'the Strike Slops Seward Ships I opened school In Tiils.niiftn. on: l ine 'IiKu River, iC atmlcitfs taUtfj ! grades I to X. j And to prove the nobility of 'the teaching p:ofe.sion. Mr. 'Graham pvHuts out that it has been little or no probivm to ob-1 tain teachers for these back-; Education Fingers Stretch Northward ".iiin em, i,,y. V10d in !k. '-V Sv Strllc.ri 1' 82, ILWU. Th-V SEATTLE. The regional (lithe rector of Internation.il Longshoremen and Warohouae- mn TTnlrtw iTnHl nn,ia..t .1 (CLOSl'KE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Pieasa refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Wuiii per insertion, minimum charge 50c. E'.rth Notices 50c. Cards c Thanks, Death Notice,. , Funeral Notices, Marriage r.i;d Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE 1'RICE. ,,V Kiit rnnniniy f.... .!-. ivi r 1 . xiitr ai in ui lilt; law IS ........ ... . m-tru me piers v. rfrllrinn Bunard 1,n..X ...... . ' TiKin wwara lonssnowmen Lor-ai n k11n ' 0 resume work. ' The regional director, William' a close second are the outstretched fingers of educa-( tion which in British Columbia leave little to chance and few stones unturned to hrinj? knowledge to chil FOR SALE PrilVIS Rlinort rirsll., Ki'"" NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Linir-beit Soeeder Shovels: . . r-w wvitty ivrwj Thursday. October 18. lj dren, wherever they may Take fr instance the North!""-" Cranes; Draaiines; Adams, children. Men or working rou-Roatl Graders; Littifford Bros., pip. 743 9th We.t. 1 249c Black Tod Road Maintenance' - Euuiomen'; Owen Clamshell FOR RENT General Electri coast region, of which Print v 1 Rupert is the. hub. The area Buckets and Rock Granules; ; f!oor DOJtshers. $1 Der day. ( T L Smith Concrete Mixers ! Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec-1 Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson; trie (tfl , Bucket Loaders for Stockpile . vTO7'ttmT"ii'n ' and Snow Removal: Rice Port- FOR A NF W HERT5 . U-Drive able Centrifuaal Pumps; Na-j P'1''"?0- Bus Terminal 2nd tional Draelme Scrapers and ' anri -na j246di ; rt'f i NVrncta0' AH..?!'4 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41 i Gasoline n Hoists, Nat ona 711 Gremille Court itf(( Portable Sawmills: National 1 Potarv Scr-ens ana Conv.-yoiii. FOR RENT Sleeping room. 80L stretches from Ocean Falls to. At Firvale, 27 miles up the Rupert student. 1 Stewart and Alice Arm and valley, is a one-room school at-, Beyond a doubt, students gra-wherever there aiy eight to 10 'tended by th sons and daufth- duating here have a greater children, there is a schoolhou.se. . ter;: ot valley farmers pioneers chance for success riuht hi thei. I Approximately 2100 children at- mostly, who carved a niche for home area than many other' tend these schools. ! themselves out uf wotKly wilder-: urban centre students have.i In such a scattered area, one ness. Wheievvr there Is industry, there might expect to find mostly You ni.'d go only a few miles is epportunily and industry primitive-type schools, but such mrthcr east and you see the real I pays ' for most of our education.", is not the case, says Schools In-: v.ildtrness, where the valley , j spector G W. Graham. The nar.owi to a rwrife. After that New areas of industry are now standard of schools is high. I it's God's country." says Mr. under way. and this will mean In the Bella Coola Valley, for Graham, who visits this east-1 more rwP'p. ard children. Kill-! example, stands a four-room -r-rnmost Dart of his territory mat. Kemaiio Bav. South Ben-' icti "i ftwims;, wut 1 unmnft be, the Alexander McKenzie Gon ,oiiilaied from grades I to XII twic a year. In Ocean Falls, a modern addition to the elementary hii;h school will he 'officially tpt-nrd by Education Minister . T. Straith November 9, the Jay after opening of the new Thoots in Prince Rupert. The modern addition which In- chides industrial arts and home economic rooms, a gymnasium and classrooms will make the Charleson schiol a plate of wliu-h all tlr students will be red to take charge of the Daw-renamed Charleson, bv the way. was detacnn,t',lt He leave"s this year from Ocean falis School, in honor of the Monaay- ; 1 't margaIZi OI'T(:'t I KTONF il .... 