A PROVINCIAL LIS?..yr?, 7 iT . , 152 VICTORIA, S. C. t 3151 Dai,y i CTAR W tABi NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Delivery ' i RADIO DISPATCHED Published at Conoda's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' VOL. XXXX, No. 9 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone 81 'ew China Terms To End War i II M if 15 0)110 9-Mnilllli!l5lft m i C'..A J L3 Uu' U U LI VJ VI Lba yj VfJ l v- yj die i iic Still Very Live Issue n JV W CM Mahogany Boals -Price Is Lower VANCOUVER A fleet of twenty fishing boats made of irifhoeanv. Instead of cedar, will be built here by tree Canadian Fishing Co. Mahogany hardwood from the Philippine Islands can be Imported for less money than cedar bought here and grown In B.C. forests. The boats will be glllnetters, thirty-two feet long, varnished in natural finish. 1 1 , NDON It was Indicated today that Communist had sent new terms to the nonwealth conference here. submission to the United Jus, for a cease-fire In Ko- Measures To Be Tighter BULLETINS Than Those Of Vartime OTTAWA (CP) The Department of Defence is aiming to complete a complex shield of defences around Canada's main coastal harbors, including P.rince Rupert, this year. Work has been proceeding Big Three Parley On Scotland LONDON "W-John J. Campbell, leader of the home-rule-for-Scotland group, today demanded a "Big Three" meeting of himself. Prime Minister Attlee and Winston Churchill. The demand was the latest y would Be: ' ! A seat at the United Na-for Communist China. i Withdrawal of all foreign , from Korea. j Discu-sslon of Formosa. I nwhile, prime ministers of ommonwealth came out day in favor of western with Russia as they pon-ways of ending the Ko-war. i at Britain and India are No Control Wages-Prices Idea of Freeze Is Given I'p swiftly already at sveh places as Halifax, St. John's, to want Communist China '' , . Sit l.-, . x Sydney, Nova Scotia, Vancouver and Victoria, and Frince Rupert will probably be added. ed to the United Nations By United States Government irt of a settlement. Both Drive to whip "seaward de- WASHINGTON O Economic lies, apparently, are ready fences" into snape has taken on a note of urgency since the Ko rean war broke out and involves all three forces but primarily p negotiate a cease-me by going some of the way I meeting Red China's de-. for United Nations mem-p and return of strategic the Navy. These defences are de development in the Christmas Day snatching of Britain's Coronation Stone also known as the Scottish Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey. The proposal was made public by Campbell, head of the Scottish Covenant Committee. He called for an immediate conference with the two British political leaders with a view to re-writing the treaty, which in. 1707 made Scotland part of Britain. signed to beat off any enemy attacks, either by submarine or SECRET PARLEY Lt. Gen. Charles Foulkes, chief of Canadian Army staff. ign Secretary Ernest Bev- surface craft, by a combination Hritain U said to have tola of devices including vast under Stabilizer Alan Valentine announced last night that the government had shelved any Idea of Immediate "across the board" wage-price freeze. A plan for a quick price freeze to last 30 days while the government considered more permanent measures had previously been under consideration. "We have come to the definite conclusion," said Valentine "that we do not plan any general across the board stabilization or freeze of prices," he said. He em-phasled that the same goes for wages. water nets, a system of gates, mines and other equipment as ime minister that Red s admission to the United s would help end the ii war. Premier's Sister Raps Color Bar LONDON P From a Presbyter-Ian Church pulpit, 75-year-old Miss Mary Attlee, sister of Britain's Prime Minister, attacked what she called the "sad and terrible" color bar in South Africa. Miss Attlee, who recently returned to England after 40 years as a missionary in South Africa, told her church audience that the way colored persons are addressed In South Africa filled her with shame. "I regret to say it is so-called Christians who are at fault in well as guns and, in some cases, Weather Synopsis aircraft. The Navy says it cannot re LEV IX MEETING i veal just how good or compre med sources today re-the Commonwealth coun- The storm which was expected ave proposed a high-level hensive the