r" iiii " 'ff'i .. r---- I Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday-. Ociooei 13. 1-1 '--' - - - 'Clatter at Civic Centre Chiang Kai-Shek Coalition ' is Welcomes Winter,; Best in Britain Junior boys' woodwork far the yc u.-iger members got off with r bun ard clatter at Civic Ci n're Tuesday afternoon. Sev- ! Ally in Build-Up t.i i. . LONDOf -Raymond Black- eral i..w patterns were made In the Hallowe'en design. Witches burn the on!v Independent member nf the House of Com- and cats, pumpkin, etc.. were mo.is Is not to be a candidate in P" paved Tor the coming festivity Britain's October 25 general snd are ready lor mounting end election. paint us nvxt week. I cln tint wish to .'ight old F?vtr! of the parents eame H ii-iendV fair! Blackburn, who wfeh. for ft very short time oMy, was elected as a Labor member : c:.:r.pluinirg of the noise of 24 in February. 19aO. and resigned ;nws to .raj nothing of the babble By SPENCER MOOSA TAIPEH. Formosa (APtThe October monsoon season provides aging but ever-hopet-il Generalissimo Chiang Kai-sluk another winter of grace to pie-pare his estimated 500,000 men for aa eventual leiarn to the i ,., ,h. nartv in Au'iust t:ie ; ot (veiled xoices. I r. . r ihxW, , f " ' f - t I - I v . v i. . -" v f i ' i , , , i - i I- . ;:: v. ? jj;." . J Chinese malnhind. ; , J I t'- X(is SS ame year. A new work bvneh la under 124 the wind, tcnvey thai, , mgnlnK. Biarkbum calied U.tn,-ti -.n and will afford ., - R&& S r 'arvnn- n-oiia. nment which ; more iv,m woi.ing. . .1 .W, la.hed ea rule out the chancu " he sail1 s!l0U,d b hrt,dpd by there t - Mt roc-m for a few fviTT5 A-Z ? or ri, s Weston ChurchUi. Conservative boys a 6 t0 9 ypars of T)fVl , ' leader. sion of Formosa this year. I It is now 22 months since , President Chiang and the remnants of C.iina's Kepubliran i Nationalist! government arrived on this island fortress December 10. l'J49. In jlateme.it annoyi rm nis i Thp H nupplied through intention to remain on tho :de- , fmnret- of lval rohslructlon l:r.es In the forthromlng elertlmv 1 ir!r). f,re of charg-j Blackburn said he still believe ; broken a national government n he ; )o , Lest iOlutluii to BillalliS lulfi- , . f. . , ,, . . i.' ' i . . j . '-..jit,. 'J....ii.i 'rtft. w- 'Jbo -.,. f '"' -" .t.t l.- .t.l . it;. nUI .4,v n 1 h A u"c l" ut' satu Kiinoui riut.rs. c w.u ... rfc,, . hlaH ,,lt 'isaKsatuE' diipute-hts cnances of return- can to hasten the returr of a . .' ' , ,hp ItUutinuui Srutr Miong govemmeiu headr.. by , ,3 mUe d(., LU,R' the nctlvitiev Bhirkbun. represented i.lt, . , of . th'! ' 'tl' the rlam Tties- Northfield division Birmlng- hum ' day -ere Michael Bnrtletr. Bob- ' ! ; bj Gordon. ChriMnphr Harvey. Always Leading Brue Johnston. tavid Bell, Billy With the Best in With "a,c,"- m "I"7 " Haugen. Honnle Dolphin, Donny 1 , 1!. , .? . u V" ' Pmtt, Ronnie Dnnielv A-thur i ing to the mainland are betuv , today then ihey were then, i Cio'e friends of Chiang jay ' he is supremely confident ilifct he wili eventually return lo China and deliver Its people ironi what he declares is Soviet 'servitude. I Despite his advancing age (he will be t'.5 October 31 , Chlan ; has not slackened one whit the spartan lire he read. His aver- t age work day is about 16 hour.. ! The generalissimo eats good but, .imple food, neither drinks i nor smokes, reads extensively. . ' and is fond of walks in the DAILY NEWS cLAahlfifUt AOvf RTidtlMENTS i:i Edinburgh accompanied by Mayor Ernest away from the vdge of the cataract as a era., ur. va..g en. n-.n.rn. 1!nrtrt, rjTk Halllwe'l. Robin tiny, scholarly man long known ; h,,mwM1 Rlch.r1 Bowman, a lloetal as i Peter Jolin Helland. Oarry Cal- Another of his close adv sers Lindseth. Bobby Mc- is General Chang Chun stout DurkemKwt nrt