Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 11, 1951 Legion land Sale Is Honored Al jGyro Club 1 Faieefl Stag ;CommiSfees Following supper and a short1 Standing committees of the business session at the Commo- Prince Rupert Gyro -club lor the (lore Cafe last night, Prince Ru-, year have been appointed as peri Kiiismeu held a stag party; follows by President-Elect Don to honor P.. E. Mont ador, who is Forward: leaving the city. Mr. Montador i Applf Day En Parke:, Jack is a past president and district Lindsay, Bob Parker, George Zovjrnor. I Murray Charles Balagno. About 25 members and guests! Bulletin D.. A. W Large. 51 Al Arf Plan V A nan m tot cause. Tne meeting a?r?ed tc empower the executive to nepotin? renting the upper floor of the Third Avenue property ta V.a Frinc Rupert Club nm a t?:i year leae at $137.53 per m jnt'i. Lie financial statement sha?.-od a profit of $4,2:3 HBefc-e d-i-preciation and p loss" of SlGG'n after depreciation. Accunt A general meetlntr of the Canadian Legion ia?t night approved fkpsjotiati ;ns the executive has entered into wi:h a view to seil- Of jiiiii the prow 'ty cn the water Xront8st of the new building to jaayable had risen from $1V)30 I were present at the party. During ! Civic Centre Cteddes Large, o 913.VM. ine iinanciai sti' -j-ment wa approved and acco int ; oe cjt,y vi neia ror an arena. T" meet'n' ha.-ked un ore- KMWSI me evening, President Eddie Maurice Brydges. Garner, on behalf of the ciub,' Entertainment W. T. Stone, presented Mr. Montador wilh a Ben Parkai, Allen Armstrong, silver entree dish. Sentiments Duncan McRae, Jacl' Bulger,-suitable to the occasion were New Year's Eve Dr. Jens wncial command in their effort "iVTeht -vrjoriirt fV jiisuiodtuc pivuuuius t.i,iiuea to voiced, general regret being ea- Munthe, 3ert Yojing. Grant! pressed at Mr. Montador's de- Stewart, joe M,cia, Elicit' We tiij have avoilable limited stocks ov extremely clean, good quality EDMOHTOH DEEP SFAM LUMP A vote of tiiariks wan exten.-iKl the citizens of Prince Rtlnrt f - their support t( the two bylaw concerning Canadian ;.LenU:i proDerty at the civic e'vt'o"-. One new member, M.-. Lawrence, of Copper Mountain. wa introduced by President Jmes Nicol, who was in the cHak wive cf men in receipt of war veteran's allowance, Tidows in nceipt of pensions and dependent parent? in receipt of pen-L-kMS. The secretary was lu-"'.vrt'j to circularize clubs and organizations in the ciiy asking for thei - support to the parture. Fulton. Guests were Hugo KrauDneri playground Or me Stuart, ann Scott McLaren. I Marl; Gormejy, W. p. Lamblj, W. Mr. and Mrs. Montador and F. Stone. Program Bill Cruickshank, O. lamily are leaving lor Vancouver next week. Conrad P.T. A. Hunter, Dr. L. M. Oreene. ; Purple and Gold Alf Rivett, C. A. Kellett, A. J. Oominalo, Jim Field, Rupert Fulton, Recording Secretary Joe Scott. Ways and Means A. D. Vance Di Geddes Large. Joe Scott, Maurloe Brydges, Cliff Ham. "That's my fiancee Uiird frm the left, I guess, or U she ' fourth or fifth . "." Flourishing mm ! Personal! Air Mechanics On Special Trio The largest attendance to date was recorded at the meeting on TCodi at Cum ii oUeCt Par-ent-ltachtr AssociaUou and reports showed the membership had been doubled in the past few mouths. An active season is promised ALBERTA "DIPLOMAT" EGG 18.00 p" "" (l-i'sv thai 5 hacks, $1.15 per sack) PHONE IK - H7 or 58 Albert & McCafferv Former Rucer! m Woman Passes S.O.N. Whist and Dance, Friday, January 12. Whist, 8 o'clock. Mitslj by Mike Colussl. Refresh-mer.U. Everybody welcome, (luci Makes alHhe dilFcrcncc" with the first important social event to be a Valentine mas- Mrs. G. W. Dunn, who lived in querade dan:e on February 10. Prince Ruoert 'or severa' years Mm. Dougias and Miss Barclay before World War II, her hus- wil' convene this affair. band having been stationed here An Interesting first aid dem- in tharse of an assay and ore onstration was given by R. E. sampling plant conducted by the Rather than take a chance with passengers aboard, the p'lat of the DC-4 out of Sand plt ves-1 terday afternoon sent to Prince ' Rupert for mechanics to rerja '! his brakes. Pilot Bob . Mclnnh took two mechanics BonoJil Stewart and Gerald Ribort'on ' from Prince Ruoert to Sandsi't ATTENTION ODDFELLOWS Special meeting Sunday, Jan. 14. Visit of Terrace Lodse and installation. 