defences are going to be because details are a top secret. But they are expected to First Ship From Korea War Zone to move Inland over British Columbia during the night was carried well to the south before z between the United and Communist China to be both tighter and wider in the Korean settlement. their scope than anytthing Halt ALASKA ATTACK, SLATED? TAIPEI, Formosa The C h i n e s e Nationalist defence ministry said today Russia has moved an additional 300,000 troopr to Siberia in readiness for an attack on Alaska. The ministry also said the Moscow-Peiping axis is converting China's Northwestern provinces into a vast military base. OUAKES HIT NEW ZEALAND AITKLAND Sharp earth tremors rocked southern New Zealand today, toppling chimneys and buckling railroad tracks north of Christehurch. No casualties have been reported. The 'quakes lasted over a period of seven hours. ALBERT r.UAY TO HANG QUEBEC The federal Department of Justice and the Chief Justice of the Quebec Superior Court has rejected the appeal of J. Albert Guay for a stay of execution for the murder of his wife in an airplane crash in September 1949 when 21 persons were killed. L'.N. FLAG TO PATS PUSAN The Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Second Battalion, were presented today with the flag of the United Nations. Lieut. A. F. Wagstaff of New Westminster headed the color party. VETERANS' PENSIONS OTTAWA Hon. Hugues Lapointe, minister of veterans affairs, announced today that totally unemployable veterans and veteran;' widows would be given the priority in increases in veterans' pensions. He indicated, however, that there was little hope for increases for other classes. WANTS STEEL FOR BRIDGE VANCOUVER Mayor Fred Hume announced today that priority had been applied for 15,000 tons of steel to be used in the building of the new Granville Street bridge. It might be considered a defence project, the mayor held. v NOT RESIGNING VICTORIA Premier Byron Johnson again today denied rumors that he might be resigning before his term of oifice was ' completed. The Premier's doctors say he is makinsj good recovery from the severe injuries he sustained last fail in an automobile accident in Quebec. SEVENTH VICTIM DIED COLFAX, Washington Seventh victim of a house fire here early yesterday morning, Robert Walker, died today. His wife, four children and brother-in-law perished in the fire. STICKS BY STORY CHICAGO Keyes Beech, Chicago Daily News correspondent, said today that he was standing by his story that General Douglas MacArthur had recommended withdrawal of United Nations forces from Korea. SECRET MILITARY MEET .. OTTAWA Heads of Canada's twelve military sections are meeting in secret session today with Lt. General Charles Foulkes, chief of staff of the Canadian Army. reaching the coast so the main force of the storm was being felt new move apparently has fax or any other ports knew In NEW WESTMINSTER (Pi The Islandside, first Canadian ship, the Second World war. I li port of the leaders of all I ommonwealth countries, Heavy Herring Caich Still On this morning over California. Cloudy skies and scattered merchantman or naval, to re- I live been discussing the this matter. Even in South African churches our colored friends snow flurries were the rule , turn f rotn the Korean war the- " throughout the southern interior Utre, lay at anchor .here last this morning while the northern) night. regions were clear. Along the! The Islandside landed 480.000 Today's Stocks sit apart." Miss Attlee said she lived in an apartment attached to the house VANCOUVER " lituation in the Orient and I rest of the world at a tnce which began here tursday. details of the proposal are "";s fle but Its immediate ob- 1 h are clear. "Hf . -uld seek to avoid the A catch of something over 2,000 tons of herring yesterday In the northern sub-district brought the total catch from the 20,000 ton extension to the new .26'72 American Standard coast cloudy skies and a few gallons of gasoline and 15,000,-showers still persisted. 