1 P! ELL '93 ELEC ; mj" Sales a: R. w. ( in;. Phone Blue , B. f')T getmi'ie ; IBl phone or v j; TER -jal MES: iGE- Plio S) All deUverir ;r; FOR YOUR Brick. Strtjp ; Tile Setting i Phone K Blue 8!.i9 ; . HAND- HOME genera;, co: 1 E'liilding and 1 k;: ROOFS - C.I OIL BC PiiOS.1 PO Box 1C70 SIDNEY GCi Ol'TOMEKi Complete Visual ii OFFICE 'IT! 9 am. tc5);' Oeo l'oV " j MATTSCM UPHOLSTK Phone Bine j 234--3rd V rrir.ee Bap'. H. G. HfLGPI LIMITED REAL ESTATES" j oimno nfi Evrnlnp ! Train SOT Fr the K-t Da:lv ex."p: Svrs From the t- Daiiy t'X'fp' " p.m. ELECTRIC B, uSineSS CARPENTERS Hv all of your eld , on our yreriumn nwhiiw. M-hafiictt)ly 'nnili jo.nl-inic, Hlmtt mi Itm. r" Tht-yll rut truer. ' PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PKKIOTT PLAC'K Box 1011 Station B (Agent: BusTerminali Terrace Builders Suppl CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L HUGHES DC. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT famet Block 603 3rd Ate. W Prince Rupert, BC, hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P C. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4n Kt Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS U AUDITOR"? Besner Block Phone 387 P O Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Pcrmanpnt Waving f Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4h Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS. CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dnwes. Sid Alexander GENERAL A.N'NOl NCK.MENTS I Catholic card party. -Oct. 18. j Kabekar. haz-tar, Octooer 20 Canadian Legion card party, O.'tober 24. L O B A. Full Eazaar, Octo- , ber 26. I Ladies' W.A. Fishermen's Union Dance. October 2ii, in the Oadfellow.s Hall. Women's Hospital, Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea. October 31, at home of VV. C. R. Jones, 4S'j Fuurlh Avenue West. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. .Eastern Star Ball. Nov. 9 ai Masonic Temple. Prc.sbjteiian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 18. Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. .17. LODE. Fall B...uar Wovemosi 12. St. Pelers Fan Bazaar, No- ; vember 29. United Church W. A. Fall Bu- 2uur, Dec. 6. l.OST LOST Small brown terrier; fawn spots above eyes, white chest. Belongs to small oov. Reward. Phone Green 129. Roy Lovin. 1345 Piggotf Place i24iici CARD OF THANKS j I wish to express my siiicere appreciation for all the acts of kinclne and letters and cards of sympathy in my recent loo of my beloved husband. Raymond Keith OLson. I wi.sh to think Mr. J. Clausen, the boys on the Hillside, especially R. Berthelett for his act of bravery, the First Baptist Church, the ladies of the Lutheran Church, the congregation of the Tabernacle Church, also all our fishermen friends, the Pott Simpson men for their part in the search, and all our friends on E eventh Avenue. Mrs. Phyllis Olson and children, iltpi Mr.s. A. G. Bartlett and family wish to express their deep appreciation to Dr. MacDonakl and the hospital staff for their kind services during Mr. Bart-1 lett's illness. We also wish to : extend our thanks to Canon; Basil Pro:kter and to the many iriends who sent flowers and cards of sympathy. Utpi : I'LKSON L j Reqular St. John FIRST AID CLASSES Commencing Friday, Oct. 19th 7:30 p.m. FIRE HALL 245c SLICED wiapped bread from Rupert Banery on sale at ail grocery stoics. (tf i WILE TAKE orders" for crochet doilies, centre-pieces, runners, buffet sets, chair sets. etc. Phone Green 997, or apply 740 7th Ave. west. i245p i Anyone having any information of the whereabouts of a trunk with personal effects left in Prince Rupert by the late James j R. Hooper, nlea.se nhone Blue I 650 or write to Mrs. A. Wylie, WANTED Pen friend by Eng-1 lishman. 