former premier 'aL-o grave-eved BlTm .j,, R ,n r.,L Slverton. Bruce Mitchell. tt , ...... .k. nth AT FALLS EDGE- Princess Elizabeth and the D :kc Hawkins of Niagara Falls and other Officials walk The Hoiseshoe Falls 15 In the background. This CP from Toronto Globe and Mailt battery of photographers and reporters watch photo is by Jack Smith. NOTICE TO SUBSClEf 111 llUlgC VJl tllC tUJ, Hit VlM'.l about eight miles out. He has his offices ut the presidential hulldlnv in downtof.'ii Taineh. It QUEER FISH Srme species of .he J) ill ere si CliaraclerS sea ur- inn ir you nave mtssea youi used to be the administrative .chins" or sl:rll?h whir'! live off I rnckv f-onsts h.M? poison gian ts centre of the Japanese gove: v.,-o ,,o ' ' , tUJ complete freedom of religion m i XrXw. UTnt rTa M hC " ma'!1- ("Still more, you h.ive to be an j ' . u Ljh il Madame Chiang, since she ,(,,., i, opt mist, added Mr. Innes. fame PornKMta Irotn lne Unil. I was in Rupert when there lxst eci states early year. tiu ,were only two little shacks, in bfen t!ie generalissimos con- ; 190-j and '07," Mr. Innes said ,..,,, ..t.1., district 3n Jl attached. popor, please phone you newsboy. If you do nc know your newsboy''. oust on By EVANGELINE VANN name, call the office be I fore 5 p.m. hor-general of Formcsa. The 1.500.000 refugees from China s mainland on this island are keenly interested in Chiang s destiny. His foresight to man.' Formosa the last-ditch island oi the Nationalist cau:;e. when some of his subordinates saw no road ahead except surrender, has at-ti acted an increasing fleck of followers. . The mainlanders know that if Chiang returns, they will too. All of them want to get back. ' I had walked across the cut oatfield to the cabin : f.s he !hOT.ed,me a 0Werf;'M Wopie on cUve terms with the of Arthur Odium Wilkinson, near Houston. The wind . S a min nint.3"1" ' ITre " 'n T'l had whisked off the leaves already loosened bv frost, I "Gpld is about 35 an ouncha've mriicicj wun tne cai.; i ' 1 to'd him cf the Urn? ami thaw ot uimou , toaav '.' l i-ii ii .v. and they lay like large gold coins on the black earth, when i went down a gold mine i mniuai aevo.on. an augu'rv of the conversation to come. Mv welcome ; l" KajRooriie. west Aunrain. ,N govEknMeSt snUvtct. was warm when I asked him if he would tell me TZtZ of C.5!lia"' h,fJ.W0 by p e' KOI TE 1 Alan l.ainl. Cireen IjJ W,.:t.s and Nli R.'rsnn's to ti.zzftl's Mdiurs, 51U-C00: eth Ave. West 600 ami 700 E!,. ItOt TF 2 - Itaiiiti Olsert, Klue 72 PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING developing. printing inLAp.gino exposure meters AMATEUR SUPPLf S Hitman 9tiet; 1480 r,th East tn Stal Cv 1 something about his manuscripts bank to see some gold before I lhe e!dPr te Lt.-Gen. Chtans left, and thev showed me bai r-t.. i.,..t ... m. H..r, P.OfTk J Victor Masknlak. 1st Ave. West 248-1077; 2nd Ave. WM Ml " i of Sold weighing 700 ounces and ministry's political warfare In? 9th Street; 3rd Ave. Frlzzell's Motors I The state of Delaw-ire. Tint to ratify the U.S. constitution, retains the whipping pr-st as a punishment for criminals. pubiisned IU surely send you a 1 worth 7000. gold then being jx 471 fhorte Grefr 136 board, a man of retiring cllspo- : no nufliiaiiaiu an ounce. .. in.,. . ... t,., cogy. "I was offered a .share in the Daily News around 1910." I Then- dog, extraordinarily like t"" round ' In deer, as being V put through ; Javhe feels shy because his paces, counting up to five. . .; u -.., West. KOl'TK 4 Alvin Nyleilt, Blue 638 7th Ave. We-t 704-1427; 9'h Ave. West lul Fuhon Street. 700 Block, Tallow Street K Ave. UOI TF. IJ Jimmv McLean. Red 22 As I rose to go. he .slyly add For the MEAL that REFRESHES I've" socialistic' tendencies,0 to come three ta Husslan nuently. 