: i Prince Rupert Daily News Prince Ruoert Daily News Thursday, October 18. 1551 As I See It LETTERBOX . . :i.ri nAiircnnntr rtPVOt.Prt tn th unkullni. - nf i cpetuieni nail i.l - i'wuuuuig vi rriiict T' Nnrthwn and Central British Mnmhio ray.. Reflects and Reminisces STEVINGTON, England CP) An historic windmill with four cloth sails, believed the last of its kind in working order, was re-or"ned at ceremonies in this Bedfordshire town. The celebration was arranged by the council for the preservation of rural England. "" " - " Klipin . , ' I i n tms AllHif nilJ-AOti . f '. , . I WEATHER FACTOR Weather and waf er conditions on Pacific streams have a mark- LONOON (F Valerie Kennish, 16. put a letter in a bottle and tossed it into the sea. Now she line !. rpnlv in riuniih frnm a UI c.tuiaua" - -v wihu vil CU1UIIOUB tmljcr "' - rll.. Mo,.,or,.,r,. a LET'S DO SOMETHING Editor, j Daily News: Here's hoping the city council 1 will be able to do something In- .14 J't more lanauiuii "j n-apmre! naauuiauun published every afternoon except Sunday by ,.c Rupert Datfy Ncwa Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. ed effect on natural propogation ; fLsherman who picked' up the of salmon. l bottle off Denmark. 3 W lUNTEK. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director v ' Kirnsf:RlPTirN pats-h- 1 T" I stead of just talk about the de-, CALLED JUST ONCE j plorable situation of indiscrim- I Doubtless a few more moose inate parking all over the city. stories can be expected in Skeena Three days have passed since this year. The last we recall j Aid. Black very appropriately- ,rlcr Per Week, zuc; rer Monm, vac; Per Year. ,,0; By Mail. Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8 00 " - i uri i - . . ' jysseys Proposa occurred some time ago in new u a nuie late brought the Hazelton. The game wandered matter up and some of the wrecks close enough home to be shot by I we still sw unmoved, the lady of the house, firing from j In fact, passing along McP.ride her bedroom. Not more than a Strert last night, we saw a new single ball was needed. That one. This jallopy was even over moose provided a pretty fair ; the curb timber with one front story and first rate flavor along I wheel on the already narrow with lancy cooking. ; i sidewalk. Possibly, of course we How Good Can Coffee lasfe ? 'T'O find the answer "cream" your coffee with - Carnation Evaporated Milk. Even the best cup of coffee tastes belter with Carnation richer flavored, smoother, more appetizing. Vet Carnation costs only about half as much as light cream. Try it. Discover why millions of critical coffee drinkers prefer Carnation to cream in coffee. 7 Ij'J'it t happened to be passing at. Men of Wax LONDON.t-1 got fed up with politics today, not because British" politics are any duller than ours, but because I have had too much of them, all in a lump. So I went to Madame Tus-saud's famous waxworks Instead to see if It looked as Interesting as on my one and only other visit, which was way back In 1915. time and it was not to re A battery in Detroit fired i7 main long. Others on McBride taluU of guns when injt in? ;KK is something to be said for the editorial posal of Ubysseji, University of British Co-, student publication, for an' exchange of sity students between the Soviet Republic ,e Western World with a view to developing understanding and possible' co-operation. In ise, the proposal is one that should be viewed sionately and not dismissed without some s consideration. Soviet has complained that we in the western Princess and Prince spent a d ilai' thf; in Windsor (Ontario across t ' H . I .street have been there for months. Surely someone is re- I sponsible. It is not good enough to say that nothing can be done about it If there 1 Hie wiii to do a, , something could be done, no i doubt. river. It is not for us to say just what will transpire when they find themselves below the folds of ' Old Gluiy itoeil, in anolner few weeks. ' - - -rj J "''om from Contented Contented Cow? Co?' , , r ABOUT ABOUT Ct CARNATION KNOW miw- ffr-f or tea have not a true picture of the situation behind i Meantime, this parking situa- ! j t.;on is not only an eyesore but WHAT YOU SHOULD on Curtain. We have said that- it has been J Even there politics pursued me. For there is a full panel of : members of the present Labor ; government with famous Conservatives, headed by Churchill, right alongside. ! ... on cereals, CARNATION IS r- i that call ioi v.