20. Interests include : travel. P. Surman, co G.P.O., ; Perth, Western Australia. (Z38c) i FOR SALE j FOR SALE-10 K.W. 120 volt A C. lighting plant, jeep engine, Hobart electric welder, gas driven, portable. Jaeger single drum winch Hercules gas. Packard driven 2-drum winch good line capacities. Steel piledriver leads about 30 feet woods schools. Including Prince Rupert, there are 85 teachers - '. c .11.. -..?.,... n,A mm ut ran 1 aim mi ou-wm l nu . thev ate as fine Ai and 1 coliseum- tlou: a lot I want w see. lo "Teaching isn't only a Job It's a responsibility maybe that's the answer." ( t Himself a teacher for 25 years In the Fraser Valley 18 years at ! Chllliwack High School Mr. Graham has a word for Prince tick Arm evn Port Edward. will be asking for schools soon, and the fingers of education must stretch out to satisfy the demands of civilization. local Officer Moving North Cpl. A. S. Wellens, RCMP, with drt?c!?,m:nt h"e f0,r a yfPar I WELDING Government Certified Operators llifih Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Slacks anil Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22 -1st E. Phone C.reen 881 Moving, Packing, Cratinf Shipping and tieneral Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agnnts for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all weld, 'if supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Park Avenues Est .910. Phunei 60 and 68 l mm "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 fur Ordrrs To Take Out Commodore Cafe Call 363 FOR BETTKR . . . i Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contrartora e.mentary high school which compares lavorably with Print Rupert's new King Edward school. Located at Hagensboig. 12 miles east of Bella Coola and practically in the centre of the valley. 100 students are taught in. I t:v v. om ki I no (I !.-.!) i.imi i t n !T.-i..nt f..r tan nnrf -.mtf..i ( ati, Itivt.illatltitl ul MuM'tl. It.r. Sailed unders. pltonlv marked as to ctmtem and atliirested lo the undersismed. will tw received up to 12:00 noon. Tuesduy. November 0 1951. fir the Instailtttion tl a Pier and Control Cable at Mnawtt. EC Plaits, sppcttlcatloiis mid tnrms nf tender required mny be obt timed from the undersigned nt 310 Horn r Street. VtMtcouver, BC A chettut. ,.)r e-SO oo pavable to Detence Constrttc- tl(Ml UI51 Limited IS required. !;r each set of plans, speclficntlnns an I documents This depisit will be Tor-felled if plans, spec tit t ion drwuments are not returned wttim fiurten davs of Novtm0er 3, H;l. F.aeh tender must be aeeomanif I by a security deposit of 10'i M ti;e temtrr prrre. Sxtrlt ctertoslt shnll m-clemnlfv Defence Construction ilHSIt I itvuted aeainst loss In the event of withdrawal of the successful tenderer subsequent to the acceptance of the nn n ueienee t.onstrtict inn ilisti limited Either a certified cheque pav;ible to Defence (tnst-iicti..Ti 'Ittoli limited fir negotiable t,min-lon of Canada Bonds will be ncce(t-;l as ectritv denosit. The lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted. J. I.. Adnms. -'AO Himer street, Vancouver. BC PRINCE RUPERT LAND RECORDING DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that Columbia C nuose company. Limited of Prince Hupert British Columbia, intend to apply for a lease lor the purpoe of Iok storage bonrniiiK grounds on hinds described as follows: commenciiM at a post which is i "eTS dicJ:1 arTd running Westerly aionit the shore to , the N.jrtiuriy extremity of Ridley I.land: thence Southerly to the . N.athwest corner of Lot 7384: thence N.dtheriv atonic the North boundary of ut 7S84 u the Northeast corner , thereof: thence Northeasterly Uj a: no.nt on the South boundary of Lot waa loss 3 feet E; steriv from the southwest corner thereof: thence boundary of Lot 7:j3 to the point of beHinnlny: and containing: an jareu of SIXTY acres more jr W.r.. COLUMBIA CKLLt'LCJKE COMPANY. LIMITED Rae L. Johnson. Airent. ! (OI8.25. N1.8I I-'EMALE HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to board and room two well-behaved children, 2 and 3 years. Box 228. Daily News. i245pi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 room house o;i float 40 ft. x 20 ft. Contains two bedrooms with bed and mattress first cla.ss stove. For further information write 8 G. Furk, Box 1639. Prince Rupert or phone Red 593. (245cl HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Apply S. Blanchard, Long Motors, between 9 and 6. (245p) FOR SALE 4 room house. 1060 8th East. (245pi Fl'RNACE OVERILU L OIL HEATINO SERVICES Lawric Mackav. Mar. Phone Blue 187. P.O. Box 687. The service that's different, clean FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-room apart- ment. private entrance. No Hr.rrlen St itfi ROOM FOR RENT Gentleman only 1021 2nd West. i243pi FOR RENT Double .sleepinn loom, ciu.se in. Bute 4S3. i24(ici WANTIID TO RENT Wanted to Rent UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE Required by local machinery firm for employee being trmsferred from Vancouver ulfice. Phone577 or write Box 1 324 itn WANTED TO RENT Four or five room house or apartment for Airline couole with two children. No objection to location. Box 227. Daily News. I246p WANTED TO BUY OR RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home No objection to location. Bix 222 Daiiy News. " 1 245c i WANTED TO RENT Two bedrooms house or apartment, r.relerablv unfurnished. Box 224. Daily News. t245pi WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES) PAID lor sciao iron, s'eel. bra.ss. cnuDer. lead. etc. Uonest prdin Promot. nav-ment made. Atlas Iron it. Metals L'd . 250 Prior St Vancouver B. C. Phone PAclfie W57 ,tr CASH for ycran cast, brass, cod-i ner. nattivies nni ttdiators Phone M3. Call 629 6lh Avenue West. Citv (tf) WANTED TO BUY-Halicrafter or Nitional radio. Phone Savoy Hotel, Room 48. " 245p i MALE HELP WANTED WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR PRINCE RUPERT Opening for a man with an eye to the future, who has the following qualifications: One who has the ability to adapt himself to fhe job to wor' bv himself to learn and follow our proven methods of selling. To th! man we ofler a chance to make better than average earnings and to become established with a large electrical appliance manufacturer. Ern-ines from .sales, parts and service, local store connections, protected territory. Must own car. be over 26. preferably married, selling experience an asset but not essential. Excellent opnortunity for advancement. Box 225. Daily News. 24c SUN carrier for downtown route. Phone Bus Depot, 640 or 530. (tf) DOORMAN , . . Part time . eveninus n m, Apply Totem Theatre. itfi FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED Exoerienced officn clerk foe construction com-oanv office. Must have shorthand Atmhr !n writinz to Box 207 Dailv News. ufi WANTED -three Housekeeper for or four weeks. Apply 1028 2nd West. I247pi ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR ' YOU (tin lniormanon irom rxa-; tional Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. Bu tf New 30-lb. Rail 20-LB RELAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL Transformers, mi. c rs and electric power-plants for immedinte sliip-ol rnent. C:ir londs 2. 4 and 0- inch pipfs. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. NfW Dfi and 8 Caterpillar Tractors. Os-md Shovels Mr Immediate delivery from United States 940 Bc.lrli Ave. Vancouver. B C. IS44'-) FOR SALE Cabinet radio. Beatty washing machine, buffet. Singer treadle sewing machine, small kitchen table and four chairs, pots and pans AH in perfect condition. Mrs C.m-nery. No. 15. Basner Apts. (245oi FURNITURE for Sale-Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfiehtl beds complete cribs, etc Lowest possible nrices. B C. Far- 1 niture Co. Third Ave. ufi FOR SALE Registered p.irebre 1 Black L'ubrador puppies, eivht weeks oid. Write Mrs A. E Zorn, Bex 43, Smlthers, R C. (244c I FOR SALE One 109 HP. hish nressure H.R.T. boiler with breeching. In use for 18 months. Saanich Plnmbinc & Heating. 1 255c FOR SALE One two-tone dark green velour chesterfield an 1 mt-hiiii -hairs Call 345 9th West or phone Blue 693. , 1 245a I ! BOYS' ALL WOOL jacket s and vintlbretkers, ail size.s, ies than factory prices. 13. c. Clothiers, Third Ave. (tfi FOR SALE Wartime coal and wood circulating heater. Reasonable. Phone Blue 729 (tf-nsi FOR SALE Three piere blue velour chesterfield, cheat) for quick vale. Botween S and 9, evenings. 1201 2nd West. t f FOR SALE 3-p:ece Chester field suite, good -condition, S100. Prince Rupert Warehouse. 1 24fip i FOR SALE Prince Rupert Warehouse 6", 8", 10" and 12' cast iron drain p.pe also 8" and 10" steel pipe. i245p. FOR SALE Grev baby carriage, reasonable. Phone Red K81 mornings or after 8 pm. itf-ncl FOR SALE Halli?rafter communications receiver, new. Black 687. (245pi FOR SALE Two coal and wood furnaces. Apply 913 10th Ave. East. i245pi FOR SALE Girl's bicycle. Red , 549. ( OSRn 1 ! FOR SALE Kitchen ranee. $20. Phone Red 973. 24"pi BOATS FOR SALE p DR SALE 40-foot trolling boat "Myrtle V." For inspection apply boat K.O. at Fairview Floats or phone Green MB (249pl CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1950 Chev sedan. 8.0OTJ miles. Phone Black 907. (tfl FOR SALE 1951 Prefect. Mileage less than 400. As new Apply 225 9th West. (247pi FOR SALE 1950 English Ford. Green 596. (240pi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR sai.is inree sisters caie cheap for quick sale. Illness owner's reason for selling. Apply on the premises. (246c I REPAIRS FOWLIE & RUTTLE Expert Fur Repairs and Remodelling Fine Work and Fast Service at Low Cost All Work Guaranteed Call at the store today for estimates. WATCH REPAIRS Promnt ef. ficient service. George Coo I Jeweller. Satisfaction gnaran teed. late Alex Charleson who died recently following more than a de cacj of service as school board :ccietary. Iiif pector Graham, who makes a point to visit each school in his district at least twice a year, linds only one major difficulty, "but even tr.cit can be turned into fun." TRANSPORTATION 1)11 FK'l'I.TY IVs transportation.' At many. sem'.-isolat.'d school centres, shipr call once a week; at some, less than that. And so the in- pector hitches rides on fish-bcats, tUKboats, hires cabs, takes planes, cr a combination of all on a tour to visit schools. Schools like those at Namu, E lla Bella and Bella Bella Airport may be out the way, but lifhdmen usually sail In and out of these poi ts quite regularly, ' ivr' t ..i.vir i vies But In the Poitland Canal dis- trict Alice Arm, Stewart or Pre- . miW-con,mc,oial means of ' communication cail onc? a week ' and it s always a " goud long visit ,f wne" j 1 sel UP ,h mere, Mr. Graham says. "Five days of It, tiding both plane and beat." m Alice e " Arm m scnK" rhimM ls rWneH dosea thi yeai. however, for lack of a tendance. At Stewart, a superior schooJ teaching 50 children from grades I to XI At Premier, eight n:.n?rs children are taught elementary grades, and at the newly IN RE ESTATE OF HAROLD