Immediate Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. ih orwtv, nf tho hn-,im. This has enabled th coiiiDanv to , Ua Russian aEKresswn across J"" ... For complete overhaul of your High 8pecd Gasoline Kiitjini's, se liuirt Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanic.'; and specialized equipment, to perform this work fur you . . . efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the ru.-h if on, let us have that Job now. 1.1'MP.EIl Bf 1EU1NG StPPMKS meet the increaslm? denund for Celanese productstextile western Europe they would have ts poople. j , i uns -liemicals, p'.astirs- which has doubled and redoubled to supply the hard core of the The government had helped , msnv times. jjnd armies themselves for Eu- many industries to establish in This wolicy led in 1P44 to the huPrin i' a p'nt reir , ro ptanji hil(i .-nad it as the Ontario but none had come ti Bwlwp. Taxas. to nroduce organic chemicals from petroleu n i B..,,ish. -av Port Arthur. r a i, . n l Rupert Motors Limited natural mares. It was more rnan a piani. jr. was an aavaTici-ui - i and efficient plm for oxidizing hydrocarbons by methods ouo commer-iallv engineered :or the first time. In World War II BUT THERE are two sides to ; it helped contribute to the chemical needs of the defense pro- this local mood business. It often gram in addition tosuprlvin? chemicals for Celanese' own uss. does ule visitor more harm than-Todav it is vastly exnanded into one of the great chemical good I production centres of the country. It is also fortified with if 'vou are a white man for! XJiwdern laboratories and pilot plants for continuing large-scale .,' and t0 the southern1 pioneere find Jormanyye0"111131' U.s.A yo soon Nearlv 50nn miles to the north of Bishon. at Prinze Runer. '. absorbing the local race as-British Columbia, another Important supply project is about sumptions almost in spite of BEFORE IT STARTS ... - INSTEAD OF AFTER IT APPEARS PICTURE FRAMES and FRAMED PICTURE- NEW SHIPMENT JEST PRCKIVED ready ta beam operation?. Here, near some or tne world s yourself. Actually you can get a better !irio,st end finest timber- reserves, a tremendous, modern pulp mill has been constructed by Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd.. a subsidiary of Celanese Cornoration rf Arnf-i-'a. tt wi'l jjtf aim J "ft i bird's eye picture of that situation from long range than short range. Popular '7 , 1 - ' ' " Daily Health Mini All ''&:3 ' bizes ..si $ Prices r Sunlight Is an excellent disinfectantgive it a chance, because it kills germs as surely as the strongest man-made produce substantial quantities of high alpha cellulose, scheduled to beiin earlv this year. Cellulose is one of the basic raw materials for making Celanese chemical fibres It is also an important strategic material along with iron, oil and cotton. World supplies of cellulose are less than the demand. The operations of Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd., In Canada will materially increase America's supplies of this vital raw material on a self-perpetuating basis. For the company's lease with the Government of British Columbia calls for harvesting timber like a crop. Scientitic cuttings and modern reforestation , methods assure timber in perpetuity. 4. These two great sources of raw materials strategically located in extremely favorable production areas Texas and British Columbia are eupable of supplying a substantial part . of the needs of the eleven other Celanese plants manufactur-mg chemical fibres and arns. woven and knit fabrics, plastics and chemicals. They are likewise important additions to the economic assets of the United Etates, and to the military 4iAVWi.iI Want Ads, Sure Results! mm 01 (TTnlTi potentials of our country. jSwiplure passage for JoJai msmm QJECllIffiB 03333 KSB BUI'BEMUSEDOI in a Twinkling . "It is better, if the will of Ood be so, that ye suffer for ' '''well doing, than for evil doing"! Peter 3:17. Attention TrucM CHEVROLET PICK 1 Week-end Special '47 FORD BUSINESS COUPE, '48 12. Thi fameua formula, developed by the University of Illinois Foundation, caused enormous tntorast la dental circles bersuae of its oramUine mth4 ! wttackinf lostli decay. In preliminary tesls eooducted at tlie Uui-verxity, cat after cae ef reduction in the incidence of tooth decay was reported. Now the manufacturers ol LUerine Antiseptic make this tame formula readily available to you and ta your family. I'm Ewterine Ammouiatetl TootK rVt regularly, as directed, morning and uigrit and right after eating. Lambert PhannacaJ Co, (Caiuui) ttd., Toronto. PRINTING One owner, 10.000 miles mi Eimn skhan li:l'lu i '49 PLYMOUTH, fully equipped, A-l condition f Chemical a c lion rduct 0 mtMitb ueiUUy. kloutbaaut- Lots of miles Kft-- S450 $2015 PURPOSES Highest Quality Experience Versatility 2. bii-H lit Uabipt avr Wuittt - Dibb Printing Co. Mad In Caneda 3. Calce'gMix Chmfcal action chacki nrid-foriHing bacterid Oijor CkVUBU uf dei'uye PHONE 234 LICENSED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! BESNER BWCK