- .miration. in recipes !t for impartial observers to get behind the urtain and, if they do get there, to be per- aoubk-nenpy-r a danger to other cars and pe-; destrians alike. Let's not wait ; until tomebody gets killed and a ; corener's jury makes some ' recommendations. i SAFETY FIRST "About this time of (lie season in 1928," remarked John Currie, pioneer contractor, Tuesday, "five inches of snow lell in Prince Rupert. I remember it well. And for the rest af the winter, there was no snow whatever. Rain was not particularly heavy, nor was half . .nnui-h W to WtJ't" " i Tift J?"' i ' tVAPORATEDI F0R EVERY M.UPU-h, f ..r tn ret IS neavj . o jed and heat- to freely and fully see the scene s it actual! v Randy turpin is there now it is homogtm the . . J-, in too, standing as large as life the last "'"e urized, wh"le m' in vitamin D. v-itrt rich ! He was a portly man with an d t,rsl' rreunvtf creamy can is as the cold severe," i I fasv Point? Ktvlp anrt infpptmiic i next time you shop but looking about half the size of, Joe Louis who is next to him. Randy does not rate a number I yet but his whole name Is print- ed In full. , ! Get Carnation is true enough that the primary cause of unrest and wars and rumors of wars today urn the lack of trust misunderstanding, if J ; chucklv. This was during the filming a play in Africa, ; ministration of Woodrow Wilson Ml Hollywood people are bac-K homeC U.'it.h nnt fUon Q faunrdhln iitii-iI Canadians still in the famous J uki call it that between the Soviet and the showplace are Bonar Law, the ! about where they were and what i world. li re is reason to believe that Russia is waging nf.iir propaganda a war of nerves and obvi- wiuia-ootn u nil sn they witnessed. No one is so Prime Minister; Colonel Cecil blind as tne individual who re-Merritt, VC, and Barbara Ann fuses to see. What do they know -olL ! about the Dark Continent? A There seems to me to be a land to fear and feel fascinated , wide variation in the lifelikeness i by. of the figures. The group show- j ing the living members of the A professor mak?s bold hi Royal Family is superb. But the observe that most everyone has late King George V Is shown his share of bad breaks " K.v.n an inough her representatives are not doing a ;;il to co-opyate so that mutual understand- i trust might be arrived at. the other hand, Soviet Russia claims, fairlv a.s much more anemic looking occasional motorist in the Skeena valley! ,irly, that the western world particularly ited States is likewise offending, the misunderstanding and the distrust goes as long as it continues, there will be wars and ' ! ,ffT! -. J than I remember him. That goes , for Franklin Roosevelt, too. And . I don't think anybody would recognize President Truman, niuch less General MacArthur. The latter is shown without his famous cap and without his hair Premier Attlve is down to make fifty spccc.es before election day. It is reported he will not speak In Scotland. Talking polities is 4- of wars. a thirsty business but it's not !),.'USh.?d. to f'ea' Cros8.hls headSat all essential to be always on s elementary that there must be understand- ; cover the bald spot. the banks of Loch Lomond to fee! refreshed, : THE QUESTION arises about j these famous figures: At what A TALK BY TAFT i Senator Robert T:ift annntiiii--s ae should they be shown? If a man like Geor-ae Bernard ! he will be Republican candidate 1 jjoodu ill before there is peace in the world. only way of establishing and being assured faith is for either side to really know and and what is going on in the other, il the only way to do that is to mingle and ther. That is why there is really something lid for .the Ubyssey proposal. Shaw rated a place in Tussaud's for president next year. IJe would , i while still alive, naturally they not be the first President Taft. ; ' had to show him as much like His father. William, served in i he is Dossible. Thus when that exalted office. In later' i htiaw as " - - " ' "v. io ttO UMIUIC. iuu& wild. . iw wa wa living at 90. ahey had years, he addressed the Canadian , ha Uave a 90-year-old' man. But:nT) herer's'peaTtffignh'Tlie'tlutel p - ito h i and trusted observers such as exchange . once the famous man passed, Prince Rupert, at a luncheon would It not be better to sliqw t " 7.""" i him to future generations in his j prime rather than hoary wnn ' : old age? i ! I ity students, might be able to really do some-i relieve the tension that is creating such a lctac!e in the world today with crisis fol-crisis and fires burning that might at any velop into catastrophic international explo- 3 I NOTICED Pitt the Younger Robert Burns and Charles Wilberlorce are all shown with-. out any traces of the arthritis