2 p.m. fcharp. (lie) Eyolffson, nisisted by Mrs. G. Consolidated. Mining& Smelting On bread, toast and vegetables . , in pan-frying and baking ... let your family enjoy the extra-fine flavor of Blue Bonnet Margarine! Redhead, Mrs. V. Duplisse and Co., passed awav in Vancouver just befo e nlghtlali yestcrdP" In the c Misses Jean and Dorothy on Sunday of this week. While Gent's 15 jewO waterproof the Con;o stationed here. They . t T-. cxr-tTm , V. . . ,. . l , i. ., , ., here, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn resided watches, ibo 15 Jewel gold filled returned this morning. on Fifth Avenue West. Having dress watches with FREE $5.S5 gss?;.; KENTVILLE, N.S. P App'.e h T) . ., ,.,,, the co'ursp helfl at Cnn- .vrup ' for table use In the same ' " F'"5"1 ... I ..V. r y Y 1 . 1 j . i 1 . . rad Schoo . ;anner ar coin syrup is urns 10 "- i-.-y unci nweei. lAr-t. uoiotny uomez and Miss come from Rowland, they went expansion bracelet, extra special, fcac!: to Trail wh-en Consolidated 19 95 at MANSON'S JANUARY closed down the piani here. A CLEARANCE SALE. (10c veloped by a new process at with the tang of, apples. Barclay conducted an amusing . and educational quiz on Prince Fresh, delicate, country' , tu eet! just as delicious when melting-hot as when fresh from the refrigerator! So nutritious, too! Combines the natural goodness of choice farm products with the 16,000 units of Vitamin A Rupert which brought out some facts about the city that sur- few years ago Mr. Dunn retired and since then they had lived In Vancouver. Mrs. Dunn was an active member and worker of the United Mrs. D. C. McRae, who has been visiting in the city for the past couple of w-ieks with her sons. Jack and Duncan McRae, prised even many of the long To Vancouver (today R-Thickett, Art Murray. Alfred nver E Peterson. F. Krvsha. I. added to every pound! And what a Besides her k sailtag tonht tnc prince Forman, R. Nelson, Capt. Mill- time residents. The niLtiiiig closed with the ihowir.j of three fiims after vihin refreshments were served. V Church while here money saver! Give your family at Duncan, Vancouver Xsi&nd. To Sandsplt (today) O. Turn- husband, the is survived by son, KoWthorrie Dunn, in Van couver. all they want and still stay within budget bounds! Aim R-L I DIES ... Be er c- Glddings. . . . stretch that doiiar lo tlic From Vancouver yesterdav limit . . . Take advantage of Dr. T. W. Strakei, Miss B. Clae-the wonderful values that are horn, H. D. Hansen, H. B. Pick-to be found at the big sale that etts, I. Hansen, M. Jajak, J. Pola- r'lineia! Oi Eric Dah! I Worthless Check - JUL Cashina Alleced W m1 wmann&isnoiv 1 is now on at DOMS DEPART- cick, k. Homewooa. I MENT STORE. (12':) To Sandspit (yesterday) E. Chrlstensen, R. 3ean. j Prince Runert Chamber of j .r) Commerce has heard from Ne- Funeral services for the late Eric Dahl, who passed away Sat XA'iV am AiAiv aM f lfW urday, were held yesterday at- Arnold James Henr'kseft t ville Gorrard. formerly manager. Afft-ca aku u,m Buna ternoon irom Urenville Court appeared before Maelstrate funeral chapil, R'V. L. G. 8iebe-n. Vance yesterday on a fcharcp! of B.C. Packers here, who Is now Pillow LONDON 0 When the cargo vosse' Wyoming docked at Tilbury after a three-week voyage of First United Church offlclat- of fa'se pretences was remanded settled lr. Victoria to which city inf. Mrs. J. C Oilker was or- for trial in eieht davi The he was transferred recently. Mr. r I I . J L m t. .J 7 viyv ' iv iy vTn'j vi a charge is in it.r.2( to a chorfe Gerrard said in his letter Uiai from San Francisco. Lonciai.i w . entoyed his association News Chronicle noted iU arrival .nderei M Enternrise Grocery hart December 30 an dagainst which with the Chamber of commerce "with 39.000 cases of Canadian Henriksen is alletred to have hr.rl here and he wished the organi- sprlei and film 'tii-s ht T i - hymns suns at the service were "O God Our Help In Ages Past" and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Pallbearers, were H. Furoy, J. F.'Lariun, L. John-soi., Ivor Robertson, A. March Sunny Yellow Margarine u f in 2 minutes flu! I U' to a y tuck fun lo colo in its once Olivier and Lady" Olivier zation continued success endeavours. r i - -ft r: (Vivien Leigh.)" no funds in bank. Henriksen. whe !? a married mnn with fami'y living here, was t aire;te 'ast week in Vancouver aiif Harry Shogins. Interment wad In Fairview PYLTONE for PILES he disembarl.'