0yal Bank Appointments Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 18, 1951 David Radford of. Standard OH Co. of B C. left by air yesterday for a brief trip to Kitimat on company business. James Talbot, head timekeeper Promoted To Major li4 Work of Staff Captain Preferred by millions of Canadians for its superb .quality and flavour eJLillle TJliealrc for Moniion-Knudsen on Alcan. construction work at Kemano! Bay, returned via Central BC.i Airways yesterday to his duties! down the coast after a brief j business visit to the city. ji M '. and Mrs. R. Jetter, who rSona rouuon in Salvation Army Ke jgniird In recognition of his effective organizational and evangelical work among Ihe native people of Richard Oiske llave bcen "Pending a vacation! With new executive and Mr and Mrs. l-'TmM, "i.iu...i iii.i.ini , " 'J I 1 ' rT f.Jlr V Ml u. u.airu.i aurmg nis incum- j casting nearly completed. Prince are sailing tonight on the Prince visaing witn relatives at Williams' Jency in Ihe past two years as; Rupert Little Theatre is ready C.oige fo.- a trip to Vancouver Lake and Betting in some sue-; uea commandant of the Salva-jto start Droduction of the sa- .crssful moose hunting, returned M. . and Mrs. Anton Dvbhavn tc the citv bv Central B.C. Air- "ii a in.,, oenior staff Captain ; son's first play, a three-act farce, i WJlium Foult-m has tjen pro. are sailing tonight on the Prince ways plane yesterday afternoon. Direc- "Ask Me No Questions George lor a trip to Vancouver. They are returning to Mr. Jet- ..,,, . , ter s logging camp up the.coa!,4 Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lovin are ., h . , lottd to rank of major. Announcement of the promotion has been received in a congratulatory eltcr lrom Commissioner Wil- ain R. D i!;-.eii , l TOiOnix tqr is Reg Edwards. Leading the theatrical group this year in a newcomer to the c.ty. Mis Jean McLeod, RN, whose enthusiasm and past experience In Little Theatre work ' failing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. G. W. Graham, inspector of schoals, is sailing tonight on Uw brought her the vote. Others elected are: 'P.ince Grorge for a trip to the ( Taste the good news from Kraft! j Ocean Falls are an official duties. Mrs. Bernice Woodsidc. secre- a, J lary. j. George Brodie, of the Govern-! Harold Thomas, treasurer. jment's Agent office, left byj Mrs. Myra Chappie, vlce-presi- Plane today for Vancouver and , dent. Kaiiiluopa on oiuciai business. Mrs. J. S. Black, honorary past Angus Currle, well known! president. Skeena River canneryman, lsi Rehearsal 'nights have been sailing tonight on the Prince set at Monday and Friday nights George for Vancouver. j f D. TORY R. D. HARKNESS K.C., and Co!. R. D. Xd j O.BE. Harkness, D.S.O., M.C., . ijc'i appointed Directors of The Royal Bank of Canada'. . is ounder of the Toronto law firm of J. S D. Tory & ad a pire-'nr of g number of Jmpoitant cui poialiuns, iSn Lilt' Assurance Company of Canada, Abitibl Power Co'pany Limited, Montreal Trust Company, Simpsoni ancMassey-Harris Company Limited. Col. Harkness Is ; aii a Director of Northern Electric Company Limited, o a)irerio.- of Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co of Ltd The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, and Howard ana Sunday afternoon, at the Miss Honora Silversides who! has been receiving medical treat- ment in the south returned to Prince Rupert on Tuesday. papciMins Liu. Civic Centre auditorium. First Monday of the month Is business meeting. I, Following executive members were appointed as committee heads: with a flavor "sweet as clover"! Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown, who have tjen on a vacation trip for mens Halowe en Mr. Thomas, staging; Kenneth several weeks as far south as Boulter, reading; Mrs. Miller, Ban Francisco, returned to the maneup; and .Mrs. Thomas, city at the end of last week. properties. Gerr Phnned by Kinsmen PROMOTED Major W. C. Poulton, B.C. Salvation Army commandant. heads membershipTind publicity j committee; Miss Mri&a Windle, ! advertising. Frolic and Shellout Tickets . JV 1... i Mrs. W. D. Mt.