000,000 won (South Korean North west winds will develop' paper money) at Inchon after of a colored friend. "He is a thoughtful man," she Bralorne 6.65 the September landing. The won, said, "and. the "attitude- of the along the oast later today with clearing expected over most year quoia wj over u.uuu urn. j Although the waters around' Christians surprises and puzzles flatten in the United Na- coastal regions this evening. i Kltkatla Inlet are teeming with ons bf a new cease-fire reso- him. "I cannot tell you how amazed I am and how deeply I admire fuiloii' which might prove unac- pepiaoie to either the United Btatesi or Red China. It would the patience of these people who are so humiliated." leek to defer the offering of the Projected United States resolution Mt have the United Nations rai Communist China as an i'rreor. Clearing skies will spread into the Interior overnight. Forecasts North coast region Cloudy with scattered showers vicinity northern Vancouver Island this morning, clearing (his afternoon elsewhere. Sunny today. A few clouds tonight and Friday morning, clouding over by afternoon. A little colder. Winds Northwest (25) today and southwest (20) tomorrow. Lows tonight und highs tomorrow At Port Hardy, 35 and 42; Sandspit, 35 and 45; Prince Rupert, 35 and 45. worth about $3,375,000 in Canadian currency, took up 11,000 feet of cargo space. The Islandside had been chartered August 1 by the United State military sea transport service. She returned here after a five-month voyage. J Crew members had as souven.. Irs parts of a Communist plane which had been shot down over Inchon. The plane "was a Uniu ed States Corsair sent to Russia on lend-lease during the lat war," said Chief Officer Stuart Richardson of Montreal. Capt. Fred Usher said: "It was impossible to say whether the plane was flying as a North Ko rean machine or as a Russian one but American soldiers claimed that the pilot was a fish, fishing Is considered a tough and expensive proposition.! The shallow water has been hard j on the deep water nets, which scrape the bottom. The water,, where fishing Is most intensive is only 12 fathoms deep, whereas, the nets are designed to do down over 20 fathoms. In addition,' many boats have run aground causing, in most cases, only slight damage. An expert biologist, Mr. Ladl-gan, has been brought to the dls-1 trict and is now Inspecting schools In the area for depletion in view of the heavy catches taken there. B. R. X .04 ' Cariboo Quartz :....... 1.15 ' Hedley Mascot .52 Pend Oreille 8.75 Pioneer 2.30 Premier Border .09 Privateer 06 Vi Reeves McDonald 4.90 Sheep Creek 1.30 Silbak Premier . .30 Taku River .05 Vananda 11 Salmon Gold 03 Vi Spud Valley ..: 04 Silver Standard ,. 2.75 Western Uranium 1.30 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.05 A. P. Con. .36 Atlantic 2.55 C. & E 8.55 Central Leduc 2.26 Home Oil 14.35 Mercury 14 Va Okalta - 2.25 Pacific Pete 8.25 Princess 1.65 TideS FOURTEEN MILLION IN DOMINION NOW OTTAWA 0i Canada's population has hit the 14,000,000 mark, nearly double the figure at the start of the First World War. Government officials confirmed yesterday that that figure had been reached. lay, January 12, 1951 4:41 20.2 feet 16:39 19.2 feet 10:44 7.0 feet 22:56 4.9 feet WASHINGTON A special appeal to the government of Canada for help in solving the nickel problem is urged by the US. Senate defence sub-committeee. There is a great and growing nickle shortage in the United States. ' ied Afo Afttiack Is Kesyinnied WESTERN LEAD ; -Te first mass x-ray for tuberculosis in Canada was made in 1941 at Melville, Sa.sk. f - ny Reds Are Killed were splotched with blood of 2100 killed and wounded Korean Communists. American, French and Dutch troops had dealt out death to the enemy in a seven-hour fight. Greatest menace to the Allied arms is shaping up in a 50- their buddies on the frozen neasy Quiet on ground., .V round Front Where Heaviest strike was in the Suwon area south of Seoul. mlle stretch between unungju N. Holds Lin About 100 fighters caught huge and Red-held Osan in western Plane Crash-All Survive ALBURQUEQUE, New Mexico P A United States Air Force twin-engined C-47 crashed and burned about 30 miles west of Alberquerque last night but all eleven persons aboard survived. Ground search parties early today found three members of the crew and eight passengers. Seven of them were injured. U.K. Coalition Rumors Denied LONDON ffi The Liberal Evening Star says today the Labor government and its Conservative opposition may agtee . on a "party truce or new coalition government" in the near future because of the "darkened international situation." Sources close to Prime Minis Neil Gething,?Peace River -Pioneer And Booster For Prince Rupert, Succumbs Neil Gething. a'pioner mining man and