Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 11, 1951 RADIO DIAL Weird Machines Liven Festival CFPR CLEAN WOKK MONTREAL ( Superior and Appeal Court offices here are discarding the system of sticking stamps on various documents showing the fees to be paid. In- AR UETS 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) LONDON O Henry Faimer,1 ADVANCED PUPILS 74, and his wife Hannah have EDMONTON 0 Education just attended their first moving . needs of exceptional children picture show in 28 years. The' will receive special attention in last picture they 'saw, "The' a survey by the Northern Al- 1 LONDON iOs The Eccentrics J stead new machines are printing (There mav be variations in Paris Wust By DOROTHY WADDINOTON PARIS (Reuters) A girl may The CBC will broadcast a Corner to be set uo On the south the amount on each document. prices in various stores depending on whether srierifll or specfal talk by Prime Minister I bank of the Thames for the standard qualities are listed.) Four Horsemen of the Apoca- berta chapter of the Associatiejti' lypse," scared Hannah so much' for Study of Education of Ej St. Laurent at 8:45 tonight. He Fresh Fruit " J i met if EOPES Corn Tomato Soup , ripe lives canned or cooked itoes ( onin ipoon salt F000ns butter or mar-spoons all-purpose milk spoon salt to taste stroll down Fifth Avenue or the LONG REVERED Ancient Roman law protected any area containing monuments ol the dead with the utmost they haven't beer, there since. I ceptional. Children. Strand with only a touch of Bananas, lb. , J2t Lemons, doz. .., : 39 Festival of Britain promises to be a "doozer." Laurie Lee, the poet, organizing this special phase of the 1951 festival, believes many of the exhibits already submitted could surely be classified as startling. It never occurred to him that national Inventiveness could respond so smartly when he sent will speak on the Commonwealth and the world today. THURSDAY P.M. . - 3: 30 -Listeners' Choice. 4:00 The Sunshine Society 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int 4:30 My Shipmate Jimmy 4:45 Young Man with a Song 4:55 CBC News powder and a discreet lipstick and feel like a million dollars, but in Paris it's different. The Partsienne Is a firm believer in make-up and any woman, even with the fairest of complexions, feels drab if she does not use it. This habit of dressing one's face has the advantage of allowing a woman to change her 'Strain. Melt butter and blend In flour. Add milk, salt and pepper, and cook and stir until thickened. Stir in corn and olives. Reheat tomatoes, and urapelruit 3 for .23- OraiiKes (NaveU 33 - .75 Dates Z'i Coconut in shell lb Vegetables Celerv. lb .17 linuoarb. 3 lus .29 Beets, bunch 2 for .2.1 I'arsiev, bunch 10 rurnins , Oi. rtauisties. bunch .ut Mushrooms, lb 7b tiead Lettuce Cookine Onions. 3 lbs 23 'Jauin lower, lb 23c . ;tr Intn JritrrA eHr Blnuilll intn nnrn n A nlliiA out the call for "something rich and strange." He urged especial tomatoes wun on- mixture, oerve at pnee. fleat 5 to 10 minutes. I Serves 4 to 5. personality at least once a year. What could be better for the 'lomatoes. Calif. H.H., lb 30 Caooaue io 12 morale than to pop into a beauty salon, spend an hour relaxing. Potatoes, new. 5 lbs. for 25 Uui'iiinoers. lb 15 5:00--lnt. Comty. 5:10 There's Music In the Air 5:30 Musical Program 5:45 "Canada at .Work" 6:00 Supper Serenade , 6:15 English Favorites . 