-.ia sails tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver, accompanying her mother, '"r.v Wilkinson, who will receive hospital treatment in the south. Dr. G. D. Cameron, deputy m Ulster of health and welfare, Ottawa, here on a brief oiflcial visit, will sail tonight by the Prince George for Vancouver. nniis, urt'wurjvs, iun, games and prizes are Canadian Cfttb Major Poulton received his promotion somewhat earlier than .he rgula'ion period of twenty vears but the Commissioner writes: "I felt that the manner d i plans of Prince Rupert Kinsmen in their ,t t channel children's energies in the right 3iL Imi i In which you are carrying re-1 lion . Hallowe en. ' pcnsibilities of your present well as your ' An evening of films was enjoV- ippointment, as m.I t... U ,,r . ecord as an officer, justified "la" anauian Cml Wednesday in the Common I, a rets will again pre-' highest number wins the j,,.' ,ror source of fun Pllze of a bicycle. ;ijt. :o, .nsmen decided at Here Is how the plan works: VWtt last night. The Each student receives 100 distributed among tickets. A record will be kept of ..nty schools, and the the number sold and the num-4 seig and redeeming ber redeemed on Hallowe'en my proposing to to thp the nmi General I hftt. Vim r nrnmnf inr hn a m ,4 Lounge of the Civic Centre. Mrs to now and I am very happy that . Davidson and projectionist Mrs. Evans showed films entitled the General has approved the proposal . . M .x. night. The largest aggregate to "Majestic Norway." "The Five Towns" uhe English Potteriesi, 'Dawn Over Cyrenaica," and Guests at the Kinsmen din-! ner meeting last night were Carl 1 Wilson, Carl Erickson, Dudley ) Little of Terrace and Gordon ! Home. J Wiliiam Simmons, Canadian ! National Telegraphs local man- ! ager. and Mrs. Simmons, are I sailing tonight on the Prince : George for Vancouver on vaca-1 tion. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks of Windsor, Ontario, are spending ' a week with Aid. and Mrs.! George B. Casey. Mrs. Brooks is Major Poulton, born at St Developed by Kraft an exclusive Talk uamarines Ontario. 45 years . Birds of Canada; ' ' yces i new blending of tje basic ingredient now makes 34u, was a Daner lor a time and then entered the work of the "my 18'i yea,s ago at Georgetown, Ontario Later he served at Lan. ng and Brampton. Ontario. Then he was overseas for President Mrs. F. E. Anfield told of hearing from Mrs. O. R. S. Btackaby, Past-President, who is now living In Vancouver, and Mrs. T. J. Boulter voiced greet Trail m tal wins the bike. Prizes will also be given to highest numbers sold and redeemed by students in each school. A watch is first prize; wallet, second, and pen and pencil set, third. Bonfires win be held at Conrad Street School, Gyro Park and Totem Park on Hallowe'en night, October 31, where fireworks, free hot docs armies Parkay taste even finer and sweeter than ever! Freshness guaranteed by Kraft ings from Mrs. G. Montgomery, sir vears with Salvation Armv War Service Returning to Can- fs'-t'-easurcr. who is now living Aid. Casey s sister. The eonnle . arrived vesterday on the Prince George spent three years in ; $ r..or; was off t red last ;f. t Ala-ka Trail concert e Junior Chamber of t ir.ectmg. ending In a i rer mir.cndation." r.aiority who spoke Toronto and three years ago n-, 'mMiitii!itt!iHM mitt'.'i;ii'u :itii.iit!;ii!!i;ni;itiimmiiitini!'mniii!!ii'imi!iniii'.iiiini;ii mm iii''Hliiilniii!lii!liil!iiiiiii Uiwhl hi I i l!ill,i:ii,iiii'iili,i!.iii..il.3., 1 games, entertainment 'and cm- camo w Prince Rupert tumes w ill be the order of the css readers evening. :,j cince its. several y i uii! never be a