Industrialist, who had high hopes for the future of Prince Rupert, was buried Thursday last at Hudson's Hope. The following sketch of his career was written for the Prince Rupert Daily News by George M. Murxay, M P., Cariboo, a friend and neighbor of the late Mr. Gething. Editor. Royal Canadian 10 I Royalite J3.00 TORONTO Athona 09 Aumaque .30 ! Beattle 60 Bevcourt 43 Bobjo 13Vi C. M. & S 128.75 Conwest 199 Donalda 54 Eldona - 23 East Sullivan 8.35 Giant Yellowknife 6.95 God's Lake 43 Hardrock 26 Harrlcana 10 Heva .07 4 Hosco 06 Vi Jackknife 05 Jollet Quebec 89 Lake Rowan .06 Vi Lapaska - 04 Vi S. FIFTH AIR enemy concentrations in we jorea open and Inflicted casualties on i Chinese and Korean Red nearly 1100 of them, headquar- orces estimated at 285,000, are ters reported. the area or moving toward it CE HEADQUAR, Supplies, box cars, locorqouves . an apparent bid to cut off IN KOREA (CP) 'd warplanes lashed main forces of the Eighth Army on the road south of abandoned Seoul. y at Communist and supplies and and buildings also were hit near Suwon. The Seoul area was also pounded heavily. ' MEANWHILE, ON LAND ... Allied forces .today hacked out a holding line on the critical ter Attlee and Conservative Leader Churchill, however, pooh ' "ley had ki ed or SEATTLE The Olympic peninsula lake area has laid claim to have been the wettest section poohed the story. A Conservative A more than 1400 Reds, 'heir first chance in two 0. C FOOTBALL (English Cup, 3rd Round Replay) Carlisle United 1, Arsenal 4. Can you . of the United States in 1950. "it at the Chinese In informant asked, imagine Churchill right-hand man?" Attlee's Rainfall for the year was 167.45 ' inches, the highest In ten years. Korean central front after a seesaw battle south of Wonju. The battle front was uneasily quiet late in the day. Snow-covered valleys and hills Korea. Land-hugging 'nd snow had nreventeri Little Long Lac 65 Lynx 15 Madsen Red Lake 2 50 McKenzie Red Lake 47 McLeod Cockshutt 2.45 Moneta 38 Negus 1.18 Noranda 76.00 Nal close teamwork with EASE NOTE... , Neil Gething who gave his name to Gething Mountain, who knew the mining; trails of British Columbia well, was killed New Year's Eve at Hudson's Hope while watsiinp; a horse. He was in his eighty-fifth year, cirnc of Welsh stock and was a native of Battle Cr?ek, Mich. Mr. Gething was a pioneer of ; with the Gethings at Slocar. City the Montana, Nevada, Kootenay , while launching the "Star," a ' and Cariboo mining camps. He weekly newspaper. Gething and was a candidate in Prince others barked Nko!, a bold George's first mayoralty election, j young newspaperman fresh out The legendary John Houston, from London, Ont., in this pub-editor and politician, first mayor Wishing venture, or Nelson, was a pal and partner) Dick McBrido, later Sir Rieh-of Gething. Colonel Lowery.iard McBride, premier of B.C., editor of "Lowery's Float" and had a lifelong political supporter the "Greenwood Ledge," was an- i in Mr. Gething. The late Sena-other old friend. When the ! tor Robert Green was his friend Grand Trunk Pacific was build- j and partner in mining activities lng to Prince Rupert, Gething ' over many years, bought the land which formed ; xo PEACE RIVER the original townsite of Prince j Peace River country saw Oeoree and sold the area to the,MPii oet.hinr first, in ian hin The last three days of Louvicourt . 24 Pickle Crow : 1.75 Reeicourt .04', 4 San Antonio 2.80 Senator Rouyn - -2134 Sherritt Gordon 3.45 Steep Rock 800 Silver Miller 1.00 Upper Canada 2.05 Golden Manitou v 6.00 anson's January Clearance Sale FRIDAY, JANUARY 12th SATURDAY, JANUARY 13rh MONDAY, JANUARY 15th Don't miss seeing the really great Values on the last three days at ! Grand Trunk Pacific. :he arrived at Hudson's Hon bv Hockey Scores National Montreal 3, New York 0 Pacific Coast Seattle 4. Tacoma 0 New Westminster 5, Portland 0 Okanagan-Mainline Trail 3, Nanaimo 4 Ltd NSON'S . . . YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER Hon. Walter C. Nicol, once j dog team from Edmonton. He Lieutenant Governor of British! was well financed and was look-Columbia, founder of the Van- j ing for coal. A great railway couver Daily Province, boarded1 (Continued on page 8) RETURNING TO BASE H.M.C.S. Sioux returning next month to base at Esquimau from Korea. Chief Petty Officer Ted Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills of Prince Rupert, is aboard. i