6:30 Musical Varieties ..7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7-30 Kventirle 8:00 Citizen's Forum 8:30 Citizen's Forum News 8:45 The Metre Reader 9:00 CBC Vancouver Concert Orchestra 9:30 Winnipeg Drama 10:00 CBC News 10:10CBC News 10:15 Dateline Calvary 10:30 Fairmont Hotel Orch. ly that he wanted contraptions i hat work like mad but don't do anything In particular. That's precisely what he's getting. One of the latest entries to show up is a tricky little gariget-lor grinding smoke. A staircase with weighted steps gives the sensation that a person is walking upstairs when actually going down. There Is also a rubber bus which deflates automatically when approaching a iow bridge. Mr. Lee was particularly intrigued by a ratner elaborately- 17 IE3S7ANI COFFEE VJE5 AS E3UCH AS 40 A POUND! ear-Old Coffee Firm Perfects Product with Superb Flavor and come out with a new face. Rouge Just a dot higher, a new curve to the mouth, a new slant to the eyes and a new harmony or colors do the trick. Dr. Janine Mercier, a French skin specialist, affirms that creams and powders are not narmlul to the skin. VCKeUUIe iviariuw, lu 0., lb. .. .., . 16 1,4 Tea and Coffee Tea. lb : 85 Coiice. lb .. .t7 Canned Vegetables , Dill Pickles, tia J M Cut Green Beans, fev 11 No. 5 Peas, fancv 18 Mixed Vegetables 18 Diced Beets, per tin 14 She advises the use of firit- Env , cnoice ...... .17 class creams with a lanolin bate imokin . . ,.Car.r"!i "" or mllk-unless you have rain-Hulinii Rcuns 'iii-n tin water at vour disniixal The constructed machine whose soie ! tie ni7 imf object was the blowing out of it about coffee today if First, there's a re- matches. He sent the model back j And you save every 8rd cup, compared to regular coffee. Get new Instant Chase Sanborn today. bKu licttiia, u-u.. tin en. ... .1 chemicals used for disinfecting 10:35 Interlude Tomatoes 20-oz 2 for .39 ' t water sucDlles in most cities r ,U :00 Wei Irter Report with the suggestion it be out new "instaru cones 28-oz .'. 2 for .49 ; hard on delicate skins 6Bn Off lectcd by making it light the took "real coffee !t to make. Chase & scie ntists worked until rresh Milk 1 wllh evcry new season, a new j?"ft . "'type and shade of make-up Is CreamrtaWe'''i4"pmt .26 created to match the silhouette matches as well. What he describes as an ' interesting novelty'' is a;;;; mousetrap in rough brick. It is f Ml of the moment. The new face produced a soluble ith the rich, robust and true-coffee flavor ned Chase & Sanborn EgSs Larue Grade A .mportant, he wid, that the .65 - .70 jricic should be rough. ' if Hutter often signs the seasons styles more distinctly than the color or cut of the garments worn. This season, little rouge is used here on the cheeks, atten- First grade, lb Lured in by the smell of .(15 .39 iouu never know how good instant coffee can be until you try and important ffl instant" saves you as m FRIDAY A.M. 7.00 - Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for I.'ouerns 8:45 Little Concert 0:00 BBC News and Cumty. 9:15--Morning Devotions 9 3K- M .niiiK Concert 9:59- Time Signal 10:10-Morning Visit 10:15 Carson RobUon and His Buckaroos 10:30--"Me'ody Time'' Margarine, lb Cheese jheese, the mouse Is diverted mto dead, ends until it becomes 40 cents a pound over m Canadian Cheese, lb 65 1 tion being focussed on the lips nystcrl:al. Its frantic running Milk and eyes. The latter are given an Asiatic slant by the use of itirs up pepper on the pathways, causing such violent sneez- f-,l ami III 17 .4 1 - regular coffee! iot you can make mag- p. uffee right In the cup 4' tiding hot water. No tj ... .33 .7.00 ,nj that it dashes its brains out a fine line traced with the pencil "eyestopped" at the roots of .70 c'vauorated Milk, lo-oi. una, t lor .. Case - - .- .... Pastry Flour. 7 lbs. .. rwur, 4a s. No. 1 Wheat , Flour. 