'how- ed "" on, w.ie.i ah. naw- ...,. ,,., .., fi,,,. ! vou know light pink but I "Bankers dont know anythin; about money." With this rather arresting statement, he went on to elucidate. "I spent a lot of time with a financier, when I was a young man. I was his emanuensis. I am interested in how money is created and how banks work. I tell the truth about money and economics. Several economists are wrong in their assertions, but that's the way it goes." I looked out at the park-like scene from his window. Born in Ireland over 80 ypars ago. r ' ' ' " " ' ' ' l " Pile or.fo.oH U hH r ,,!.. ..." ....uviLtj. uc iiavt ictrimjr IT,Tif. Union during Hnvnt, V. 4tn Aie West 100-445: 5th Aw. West 105-51 t n ( 1 nn . ' Ointtl wiiit'i uwit.iB ... pounds UUU.ULS steer. . ivijtru vol Ol We.-t 308-539, Dimsmulr Street 211-424; I. 515; Emerson Place; A",new Place. vote for the capitalists." I made a hiental note to pay another vLsit on the way back, realizing I had met a gentleman in every sense of the word FINEST OF COOKING BEST OF FOOD "Eight head four years ago letched $425 and then we Jewed him up. Now $2000 would be nearer the mark. A big moose has been killed near our nl .'-e THE Gl'N-A-XOOT AFFAIR ; l remember a Case of news It must have been the old land. ' younger days. Ching-kuo is married to a Russian, and through her the : generaiLviimo has several half-Kuslan grandchildren. j The generalLssimo's youn;er son ls Maj.-Gtn. Ciiiang Wei -kuo, a dashing young man who commands Nationalist Chinas-armored corps. Wei-kuo speaks Engli.-h well. He" is a good mixer and nk'.s j Hin. His wife is Chinese. been "ovejung as ti. juu x.au get maris which has been about for raised in Dublin, he had u looaj, saia warren nines , ,0 years. It took two of us to connected with the railway in FOlt TAKE OCT ORDERS PHONE SOU BROADWAY CAFE his home country and In Africa nPn 1 8a n,m al nu nome I life his head and he had be-before coming to Canada and m Top.ey. "When Gun-a-noot tween 50 and 60 Inches spread to retire to Houston where he 1 klllpcl Macintosh at Hazelton in .a riflf wouldn't rest on hi-s has been for the last 30 years. ! 1906' was in camP a Lon6 antlers." ROI TE 0 Eleanor Walker, Grrrn !5t 8't, Ave. West 105-537; 9th Ave. Ea,t I10-I"! Street 113-708. KOL IE filcmUtn Smith, Blue 931 Ail of Section 2 ROITE 8 Jimmy Johnson, GrreK U I Waterfront and Pacific Place; F.oat't. j KOI TE 9 Melvin Bjornson, Green 113 9' n Ave. Fad, M Bride to Hays Cove Or Street 111-815. ROUTE 10 Bruce Roald, Green 71 4'h Ave, E.i.l 237-731'.; 5th Ave. East W-j; F.J -; 113-245, 301-020; Hnvs Cove Cirne S;w Ht.eet 511-510; Green Street 411-41i; w Young Street. . . ... , h ui.b OT1 i-aKe. 4jeiweeii woisa anu neua a pionf.fr Leaves "If you would like to see any ool'a, a Of the generalissimos nd an Indian rode in of my manuscripts, you'll have at four in the afternoon to ask Martin Slarrett was packing j - . . . M mm m u nnn d v r i t i n m me to interpret the directions in nUi cabln at Topley. prepara-on a bottle of 'white-man-medi- lor' to leaving for fiope. On-the cine-.-uie-anything' and told me wau lnere was a wreath ol sta horn moss, which he was leav to let me know and I will make arrangements. An old bachelor like me gets slovenly in his habits, you know. There are 44 tucked away with my small library. Mot of them are about science, money, economics and banking. I write under a nom de plume. I have 200 classical ing behind on a grave. I had noticed this moss growing (so like thak found In some parus of Scotland! in many places ii tne killing of the previous night, and I can't explain it to this day." Warren Innes waiked into this district from Bella Ccola in '98 and mined with his wife at the along The line. !! ir: - - - f collection ot: 1 lecoras, too. Several years ago "I don't suppose you know . 