NEIL GETHING (Continued from page 1) Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 11, 1951 I you want to sell It, advertts j It. News classifieds. r -4 ytii'i 7 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE i. or- 7,- BFlTi HU lTON how'RO -in Clearance Sale Friday 2 p.m. Specials . ri building boom' had struck Western Canada and railways needed freight and new coal discoveries should mean tonnage for new railways. Oething did his part well. He discovered, staked and proceeded to develop a mountain of coal near Hudson's Hope. He first tried the Pine Pass country but said that the coal seams there were more broken up than at Bullhead Mountain, near Hudson's Hope. His interest In the new town of Prince George was the result of his Peace River coal explorations. He visualized Today to Saturday Evenings 7 . 9.1a Saturday Mat. 2:00 - 4, St HR5T QUALITY 42 Gauge - 45 Gauge - 51 Gauge 1 1i X SCIENCE PIONEER Vancouver Scots Prince George as a clearing Sir Robert Christison. fan. Scottish expert on poisonj died in 1882, frequently gavt, pert evidence In criminal ca! 894 H' PAIR w a A NYLON HOSE house of the future for the i wealth of the northland. Backing Covenant I Mr. Gethlng was a contem- VANCOUVER 0 The Scottish I porary of J. Augustus Heinze, "Bl ILD B.C. PAYROLLS" most dazzling of the early Koot-enay millionaires. Heinze had Only One Pail Per Person RcguUi $2-K5 P'irst Qualify made his fortune in B.C. mining had built a smelter near the site of the present Trail smelter. covenant movement Scotland's fight for home rule has spread to Vancouver. A petition is now being circulated to all persons of Scottish origin. (Already 1,700.000 signatures, urging a Parliament for Scotland, have been recorded from among tile 5,000,000 resident of LADIES' SLIPS $1-29 PaC wintd SUNSHIw t TV Trfvifpc Mi'thrw Aibrm Srrtr lin ' ' "Do you Klve estimates? Scotland.) Donald G. MacKinnon, president of the St. Andrew's Cale- S'zc; 34-48 While or Black and dozens of other values Rupert Peoples Store Heinze battled with the CPR, Wall Street and all banks. Geth-ing often recalled the sad end of Heinze's career. The Kootenay millionaire boldly entered Wall Street on his own account. He launched a bank which failed. When his empire had collapsed, he bought himself a revolver and suicided in' his office in his bankrupt New York bank. When Whittaker Wright, the English promoter, controlled the War Eagle, Le Roi and other UU mil olLit-l-y, aaiu ICWW . ,.,MrIlf itl rill A wonderful all-purpose i th( th .in;,n u,m h nut. into I,, mining properties at Rossland, . country. In addition to the late Gething was in the Kootenay Senator Robert Green, Dr. Ayl-country. ' Victoria was a partner. Wright promoted com-'"d . 1 j , ,, . The estates of Senator Green in nnd swindled panies England and of Dr Aylward retain wlde English bankers ini Investors, interests t. Hudson's Hope. When arrested und placed on Mr. Gething's gifts to the mu-trial, Wright suicided In Bow seum of the Geological Survey Street court room by swallowing, at Ottawa were numerous. He circulation immediately. rll'n nourishing Pacific Mti He added that the association piepared from farm fresh s Is "neither endorsing nor con- of Fraser Valley herds. fy demning the movement. But increased Vitamin I) con every Scot will be given an op- gives added "sunshine" to s, portunity to sign It." meals. It's economical too. potassium cyanide. Gething was in Rossland In PACIFIC discovered the three-toed tracks of dinosaurs in the sandstone bedrock in Peace River Canyon. He made casts of these and sent them to Ottawa where they continue to create great interest among students. He found skulls and ribs of mammoth creatures at Hudson's Hop with his son Lawrence. Mrs. Gething predeceased her husband by many years. A son Wesley died suddenly some years ago from a heart attack attributed to uveiwoik at the Canyon Mine. Ouentln Franklin "King" Vacuum paikrd and II omojfinj which roamed Canada ten mil Hon years ago. Anthropologists! Gething and Lloyd Gething, op-were able to build up some oflerators of mines at Hudson's the fascinating exhibits in the Hope, are sons. A daughter, Miss 1900 when William Lyon Mackenzie King, destined to become Prime Minister of Canada, came to the mining town to settle a strike which had paralyzed the country. Active In the strike picture at Rossland were such famous men as Eugene V. Dcbbs, ia'.er Socialist candidate for President of the U.S.A.; Big Bill Haywood, who launched the In-oustrial Workers of the World movement and who died in Russia following the 1917 revolution; Oovernor Charles Macln-j tosh of the Northwest Territories; Hon. Joseph Martin, Premier of B.C.. and Dromlnent SfflMj j Tour i II f I - It tt yow Mnrict la ''' Victoria Museum Building, Ot- Vesta, is postmistress there, tawa, from these remains. He Mrs. Lilian Aubrey of Fort St. gave Indian relics from the re-'John is another daughter. Dr. gion to museums at Victoria,' J. W. Gething of Battle Creek, Ottawa, and the Smithsonian a brother, also survives. Institute. Burial took place at Hudson'3 Mr. Gething once had the Hope Thursday, January 4. scientific world pusaled when he a live creat financial and railway men from shipped to Ottawa rtjulir we of your ywft Hit yn ol Univtniiy km