24 s , jn i he rough brickwork. nard :Ie pot. JNo grounds, ss, jES ft -Eiilantl if ..8.60 1.99 Lee, however, Is not quite sure what to do about the man who offered to dry up the skies for vhe festival and enclosed testl- the eyelashes and continuing upwards for an eighth of an Inch at the end of the eyes. For the Hps, cupld bows are out. The centre of the lips are filled In and the top sides drawn in as straight a line as possible, while the under lip remains natural. 1 10:45-Musical Kitchen I ll:U0--Kindergartcn of the Air i l):15-Roundup Time 1 11:30 Weather Forecast 11 :31--Mcssat;e Period 1 ' 1 : 33- -Kce. ml ' Juices Blended. 20 oz .25 Grapefruit 21 Tomatoes. 20-oz. each 17 48-oz 33 v ttallon 71) nonials of hts powers of rain-topping. This genius implied that if hi.ii A fcr was not accepted he would .34 nake the festival an ' absolute IW1IH hell.' i i r - - i Il:5-Scandinavlaii iIc'odies FitiD.t i "M. 12:03 Mid-Day Molooiics 12:1a-, CBC News 12:25 Program llcsumc ' 12:33--B.C. Farm Broadcast.' 12:55 Rcc Int l:0a. Concert Hour , . 1:35-- Musical Program 1:45 You and Your Vote 2:(Xir-School Broadcast Glace Fruit Oh.rries, y2 lb. pKt. .45 Coconut, lb .45 Almond Punt lb. .3D Kruit Cake Mix. ID, .45 Jutes, fancv. lb 'kt ... needless Raisins. 2 lbs. .38 ROYAL NAVY WISBECH, Cambridgeshire, Sngland Pi Oil lamps are to be astalled In the treasurer's de- only 'instant 1UpL. bill. 101 ...... 4-0. , Canned Fruits Pineuupie. c; us:iea Pieces. 20-oz Apricots. 20-oz Cherries, fancy. 20-oz. Loganberries. 20-oz Peaches, choice ,. ..... Lard Pure. lb. ; Shortenlna .. Soap Soap, face .. 3 bars Launnrv. ;ake .. .. k tor Soap Powders, large 1 iartment of the council offices DEMERARA RUM ctef by 85 years of Seeded Raisins. 15-oz 24; wre. The emergency light is leeded to prevent mistakes vhile handling cash during electric power cuts. coffee experience This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Nuts I Shelled Walnuts. i lb 45 1 .27 Shelled Almonas. e oz. .3o; .2b Shelled Brazils. 6 oz. .... .35 .40 -jhellej Brazils. M lb. .42 MOAfRecords at Random 2:45-l-Sc4o Guest 3 C7v )) I 2b emond. hade yfiode oLJoiiar BE BUDGET-WISE and SHOP Save on HOUSECOATS! Don't miss out on these beautiful You can straighten out thot budqet .... keep jt sdoight .... and chase ou. ihosc Elfin Budget-Bunglers! - Do It Now At DQMS .N. Children's Coats Our entire stock of CHILDREN'S COATS ore going on sale right how it HALF PRICE! Winter Goats Women and Children PRICE Our regular winter stock coats are slashed to '- their usual price. The ladies' coats are in all sizes and colors and there is a complete range for the children. Bengaline Housecoats Sold regularly to 12.95 ? SALE PRICE 6 95 Chenille Housecoats Popular Chenille House ' Coats in ladies' and child- ten's sizes. Boy's Plaid Jackets 25 OFF . ' f t M ft , F ? Sfi v .1 VDIE'S CORNER Now One-third Off 3 Piece Outfits Children's Sleepers 5nu cotton sleePers. Buy them for all rnATc COATS i LEGGINGS trr i Kir : u HATS atc q thc kiddics at this 'ow sale price .V f V- Price n JL all SlZfcS . , Boy's Pyjamas , Warm winter weight Flannelette Pyjamas. We nell these regularly for 1.99 NOW 99c Joy's Raincoats Rubber Roincoats to keep . the young fellows dry Half PflCG buy them now and save. Dandy Ski Pants 1.95 OF - .)$. mm 1 lannel lined Sizr 3 in 5 v for 5.65. SALE PRICE "... JL. V LADIES' DRESSES Come early to make your choice of these lovely ladies' dresses. They're as pretty as the first blooms in your garden! GABARDINE SNOW SUITS at HALF PRICE! .no try-ons please! TWC1 tnr the PR lib at UNt Purses One-third Off DEPT. -ST0BE ' SORRY-No Charges -NO Refunds -No Exchanges