'Winic njor f r-io Inferior someone wanted to publish mv Richfield mine for over 20 years. what this is?" he said, unwrap- iiidi.us.npis ana n i get u em Mrs. Innes brought me some ore pmg what looked like a piece ' " ' ' of dried meat. ' I bought it from FLY itiM lr. II .iiunaei rowers, i. Plggott Ave; 1st and 2nd Overtook; Wxi Pigaott Place. ROUTE It Sammy Alexander 11th Ave. East 333-1805; Frederick St.: & ROITE 14 Ronny Ehv, Green 2.V8 1st East 225-247; 2nd Ave. WV'1; ' 131-225; Market Place; 3rd Ave. D.ul Motors. KOI 'TE 15 Allcyn PJlrhie, Klack 5th Ave. West (135-735, 741-745; Borden Street Blggaf Place. ROUTE 16 Frank Kilbortt, Green 971 4 h Ave East 124-234; 5!h Ave. East im- (jmerJ L(,!c RADIOS G.E. Radios are available for every taste . . . every budget . . . every room. The Northern B. C. Power Co. INVITES Vltt' TO DROP IN AND DISCUSS THE PERFECT RADIO FOR YOUR HOME. an Indian for 50 cents. It is part of the back muscle of a moose, .sinew for sewing with. I am going to repair this with it," and he showed me his moose gun case, which had come unstitched. We studied a miner's map to To Terrace daily tl ' '' a mat immm m c 1 ' A V't til To Prince George NORTHERN B.C POWER Co.,Ltd. and Intermediate Points Besnef Slock Phone 210 gether. "Pinch! means lake-creek. 'Bin chay' it is pronounc- ed in Indian. And 'Ta' in Tachi i means three." 1 would have : liked to have stayed Conger to hear more from Martin, who 1 knows Indian ways so well, and ' to hear about the beaver farm S which he plans to start near : Hope, and the cross which was Prlnre Rupert. R(!. Srwrt. B.C. Three Days Weekly To Kifimal and Kemano Doily Exceot F ridoys from TERRACE serti on the mountain there which caused an early missionary to name the place Hope, : oui 1 regretfully left him to his j packing. ' Maine produces three-quar-1 ters of the- blueberries in the : United States and 90 per cent ; of canned blueberries. Eat 106-G5B; Bowser Street. KOl'TE 17-t'harlie Llndslrm, ref .,, 6th Ave. Wen 210-53; 7th Ave W Brl!ll. West 221-528; Lotbinlere St. Ul 704; Tallow St. 625-733. ROUTE I Tayte McNeice, Blue 24 Jl5.ffl ' 9th Ave. East Block 800; 8th Ave. m East 1000-1144; 10th East 9U0-1U" Bacon Street; Donald Street. Rot TE 19 Jimmy Johnson, Green Wl . oth Ave. East 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. ROt TE 20 Koss Murray, Blue 275 8th Ave. East 1036-1944. ROUTE 21 Jimmy Mooreheart, Red tf Ave. 2nd Are. West 1135-1314; Par PI-"-ROUTE Street; Water Street; Beach 23 Larry Parent, Green 487 g(r(4 8th Wesk bl5-735; Summit Ave., ROUTE 24-Brln Roberts, Black 480 g( ?nd Ave. West Tl0-3.'d Ave i n, and NK West Daily News-Watts ROUTE 25 )erry Parkinv Green 6 . r.th Ave. East 1141-1476. ROt'TE 2fl-FraHkle Stewart. Blflf J' ; V 1103 RW . 7th Ave. Eu'st 931-10C6; . f ":V . V'lllillll I P U fv B.C. LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent SWEET MUSIC Tlie saxophone was invented by Adolphe Sax, who took out patents for the Instrument in 1841,. Terrace Prince Rupert Phone Black 907 Phone 133 NOW- is fhe time to plan for STORM WINDOWS SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. AVC. .if THESE ARE THE DAjj LITTLE MIRCHAN" C I IE D FOODS . . .r-r- rscbCMDS W ' FRINCESS MEETS PRESS HEAD Princess Elizabeth shakes hands with Waltvr Thompson, Chief Information Officer of the Royal tour, during a press reception at Government House in Ottawa. He also directed press arrangements for the Canadian tour of the King and Queen in 1939. (CP PHOTO) 215 1st Avenue West THEIR bULCtii - xiirm""- , ... Phone 909 i ii.mt.il II Illlllllllllll lllllln Bi I I Ijillililtlili1 P.O. Boi 721 ijjmtfiutitiiuitiiijjuiiiiatiiutiiimumtiuiiuiJiiiutLutiiKiitiiiittttiiii i