KEITH SMALL. DKCKAftfcD TAKE NOTICE that ns Executor, duly appointed by the court, of the estate of Harold Ki-lth Small, deceased, who riled itt Prince Kiipert. British Columbia, on the 10th day of June, 19M. I require nil creditor and other having ciiurm :i(inlnst t.M sHid estate to mud the Mime to me. properly vert tied. t the address mentioned below on or befnre the JOth diiy of November, 1951, after whim dte I fthftll proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by luw. hnv-itiK repfird only to such claims of which I shall then have been notitied AND further take notice that H persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED ftt Prince Hupert, BC. thli 17th day of Octnlrr, 19!l Cifirdon Fraser Enrba. Official Admliiisinaor, Prince Rupert. BC. Executor of the estate of Harold Ketth KniHll, deceased IO18.1H.25.20I I RE F8TATK OP AI.KXANDFR JOHNSON. OTHEHWIHE KNOWN AS AI.EX JOHNSON. DECItArtKU TAKE NOTICE that un AilmmmtH- tor. duly appointed by the court, of the fti or Alexander joiimwm. 1IIK tsnrd only to such claim of which I KhulJ then have been notllietl. AND further take notice that nil peraons Indebted to natd esrt.ate :re. required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 17th day of October. 11)51 Oorrton Krner Forbes. Official Administrator. Prince Rttjiert, B C. (O18.10.25 2 ) BLON0IE (ONE MOMEMT--ILL V MAKE VOU A t -SANDWICH rr ii o sm ict SPAS?E Aw'" POOP MAM )''f eiimifiH worKinansnio com- Mtherwiar known B Alex Johnson, oinins a thorough knowledge who died at Vancouver, Bruih Coot eailloment and their at- lumbla. on the 5th day of June. tendant .oroblems. iThls arl. ! i require mi creditor and othw temnorarv oencijne onenin? of havnut claima aKainst the mid estate .shoo and disolav room. Watch to wnd the name to nie. properly thissoacei. Ufi ! verified, at the address mentioned " -vt below on or before the :10th day of "i-l-Ul-H arrki l.ln IS November. 1951. after which date I G. E Radios. WasM long in two sections for small ;FOR SALE 1939 Austin convert-hammer. Two 2-oven camp I phPe Red 876 eventnrs. ranges, one left-hand, one I (245pi NOW IN STOCK Rupert Radio & m CHIC VOL Treotinq Her Like a Tramp Stone Building.' Red 593. (20m) TENDERS NOTICE TENDERS will be received bv the undersigned up to 5:00 p m., Monday, 22nd October, 1951, for Hunt clearing and brushing; on .selected sites In the City of Prince Rupert. All brush, etc.. to be burned or removed by the contractor. Plaas and specifications may he obtained from the office of the Superintendent of Works. C.ty Hall. The lowest or anv tender will not necessarily be accented. D. C. Stewart. Superintendent of Works. (245c THNDERS WANTKI) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p ni Friday. October 19th. 1951, for the "ale of a 1-ton Cargo Trailer. Trailer may .-be seen bv arrangement with the Telephone Superintendent. The hishest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. R W I-on2. City Clerk. (244 J right-hand. New l'i-yardi dragline bucket. Large, quan-! tity shafting, pulleys and bearinp. Atlas Imperial diesel 120 H P. heavy duty. Skeena Lumber Co. Ltd., Box 226, Daily News. (246p) FOR SALE Rifles: The accurate hitrh powered Canadian Ross ' .303 British calibre 3 shot repeater. Three models to chcose from at our amazingly low orice of $39 50. Write for free illustrated folder. Dealers' enquiries invited Target Sales Comiranv. 261 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario. (T.FS-Hl FOR SALE Man's three-soeed Ra'ei'h bicycle with Renerntor and lamn. Good condition, $50 00. Black 225. (245)) l FOR SALE Hot point refrigerator An excellent buy at the ri"ht price Phone 6 davs, Black 339 nights. (245c) A BITS -P AU , i i: I 1 .... t PO X.XJ LE MJIAtO I r"iP ,nJr on xxj sandwiches ? ;,.OAIL '"c mzmt ,1