Kinsmen will be In charge of j jpaiienqeri I S.O.N, whist drive and dance, i Friday, October 19. (245c - Jiasition" at pnesent the nre3i and prlzes will be given . , , ,, ',r '"'st costumes, novelty and .,,,,, " ' comeav acts. - To Vancouver (today iR. D. : For Sale 50 pairs of felt' i. lu n p.iy ( lor it it, on Funds for these activities arc Mollison, George Brodie, R Lar-, shoes, all sizes. $3.85 per pair. ' ra.e as i , do in the to be raLsed on Peanut Day, Oc- rubber' son, H. M. Britten. Mrs. Britten, Black Diamond short v as tneir opinion, tuber 27. when Kinsmen will R. G. Haley, J. C. Hardow, Ruby coats, $6.00. Black Diamond long i . """'- iraoe a Da? oi peanuts lor any, Weir, C. A. Cavil, A. E. Woods. ; rubber coats, $7.50 each. Seal : (248c) Cove Store. n..nh.,i urtu si-us contribution. V McLennon fate, while some .' 1 f n-.orf attention should t siipp-.rt of local tal-$ -hinild be billed along xper.iivc stars. HEINZ puts in the CREAM PII.(,R1MA(,I-' It J" ii a tln.'en on.'en menu members of ! Ch Chamber ji:ert Junior i it will leave B n? of N 'vembi't fo or Ter-: 11 to You add ONLY water ,n the Remembrance f'' th-re and later join j-'ayeees In a district , S'rM W' -A. RESULT:real Cream of Tomato Soup J: the double-purpose j the Jaycee meeting t ca'l for presentation t'n M Terrace Follow-f'v.ces. the two Jaycee together for the '" discuss matters of both areas. : f -Tup project and roads V'ms expected to be "1 'he agenda. '1'. Bonr.y Sprinkle. Whit more and Roy V "PPiinted by Prcs!; f: Hl11 ils a committee ' -aic ros! and practl-a tlmriet relief map ' "how industry and , -"''rces or the area os tume Hallowe'en fHUlli ll, fi,.. Whn you buy straight Tomato Soup and add an qual amount of milk to produce a soup that tastes something like Cream of Tomato Soup, you lose out on getting a rich creamy flavour and you also lose out on the cost especially the way prices are today. Why not buy Cream of Tomato Soup to start with, as made by Heinx. Then you can save on milk and get a better result by simply adaincr water. Instead of a milky tomato soup you will i '"si une in f -Ifrt- will be held a ivilav bV tllo T,inl. J " i-omnierce. Every- get the true creamy taste most people enioy for Heinx Cream of Tomato Soup is made with thick country cream. Remember, too, that this soup is much more Qavourful because only pedigreed tomatoes are good enough for Heins. Try a comparison between ordinary tomato soup diluted with milk and Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup with only water added. When you have tasted the wonderful difference you will want to stock up with Heins and eat happily ever after. 1 c.'ines must be "in or 7 wtu Rlven . . for TtlPSf art ;p nlans decided at the fr.'l-r,,r nvothiK last T; Rh a tow members as' the rnstume dance ..rent the opinion that 1; .f the went would provide en- f "t for . all members. T Here's The lan Of Tomorrow Of course you know him. He's the youngster who delivers you Vour newspaper. And he's the one who is studying hard preparing for his role of tomorrow's businessman. The work he does, the accounts he keeps, the salesmanship he learns are all lessons in his book of success. Keep your eye on him and watch how he grows and develops until he reaches his goal of independence and success. Sltt Sattu Nntui goring for f Qnd Gentlemen ING fa tailor hi 1 ' lfWM I " SWfWHtM CtV. S Cf ,1 I v -v ' 1 ' ' S . Cj74c ; . ' I Jm i -iv''T"" --m - OlOf : ! RssQ ; wd omit CWrs'i J ! K- - i V li CR(M WHEN V I 1 1 I J tV S C IkT J i - !WaRl YOU BUY U 5 UiJJW ' 'Tr 1 Jm i -m-im-i ' M ...T r La-; . ' rhoae 649 j BBB i liililiiii'iiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiii'i ni!iiii!!ffl!ii!i!;!iiiiimi!iifi';jm hVri'i f'TWitniilrfttiiiiiiaiiwIi iSnliiiiiiiiiiaai iiiiilwfiWtiBMllilHlilliliilllriltWlllHlBlllnWWrtllllli 'IHIIli'tmni'mirittl't'ill! iMilfclii.lmiMlbiii iliiilblii.iill