fc In tin rt end tcicnci ol n J1" pttmib him to mtv yoi ii , the CPR and the Great Northern. Among the transient labor agitators were Moyer and Pet- BABY'S COLDS Help Nature To Fight Them Off Medical Sconce denlei there in any rh thin m cure for roliln-only Nnture hrwlf can do it. So when btby'i sniWt-". or ntuffy hrealhinii warn you of a eohl'a yrewnee cooiwrate at oner with Nature, Sw that hnly i kept warm, et plenty of Bleep and take Mlta car that the. tibone who murdered Governor ttuenenberg 't Idaho. Out of ure resembling a lizard which he encountered far underground in a coal seara. Unable to continue actively in mining these last few years, Gething was frequently a partner of geologists and prospectors on tours of exploration. Of recent years he conducted a farm lull pioltuional hwiki. the riot and bloodshed emerged Ill a new laboi code for Canada. Out of the wreckage of mines and smelters developed the Con solidated Mining and Smelting Company and its vast metalliferous plants at Trail. , Ll him hlp yon to kttn, ceiRfofUW, g ViliOH Ihfoutou V i J ; CUTS."; and Healing, Boot hin bowelH are thormwhly cleared or rmrmuu WHMtex. To do thin without upnettinn mby a whole fyntem and fmther weakening it, try Haby'a Own Tablet. Mild, yet art promptly In netting rtd of Irritating mate-rials that make baby renllewi and fevprth. Una Nova Scotia Mother iaya: "My bahy of ?fi month rauirhi a nasty cold no I tried Hahy n Own TalM and ahe threw thin cold off HUirker lhnn ever before. I certainly am for Hniiy" Own TfhU-t fr..m mow on." Effective also In twining troubles, eonotipation and other nimpie baby Get a package tuda at druguture KW While Neil Gethitig often recalled the giants of the past, he antiseptic, Dr, Chase's Ointment bringi qukk rtliei. A aie home treatment fur over 50 yearn. 0c.' Kcon BURNS & BRUISES retained a youthful outlook and numbered among his friends prominent figur.-.s of today. Carl Springer, gold mine operator in Ontario and B.C., was an associate. He knew all the bush pilots. W. Grant McConnachie of CPA and Russ Baker of Central DAILY NEWS CLASSIFiKD ADVERT1SKMENTS BRING RE8C1 Ai . , , (kf omy size, 6 time a much, $2.23. DR. CHASE'S u Antiseptic OINTMENT r at. Plumbing & Heating B.C. Airways were his good friends; also Capt. Wop May. He admired Premier Byron I. Johnson of British Columbia, and hailed him as a natural successor to Sir Richard McBride who launched the B.C. govern Hi ljjisi JIB W IP t :: Wi)i.f- 1 P fyxJjjL 3u i c ICTWn-i v m 81 v v A1 1 n o n , uw ; v a j I 0 JSf ment railway to Peace River country. Mr. Gething recently paid tribute to Mr. Johnson as the only statesman with courage enough to add one mile to tha PGE Railway after the line had reached Quesnel. It was his ambition to be present at the arrival of the first train over the I'GS to reach Prince George, an event scheduled for late 1951. Gething dreamed of a great industrial centre at Hudson's Hope and never tired of point The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phono 81 MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS . VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES PHONEJ74 I'nr Itrpairs and Alteraliiini Smith&Elkins Ltd. PO. Hnx 274 ing out that .the divide between the Arctic and . Pacific watersheds was the lowest pass through the Corililleran system. Indicating a point near Summit Lake, north of r 1 Prince George, the old man , would say: "The continental divide at this point is a wheat field! 1 He was a member of a family In Wales long Identified with mining. He had received tech "1 ----- -- ;, " - ? I , to PORTRAITS Films Devolorr-d and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STTMO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 330 Prince Rupert START the New Year with a GENERAL ELECTRIC " WASHER with pump control nical training in geology at Ann Arbor University. A brother, J. W. Gething, graduated In medicine and is now living at Battle Creek. The Hudson's Hone coal 11 was almost equal to that of the Lackawanna Valley in Pennsylvania where Gething had work N ed in the mines. In 1892 there TRICE CLOSING HOUR 5:30 P.M. 150.50 was no railway within a thou-and miles and the marketing of the coal was a problem which Nell Gething sought to solve luring nigh lilty years. Liclcat merely whetted Geth-U's intense desire to- see the DKMVEKKD at NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO THE STORK SHOPPE Stewart. &1 Prince Kuprrt rhone 210 country developed and he lived1 to sec .two sons operate' mines at the "Hope" and haul the stuff out more than a hun- i di ed miles by motor truck to j. Dawson Creek, railway tcrminasi of the Northern Alberta system.) Lord Rhondda, Welsh' coalj magnate, who became food con-: troller for Great Britain during! .he First World War, was a part-j ner of Gething and spent some I millions in an effort to open up j the wealth of natural resources! contiguous to Hudson's Hope. He i was foiled by the war and, when j Lord Rhondda died, a daughter i tried unsuccessfully to carry out) the great plans of her father for j that part of the Peace River Ja liorlng jor Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor B APT ONE The Wonder Wall Point $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd' V 220 Sixth St Phone 649