.'d from the ! ctmetery. amer Chiicotin on which he Yellow Quifc Blue aoiHwtl Pmi Hi Button,,, knead th bag ... B)u toniMt It yllow raady lo uul . No my mixing bawl . . , n dit h to wash . . . watt of timt or margorin! B tur la get Blu Bonn! in Hi amazing new , had. sailed from here. He was brought, back to Prince Rupert Tuesday by Royal Canadian Mounted Police niane piloted by Sgt. Reid. Yoliow Quite baa I Every day wa receive rs praising the i vi Pyltone Treat-motii,. We tMMtt them I we know the success of Py tone 'rum Const tn Cnas. O bott'e will show you the results we eiairr for Pyltone. no matter your age. nor how long-standing or ' severe your afflict nn with piles. Your money refunded at once V Pyltone falls to give results you expect. ' PyHorK resu'ts la t rtpcnu.! this new way treats the trouble at. its Fpiiire. v.hi'h ti always inte-na'. Pyltone (a liquid taken orally) goes directly and quickiy to the 'nner cause of piles of any kind. Ask your dnmgist for FYLTONE. TI (Princa Rupert) H. Shrubsall Is sailing tonight I', Pau'son. A. P. Chapman, M. cn tho Prince George for Van- Brocl , (' I'. Eisey. A. Snellen-' couver where he will enter I K ll j. '. C. 1- Salter. C. D. Under- Shaughnefsy Hospital for fur- ,1 ". A.Wa'Vf Kenneth Fraser, ther treatment. '. McLcar, R. Whitmore, H. Also available in regular style package with nltr wafer. 1 Armstrong and R. Hi-npwood. Vancouver; R. B. Erridge.Mr. and Mrs. Errldge and Miss V. Ellis, city; S. Lea, Keiowna; Mr. and M8. H Re'r!. Port Essingtnn: J. C. McDonald Edmonton; J. Marshall, Powell River; E. Tucker, , " .t ii towr. Ne. York; T. W. SUakc. lland-e-wipe Paper Towels 3 Completely new cleaning towels) Scientifically processed they're super-strong, wet or dry. So don't use messy cloths and rags - see, now mucn better you feel 740 I I en Is nnottneent just whisk a fresh, Hand-e-wipe Towel from clean Paper .i r r "I .,! p wi'-t and Crlbba?e. Clh Ilall. Tliarsaay, Jan, 11'. Legion Card Party, Jan. 17, 1951. Scotch dance in the Armories. self-dispensing Vv iif- the box at m on your next Charter Flight iGth Ave. West. Janu. la. spon Mi m sored bv Job s uauyntcrs. umc- Drink Postum see if you don't feel much better when you avoid tea and coffee. Those beverages contain caffein, which causes some people nervousness, sleeplessness or indigestion. Postum contains no caffein - cannot possibly harm you, no matter how much you drink I Enloy Postum for its grand satisfying flavor - and for the money it saves you up to H cup compared to other hot i beverages ! W ALLACE inj 9-12:30. conraa School P-TA card party, January 19, 8 p.m. ; Piesuyteruui Burns lianquit.' ' rtd-jv. Jan. 2fi Women's Ho-pital Auxiliary , Tea, Nurses' Hjrae, February 1. I St. Andrew's Cathedral Tea. Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 430 4th Ave. West, Feb. 6. Coiuud P-TA Valentine Mas- j querade Party, Conrad School, February 10, 8 p.m. I 120th H A. A. Valentine Dance, j February 10, Armories. Pharmacy postum k CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography Private Charter O Ti.tibcr.Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For i RATES INFORMATION KKSF.RVATIONS ! PHONE 476 i Queen Charlotte Airlines Ltd. fcal T, ,"f M CltAl BIVtBAC - h vet a Heat Le'ion Auxiliary bpring baie, April 4. Rundw,Wornout POSTUM p H O N E 7 9 HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 o.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p,m. today ak GetHkh,RsilBlosd Put Vigor in "Life Stream" CONTAINS NO CAFFEIN Killns & Christopher BUtg Air Freight on all Flights llial Uti":iliw e (it'drt I hit n all You cum Ic l'H'.;s Hon iH i'dcn u.imis pitstiively at A Product rf Gnrt NA hiinnliintiTV KIXHI STKEKT AND THIKO AVtlKUE 1-'" ,-.llLllllti-'t ,.H for hk tiPi '!'. Ifii. tAvMV lay At all tlni niori )