irom wnich they all suffered. j garine Discrimination i of Canada's provinces margarine is banned ther. In seven, margarine has a color bar. nly he tinted a pale, insipid ivory. If some of Neville ChamOerlain has no unibtelia. RamsAy MacUonald ' j lacks the look of ' gloom and ' doom that always seemed to I j liang about him. Nehru Is shown 1 j several shades too dark in skin i color. Molotov's head In wax ! I misses the bullet shape which is j its main feature. Old Joe Stalin i is made to look taller than he j appears In pictures standing be- ; ; side Churchill. Franco Is given 'I'l' people had their way, even that would not fated. pite the fact that jams, cheese and many holesome food products, including butter, "'''I and it is perfectly legal to do so, the a smile like an angel. These are petty criticisms, registered only to show I really j did look carefully and admir- j ingly at the whole works. Ths ligures of the present King and Queen are tops, that of Princess Elizabeth especially superb. I HEAR that the BBC not long ; ago had stunt men stay the night in the famous chamber of horrors but that even they came ' out badly shaken. I don't won- , der. There in one room you see '"le protested that it would be unfair to wed margarine. v a group of dairy farmers have brought ir own butter substitute, a' product made 'Ik and cream. (Butter is made entirely of And what do we find ? No coaching needed Mr. Quizmaster . . . ODORLESS BAPTONE is your answer! It's speed, beauty and low price have rated Baptone tops for years! Now . . . after months of I''1 on the label it is admitted that this new I is artificially colored and it is selling freely 1 the personification of so much . research . . . new Baptone WITH NO PAINT ODOR! Imagine, no inconvenience . . . just roll or brush on quickly, easily . . . move in right away! ODORLESS BAPTONE 1 leaves walls and ceilings beautifully refreshed with a rich, flat finish! ODORLESS BAPTONE is an oil paint that's washable! Available in 9 flower-fresh colors and white! 1 For deeper tones, ask about Bapco Basic Decorative Toners. "THE SECOND WORLD WAR" WINSTON CHURCHILL Ai i luillK'd 111)' greatest historical work of our lime. NOW the big SUNDAY SUN brings you Volume V , "CLOSING THE RING" This compelling volume drills with 1I.H the year of the Italian Invasion, the )uetcc Conference, the beginning of the end of the Hitler legend. READ the 2nd installment in this week's big Sunday "c where the sale of margarine is forbidden. ;;m'an consumers are heartily tired of this 0 about restricting margarine. -There is not 'test excuse for any discrimination in color The whole affair is shameful and ridiculous. a been some strong talk, at Ottawa and !' recently, about tbp hin-h hanrlwl dairv that is evil -and terrible in the I human race. .But you come out of that I chamber more cheerful than j you go in. in one respect at least. ! When you see all the old tor-i ture Instruments and see so ! many terrible proofs of man's i inhumanity to man, you think I to yourself In most respects the world has grown better, more I humane. But there in the chamber of i horrors is also Hitler, the re f tin' United Starve .Tiirlrrinrr Kr tVto r--jir mn plator have acted in this margarine busi- de not so free of that sort of thinrr in I'itl- ier. Kinanoiiil. Post in ' PaMarje far DoJntj -J minder that the mast literate, most scientific, most Christianize country on earth was the pace-setter In totalizing the war yslcm so that whole nations literally organized to stop at nothing to try to win their ends. ANYWAY, it's a great show. If they look It on tour and showed it in every great city, they could rake in enough money in America alone to help close that "dollar gap" they talk about. do all In the name of the Lord "Sl,rV(M' vt do " -Cl. 3;17 MSTORTH o. arn- I BUSY KIVbK T 1Ptl wain-. nf m.i.. m.. r...... n... ... c(i.,h ' their rises on the slopes or Ben l,o- J' JJ well kmwn fori $'u In the tin, time of mond and flows about 107 miles I to the North Sea. ORDER NOW! Fnin your News Ilenlpr" or .Sun reirrspiilulive IIMI.V Hill) SI ND.W Ib-llM-rrit by Uarrier SI. 83 per oiulli. CHECK HERE FOR YOUR NEAREST BAPCO PAINT DEALER "Old at 40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy ' mem fontrt your wtrl 'I ImiitAtiria T ppfw M Tf. Trf Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. rundown fcHiiiu due lelv to boiU's lurk ot Iron wliiih nvitiv nwn ami wouwn Mil "nM." Irf mi rex 'I'diiip Tablet h Ir ifi. jmnmer feehnir, thli Tcrc rtov. Nfw "act fuiiamtfvr giUy 6UO. ft of ti ail 'lniK Mom wbtn. , i j . 1